Waiting for Love ((Waiting) Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Waiting for Love ((Waiting) Book 2)
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“Aargh,” I cry out an unintelligible noise as I go over the edge of pleasure and fall into my release.

“Yes baby,” he grunts as he feels my orgasm squeezing his cock. He thrusts his hips a few more times as he comes, still buried deep inside me. He groans and drops his head to my shoulder. I caress the back of his hair and wait for his breathing to settle to a normal rate.

“J,” I say, waiting for him to lift his head. When his gorgeous blue eyes are locked on mine, I smile at him.

“I love you so much,” I tell him as I cup his cheeks with my hands. He nuzzles his nose against mine and gently kisses my lips. I unwrap my legs from his waist and he gently sets me down. He pulls me into his chest and holds me in his strong, capable arms...arms that were just pulling me up and down on his phenomenal cock.

“I love you more, Shelby. I don’t think it’s possible that you could love me the same way I love you.” My heart stutters with his admission and I try to savor the closeness of this moment between us. J, is very open about his love for me, even more so than I am with him. I still struggle to verbally share my feelings. I’m not very good with romantic words or gestures, but I’m working on it. He makes me want to be better at expressing myself because I never want him to doubt my love for him. He saved my life and dragged me out of my depression when I didn’t think I would ever be able to find my way back from the darkness that was swallowing me whole. He reached in and stubbornly held onto me while I repeatedly pushed him away. He loved me enough to fight for me and to know that someone loves you that completely, is the greatest feeling in the world. Being wrapped in his love is empowering for me. He makes me believe I can accomplish anything and I know that together we’ll have a wonderful life. Jeff will make a fantastic father and he says he wants children before he’s thirty. We may have to negotiate on that timeframe. I want kids, but the thought of being someone’s parent freaks me out. How will I know how to be a good mother when I didn’t have anyone to show me the ropes? What if I’m terrible at it?




    We didn’t get to Hailey’s family’s beach house until after seven o’clock, due to the enormous amount of traffic. Jeff had barely shut the car off before Hailey was at my door, pulling me out for an enthusiastic hug. After we all exchanged hellos and we put our bags in the room we’re using for the weekend, we went outside to the back deck and enjoyed some of the chicken and steak that Cory had grilled up. He’s getting to be a pro at manning the grill from all of the time that they’ve been spending here. 

    “Hey, Jake was asking about you the other day,” Hailey mentions after we’ve finished with dinner. I glance at Jeff to gauge his reaction. Jake is Hailey’s very hot older brother and in the past, he hasn’t been shy about his desire to sleep with me. He’s also been a good friend to me when I’ve needed it. I haven’t and never would sleep with him, much to his disappointment. I’m sure the sex would’ve been amazing because there was a definite attraction between us at one time, but I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize my friendship with Hailey. Now that I’m with J, it’s not even something I think about. Jake is a great guy and someday, when he finally settles down, I’m sure he’ll make some woman very happy.

“I haven’t spoken to him in ages. What’s he been up to?” I ask and hope that J, won’t be bent out of shape over it. He and Jake don’t care for one another. He thinks Jake wants me and that’s enough reason for him not to like him. Jake doesn’t like J because he knows that he’ll never get a shot with me as long as we’re together. He hasn’t really given J a chance to show him what a great guy he is. I’ve known Hailey’s brother forever and he thinks that gives him some sort of rights to me. There was a time a few years ago when he and I spent a lot of time together. Hailey actually wondered if something was going on between us and she wouldn’t let it rest, even when I told her we were just friends. Jeff and I were only sleeping together at the time and he wanted us to be in a relationship. I had to give it a lot of thought before I made my decision and Jake was a big help during that time. He was an impartial person that I trusted implicitly, and we came to this beach house for the weekend. Incidentally, it was that very same weekend that Hailey decided she wanted to be with Cory.

     Jeff squeezes my leg under the table and when I glance at him sitting next to me, he’s smiling at me. I’m assuming this is his way of letting me know that he’s okay with the conversation we’re having. He should be, we’re engaged to be married. I place my hand on top of the one he still has on my thigh and rest my weary head on his shoulder. It’s not even nine o’clock at night and I’m already thinking about going to sleep. Today was an emotional time for me. I’m still not used to the fact that I have to see Garrett at work. I know it’s only the end of the first week and I need to give it some time, but I honestly don’t think there will ever come a point when being around him won’t affect me in some way. It’s a pretty disheartening thought to have so I’m trying not to think about it. I’m choosing to focus on the positive things in my life and at the top of that list is the very sexy man sitting next to me. I turn my head and study his handsome visage from the top of his tousled brown hair, down to his deep blue eyes, continuing along the thin straight lines of his nose, before pausing on his full, yet manly lips. Those tempting lips are turned up in a smile now and as my gaze climbs back up to lock with his, I’m overwhelmed by the pulse of attraction that simmers between us. I run my fingers along his jawline that’s currently covered with a close shaved beard. It’s soft to the touch and I’m looking forward to feeling it tickle my inner thighs later. I bite my lip as I think about how amazing it is when his talented tongue erotically circles my clit and how he uses his fingers at the same time to make my body explode with pleasure. A wave of heat washes through me and Jeff squeezes my thigh to get my attention.

“What are you thinking about, naughty girl?” He smirks at me, the darkness of his beard calls attention to his lush, pink lips and makes me want to sink my teeth in. I lean forward to whisper in his ear.

“I was thinking about how good it feels when your tongue is buried between my legs.” His grip on my thigh gets tighter. “I was thinking about how I want to ride your beard.” He picks me up out of my chair and settles me on his lap, so I’m straddling his thighs.

“I love how strong you are. It’s such a turn-on for me,” I tell him as I wrap my arms around his neck. I lean forward and lick up the side of his neck, stopping below his ear to nibble on it. He growls as he grips my hips and rolls his pelvis up into mine.

“Feel what you do to me, baby. I’m constantly hard around you.” Our mouths fuse together with the grace of a well-practiced ballet. We’ve done this so many times it’s as if we can anticipate the other’s need before we’re cognizant of them. As our lips finally part, I have a moment of clarity where it occurs to me that it’s probably not very polite to go to bed at this early hour when we’re here to visit with our friends. I look around to make sure we’re still alone. Hailey and Cory disappeared ten minutes ago, so for all I know they could be getting it on right this very moment, somewhere inside the house.

“If they don’t come back in the next five minutes, I’m taking you upstairs, where I’m going to bury my face in your delectable pussy until I make you come at least two times,” Jeff tells me.

“Only twice.” I quirk my eyebrow at him.

“Twice with my tongue...I didn’t say anything about how many times I’m going to drive you to orgasm with my cock, baby.”




     “Mmm, that warm sun feels fantastic, right now,” I say as I lie on my stomach on a blanket in the sand. Jeff is lying beside me and I think he may be asleep. Hailey and Cory are reclining on another blanket as they watch the waves crash on the shore.

    I haven’t had a chance to tell Hailey about the situation with Garrett at my new job. It wasn’t like I could really discuss it at the dinner table last night. I need her opinion on it and I don’t want to have the conversation in front of the guys.

“Hailey, want to go for a walk with me? I want to find some sea glass. I wasn’t able to find any when we came the fourth of July weekend.”

“Sure. I’ve been meaning to look for some shells too,” she says as she fluidly gets to her feet. I back up till I’m sitting up on my knees and make sure my girls are still tightly encased in my bikini top, before standing up.

“I’ll be back in a bit, Cory,” She tells him as she blows him a kiss.

“Stay away from those surfers. I know you have a soft spot for them.” He teases as we walk away. He’s referring to Marcus, Hailey’s good friend that she was with before him. It’s still a sore subject for her. They haven’t spoken in over a year. She looks over her shoulder at Cory and flips him the bird. He laughs and pretends to catch it like she threw a kiss, and he pulls it into his chest. I giggle as I watch his ridiculous antics and I can’t help but think how good he is for Hailey.

“I really love you guys as a couple. I know I was all team Marcus for a while, but Cory is really perfect for you. It’s nice to see you so happy.” I say putting my arm around her for a quick squeeze as we walk along the shoreline.

“Yeah, he’s pretty amazing. Who would’ve thought, all those years ago, that we’d be getting married soon? It’s crazy how it all worked out. So I’m assuming the sea glass was supposed to be a code for something else.”

“Hell yes. I have so much to tell you and you’re not going to freaking believe it.” I take a deep breath and think about where to begin.

“Monday was my first day at Bentley and it went great. I made a new friend, Max, he’s gay and he has a boyfriend. He’s totally hot in an effeminate sort of way and really nice.”

“Damn, I’m so jelly. I’ve always wanted a gay bestie.”

“Hey,” I elbow her in the side. “You have me and I’m way cooler than a gay bestie ever could be. So anyway, back to my story...Tuesday we had an after school meeting with the headmaster of Bentley and the rest of the administration. Guess who the headmaster of the school is?” I look at Hailey and wait for her to figure it out. She shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head.

“I have no idea.”

“Garrett,” I say with no emotion.

“Garrett, Garrett?” She questions. I nod my head.

“Yep,” I say popping the p.

“Holy shit! You must have died when you first saw him.”

“I did. He was speaking into the microphone and as soon as I heard his voice I knew it was him. I left the room as soon as his speech was over. I couldn’t stay in there for another moment. He followed me out into the hallway and tried to talk to me but I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. I went home and told J about it and at that point I was ready to hand in my notice the next day. Jeff told me that I shouldn’t let him drive me away from my dream job and I when I thought about it I realized he was right. I didn’t see Garrett again until he came to my classroom today. He talked shit about Jeff when I told him we were engaged. He rubbed up against me a little and I still felt attracted to him, Hailey. Why do I still have to have any feelings for him? It doesn’t seem fair to Jeff and I hate myself for it.”

“It’s okay to feel an attraction to him, Shelby. It’s only a problem if you act on it. I still have feelings for Marcus and Cory knows about it. You can’t care for someone that deeply and expect all of that love to just disappear. That’s not how it works. We’re not wired that way.”

“I know it’s not something I can just put a stop to. It’s going to be difficult to be around him and keep him at a safe distance. You’re lucky that Marcus doesn’t live around here and you never have to see him. It would be so much easier for me if I never had to be in his company again. Everything was going so well without him in my life.”

We walk along in silence for a few minutes, my eyes cast down, sweeping the surface of the sand, in their search for treasures from the sea to add to my collection.




     We went out to dinner instead of making Cory manage the grille again. Dinner was on us in thanks for the invite this weekend. It feels great to get away from all the stress and lose ourselves in each other. Jeff’s work is about to get extremely busy now that football season is underway. He’ll be traveling with the team when they have away games. When he first began the job last year, it took some getting used to but I think we’ll have an easier time now that we’ve already been through it. We learned to make the most of the time we do get together and when he’s on the road, there’s always Skype. It’s nice to be able to see his face even though he’s hundreds of miles away and we even had some steamy Skype sessions. I can get hot and bothered, just thinking about them. Watching J stroke himself to orgasm is one of the hottest visuals I’ve ever seen and when it’s done online and I can’t touch him, it sends it to a whole other level.

    After dinner, we stopped at a local beach bar and had a couple of drinks. The inside walls are decorated with various seaside themed objects. There are fishing nets strung from the ceiling with white lights wrapped through them. The tables are made from two lobster traps stacked one on top of the other and covered with glass tops. It’s a great idea for repurposing objects and for the people that live in this beach community, the traps are easy enough to find and inexpensive to purchase.

    There’s a d.j. playing music and there’s a decent sized crowd on the dance floor as Jeff and I make our way toward it. I let him lead me through the gyrating bodies and it keeps me from bumping into anyone. He pulls me into his arms as soon as he finds a clear space and we start to bump and grind against each other. His hands slide down to my hips and he pulls me forward so our pelvises are rubbing. I can feel him hard and thick, through our clothes and it would make my panties wet…if I had any on. I decided to skip wearing them tonight. I thought it would be a nice surprise for Jeff and I really detest panty lines. His hands slide down to cup my ass as our hips continue their synchronized motion.

BOOK: Waiting for Love ((Waiting) Book 2)
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