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Authors: Jenika Snow

Voracious (2 page)

BOOK: Voracious
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“Ready for round two, baby?” Alric murmured and groaned when Samuel reached up and twisted his nipple until it stood hard and erect.

“Only if you’re ready for
tight ass to get fucked.”

Smirking, Alric stepped away and helped Samuel stand. This was why he loved him so much—his mind was always on the same path as his.

Chapter Two


One week later

Alric and Samuel stood before the shifter governing council. There was no surprise from their alphas when Alric and Samuel had told them they’d made the decision to leave the pack.

“Tell me again why you have decided to leave the community,” Christian said stonily. He was one of the alphas on the council, and twin to Kline, another alpha that governed their pack.

They’d already said they wanted to leave, but it seemed the council wanted another round of questions, maybe even trying to get them to stay.

He’d been with Samuel for several years. Privacy, being on their own, was only one of the reasons he wanted to leave the pack.

The other reason was he didn’t want to be under anyone’s control any longer. He was too strong-willed for that.

“Samuel and I want to be on our own.” Alric looked at Sam, making sure his mate was right here with him, and accepted this decision. Alric wasn’t going to uproot Sam if his mate didn’t want that. But Sam smiled and nodded for Alric to continue. “We respect and care about the pack, but you know as well as everyone else in this room that I can’t handle taking orders.”

Christian lifted his brow. “Yes, we’ve been aware of your … alpha strength for some time. But that’s no reason to leave. We could discuss you being on the council.”

Alric shook his head. “I have no desire to govern anyone. I just want to be with my mate.” Of course that wasn’t the only reason why he wanted to leave, and the council knew it. Alric scanned the room and saw and heard several council members speaking softly to each other.

After several moments they faced Alric and Sam again. The air was light, their acceptance of this obvious.

“We won’t stop you in your desire to leave,” Christian said. “You are always welcome here, no matter what.”

Sam bowed his head at the alpha. “Thank you.”

“You have a place picked out already?” Kline asked.

Alric nodded. “Yes, a strip of land with a cabin on it. It’s only an hour from the community,” Alric said with confidence. He didn’t want to alienate Sam or himself from their people.

Christian, as well as the rest of the council, stood. Looking between him and Samuel, they all spoke in unison. “And so it is, you are free from the pack.”

Alric turned his attention to Samuel. His mate watched him, and then Samuel grabbed his hand.

“Although I wish you two would consider staying,” Christian said, “but I can understand why you’d want to branch out on your own.”

Alric was relieved to sense the acceptance and understanding in the air. Samuel squeezed his hand gently.

This was it. This was the beginning of their life together.


Several weeks later

Alric stared at the Land Rover that was packed full of their belongings. Large flakes of snow fell, and Alric knew a storm was coming. He could smell it in the air, felt the electricity moving around them. He watched as the front door opened and Sam came out. He had a backpack thrown over his shoulder and a look of uncertainty on his face. Alric knew this was hard on Sam, even though he could sense the happiness coursing through his mate.

They had called this place their home for a long time, so being afraid of leaving was natural.

“You okay, baby?” Alric asked when Sam stepped beside him.

“Yeah, I’m just going to miss this place and everyone.”

Alric didn’t want Sam to regret moving, and despite the fact that his mate was happy about this, he didn’t want to force anything upon him.

“Listen, baby, if you don’t want—”

Sam held his hand up and shook his head, stopping Alric from finishing. “Don’t say it. I love you, and this is what I want. There isn’t anything else in the world that makes me as happy as being with you.” Sam leaned in and pressed his lips against Alric’s. “I love you, Alric, and wherever you go, I’ll follow,” he murmured against Alric’s mouth.

Alric felt his heart stutter in response.

“I love you, too, baby. I think this will be good for us.”

Sam nodded. “I think this is a good idea, too. Now let’s get going before this storm rolls in.” Sam moved behind Alric and smacked him on the ass. Alric couldn’t help but chuckle.

Over the past several weeks they’d worked their asses off packing and getting things worked out, but now that everything was set up at their new place Alric could relax with his mate as they headed to their new home.

Now it was time to say goodbye to all of this.

“That’s it,” Samuel said and opened the passenger side door. He flung the backpack inside and stretched his arms above his head. The white long sleeve shirt he wore molded to his lean, yet muscular form, and caused a spike of lust to settle in Alric’s cock.

He couldn’t wait to get to their new home and fuck Samuel in every room.

I need to quit thinking about sex.

He still had an hour drive to make and maneuvering the off-the-beaten-path road with a hard-on was not something he looked forward to.

The pack met them by their SUV, and once they had said their goodbyes to everyone and were in the vehicle, they drove away from the only place they’d ever called home. Alric looked at Samuel, saw his mate already watching him closely, and Alric smiled.

“This is it, baby. Are you ready?”

Sam smiled broadly in return. “I’ve never been more ready in my life.”

Alric felt warmth bloom in his chest. He took Sam’s hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing his knuckle. “I couldn’t do this without you.” It was the truth, but even so, Alric couldn’t help but feel that something was missing.

There had always felt like something was missing, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. Maybe it had just been the issues with staying in the pack? Maybe once they reached their new home things would level out.

He had his mate and he would soon have the life he had always wanted, but there was this nagging inside him. He just wished he could reach it and find out what exactly was causing him to feel this way.

He stared into Sam’s blue eyes, saw a flicker of emotion pass through them, and wondered if he, too, felt that there was just something missing in their lives. He could have asked his mate, but he didn’t want to complicate anything, and bringing up uncertainties when Alric didn’t know why he felt this way, was a complication.

Things would feel different once they were at their new home. At least that’s what he kept telling himself.

Chapter Three


The cabin and land they’d bought were in the middle of nowhere, and as much as Alric liked that, because they were higher now the storm that was coming would be fierce. In the time it had taken for them to come up to the cabin the storm had taken root. The snow was starting to come down, the inevitable blizzard sweeping through.

He focused on the road, the cabin just up ahead, but the snow making it impossible to see more than five feet in front of the vehicle. Finally the cabin came into view, and he exhaled. Once out of the SUV he and Sam grabbed as many bags as they could in one trip and made their way into the cabin and out of the blizzard.

Samuel threw the front door open, and the two of them stepped over the threshold. Alric shook the snow off and went about the task of starting a fire while Sam started getting the groceries they’d bought and putting them away. They’d moved the bigger items in over the past few weeks. But the smaller items, including groceries, were what they unpacked now.

“Thank God we grabbed the food,” Sam said, his back to Alric as he stocked the cupboards.

When the fire was blazing, he helped Sam get the rest of their belongings then shut the front door against the aggressive weather. Stacks of wood were pressed against the wall by the fireplace, along with oil lamps, candles, and an array of other paraphernalia for when the weather decided to be a bitch, as it was being at the moment.

Neither of them were strangers to the harshness of mountain weather, but still it fucked everything up, especially when this was their first night in their new home.

The small noises of the house settling filled the air. It had got dark pretty quickly, and although the cabin was far from civilization, they did have a generator. Alric wouldn’t have minded not having any electricity—the idea of actually “roughin’ it” appealed to him. Sam, on the other hand, liked modern comforts and refused to live without them.

“Can you believe the weather?” Sam mumbled, and bent at the waist to shove items in the fridge.

Alric grinned and moved into the kitchen and toward his mate, his focus trained right on Sam’s ass. Sam’s ass was perfection, round and tight and covered by denim. Pressing his already hard cock against the crease of Sam’s bottom, he covered his mate’s back with his chest and ground his shaft into his mate. Growling at the pleasure that coursed through him, Alric gently bit the back of Sam’s neck.

“I’m so fucking horny, baby. How about we break in the new house?”

Sam shivered beneath him, and Alric moved his hands across Sam’s abdomen.

“We have a lot of stuff to do, Alric. Look at all the boxes. We should probably put them away.” Although reason made an appearance in Sam’s voice, Alric could hear how out of breath his mate had become.

Ignoring his lover’s feeble refusal, Alric gripped Sam’s cock through his jeans. Sam was already rock hard. Smiling against his back, Alric straightened and turned him around before he could utter another word. He pressed Samuel against the counter, and Alric went straight for the button on his mate’s jeans. The hazy expression in his lover’s eyes could have created scorch marks on the floor, but Alric was right there with him, feeling that same intense and raw hunger.

Alric undid Sam’s jeans, and his cock hardened even further at the idea of what he was about to do to Sam. When Alric leaned forward and pressed his lips against Sam’s throat, his mate murmured his desire. Alric nuzzled and inhaled the wickedly potent scent of his mate. Alric pushed the material down Sam’s strong thighs, and a shot of lust speared through him when he realized Sam wasn’t wearing any underwear again.

“Are you trying to drive me insane?” Alric grinned and ran his tongue along Sam’s throat, tasting the saltiness of his sweat. He groaned at the flavor and glided his hands around to grip Sam’s ass. Alric squeezed the globes once and lifted Sam onto the counter. He automatically spread his legs, and Alric stepped between them, grinding his shaft against his.

He cursed inwardly when Sam’s dick stiffened against his own. Alric stepped back and undid his own jeans. He haphazardly pushed them down his legs, then gripped Sam’s legs, spreading them wide. Sam placed his heels on the counter, and Alric pulled him closer so that his ass was positioned right on the edge.

He brought his mouth to Sam’s, and licked his mate’s bottom lip before slipping it into the welcoming heat of Sam’s mouth. They both moaned, and Alric pressed his hips against Sam’s, grinding their erections together in the process.

Panting heavily, Sam broke the kiss. “Please, Alric. I don’t need to be seduced, I need to be fucked.”

Alric’s cock twitched at the erotic words. Looking around, Alric searched for something to use as lubricant.

“I just put some lube in the drawer beside us.”

Alric tore the drawer open and grabbed the lube. Squeezing a generous amount out, Alric stepped back and smeared the slick substance over his dick then around Sam’s asshole. Sam’s anus clenched tight, and Alric grunted in response, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to last once he was stuffed deep within Sam.

“Fuck, Sam. You want it, don’t you, baby?”

Sam groaned in response, and that was all Alric needed. Gripping his length, he aligned it with his mate’s hole and slowly started to push in. The tight ring of muscles made it difficult, but Sam bore down and Alric’s dick slipped through the opening. Alric held still for a suspended moment, just the head inside Sam. Gritting his teeth, he started to press in, feeling the hot, tight confines of Sam’s ass surrounding him.

Sam wrapped his arms around Alric’s neck at the same time that Alric sank fully inside him. Balls pressed against the chilled counter, Alric was on the verge of climaxing.

“I’m not going to last, baby.” Alric breathed out.

“Don’t try to. I need this fast, hard and rough.”

“Oh fuck, Sammy.” He reared back then slammed into Sam’s ass, jarring his mate and making him gasp. Alric wasn’t soft or gentle when he gripped Samuel’s hips. He gave Sam what he wanted.





Alric couldn’t stop himself, couldn’t be gentle.

Their kiss broke apart, and Alric pushed back. Sam grabbed his shaft and started to stroke it. Alric tore his eyes from the delicious sight and watched his cock move in and out of Sam’s tight anus. His hole was stretched wide, the skin around his dick red and shiny from how filled he was. The sight alone was Alric’s undoing.

“I can’t hold off any longer, Sam.”

“Oh God, don’t stop. I’m going to come right along with you.”

Increasing his thrusts, Alric watched Sam jerk off, his hand a blur of speed. It took all his strength to keep his eyes open as he came. He wanted to watch Sam come, wanted to watch him shoot his load.

“Yeah, yeah. Almost there, Alric.”

Sam threw his head back, and Alric reached between them to fondle Sam’s balls. His mate grunted, the veins in his neck standing out as he strained from his orgasm.

Ribbons of milky white cum shot between them, covering Sam’s belly.

“Fuck, you’re so hot, Sam.” Alric’s member twitched as he slowly started to pull out of him. Looking down, he could see his seed slip out of Sam’s hole. Pure ecstasy covered his mate’s face.

“Was that good for you, Sammy?” Leaning in, Alric gave him a light kiss.


Before the high of pleasure could leave, something hard slammed against the front door. Alric stopped and turned his attention over his shoulder.

“What the hell was that?”

Sam was off the counter and standing beside him in the next second. “I don’t know, maybe some debris? The storm is pretty fierce right now.”

Alric zipped up his pants and made his way towards the front window. Snow and ice pelted the glass and he could feel the cold down to his bones. The angle and almost zero visibility gave him no room to see the front porch.

“Sam, will you turn on the floods? The porch light is shit, and I can hardly see anything.” Illumination came on a moment later. “I can’t believe how dark it got so quickly,” he muttered more to himself than to Sam. Alric peered through the glass. He pushed away from the window and moved to the heavy wood. He gripped the handle and opened it. Icy air and snow slammed into him.

He wiped the snow off his face, the wind slapping him, the air frigid. And then he saw it, or more accurately a

BOOK: Voracious
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