Viking Seduction Blood Slave (6 page)

BOOK: Viking Seduction Blood Slave
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A sly smile crossed his face. “My sister.”

“Sister? As in thousand-year-old vampire sister?”

He nodded. “A very old vampire offered to turn my
in return for our assistance. Segrun had fought at my side since she was old enough to hold a sword. In all, thirty-five of my forty-two warriors made the turn.”

I got up to get another glass of wine while I digested that. “You must have had some reputation to warrant that vamp’s attention.”

“I think it had more to do with being one of the few pagan companies left. Christians would have burned him for witchcraft.” He stood looking out over the city. “Don’t forget the rest of your things.”

Several more boxes and two more suitcases sat just inside the door. They’d obviously gone to my apartment again, since the cases were mine. I stalked over and stood staring down at them with my hands on my hips. I didn’t know whether to hug Dekker or slap him.

His voice right at my shoulder startled me. “I thought you might like more of your things.”

I just nodded numbly.

“There’s room in the closet and I made space in the dresser as well.” He traced a finger along my jaw. “Pet, talk to me.”

“And say what? Something like ‘Yes Master, I’ll get this all cleaned up right away’?”

Dekker turned me to face him and I raised my eyes to his. For the first time I saw the conflict inside him. “Shit, I can’t do this.” He dropped my chin and scrubbed his hand across his forehead like it hurt.

“Do what?”

“Pretend you’re just a blood slave. Kierra, I wanted a relationship between us, but not this one. Unfortunately, Vampire law and custom doesn’t recognize any other kind with a mortal. But I can’t stand the thought of breaking your spirit to turn you into the circle’s idea of a submissive slave.”

His admission shocked me. But it did explain why his behavior toward me kept changing. I let out a deep breath. “So what do we do? I mean obviously I can’t leave here. Not after…” A shiver of fear ran icy fingers down my spine. “Not after what Ferine just tried.”

He took me in his arms and held me close. “I won’t let anything happen to you, Kierra. Not Ferine, not the inner circle. No one will hurt you again.”

I sighed into his arms, feeling so safe. I felt his dick rising against me and my sex warmed in response.

His phone rang, startling us both. “Damn it.” He looked at it then back at me. “You feel up to putting some of this away while I go take care of some business?”

I nodded and offered him a real smile. He returned it and headed for his office. “Dekker, thank you,” I called after him and waved at my stuff. It really was a sweet gesture.

He paused at the door. “Just enriching my pet’s environment. I understand that’s very important.” He winked playfully at me.

I chuckled and started with the suitcases. At least I knew where to put them. I stood in horrified embarrassment when I opened the first one and found my pink vibrator right on top.




Chapter Six


I woke to an empty bed, again. Kierra had been fast asleep by the time I’d come to bed and now, from the sound of it, she was in the kitchen. I sighed. It would take a while for her to adjust to a vampire’s sleep schedule. I’d just have to be patient, especially now that we had a better understanding.

She must have been hard at work for some time. All the cabinets had been emptied and she was cleaning them before putting her stuff away. “Well, since you’re so busy, I guess I’ll follow suit and head to my office.” I couldn’t resist a light swat on her firm ass as I went by.

I padded barefoot into my office. I started on my latest edit but my mind kept drifting. I kicked back in my chair and let it. How long before she gave in to her own needs? What about the pink vibrator? Should I leave it out, give her a hint? I could just see her spread out on my bed, naked. One hand teasing a breast while the other thrust the vibrator in and out of her wet pussy. Her soft moans, her hips rocking in time to her thrusts. Then the other hand would stroke down to her clit, rubbing and pinching.

My cock surged to attention, necessitating a little rearranging to avoid painful crushing. Damn, that was good stuff. I called up a new file and started writing.

Lonely, bored and aching, she dug out her little pink friend… At last, her body writhed in wave after wave of release

No wait, it would be better if her man catches her at it.

He stood in the doorway unnoticed. His cock surged hard as he watched her plunge the vibrator in deeper. Her moans flashed through him like liquid fire. He slipped his sweats down far enough to release his cock. A soft cry from his partner had him gritting his teeth to stay quiet, suppress his own moans of passion. He stroked his length, matching her rhythm. One last squeeze on her nipple and her hand reached for her clit. Closer, closer. He stroked harder, breath heaving. He knew she was close from her growing cries. He couldn’t stand it anymore.

She jerked when his hand moved hers and his tongue took its place, driving her to come, hard

A knock on my door jerked me back to reality. I switched back to my edits.

“Dekker, can I come in? I have a couple of questions for you.”

I smoothed a hand down my raging hard-on and keyed open the door. I lifted my brow in question but she seemed more interested in seeing what was inside.

“You wanted something, other than to look at my office?” I grinned down at her blush and waved her in.

“Ah, sorry, just wanted your OK before I rearranged any more stuff…” She zeroed in on my laptop. “Hey, I thought you were working in here, not reading! This is an AJ Dane isn’t it?”

I nodded with a sly smile.

“I thought I had read all of hers. Must be new. When did it come out?”

“It’s not out yet because
hasn’t finished his edits. Keeps getting distracted by a certain female.”

She stared uncomprehending for a moment. “
AJ Dane?”

I shrugged but couldn’t keep the grin from my face.

“A thousand-year-old vampire --
vampire -- and you write romance novels?” She looked from me, to my wall of weapons, to the story on the screen.

“Paranormal romance.” I cocked my head, trying to gauge her reaction. It looked like she was shaking. Was something wrong? Then the laughter started. I glared at her. “There is nothing wrong with being a writer. I’ve been on several bestseller lists.”

She choked back on her laughs. “The others know about this? Ferine knows about your work?”

“Yeah, so?” I crossed my arms, feeling rather put out.

“No freaking wonder the man keeps dissing you.” She choked trying not to laugh, then gave up and let it out.

I should have been used to this. Romance writers get no respect whatsoever, and a man, even less.

“Sorry, it’s just, well… Vicious Viking and all.” She snickered. “So I guess your books are inspired by your life or your friends?”

I nodded. “Some parts. Want to see my most recent inspiration? I haven’t decided where to use it yet. Might have to write a whole new book around it.” I pulled up the piece I’d just written.

I watched her face as she read. She grew more flushed by the moment. I could hear her heart speeding up and smell her sweet juices flowing. I half sat on the desk, watching her as she devoured the short but hot scene. “Must be a pretty good piece, even before editing.” I lightly caressed down her chest to brush her breast. She sucked in a breath.

“You wrote this about me?” She flushed brighter red. I raised her chin so she’d look at me.

“I did.” My voice dropped to a deep rumble of passion.

She swallowed and glanced down at the bulge stretching my jeans and sucked in a huge breath and held it.

“So, pet, you going to leave me like this again?” I caressed her breast harder, finding her nipple and teasing it through her T-shirt.

She choked off a moan. “Dekker, I…” She swallowed but seemed unable to form thoughts, much less words.

I leaned close, my breath tickling across her face. “Yes, pet? You want something?” My lips brushed hers as soft as a butterfly’s wing. Her eyes fluttered closed but she made no move to deepen our kiss. I pulled back and waited.

After a moment she found her voice. “Dek, I’m sorry about laughing at you. You really are a good writer. It’s just, I don’t know, ironic? A Viking vampire writing romance stories about vampires?” She shrugged her shoulders in apology but refused to look at me.

“They always say write what you know…”

She nodded and asked with a wicked look, “So which character is you?”

“They all are -- and none of them. I do draw on my millennium of experience.” I slipped close enough to tease my fingers through her hair.

She blushed slightly.

“Let me guess, one of my boys featured in your dreams? Maybe while playing with that wicked pink B.O.B.?” I teased with a wicked grin. She just blushed harder, and shrugged, but she leaned into my touch. I trailed my finger down through her hair to lie over her breast, then stroked along it, making sure to graze her nipple.

The flutter of her eyes and the flush rising in her cheeks urged me on.
Please don’t let her back out this time
. Damn, my cock might just explode. Her eyes met mine. Her lips parted in a soft gasp as I ran my finger softly across them. She swept her hair aside, baring her neck in an open invitation. I smiled softly and leaned down to kiss her neck, ear, and work my way along her jaw.

My lips hovered at the corner of hers. “I’m not going to drink your blood tonight.”

She turned to me with a quizzical look.

“Sometimes, Kierra, it’s about sex with someone I care about, not blood.” I brushed my lips across hers. When she softened, I deepened the kiss, parting her lips and delving inside to taste her sweet mouth.

When I let her up for air she murmured, “What if I wanted you to?”

“Not tonight. I want you to know how much I want you, not your blood.” I leaned closer to claim her lips before she could respond.

My tongue teased its way inside her mouth and she answered it, tangling her tongue with mine. I stroked her breast then cupped it gently. Her nipples rose hard against her bra. I teased one through the fabric. She moaned against my mouth.

I worked it in circles until she arched into my hand demanding more.

“Tell me you want this, Kierra.” I pulled away so I could see her face clearly.

She ran a finger along the side of my face and over to my lips. I parted them slightly and licked the tip of her finger just before I sucked it into my mouth. A soft moan signaled her enjoyment.

“Yes, Dek, I want this. I want
.” She breathed softly into my face. Her lips replaced her finger and our tongues danced. She yelped as I swept her up and carried her to my bed.

I wanted to do it right this time. I stretched out beside her, draping one leg over hers, parting her thighs to rest firmly against her sex. She slid her hand under my shirt, trailing warm tingles in her wake.

She combed across my chest to find and rub a nipple in circles. Then took it between two fingers, rolling it until it hardened. My breath caught and sighed out, my cock pulsed hard against my jeans.

I stripped off my shirt, then tugged hers up and off. Her bra quickly followed. I feasted my gaze on her firm, round breasts, with their dark red nipples standing out just begging for attention. I bent to lick, then suck one in. Her eyes fluttered closed in delight and she pressed up for more. I reached for the other one and she gasped again.

“Ah, pet, you are so beautiful I could come just watching as I pleasure you.” I swept a hand down her toned middle to tease at the top of her jeans. Her heart sped up and her breathing spiked. I stroked along the outside of her jeans down along her inner thigh and then back up the other one.

Impatiently, she rolled to her side and tugged my hair until my lips met hers. She palmed my hard cock through my pants and swallowed my moans of pleasure with her kiss. She tossed a leg over mine, pressing her sex against me while thrusting softly.

I flipped her over and stripped her jeans off. A quick caress and her panties followed.

I stood up to strip while I feasted on her beauty, spread out on my bed, hair spilling around her head, breasts begging to be suckled and her sex slick with cream ready and waiting for me.

I crouched over her, devouring her lips, leaving a hot trail of kisses down to her breasts. She moaned and arched into me as I licked around her nipple, then sucked it in. Each of her moans and sighs went straight to my cock.

Her firm grasp on my cock nearly killed me it felt so good. “Ahh, yes!” I bucked into her hand.

“Dek, do we need to worry about protection?”

I snickered as I shifted to pin her body with mine. “Mmmmm. You’re more likely to get pregnant by a mortal while on the pill and using a condom than by me. And we don’t get sick or carry disease.” Gods, she felt so good under me.

I shifted enough to slip a finger down to her clit. She gasped and surged up, grinding against my finger, and I slipped it lower. “Ahhh, so wet!” I stroked her labia then dove in. She moaned and rocked her hips against my hand and I slipped another finger inside, stroking and stretching her.

“Please, Dek. Now please.” She strained against my hand and her fingers brushed the head of my cock.

I shifted to stroke the lips of her pussy with the head of my cock. My eyes flickered shut as heat pulsed up my cock. And right into my fangs. I fought the urge to bite and slowly thrust into her. She rose to meet me, sighing and moaning with each thrust.

I rose up on my hands as far from her neck as I could. A thrust and then roll of my hips had her moaning and straining against me.

Her sex clinched and tightened as her climax neared. She grasped my hips, rising off the bed to meet me, harder, faster. She shuddered and cried out as her pussy pulsed.

It sent me crying out into my own orgasm. My whole body pulsed with each spurt, her pussy answering with a pulse of its own. Still breathing hard, I gave her one last lingering kiss then rolled off so I didn’t crush her. A feeling of strength filled me from our lovemaking, much as her blood would have.

“Mmmmm. You felt so good inside me.” She snuggled up against me, one leg bent over mine.

“Kierra, you are amazing. So much passion.” I ran my fingers through her hair. My hand rested on her tummy -- which growled loud enough for even a mortal to hear. She flushed red.

“Sounds like you need feeding. Should I go put some kibble in a bowl?”

She slapped my arm and glared before rolling out of bed. Damn, one fine ass on that woman. I crooked an arm behind my head to watch while she shimmied into those sinfully tight jeans. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and strode from the room like a queen, not a slave.

Shit. How was I going to sell her submission to the circle? Heaving a sigh, I joined her in the kitchen, still thinking.

As if on cue my phone rang. Adriana’s sultry voice purred through the phone. “Dekker, the full moon gathering is tomorrow night. The entire inner circle will be in attendance as well as other prominent members of the community. I suggest you be there with your well mannered blood slave. Ferine continues to agitate others about you, including your writing. Many find your public persona worrisome.”

“I will, of course, be honored to attend. Where is the gathering being held?” It took all I had to keep my voice polite. How dare he stir trouble after a direct attack on my house? That mangy dog needed to be brought to heel.

Maybe Segrun could get here faster…

“I’ll text you the location. It will be dressy, not some blood orgy.” I couldn’t miss the slight irritation in her voice. Maybe she’d had enough of Ferine’s shit too.

“Excellent. I look forward to it.” I hung up then paced in thought. My gaze returned to Kierra quietly munching at the counter. “Pet, do you need anything special to wear with that killer red dress of yours? Heels? Hose?”

She glanced over her shoulder at me. “I’ll need to check. Is that your way of asking me on a date?”

I chuckled. “Sort of. We’ll be attending the full moon gathering so I can show off my very sexy and submissive blood slave to all the inner circle and other heads of houses.”


I hopped up on the barstool next to her. “Pet, you will be on display as my blood slave, not my date. You need to appear submissive, or the circle might try to interfere. So let’s go over the protocols.”

She sighed loudly.

“I know you don’t like the idea, but this is a test for both of us. We can’t afford to fail, and we have to go.”

She nodded. “Got it, play slave or die. I’ll do my best.”

BOOK: Viking Seduction Blood Slave
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