Vampire: Desire of Blood (Desires of Blood Book 1)

BOOK: Vampire: Desire of Blood (Desires of Blood Book 1)
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Other books by Ethan Radcliff

DOM, a man apart

The Magician, male escort

The Wait, Britt’s undoing

The Taming of Molly Jenkins




Desires of Blood

Book I

Ethan Radcliff

Love Conquers


In the darkness of night

A fearful heart takes flight

A swift change of body part

A frozen frightful heart


Lurking in the deep evergreens

A way and terrible means

A creature of evil and death

Nothing like you've ever met


She ran far never stopping to see

Who or what wanted her blood

She knew she had to break free

Yet before her there it stood


Her heart a blaze with fear

Its need obvious as it neared

Inside she saw its suffering

Her heart now soft and buffering


He transformed before her eyes

A man and that was no surprise

One she loved now understood

His creature no longer under a hood


In his arms she ran and cleaved

Her man her creature not deceived

Not all you see is, as it seems

Love conquers when it has a means


Ethan Radcliff 2014


Chapter One

Present Day

Beth Ann


“Royce baby get me my robe, I hate walking around naked,” Beth Ann said walking slowly before him making sure he didn’t miss a jiggle or a curve. As always, her sexy little actions brought a huge smile to his face.

Royce Bellamy rose from the bed, his naked body a magnificent display of sinew and muscle. The muscles in his well-formed chest rippled with his movement as he grabbed her robe and threw it at her watching her giggle at his actions. “Christ Beth Ann, I don’t give a fuck if you walk around naked all day. I told you I would be spending the day in bed with you. Where the hell are you going anyway?” he said as he watched her slip the robe over her ample breasts.

“Baby I need to visit the little girl’s room. Sorry that you don’t need to do this as often as I do. Actually, do you ever do this? I mean go the bathroom,” Beth Ann asked, standing in front of the bathroom door crossing her ankles attempting to stave off the fact that she had to pee.

He laughed a hearty deep laugh, which vibrated and echoed through the room. “Yeah, but not as often as you humans. A steady diet of blood has its advantages. Not being human has its advantages,” Royce said lying down on the fresh white sheets as he put his hands behind his head.

Beth Ann smiled coyly and shut the door to the bathroom. Royce closed his eyes and stretched his large body out on the bed, his movements more feline than the swift sporadic vampire ones he used on duty. He felt his fangs with his tongue. His fangs hadn’t receded at all since he arrived at her apartment. Probably because being around Beth Ann kept him in a constant state of arousal. He grinned, knowing he must be a sight as his fangs lapped over his bottom lip.

Beth Ann was like a drug to him. She was pretty, average height, auburn hair and a body that just wouldn’t quit. Her breasts were full, her waist small, her hips and ass ample. She was a voluptuous woman, by some standards a bit too meaty. Royce loved a woman he could sink his teeth into, literally.

A playful yawn escaped his lips fatigue was a state he never had to deal with, vampires never tired. He was over one thousand years old, but he didn’t look a day over forty. His hair was dark, thick, wavy and his smooth skin olive in tone. There was a hint of his Moor heritage visible in his full sensuous lips and his straight perfect nose was an undeniable reference to his Greek genes. The most unusual of his features were his eyes. They were astounding with their natural green flecks and golden highlights which deepened to amber when he was hungry, excited or in need of sexual satisfaction.

Royce Bellamy had another unusual feature. He was a cop and he was part of an elite force with the NYPD. He worked the graveyard shift, taking down horrendous criminals with ease. During the day, he slept, but it’s not like he had to, he was a day-lighter, a rare breed. Royce could walk in the sunlight. It took years of exposure to bring him to that point in his evolution.

He was by any standards a real deadly machine, a weapon like no other. He also was part of a sector of vampires, which had given up destroying humans. The sector existed for over two hundred years but there still lurked in the shadows outlaw vampires who preyed on the weak and helpless of both species. Royce used his powers for aiding what was good in the world and that meant helping his distant brethren humans. He had his share of more than willing blood hosts, most of them female and a few males. Royce’s soul was dark, but not black, he’d given up his true vampire ways centuries before. When he hunted, what he tried to find wasn’t as noble as he was. He hunted vampires, ones that couldn’t let go of the old ways and new ones who didn’t have control or anyone to guide them into a new confusing world of the
. On the other hand, some referred to it as,
the new life

He hunted shape shifters, the wayward ones who had no control over themselves and their ability to shift under some semblance of control. There was nothing deadlier than a shape shifter gone haywire. Then there were the seers, witches, and warlocks. Yes, magic did exist and it was pure bedlam in the hands of the wrong master of the dark arts. Those people gave him a run for his money. The magic aspect created an almost impenetrable shield, but he could sniff them out. His penchant for blood was useful and he could smell humans. Magic had its shortcomings, he could smell right through it.

Beth Ann had begged him for months to turn her, but he wouldn’t turn any human and he hadn’t in over three hundred years. He would trade his immortality in a heartbeat to be human again, to be able to die, and perhaps finally be at peace. Royce knew no peace. He knew no love, or the kind of desire a man feels when he experiences love, the human kind.

Unfortunately, he experienced desire and at times, it ruled his life, especially when he needed blood. He was a master at giving pleasure, and his desires knew few boundaries. Sometimes he needed more than one human to sate him, sometimes male and female. His needs and wants, varied, as did his desires.

When Royce was human, he’d known love, the kind of love that a man dreams about, but she was taken from him during a battle in his home land of France. He’d left to fight leaving her with two sick children. When he returned, both children had died and she was gravely ill. He tried what he could to save her, but he was too late. Holding her hand as she left this world, he held himself responsible for their deaths, even though he had no control over what had happened. Taking responsibility gave him no peace or solace, he missed her and wasn’t sure how he would live his life without his family. He still remembered her face, her body, and her kisses. Everything he held dear was gone. However, it wasn’t the reason he became an immortal, that happened completely by accident.

Beth Ann was the only woman he’d been with since his wife that he truly cared for. He had no idea how she managed to get under his skin, but she had. He told her that he’d never tolerate her with any other man, or vampire she belonged to him. She was loyal to a fault and blamed her loyalty on her love for him.

Royce thought in time he’d change her, give her the gift of living forever and keep her by his side for eternity. Royce knew deep in his heart that was never going to happen. Immortality wasn’t a gift it was a curse. One he’d never bestow on anyone he cared about.

The door opened to the bathroom and she scooted over to the bed with the robe wrapped around her, acting as if she was cold. “Do you know that even after you leave my bed I have fantasies about you,” she said climbing onto the bed next to him letting her robe slip off her shoulders rendering her naked. Royce watched her every movement, so smooth and sexy. Her hand swept his dark errant hair off his forehead. Her smile reminded him of another‘s, perhaps that was the reason why he’d become attached to her. The memory of love never faded from his mind yet that thud, the dryness in his throat and the butterflies in stomach were nonexistent. Here was the bane of a vampire, the lack of the ability to experience love. He smiled and gently took her arm easing her to him.

“Come here baby. Beth Ann you’ve gotten under my skin and in my blood.” He wasn’t lying he’d fed off her countless times and their blood had mingled. Now he knew where and how she was feeling at all times. It was important that he feed off her carefully because if the bloodlettings were too close he’d put her in jeopardy of a transition. He cared for her as much as he could care for any human. “Royce I’ve professed my love for you for months now and it has nothing to do with your ability to trance a human.” She let her hands trace his slightly stubble chin. “And my obsession with you has nothing to do with how gorgeous you are.” Her voice was low and sexy and he loved when she teased him about his good looks.

“I see, and the fact that you’re the sexiest, most attractive woman I’ve been with in the last thousand years has nothing to do with why I’m crazy about you?” If a vampire could be crazy about a human female than he was. That thought brought him back to the three female vampires who he’d given immortality to and who now had broken away from him.

His children, his lovers, and his partners over the years were now out on their own. The twenty-first century proved to be one of enlightenment for vampires. Old ways, old haunts and those who still cleaved to a master were now becoming more human in their way of life. This led to his three beauties breaking away from him and giving him peace.

Lucinda, Magenta and Dahlia over the years had proved to be nothing but trouble. They fought over food, sex and
who was the fairest of them all
. He was grateful two had found a mate but Dahlia preferred solitude. He was sure that would change in time. Did he really want to add Beth Ann to his list of annoyances? Damn, how he hated to do that. Her soft melodic voice snapped him back from his deep thoughts.

“Mmm I do like that you’re crazy about me. You know I’m constantly being told how lucky I am that I have a vampire lover. Of course they ask me all the time if what they say about vampire is true.”

He grinned broadly. “And what’s that?”

“If you have exceptionally big cocks.” She giggled low and sexy. The light tinkle of her laugh rippled through his entire body.

He broke out into laughter. “And what do you tell them.”

“That you have a nice big cock,” she said moving over him and taking his already hard cock in her hands. Meeting his eyes with her, she stared deeply into them as she used her hands to pump his cock. He became as steel in her hands.

“You know that feels good baby. Do know what would be even better?” His smile was devilish and he knew it. He was well aware the effect he had on women and, he mused, some men. It was the nature of the beast that he was.

She bent her head down, blew her warm breath across the head of his erection and licked the tip. “Damn you taste sweeter than any man.”

He pushed his hips up and thrust his cock into her mouth deeper. “Ah, damn…that’s because I’m not a
, well not anymore. Fuck baby you’re good.” She was, as his balls tightened and filled, but this was just the beginning.

Her mouth sucked him then she licked him up and down his entire hard length. She massaged his balls, and sucked each one in her mouth. She spit on her hands making them slick and she pumped his cock. She played with him, rubbed him and licked the large vein at the back of his dick. She then sucked one finger into her mouth, wetting it with her saliva. Her small wet finger found his balls then slipped behind into the crack of his ass, massaging his prostate slowly arousing him even further.

He lost himself and let her take him over the edge as he erupted into her mouth. She sucked hard and he emptied himself into her. He wasn’t finished yet, his cock was still hard and aching for more release.

“Oh my God Royce, you're still so hard.”

“Get on baby, ride me, fuck me, take me hard,” he said as she got up and came over him.

She climbed onto him and eased his cock into her pussy. Now she faced him and her full breasts were now in his face so he took his head from the pillow and devoured one then the other, making her nipples stand at attention. His hands grabbed the cheeks of her ass and their erotic dance began.

He slowly fucked her, pushing inside her wet cave. Her body enveloped him as he began to pound into her hard. She rode him, taking his cock inside her completely. She was slow and methodical as she fucked him. She held herself down on him and ground her pelvis to his. Royce raised his hips to meet her every thrust. Then she let him slip from her and got onto all fours.

“Baby, please fuck me hard and deep,” she said breathlessly. She enjoyed a hard fucking and he could deliver. His body was on fire as he grabbed her by the hips from behind and watched his cock enter her pussy. He buried himself deep and held his cock there. He grabbed her hair and leaned his large strong body over hers. He moved her hair from the back of her neck and licked the skin, teasing her, taunting her. He tormented her with his fangs, running them lightly in the crease of her neck and down the sides over her pulsing artery. He slid in, then out of her, ramming and slamming as their bodies met. Beads of sweat erupted as he labored and began to experience the building of his orgasm. Each thrust added to his mounting need. But he needed her to face him and he slid out of her.

“Oh, fuck,” she muttered as he turned her over. Eyes red and fangs now completely extended he was in full vampire persona and well aware of the sight he presented to her. “Royce, God forgive me, but seeing you like this I, I…”

He rammed into her again and hard. “Yes, baby?” he said with his tongue now against his fangs.

“It’s the biggest fucking turn on,” she whispered, her breath now caressing his face along with her scent.

He rammed into her again and hard. “Oh, God!” she screeched.

“Ah, so now I’m a god.” He rammed again.

“Fuck, yes,” she said as her hands came up to his shoulders and her nails dug in.

“Oh, yes baby, dig into me hard with those nails, hurt me Beth Ann,” he growled. They were getting dangerously close to drawing mutual blood as she dug her nails into him. ‘Son of a bitch,’ he thought’ it would be so easy, so fucking easy.’ He restrained himself because he knew all she needed was one taste of his blood and there would be no turning back. He’d have to turn her or kill her he’d have no choice. If he left her, she’d turn on her own without any guidance and turn into a virtual eating machine, craving blood and not caring how she sated her needs.

BOOK: Vampire: Desire of Blood (Desires of Blood Book 1)
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