Until My Heart Stops Beating (10 page)

BOOK: Until My Heart Stops Beating
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              “Home, Declan. I’ve got to go home. It’s not going to work. I know that now. There’s no sense in being pretentious anymore. This relationship has cost us a lot already.”

              He took a few steps forward while she took a few steps back looking around. Yes, just as she thought they had become the object of everyone’s attention from the Port Authority police, to the passengers and the family seeing them off.

              “If you really want to leave I’m not going to beg you to stay. Just hear me out. I’m a man who thought I had everything. I didn’t have a need in the world. Then I met you. Suddenly, a need arose inside me that was so intense, that I had to have you. That’s when I realized how much was missing in my life.  Realizing I was merely existing in this big ole world. I hadn’t begun to live until you came into my life and gave me something that has no monetary value, something so great, so wonderful yet full with richness. You gave me purpose, joy and most of all love at a level I thought was unattainable. Because of you I no longer just exist in this world anymore. I’m living an abundantly filled life. I want to watch the red and orange backdrop against the sky at sunrise with you lying beside me. I want to lie next to you and listen to your heart beating as your chest rises and falls with every breath. On numerous occasions I’ve tried to imagine what my life would be like without you in it and I can't. I dream of holding your hands in the delivery room as you bring our babies into the world. Being with you – God, Makeba, the feeling is indescribable.”

              He shook his head.

              “I can’t promise this is going to be easy. Nothing worth having ever is. I know the world is not as readily acceptable to us as I would like it to be but who cares. It’s not about them. It’s about me and you. It’s us against them babe. I believe the love we share is strong enough to survive anything that comes against us. Together we can conquer the world. I promise to never let anyone hurt you again and I promise to love you until my heart stops beating. Makeba Jones, I was half a man, a man travelling through a maze with no escape, passing the same scenery over and over again until you gave me a different route, another exit, and an entry to a brand new world.”

              Makeba’s lips trembled as tears trickled down her cheeks. His words resembled listening to a passionate recitation of a love sonnet simultaneously being acted out in front of an audience. She placed her hand over her heart, perusing her surroundings, observing bystanders watching their every move. Some women covered their mouths with tears in their eyes, the police stood by with their finger in the hooks of their gun belts rocking on the balls of their feet with a pleasing smile spread across their lips, and some men nodded with approval of Declan’s declaration of love.

              “I’m asking you again. Do you love me?”

              “More than words can say.”

              “Then where are you going?’

              He moved closer as he dug his right hand inside his pocket pulling out a box. Kneeling down on one knee, he gazed up at her through glossy eyes as he opened the black velvet box. His lips trembled as he began to speak.

              “This wasn’t the place I wanted this to happen at, but I guess it doesn’t matter where it takes place.”

              Her eyes widened at the sight of the exquisite diamond platinum ring that sparkled so bright that if all the lights went out in the terminal it would still be illuminated by the ring.

              “Makeba Jones, will you marry me?”

              She wanted to respond. She really did but for some reason she couldn’t. With everything in her shouting the word yes to the top of her lungs was her greatest desire at that moment. Her mouth opened wide but nothing came out. She looked around seeing women quietly cheering her on. It was as if something was lodged in her throat preventing her from responding. She needed help. She wanted somebody, anybody to answer for her.

              “I know I can’t give you the world but if you say yes, I promise I will die trying to.”

              She covered her mouth with her hands as she sobbed. The crowd surrounding them waited patiently for her response to such a beautiful proposal. Many thought she was going to say no because of the
time it took for her to replay. So did Declan. His heart was pounding against his chest so hard it was a wonder no one could hear it. He got on his feet staring at her.

              “Say something! Say something damn it!”

              Snapping out of her stupor and finally finding her voice she whispered, “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

         After placing the ring on her finger, she gazed at it in wonderment, then at the man she loved. They wrapped their arms around one another. Declan covered her mouth with his, parting her lips with his tongue, exploring every inch of her mouth all the while forgetting they were on display. After a few moments they reluctantly ended their lip lock the moment they heard the cheers erupting throughout the terminal. Blushing, he grabbed her hand pulling her toward the exit. She snatched her hand away.

              “Wait, my bags.”

              “We’ll go shopping tomorrow. Let’s get out of here”

              “Declan, I can’t go back to your mother’s house.”

              “I wouldn’t dare take you back there. We’ll stay at the Hilton for the rest of the time you’re here. Ok?”

              She smiled at him. “Yes.”

              They kissed once more as they left the terminal. Makeba halted when she spotted Sam’s car.

              “What’s wrong?”

              “Maybe we should catch a cab or the hotel’s shuttle.”

              “C’mon don’t be silly,” he replied as he pulled her toward the car.

              “Is everything good?” Sam asked as they crawled in the back seat. 

              “Yes. Drop us off at the Hilton.”

              “What? Why?”

              “I’ll call you later tonight and explain everything Sam. Take us to the Hilton.”

              “Ok Declan.”

              He glanced at Makeba through the rearview mirror. “Are you ok?”

              “Yes I’m ok. Thank you for asking.”

              He pulled up in front of the Hilton Hotel. Declan and Makeba exited the vehicle and so did Sam. He shook his brother’s hand and hugged a shocked Makeba. They said their good nights and went their separate ways.






A Dream I Never Knew I Had



              Makeba walked out of the bathroom with her hair pinned up and a towel wrapped around her waist only to discover she was alone. She turned on the television and took a seat on the sofa.
Where in the world could he have gone? she thought,
as she lowered herself further down on the sofa and closed her eyes. Not realizing how tired she actually was, she drifted off to sleep.

              About an hour later, Makeba was awakened by soft moist kisses all over her face. She opened her eyes. Kneeling before her was the man who made her heart skip a beat. She smiled as she looked lovingly into his eyes.

              “Hello sleepyhead.”

              She sat up. “Hello handsome. Where did you go?”

              He rose from the floor and sat beside her. “I went downstairs to guest services and asked that they have your other bags sent over from the airport. Surprisingly they were able to do so. They’ll alert us when they get here.”

              “They can do that?


              She took a deep breath. “That’s great, but I thought you said we’ll go shopping.”

              “And we will. Are you hungry? I can go down and get something or we can order room service.”

              “I would like some red wine if you don’t mind.”

              “Anything for you.”

              Declan marched over to the dresser and removed the receiver from the handset. He called room service and ordered a bottle of red wine along with warm Italian bread with an olive oil, tomato and basil spread. Once his order was placed he returned the headset to the base then returned to the sofa kneeling on the floor facing Makeba.

              “Can I have a look?”

              Confused as to what he was talking about she glanced at him inquisitively. Without saying a word he ran the tips of his finger up and down her thighs. Again he asked, “Can I look?”

              Knowing fully well what he was talking about now, she shook her head. “Yes,” she whispered.

              He removed the towel from the lower part of her body exposing only the area he intended on viewing.

              “The best thing I’ve laid eyes on in a long time,” he said as he traced her jewel box with the tips of his fingers causing her body temperature to rise at rapid speed.

      Her head fell back, her eyes closed and she moaned the moment he slid his index finger across her clitoris. He leaned over her tracing her earlobes with the tip of his tongue. She shivered as if chilled by a cool breeze.

              “There’s some things I want to do to you. Would you allow me the courtesy of showing you all those things right now?”

              She shook her head.

              “Say it!” he commanded as he massaged the area between her legs.


              The moment he’d been waiting for. He parted her southern lips with his fingers and began licking her like a chocolate ice cream cone. Unable to contain herself, she moaned loudly. She didn’t know what he was doing but he was like Roger Rabbit performing tricks down there that she did not have the pleasure of experiencing until now. She let out a slight scream the moment he delved inside of her with his tongue. Moving in and out, round and round, he was literally tongue fucking her and it was driving her insane.

              There was a light knock at the door. Declan sighed at the sudden interruption. He covered her up with the end of the towel.

              “Don’t move.”

              While wiping her juices from his mouth, he strutted over to the door opening it allowing the room service attendant to enter with their order. He was happy that they killed two birds with one stone; they had her luggage too. He tipped the worker then closed the door behind him after he left.

              Not long after, Declan approached Makeba, bent down and scooped her up in his arms. Carefully, he carried her over to the bed and gently laid her down. Removing the towel completely this time, he cast an eye over her entire body.

              She eyed him. “We’re not going to eat the bread and drink the wine?”

              “Oh, I plan on eating my fill and when I’m done I’ll chase it with the wine of your essence after I make you cum all over my tongue.”

              “Oh damn,” she said surprised by his matter of fact statement.

              After removing his clothes, Declan joined her on the bed, grabbed her by the ankles. and pulled her closer to him, spreading her legs open wide with his knees. He looked at his destination then closed his eyes. Very gently he rubbed his thumb in circular motions until it was buried deep within her walls. He needed her a little higher so he snatched the pillows from under the covers and placed them under her hips then resumed the task at hand. He sucked, licked and teased her sending her on a one way trip to utopia. Her body trembled as she climaxed sending her spiraling out of control. She squeezed him tight as she held onto him for support, letting go only when she was able to regain control over her own body again. She could not believe where he had taken her. All that and he hadn’t even given her the magic stick yet.

              Declan lowered his body down on top of hers. His soft moist kisses traveled from her neck down to her breasts. He sucked on her nipple rotating from one breast to the other. She raised her legs to his shoulders preparing her body for what was about to come. He had never been more ready to feel a woman as much he was ready to feel inside of Makeba at that moment. His desire was so intense he prayed that he would be able to hold out, so that he’d be able to enjoy being buried in the depths of her warm walls for as long as he could. Taking his manhood in his hand, he guided it to the entrance of her honeywell. She squirmed at the feel of his tip.

              “Relax,” he said.

              Their hands clasped interlocking their fingers. He grunted deep down in the back of his throat at the feel of the woman he loved. He had doubts it would be good but this was more than he anticipated. There was no word to describe how wonderful he felt being inside her. He opened his eyes taking in her reaction to his performance. That alone was enough to send him over the edge. From the looks of things he was confident he had exceeded her expectations. She was enjoying every bit of what he was doing to her. He could tell she was on the edge of an imaginary cliff about to jump off and fly and he would to be the one to send her soaring through the sky above the clouds. Raising her legs over her head, he delved deeper inside of her. The more he got the more he wanted. He pumped in and out of her in rapid speed. She met him move for move. He was so deep it felt like she could feel him in her stomach. He felt himself about to let loose but he wasn’t ready, not yet. He pulled out and flipped her over on her stomach pulling her up on her knees. Entering from behind, he gave her all he had. He sat backwards on his legs puling her until her backside was firmly pressed against his thigh. He held onto both sides of her hips as he slammed into her from behind. She screamed out in ecstasy. He pushed her down on the bed guiding her on her hands and knees. They were like two animals in heat. His movements increased. Again she cried out letting him know she had climaxed again but he wanted one more from her. He turned her on her side placing one leg over his shoulder and went in sideways. He could feel her vaginal muscles throbbing. He moved faster, harder causing her to scream to the top of her lungs. He kept pumping. He felt the loss of control over his body. He tried to prevent it from going over the top but he couldn’t. It had a mind of its own. His back arched, his face tightened and he growled like a wolf howling at the moon in pre-dawn hours. When his body returned to normal he fell onto the bed beside her depleted of all energy. He pulled her into his arms. He could feel liquid running down his chest. He looked down at her.

              “Did I hurt you?’

              “No,” she replied barely above a whisper.

              “Then what’s wrong?”

              Gently, she ran the tips of her fingers across his chest. “Nothing. Everything is as it should be.”

              Lifting her chin, he kissed her gingerly on the lips then pulled her closer to him, enveloping her tighter in his arms as he played her tresses. Shortly after, he kissed her on the top of her head.

              “Would you like some wine?”

              “After I come out of the shower.”

              Releasing herself from his embrace, she crawled out of bed and walked to closet to retrieve her luggage to get something clean to change into after she showered.

              “I’ll be back shortly,” she replied smiling as she made her way to the bathroom.

              “And I’ll be waiting.”

              Declan got up and headed towards the serving tray. He filled two empty glasses with wine placing them on a serving tray along with the bread and carried it over to the bed.

              He turned facing the bathroom the moment he heard the door open. Makeba stepped out dressed in a long black satin gown with spaghetti straps and a split up the side to mid-thigh. Her hair hung down over her shoulders. His mouth was agape at the sight of the beautiful chocolate woman standing before him. He wanted to devour her, drink her in like a tall glass of iced cold chocolate milk topped with whipped cream. Soon, it would be official. She would be all his and he intended for it to last forever.

              She observed the deep desire in his eyes as she sashayed towards him with the seduction of a black panther on the prowl. Her hips swung effortlessly from side to side like a sheer curtain blowing in the breeze. As she continued to strut towards him, their gazes locked on one another. Playfully, she sucked on her fingers shamelessly teasing him. She had become a master seductress, able to get him steaming hot at any given moment. The flame she ignited had him sizzling on the verge of explosion without a touch.

              He stood there as if he was stuck in cement holding two wine filled glasses in his hands, watching her every move intensely as she walked towards him. Sensations of all sorts travelled throughout his body. He was on fire, desperately desiring to be hosed down to put out the flames but he needed her to do that.

              Stopping  just a few feet in front of him, she closed her eyes. With the tips of her fingers she massaged her breasts. Experiencing weakness in the knees and a slight tremble in his hands, he could feel the glasses tilt in his hands. The wine was about to spill over the top of the goblets but he caught it just in time. He returned the glasses to the table then turned back to her. She wasn’t done yet. She was just getting started. She lay down on the two steps separating the bed area from the lounging area and spread her legs wide. Declan couldn’t believe what she was doing. Her performance demanded his attention and he dared not disappoint her by focusing on anything else. Her enactment was better than a porno star in a triple-x flick. She pulled her gown over her head and threw it somewhere in the corner. Swallowing hard, he made an effort to come closer. She held up her hand stopping him.

              “Watch the show.”

              He sat down on the floor in front of her with his legs folded watching her like a fifth grader crushing on his teacher. His mouth flew open when she inserted her own fingers in her jewel box. It took everything he had not to defy her demands and join in. He wanted to so bad. The more he observed the pleasure she was giving herself the more his body felt engulfed in flames. Soon her body trembled like she was having a seizure. He couldn't resist any longer. There was no way she could continue to deprive him of what his body craved so badly. If he didn’t satisfy the burning desire he was sure to destroy himself. Crawling on his knees, he closed the gap between them quickly replacing her hands with his tongue. He moaned while sucking every drop of blackberry juice that dared to drip from her inner stream. He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to have her. He felt like a meth addict going through withdrawals. The desire to have what his body craved so badly, caused him to lose all self-control. He entered her sliding every inch deep inside her canal gyrating his hips harder, going deeper and deeper, increasing his speed with every movement. He let out a guttural groan at the moment of release. He exploded deep inside her and so did she, releasing her juices all over his manhood. Another moment in paradise for the both of them. They continued to lie on the stairs spent, unable to move. Not at that moment anyway.

      Declan was the first one to get up from the stairs. It was getting a little too uncomfortable for both of them. He pulled her up by her hands.

              “Come take a shower with me.”

              “I would like nothing more.”

              Hand in hand they walked in the bathroom. They washed each other up and returned to the sofa. He handed Makeba a glass of wine and took the other for himself. After taking a seat beside her on the sofa, he grabbed the remote and began viewing the program guide to see what was showing. An Affair to Remember was on. Could not have been a movie better suited for the moment. Besides, he knew how much Makeba loved old movies so he clicked on it then got up to turn off the lights. Returning to the sofa, he placed a small pillow on his lap patting it for her to lie down on it. After taking another gulp from her glass she laid it on the table, lowered her head upon the pillow and watched the movie.

BOOK: Until My Heart Stops Beating
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