Read Unmatchable Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

Unmatchable (7 page)

BOOK: Unmatchable
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Besides, ever since we left the exhibit, all I've been able to think about is Colton Larsen. Several times, I've considered sneaking off to the bathroom to see if he messaged me back. His handsome face is burned into my mind, and the wine has me wondering what it would be like to kiss him—to feel his body pressed against mine. They're forbidden thoughts, and they're completely illogical given the odd dialog between us. Still, I can't help but fantasize about him.

You know to expect it now,” Richard tells me in a suave voice.

When he moves in to kiss me again, I recoil. “I'm not ready for that.”

Oh. Sorry. You were just sending me signals.”

It's the wine,” I confess before moving on without him. “You know what wine does to people.”

Apparently, it turns him into less of a gentleman.

Then maybe you should have more.”

I ignore the comment, trying my best to enjoy the remainder of our date. When we move into another unoccupied area and he advances on me again, I know that won't be possible. I bring back up my phantom illness from earlier and use it as an excuse to cut the date short. That wine just didn't sit well with me, I say. In truth, it's the company.

As soon as I reach my car, I pull my phone out of my purse and open the dating app. There are no replies from Colton Larsen. Surely, my last response should have prompted him to say...something. Anything.

I scowl, feeling my mood sink like an anchor to the bottom of the ocean—wondering if he would have messaged me at all if he hadn't seen me today. It looks like I was better off staying home.











Standing in front of Ember as her new boss while pretending that I only view her as an employee is the hardest thing I've had to do in a while. It was a lot easier when I had everyone at Full Hearts Matchmaking Service gathered together in the break room for the big takeover speech. Now that we're alone in her office, things are completely different.

I've had a one-on-one with every employee in the building, and I purposely saved her for last. Two people have already been fired. She's my last stop before I'm done for the day. Done and don't have to walk into this building again for a very long time. My management team will take things from here. I just came in to handle the hard stuff because...Why? This isn't something I'd normally do. Usually, I'd let my management team deal with it. I feel somehow obligated to do it today, though.

Congratulations, Mister Larsen, you had me well deceived.” Ember sits across from me with her legs crossed and her hands clasped together on top of her desk.

The way she's looking at me without fear or intimidation has me incredibly turned on. Apparently, she has no idea what I'm really here for. She's showing me the same attitude that she did when I came in as a client. There's more smugness behind her expression than anything else.

The fact that she doesn't have a clue how badly I still have her deceived makes it hard not to smirk. But the task at hand tempers my cocky demeanor. There are so many conflicting feelings going through me right now.

More than anything, I want to bend her over her desk and fuck her raw. All of our little exchanges have led up to this moment, a moment I've been dreading. Now that we're in it, I can't seem to think about anything but sex.

It doesn't help that she's dressed to kill. The white blouse she's wearing is way too low-cut to be work appropriate. I desperately want to dip my tongue into the line of cleavage that points like an arrow to her legs. Her black skirt is too short. There's a diamond pattern on her dark hose that covers up the pale flesh beneath. The red lipstick she's wearing brings out the chocolate tones in her eyes. Those lips are just begging to be kissed. I don't want to see them frown—don't want to be the reason she's unhappy.

I thought it would be appropriate for me to come introduce myself to everyone individually. I'm sorry that I caused you so much trouble the other day.” I offer her a warm smile.

I fear you're nothing but trouble, Mister Larsen.”

What makes you say that?” I quirk my head back, an uncertain grin spreading my lips. Man, does this woman ever have balls.

It's just a feeling I get.” She glances towards the window.

Well, I'd be lying if I said this meeting was just an introduction,” I confess.

She looks straight at me, her gaze piercing. “Choose your words carefully, Mister Larsen.”

Excuse me?” A small surge of anger bubbles to the surface.

Does she not understand who I am? I hold her future in my hands, and she has the audacity to speak to me like this. What in the hell is wrong with her?

She flattens her hands on the desk, leaning forward to whisper, “I know your secret.”

My secret?” I'm completely lost.

Yes. So you better choose your words carefully.” She crosses her arms over her chest, pleased with herself.

I'm certain that I have no idea what you're talking about.” My face is frozen with confusion.

Carry on.” She gestures as if she's in full control.

I shift uncomfortably in my chair. Things have gone from sexy to awkward in the blink of an eye. This woman is batshit crazy.

Refocusing my attention on the task at hand, I brush off her weird behavior and open the file folder I've been holding, quickly flipping to the paper with her job description on it.

I keep my eyes on the paper as I speak. “After doing my internal investigation, I've decided that you're not a good fit for the role that you currently play in this company.”

You're going to fire me,” she huffs incredulously. “After three years working here, you're going to fire me just like that.”

I glance up at her, and her angry expression cuts me to the core. This is exactly what I didn't want to have to see.

I'm not going to fire you, Miss Washington. I'm going to move you into another position.” I pull out the paper of her new job description and hand it to her.

She snatches it from me like a feral dog taking a scrap of meat from a stranger. The paper makes a crisp snapping sound as it's ripped from my grasp.

Ember tosses herself back against her chair and reads the title. She doesn't get any further than that before she looks back up at me. “Online Sales Associate?”

Yes.” I steeple my hands together. “I think it will be a better fit. My records indicate that you did well as a sales associate. This is a new position that I want to implement. I'm having a chat system added to the website so that if someone online wants to inquire about our services they can reach a sales associate immediately without having to call. That sales associate is going to be you.

It will be a relatively easy job. Most of the answers will be cut and paste so that you won't have to worry about formulating your own responses.”

So you're demoting me?” She scowls.

Not demoting. Relocating.” I try to sugarcoat it.

Sales associates don't make as much as matchmaking associates.” She tosses the paper onto her desk as if it's trash.

You aren't a matchmaking associate now,” I remind her.

But I get paid the same as one.” She glares across the table at me.

And because this is an entirely new position, you won't see a decrease in pay.”

Instantly, her features soften. “Oh.”

She picks up the paper again and reads through it. Really reads through it this time. Past the title to the actual job description. The job was custom made for her. By me. It makes it to where we can keep her, but she'll still be useful to the company. She should be bowing down and kissing my feet for not firing her. Or something else...

My eyes dip to her cleavage, and my cock swells with the need to touch her. Part of me is glad that our meeting is almost over. I'm going to have to pleasure myself after this. After seeing her tight little body and enduring her sharp tongue. This girl is fire in the flesh, and damn does she make me burn for her.

I hope you're happy in your new position.” I stand, preparing to leave.

All of the angst that was on her face before is now gone, but it's replaced by something else that I can't quite discern. She pushes her chair away to walk me to the door.

I wrap my hand around the door handle and turn back to her, craving to touch her silky hair. It's down today and curled into ringlets that frame her face. So fucking beautiful.

Enjoy the rest of your evening,” I tell her.

You know, you're right, you did have me deceived.”

That's all behind us now.” I smile.

I thought you were an asshole hellbent on destroying my life...BoxPup.”

My chest tightens at the reference. That was the secret she was referring to. She had me right where she wanted me all along; I just didn't know it.

How did you know it was me?” I let go of the door handle, keeping my voice still so that she doesn't know she has me rattled.

Does it matter?” She crosses her arms over her chest, giving me a knowing smirk.

I didn't leave any clues behind, so I am kind of curious.”

You left plenty of clues behind.” She rolls her eyes.


Why should I tell you?” She lets out a short laugh. “If you don't know how I found out, then you can't fix it, which means it will be hard for you to deceive other women.”

I wasn't deceiving other women.”

Oh, you weren't?” She turns and sashays back to her desk.

The sway of her hips makes the room feel at least twenty degrees hotter. I can't help but stare at her ass in that skirt.

I was just...” I rake my hand through my hair.

Just what?” She looks at me over her shoulder before turning and leaning back against her desk.

My mind is blank. If I told her the truth, she wouldn't believe it. There's a different truth, though, one that I need her to know. That I want her.

With the mystery dispelled, there's no better time to see what would happen. It might be a stupid move. Hell, it might land me in court. But dammit, I can't resist any longer.

I cross the space between us, a man on a mission. My fingers slip into her silky threads of hair. She lets out the most arousing gasp I've ever heard. Her eyes look at mine with a mix of offense and uncertainty, but she doesn't pull away as I slide my other hand around her waist and draw her to me, feeling the heat of her lips as they press against mine.

The kiss is hungry and demanding. I hold her captive in my arms as I ravage her mouth. Her tongue laps over mine, and a tiny sigh passes between us. The sound makes me hold her tighter, kiss her deeper.

Her breasts press hard against my chest, and I can almost swear I feel her nipples beading beneath her blouse. Everything in me wants to pull down the front of it and envelope one of her nipples with my mouth. I would have done it too if I didn't feel her pushing me away.

When I pull back, she averts her eyes. For the first time ever, she looks submissive and shy. There's a blush spread across her pale cheeks. Seeing that I have such an effect on her makes me want to kiss her again. I cup her face with my hand, running the pad of my thumb across her bottom lip. She reaches up to grab my hand and stop me.

What is this?” When she finally meets my gaze, I see nothing but vulnerability in her expression.

It's so sexy that I worry I might lose myself to lust. My dick is straining painfully against my trousers, and it's taking every ounce of my resolve not to advance on her again.

It's whatever you want it to be.” I lean in to kiss her, but she turns her face away.

It can't be this.”

What's this?” I nuzzle her face with mine, purring into her ear before nipping the lobe.

She's backed all the way up against her desk, so there's nowhere to escape to. I tighten my grip around her waist and pull her to me so that she call feel
of me. All of my desire for her.

I don't do this. I can't do this,” her voice is practically a squeak.

What can't you do?”

I can't have sex with you.”

Somehow, she manages to roll out from beneath me. I thought I had a firmer grasp on her, but I guess not. The haze of my lust starts to fade away as I see her standing there, her hands held out like a shield, her chest rising and falling with heavy breaths.

We don't have to have sex.” I gulp in a mouthful of air, trying to calm myself. The urge to pounce is strong, but I can see that she's shaken. Genuinely shaken. Unsure of how she feels about what's going on.

We don't?” She seems surprised.

No. We don't.”

Then, what happens now?”

I take a step forward, and she cowers slightly, making me stop in my tracks. “Despite what you think, it wasn't all a game to me. I didn't purposely stalk you.”

It sure seemed like it.” She looks away as the bitter words fall from her lips.

Are you upset that I started talking to you?”

No. I just want to understand why.”

Believe it or not, it was purely coincidence. But it was a happy coincidence. I'm glad it happened.”

What's a guy like you doing on a dating website?” She relaxes a little.

Market research. And apparently flirting up The Beast.” I smirk.

Her mouth falls agape for a moment, and then she pouts like a child. “They told you that?”

They did.” I nod and laugh.

How embarrassing.” She draws her hand up to her face, which makes her look even more adorable and desirable.

Go out on a date with me,” I say boldly.

BOOK: Unmatchable
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