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Authors: Abby Reynolds

Unforgettable (2 page)

BOOK: Unforgettable
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“And why are you an expert on this?” she snapped. “You’re the one who couldn’t keep a girlfriend for more than a few months.”

Now I was getting angry. “Just go.”

“Gladly.” She flipped her hair over one shoulder then marched to the front door.

I walked with her then locked the door once she was out of my house. Then I jumped in the shower because I felt so disgusting.



Two weeks had come and gone.

Scotty didn’t look at me. He didn’t talk to me. He hated me.

But this is what I wanted, so I shouldn’t complain. It was my fault. I never should have gotten involved with him. I cared about him so much and knowing I hurt him just made me loathe myself. I hurt the most amazing guy in the world.

Life passed by without any meaning. I went to class then I went home. I didn’t talk to anyone, and when Ash checked in on me, I always said everything was fine. But he had no idea Scotty wasn’t in my life anymore.

God, I missed him.

I hadn’t been able to sleep since we broke up. I was lucky to get a few hours. My painting had suffered. Now I was back to dark colors like gray, black, and dark blue. My brighter palette was untouched.

I was miserable.

Somehow, I was worse than before Scotty came into my life. I lost my soul, and now I lost my heart.


I was sitting at the kitchen table, studying brushwork from one of my older textbooks when there was a knock on the door. My heart rate spiked. Was it Scotty? Did he come to win me back? I felt the hope in my heart. I just wanted to hold him one last time. I ran to the door, hoping it was he.

It wasn’t. Liam, the huge fighter with the cute fiancé, was standing at my door.

What do I do…?

“Livia, please open the door. I just want to talk.”

How did he know I was standing here? Maybe I made more noise than I thought.

I didn’t invite people into my house, and I didn’t open the door for huge strangers. But he was Scotty’s friend, and if Scotty wouldn’t hurt me then his friends wouldn’t either. After a sigh, I opened the door.

Liam had his hands in his pockets and he seemed unthreatening. “How are you?”

“Um, fine.”
Not even close.

He watched my eyes. “You don’t seem happy.”

I made it that obvious? “I’ve been better…”

He nodded slowly. “Scotty has been better too.”

He must be here to talk about him. “I can imagine.”

He ran his fingers through his hair before he returned them to his pocket. “This is none of my business, and I’m not one to intervene. But my fiancé is really upset about this, so I was sent as a friendly messenger to talk to you.”

Friendly messenger?
“Why can’t she talk to me herself?”

He looked awkward. “You aren’t her favorite person right now…and she’s afraid she’ll say something harsh and unfair. Out of respect for Scotty, we aren’t trying to disrespect you.”

I guess the gentle giant was better than the small fighter. “Okay…”

“Scotty is the best guy I know. Keira agrees. He’s been through more pain than you’ll understand, and he’s lost two of the people who mean most to him. It took a lot for him to pursue this relationship with you, and now he’s suffering miserably for it. He loves you, Livia. If you love him, be with him.”

He would never understand. “It’s not so simple.”

“It is,” he said firmly. “What’s holding you back? Scotty claims you don’t love him, but Keira and I don’t believe that. We’ve seen the progress of your relationship, and I see the way you look at him. If you think you’re fooling anyone, you’re wrong. Now, why are you lying to him?”

He was still intimidating even though he kept his voice low, but I had a feeling Keira would be worse to have this conversation with. “It’s just…our relationship would never work.”

“Why are you being so vague? Of course it will never work if you don’t try.”

“It’s complicated…”

“Then it explain it to me.”

“I…you should just go.”

“You need to—”

“Please go.” I was starting to panic.

He stepped back a few feet, his arms up. “Let me say one more thing. Please?”


“Whatever your reason is, the bottom line is this; you can either tell him the truth and be with him, or you can accept the fact you’re going to lose him forever. You’ll never find a guy like him again, Livia. I promise you that. It’s not too late to fix this. He’s still here…for now.”

There’s nothing more I wanted than to be with him. I loved him more than life itself.

He watched my eyes then took another step back. “Now I’ll go. Please think about what I said.”

I watched him walk to his truck and take off. Even when he was gone from the street, I still stood there, unsure what to do with myself.


The next day at school, Scotty ignored me again. Actually ignore is an understatement. He acted like I didn’t exist. He didn’t even glance in my direction. I tried to concentrate and take notes but it was impossible when the love of my life was sitting in that room, no longer mine.

After my classes were over, I went to the library. The silence was even worse than the noise of other students. Without any distractions, I was left with my thoughts. And I always thought about the same thing.


My phone lit up. It was probably Ash. It was too early in the day for him to need a ride because he was drunk, but he probably wanted something.

My heart froze when I saw Scotty’s name.

I apologize for bothering you. I just wanted to see if you’re okay.

He cared? God, I hated myself even more now. I had the sweetest guy in the world at my fingertips but I couldn’t have him. I couldn’t confess what happened to me. It would ruin everything. I would rather remember him as a happy memory instead of a horrific one.
I’ve been better. You?

The same.

I didn’t know what else to say. I put the phone down, feeling even more miserable. I couldn’t concentrate on my homework. All I wanted to do was run to him.

My phone vibrated.
I still love you. Together or apart, that will never change.

My eyes welled up in tears. He was torturing me. There’s nothing I wanted more than to share my bed with him tonight. I wanted to feel his arms around me, to feel safe again.

I’m here if you ever need anything. I’ll stop bothering you now.

You weren’t bothering me
. I shouldn’t have said that because it invited a conversation, but I couldn’t be cold and let him think I didn’t want to talk to him. I waited for him to message me but he never did.

And now I was even more depressed.


I went to the store after class then carried the groceries into the house. After I locked the door, I put the groceries on the counter and started to put everything away. I wasn’t sure why I bothered to buy food. I was too depressed to have an appetite.

The doorbell rang.

Why did people keep showing up on my doorstep? Didn’t people use phones anymore?

Whoever it was, they knew I was home. I just walked into the house a second ago.

The doorbell rang again, making my eardrums ring.

It better be a girl scout selling cookies.

I walked to the door and looked through the peephole.

It was William.


How did he know where I lived?
I remembered my parents gave him my number and address. Damn them.

“Livia, answer the door. I know you’re there.”

Had he been watching my house?

Fucking psychopath.

My first instinct was to call Scotty.

But he wasn’t my boyfriend anymore.

He pounded his fist on the door hard, making it bend at the hinges.

I didn’t have time to think about this. I grabbed my phone then made the call.

Scotty answered immediately. It didn’t even ring. “Hello?” His voice was hollow.

The words poured out of my mouth. “William is at my door and he’s trying to break it down.”

The anger came through. “What the fuck?”

He shoved his weight against the door, making it bend again.

“Fuck, he’s coming.”

“I’m on my way. Grab a bat or a frying pan.” He hung up.

I dropped my phone then went into the hallway closet. There was a baseball bat in there from my days in high school. It was a hollow metal bat, but it was better than nothing.

“After I break this down, we’ll be even. My Range Rover for your door.”

“You’re such a fucking psychopath!”

He hit the door again. “I heard through the grapevine your beast of a man isn’t around anymore.”

How did he know that? We’d only been broken up for two weeks. Ash didn’t even know.

He slammed into the door again. “Nobody tells me no and gets away with it!”

“Go to hell!”

He threw his body against the door again. This time, it broke off the hinges. Pieces of wood flew through the air. He stumbled for a moment before he gained his footing.

Then he saw me with a bat. “You think I’m scared of you?”

I held it like I did during a game. “You should be.”

“You’re awfully brave for being totally alone.”

“The police are on their way.”

He laughed. “Who do you think they are going to listen to? One of their biggest donators or an annoying girl?”

“They won’t have anyone to listen to because I’m going to knock your head off.” I took a swing at him but missed.

“Two can play that game.” He pulled out a pocketknife then flipped out the blade. “Now we’re even.”


Scotty came behind William, a look of murder on his face. He hooked his arm around his neck then choked him hard.

“He has a knif!” I shouted.

William swiped at him and sliced him in the arm.

Scotty didn’t react. He grabbed his arm then slammed it into William’s leg, making him stab himself. Then he pushed him on the ground.

“Fuck.” William pulled it out. It was only an inch deep, but it was bloody.

Scotty grabbed him by the neck and dragged him across the ground. “What did I tell you last time we spoke?” With a single arm, he slammed him against the wall. “WHAT DID I SAY?”

I shook at the anger in his voice.

William didn’t answer.

Scotty squeezed his throat. “Tell me.”

William choked on his words. “If I…don’t leave her…alone…you’ll kill me.”

“Very good.” Scotty pulled him forward then slammed him into the wall again.

William groaned and turned white, like he might pass out. “I’m sorry. Please. I’m sorry. I’ll leave her alone.”

“What makes you think I trust you?” Scotty was red in the face.

“I’m sorry. I thought you weren’t around anymore…”

Scotty slammed him on the ground. “I’m always around. Don’t make that mistake again.” He stomped on his hand, making William scream.

“I’ll leave her alone…I swear. Don’t kill me.”

“It would be so easy to make it look like an accident.” The relish was in his eyes.

“No. I’ll give you whatever you want.” William looked like he might piss his pants. “Mercy.”

“Mercy?” Scotty laughed. “Mercy? I don’t believe in mercy. I believe in psychos that try to harass my girlfriend. That’s what I fucking believe in.”

William started to cry. “I’m sorry…please don’t.”

I despised William even more for being so pathetic.

Scotty grabbed his arm and dragged him across the hard wood floor. Then he rolled William out the front door and to the sidewalk. “Get out of here. Or. Die.”

William stumbled to his feet then got into his car. After fumbling with the keys, he finally peeled out and left the house.

When he was gone, I was able to catch my breath again.

Scotty turned around and faced me, his jaw clenched. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

He came closer to me. “Did he touch you?”


Scotty didn’t come any closer. I expected him to hold me and kiss me but he didn’t. He turned around and inspected the broken door. It was shattered into pieces. “I’ll take care of this before it gets dark.”


He turned back to me. “Yeah?” His eyes were guarded. He didn’t look at me the way he used to, love and adoration shining bright.

“Should we call the police or something?”

“I would love to. But that wouldn’t help in this situation.”


“Rich billionaires are the type of people you don’t want to get into legal disputes with.” That was all he said. “I’m pretty sure he won’t bother you again. Maybe you didn’t notice, but he shit his pants. Fucking pussy.”

No, I didn’t notice.

He examined the door again. “I’ll be back. I need to head to the store and get the supplies.”

“You know how to put on a new door?”

He gave me a dark look. “I used to work in construction—or do you remember anything about me?” The sadness was in his voice.

BOOK: Unforgettable
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