Read Undercover Virgin Online

Authors: Becky Barker

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

Undercover Virgin (17 page)

BOOK: Undercover Virgin
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Rianna could barely nod, but when he touched her again, she felt the caress from head to toe. She began to tremble.

"Kyle!" Her cry was an urgent plea of surprised need. His fingers were hard and hot, probing sensitive flesh no man had ever touched.

"Feel good?" he whispered, locking gazes with her and demanding a response.

Feeling raw and exposed, she closed her eyes to keep him from seeing the vulnerability, but she nodded.

Then his mouth fell to her breast again. The combined caresses had her quivering so badly that she craved release. When his loving pushed her higher, she reached out frantically to strip off his shirt. She wanted him as naked and needy as she.

Chapter 11


yle halted the sensual assault long enough to move off the bed, quickly shed his clothes and grab a condom. Rianna opened her eyes and watched him bare his broad chest, then his lower body, exposing a jutting arousal that made her gasp.

She reached for him, but he grabbed her hands and pressed them to the bed on either side of her head. He stole another long kiss and began his loving all over again. All she could do was clutch his head as he alternately licked each of her nipples.

A tremor shot through her when he kissed her stomach, and then he was sliding lower in the bed, moving his hot kisses to even more sensitive areas. At the first touch of his mouth, she cried out again, arching her hips off the bed and pressing herself against his face.

Kyle grasped her thighs and held her close while he slowly explored her most sensitive flesh. The intimacy of his caresses stole her breath and shot fire through her body. A tremor shook her, followed by another and then another, coming harder and faster than she could draw in air and prepare for them.

She cried his name, her fingers digging into his hair in an attempt to stop the onslaught. She wanted him over her and in her, but he would not be hurried. When the climax finally hit her, she screamed his name in a long, low wail as heated pleasure swept her body.

Then it was all she could do to draw in a breath. Her lungs were on fire, her chest rising and falling with the effort to drag in air. Her toes were tightly curled and the rest of her body depleted. She felt limp and washed out, but still Kyle didn't stop his ardent loving.

He began kissing his way back up her body, over her quivering stomach, to each of her breasts, to her throat and finally to her mouth. When he'd moved above her again, she latched on to him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and holding him close as she silently, but passionately, thanked him for his loving with hard kisses.

She felt his arousal pressing against her hip and savored a renewed rush of desire. Sliding her hands down his body, she cupped his buttocks in her hands and massaged the tight flesh until he was moaning into her mouth. Then she wiggled beneath him until their bodies were once again aligned.

She could feel him pressing against her and shifted her legs wider to accommodate him. Then she pulled in a breath as he completed the union with one strong, sure stroke. Her body came alive with excitement and renewed desire.

Rianna shifted slightly to accept him more fully,
cupped his face in her hands. She stroked his cheeks, her gaze adoring. They stared into each other's eyes as he began the slow, steady dance of love in an ancient rhythm that would bring them ultimate satisfaction.

Soon they were scaling the heights together, each lost in the other as they shuddered to a climax that went beyond physical satisfaction to something much more intense and soul rending. Their hoarse cries of completion echoed in the silence of the room as Kyle's full weight collapsed on her.

Even though Rianna was struggling for each puff of air, she welcomed his weight, wrapping her arms tightly around him and holding him close. She relished the aftermath of their loving as their chests heaved, their bodies still intimately entangled.

In another minute, Kyle took his weight on his forearms and lifted his chest from hers, allowing them both a little freer breathing. He looked into her eyes again, delving into her soul. She wasn't sure what he hoped to see there.

I could fall desperately in love with you!

The words reverberated in her head, but she didn't say them out loud. The thought was still too new and too incredibly frightening. She perversely wanted Kyle to say the words to her, yet feared saying them to him. She waited, wondering if he expected her to proclaim her feelings.

When they could breathe again, she finally broke the silence with a gentle taunt. "If that was slow and easy, why am I sweating?"

His husky male laughter filled the room. Rolling onto his side, he pulled her across his chest. Then he smoothed her damp hair behind her ears, continuing to study her features with his warm gaze.

"You're incredible," he insisted, his voice thick. "And you make me feel incredible. Sweat and all."

"You're the one who's incredible," she teased, stroking his face with gentle fingers. "All I did was

Laughter rumbled from his chest again, and she loved the feel of it against her breasts.

"Glad to be of service, ma'am," he replied, brushing a soft kiss across her lips, then pulling her head down to his shoulder. "I didn't mean to exhaust you. I planned to do all the work, but I got a little carried away."

"Okay by me," she mumbled against his damp skin.

"You've had a rough few days, and I haven't been letting you recuperate. Didn't that ER doctor
against too much strenuous exercise?"

"Hmm…" Rianna practically purred as she snuggled against him. "What's he know? I've never felt better in my life."

She felt the flexing of his chest muscles again, and delighted in the fact that she'd made him feel good, too. Heaven help her, but she was in way over her head. She loved everything about him.

"Are we going to sleep?" he asked once they'd both quieted.

"We're just resting our eyes," she mumbled, her whole body limp and lethargic. She couldn't even lift her lashes.

"Does that mean we can make love again in a little while?" he teased, nibbling on her ear.

"Sure." The word was slurred.

He continued to stroke her hair with one hand while caressing her back with the other. "Good, 'cause I really like making love to you."

Rianna heard him, but couldn't find the strength to respond. She drifted to sleep, feeling more safe and contented than she could ever remember.

He woke her near dawn, his hands and mouth at her breasts, his teeth and tongue plucking at her nipples. Desire flowed through her like lava, thick and aflame, stirring her senses to a red-hot frenzy of need. He drove her to new heights before they sated themselves once again. Depleted, they fell into a deep, passion-drugged sleep.

* * *

The sun had neared its zenith by the time Rianna woke again. Kyle had rolled to one side of the bed. She watched him sleep for a long time, just savoring the sight of him. She felt tempted to wake him the way he'd done her, but decided he needed the rest. He'd had a busy night, and she had to go to the bathroom.

He was still sleeping soundly after she'd showered. She pulled on an old, faded blue T-shirt and matching gym shorts before leaving her room and heading for the kitchen. After making a pot of coffee, she waited for it to perk, and then carried a cupful into the living room.

The room was bathed in sunlight. She pulled back the drapes and opened the window a crack. It had rained sometime during the night, making the air clean and clear. Inhaling deeply, she took a minute to watch the birds at Sophie's feeder and enjoy the uncomplicated normalcy.

Everything seemed quiet, but Rianna knew there was nothing uncomplicated or normal about her life, however much she'd like to wish for it. She needed to talk to Donald and see what was happening in D.C.

Perching on the edge of the sofa, she picked up the phone and dialed his number. He picked up after the second ring.

"Good morning, Mr. Deputy Director," she teased him, using her private nickname.

"Good morning, Special Agent," he teased back.

Rianna smiled. "Everything all right with you and Sophie?"

"Just fine. She nagged me all the way to the apartment last night, but I stayed tough. I refused to turn around and head back to the cabin, even though she came up with some pretty good reasons why we should."

"She's a woman of many skills."

"You can say that again. After nearly twenty years of marriage, she's pretty adept at using them on me."

"And you love it."

"Damn right."

The deep satisfaction in his voice widened her smile. "You sound pretty chipper this morning," said Donald. "Get a good night's sleep?"

Rianna was glad he couldn't see the blush that warmed her cheeks. She tried to keep her tone casual. "It was great to be home in my own bed."

"I imagine it was. Kyle up and about yet?"

"He's not up yet, but I just brewed coffee, so the smell will probably lure him out soon."

"I hate to dampen your mood, but I'm afraid I have some disturbing news for him."

Rianna hated it, too, more than he could know. She didn't want the ugliness of law enforcement intruding on her world today. Her heart grew heavy at the thought of Kyle becoming more deeply enmeshed in her problems.

Anytime she dared to take a risk on happiness, something always happened to burst her bubble and threaten those she loved. Hands shaking, she set the cup down in the saucer and tried to mentally prepare herself for the worst.

"What's wrong?"

"Haroldson's lawyer is trying to convince a judge that he's a law-abiding citizen who's been victimized by a con artist. He's claiming Kyle kidnapped you and assaulted his employees."

She swallowed hard, but kept her tone calm. "Is he threatening to file counter charges?"

"I told the assistant
attorney that you'd gone with him of your own free will. I doubt his lawyers will press it any further."

Rianna's chest grew tighter. Kyle could face charges, however flimsy, for coming to her aid. To a man with his deep respect for the law, it would be the ultimate insult. His reputation was being sullied, yet there was nothing he could do. He didn't deserve the grief or the injustice after years of service to his country.

Rianna's feelings of guilt just kept escalating. "I don't want him to face charges because of me."

"Shouldn't be a problem, it's just an unexpected glitch and some extra red tape."

"Gregory is famous for causing glitches," she growled. "I'll tell Kyle you're working to get it straightened out."

"There's more." Donald prefaced his next announcement with a gentle tone he reserved for really bad news.

She tensed, her fingers fisting. "What else?"

"I figured Haroldson's mole in the agency identified Tremont, so I sent some agents to keep an eye on his house. We guessed Haroldson would do the same once he knew the two of you were traveling together."

Nausea rose in her throat. Why hadn't she considered that angle? Gregory always sought retribution against anyone who crossed him.

She remembered the pride in Kyle's voice when he'd described his home and dreaded hearing the details. "I'm not going to like it, am

not," Donald said on a sigh. "The agents did a check on his place just in time to keep it from going up in flames. Someone had trashed the house and set the shop on fire. Most of his workshop was destroyed. The house had some smoke damage, but it's still structurally sound and can be remodeled. I've already hired a team to clean and do the interior work."

Rianna closed her eyes and sank back against the sofa cushions. Her stomach churned, her thoughts filled with anger and shame. Kyle's grandfather's shop had been destroyed, and it was all her fault.

If he hadn't helped her, he wouldn't be involved with the kind of conscienceless people who wreaked havoc for a living. He'd chosen to leave that world, but he'd been tossed back into it on her account. She hated being the cause of so much destruction. She was a jinx to anyone who dared get too close.

"Mary?" Donald interrupted her black thoughts.

"I'm still here. It makes me sick," she said, giving a sad sigh. Then her tone grew stronger and took on a low snarl. "I want him to pay, Donald. He has so much death and destruction to pay for."

"He's going to pay dearly," he swore. "We're making sure of that. I can't imagine anything worse for a fastidious control freak that being incarcerated for life. The AUSA will petition for the death penalty, but a lifetime in prison will be Haroldson's ultimate punishment."

Rianna supposed he was right. She just wanted guarantees, but she knew there were none.

"I think I hear Kyle in the shower now. As soon as he comes out, I'll tell him what's been happening. I just hate it that he's not free to go home and take care of everything himself."

"Hopefully soon. I'm staying in the city today to try to stay abreast of things."

"Thanks." She tried to sound more upbeat, not wanting to add to his worries. "Give Sophie a hug for me."

"You bet."

Rianna held the phone to her ear for a while after she heard the click of his disconnection and the hum of the dial tone. Then she slowly lowered the receiver back to its base. Her thoughts were whirling and none of them were pleasant.

She'd caused Kyle nothing but trouble, yet she was helpless to halt the chain of events at this point. There had to be a way to make things right. She'd think of something, and soon.

Her legs were a little unsteady when she rose from the sofa, but she mentally scolded herself. She didn't like feeling weak and fearful at the thought of Gregory going after Kyle. The emotional involvement scared her even more than did the threat of violence. She could handle his vengeance if it was directed at her, but not at those she loved.

BOOK: Undercover Virgin
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