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Authors: Doris O'Connor

Under Orders (4 page)

BOOK: Under Orders
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“No, that’s not what I
mean. If you were a monster, you’d have simply hypnotized me, had your wicked
way, and then erased my memories, like … oh.”

Her conviction faltered
when she realized that he had done just that in the past—countless times if the
rumors round the office were to be believed. Had she herself not acted completely
out of character around him? That scene in the conference room played itself
out in her mind’s eye in glorious Technicolor detail, and bile rose in her
throat at the thought. She pushed against his chest, and he released her.

“Leonard, is he?” She
covered her hand with her mouth, afraid to be sick, when he nodded just once.
“There are a number of us in the organization, and no, I am not telling you who
they are.”

She staggered backwards
until her legs hit one of the plush chairs, and she sank down. Anna brought her
knees up to her chest in a defensive gesture, and she shook her head in denial.

“No, it’s not possible.
I would have known. You’re warm. You walk in the sun. You look human, damn it.”

His short, cruel laugh
wrapped itself around her heart like an ice cold fist.

“Your kind has hunted us
to extinction. To enable us to survive we had to evolve. Mixing the bloodlines
was always punishable by death, but it was the only way for us to blend in.
There are still some original Vampyrs left. Heavily guarded against the
slayers.” He spat the word at her as though it was poison on his tongue, and
she flinched when he moved in a blur of air.

In the blink of an eye
he was on top of her. Arms on either side of her, he pressed her against the
seat of her chair. His breath mingled with hers, as his eyes bored into hers.
Like lasers they pinned her in place as effectively as any bonds would have
been, and despite the situation a small part of her just melted.

“My kind?”
she whispered. “You mean us humans, right? What did you expect us to do? Sit
back and be happy at being walking, talking snack bars? Have our babies stolen
from our cribs because your
treasure the blood of the young?” He
flinched as though she had physically slapped him, and the compassionate part
deep within her, the part that still wanted/needed to see good in everyone,
wanted to swallow her tongue whole. The nightmare stories she grew up with,
however, tumbled forth without restraint. She’d read the family journals. The
tales of untold cruelties forever imprinted on her brain.

She hadn’t
wanted to believe them, had chosen at an early age to not go down that path,
and even her parents’ early demise had not changed that conviction.
She wanted no part of that world, so what on
earth was she doing here? What cruel twist of fate had thrown her into the
vampire’s path? Had her even now aching with the need to touch this man in
front of her. He represented everything she should hate, and yet, her heart
just wasn’t listening. She couldn’t reconcile those dark tales with Jonathan.
He had plenty of opportunity to hurt her, yet he hadn’t.

“There we
have it. You do think I’m a monster.” He stepped away and simply looked down on
her. His lips curved into a self-depreciating smile when she shook her head.

“It’s ironic
then that it is my kind who are facing extinction, is it not? It’s we who have
to hide who we are, whilst you and yours thrive and overcrowd this planet we
share. It’s humans who are capable of killing each other without a moment’s
thought. At least when we kill it is for food, not that I have ever killed a
human I feed from.”

He ran his heavy-lidded
gaze slowly over her body, and Anna had to force herself to sit still and not
fidget. Every cell in her body yearned to take him up on the promise in that
heated perusal, and she dropped her knees and squeezed her thighs together at
his next words.

“Most would
say it has given them the most intense orgasms they ever experienced. They may
not remember the ins and outs in the morning, but they do remember the
pleasure, little one.” He paused again, his smile sin itself as he stepped
close enough to trail just one finger up her exposed leg. It left a trail of
gooseflesh in its wake, and when he tapped her knee she couldn’t help but open
to him.

“You and I
both know that I could have taken you anytime. I still could, despite you
knowing what I am.”

breaths came in short agonized pants of pleasure, and she put up no resistance
when he grasped her knees and yanked her ass forward until she was half hanging
off the edge of the chair. He folded her dress up in slow measured moves,
exposing her to his hungry gaze, and she gasped when he dipped his head and
inhaled against the sodden fabric barely covering her slit.


“What?” He
mumbled the word against her clit, the vibrations of his deep rumble against
the sensitive nubbin the most exquisite torture. The soft click of his fangs
sent a shudder of anticipation through her, and her mouth went dry when he ran
his fangs along her inner thigh. Digging in just hard enough to leave marks, he
didn’t break the skin, and Anna found that she desperately wanted him to.

As though
he’d read her mind he raised his head from between her legs.

“Do you want
me to take away your choice? Have my wicked way with you, so that you can
justify this to yourself in the morning, rather than face up to your desires?
Is that what you want me to do, little one? Is that what it takes for you to
look at yourself in the mirror?”

His growled
words hit too close to the mark, and Anna frantically shook her head.

“Yes, no, I
mean …. Fuck.” All coherent thought fled her befuddled brain when he took the
elastic of her thong between his teeth and pulled. The lacy fabric bunched
inside her slit, exerting pressure on her clit. He moved his head from side to
side creating friction against that bundle of nerves, and Anna gave herself up
to sensation. Her head fell back, and cool air hit her swollen folds when the
fabric finally gave way with an audible rip.

“So wet for
me, so responsive, little one.” His breath feathered over flesh slick with her
arousal, and her cunt clenched in need.

“Look at me.”
She responded to that edge of command instinctively, and he smiled his approval
when her eyes locked with his.

“You need to
ask me, little one. I will not make this easy on you. If we’re going to do
this, if we’re going to explore this connection we share, it has be to your
decision. Your body tells me all I need to know, but I want your mind, your
heart, your soul, or I will walk away. I will make you forget you ever met me.
I’ve done it before, and I will do it again to keep you safe.”

The words
broke through her haze of arousal and dimmed some of her ardor.

“What do you
mean, you’ve done it before? I remember the conference room … I mean you—”

She tried to
scoot away from him, but he had an iron grip on her legs.

“You were
with me every step of the way in that room. I did not influence your decision.
I wouldn’t do that. Not to you. Not once I recognized you.”

me?” she asked, more confused than ever.

“Anna Chapman
is a common name, and you had red hair when you were little.” He smiled at her
pussy, and Anna squirmed a little. She hadn’t shaved in a few days, and the
little fuzz she did have would show her true hair color. Heat suffused her
whole being, and he chuckled into her core, nuzzling against her and kicking
her arousal right back up again. His breath against her sensitive lips, the
lick of his tongue as he lapped the renewed gush of her juices slipping past
her labia, caused the tingles to start. He tunneled his tongue into her
quivering channel, his nose nudging her clit, and Anna couldn’t help her moans
and sighs. She grabbed hold of his hair in a bid to keep him there, to urge him
on, but it was useless. He took her right to the edge, and then withdrew.
Sitting back on his haunches he smiled at her and licked his lips.

little one.” His voice was hoarse, his hard long cock clearly outlined against
the fabric of his trousers, and Anna’s pussy clenched in need. She so needed to
feel him inside her. She must have said that out loud, because he closed his
eyes and groaned.

“Say that

His fingers
dug into her soft flesh, and she winced, the pain just adding to her sensation
overload, overriding the questions batting against her brain. He could explain
that afterwards. Right now, she needed him like the air she breathed

“Fuck me,
please. Make me yours.”




Chapter Four


His growl
vibrated through her, and he stood naked in front of her in the blink of an eye.
She blinked to try to get her eyes to focus, to take in the perfection standing
in front of her. He was big all over, his cock jutting up to his abdomen, the
heavy sac swinging underneath covered in a dusting of blond hair that she was
just itching to explore. He didn’t give her the chance to, however.
He pulled her up, lifting her effortlessly,
and she locked her ankles behind his butt, as he slid her down on his cock with
infinite slowness. Anna clung to his shoulders, taking him inch by slow inch,
until she thought she was going to burst.

He kissed
her, murmuring endearments into her neck, until finally, she was impaled. He
held himself perfectly still to give her time to adjust, and then he moved.
Locked together as they were he walked across the living area. Every careful
step lodged him deeper still, and Anna rubbed herself against him in shameless
abandonment. By the time he had her pinned against the window, she was hovering
on the brink of release. The glass was cool on her exposed skin, and he used
his fangs to slice through the thin strip of fabric holding up her dress. It
fell away, exposing her breasts barely concealed in their lacy confines. The
heavy globes spilled across the top of the cups, and Jonathan groaned.

He flexed his
knees, pulling out just enough to enable him to thrust into her core, whilst
biting her nipple through the bra. His fangs sank in, and Anna tensed, only for
her orgasm to hit. Jonathan started thrusting in earnest, pounding her back
into the window. She arched into his mouth. Every suck sent her over the edge
again, as liquid fire sped through her veins down towards her thighs. The feel
of his thick member pistoning in and out her tight clasp with ever-increasing
speed, made her lose all sense of time and self.

Anna screamed
her ecstasy.
Her body shook
uncontrollably under the onslaught on all her senses, and she was dimly aware
of Jonathan tensing, before he spilled deep inside her core and the world
turned black.


When she next
became aware of her surroundings satin sheets caressed her naked body and a
heavy weight pinned her into the huge four poster bed. Her arms were bound
above her head in silk restraints, and her legs were similarly tied. Open,
exposed, and vulnerable, she ought to have been terrified, but instead
excitement coursed through her veins.

sleepyhead.” Jonathan’s deep rumble against her abdomen had her yank on her
restraints. Her heart beat galloped, and she felt his smile in the light kisses
he delivered to her tummy. His stubble scraped the underside of her breast, and
then she arched into his touch. He licked a path of awareness around her
areola, soothing the faint sting left over from his earlier bite marks, and her
already erect nipple firmed to the point of pain. She squirmed as much as her
bonds would allow, and Jonathan laughed.

“It’s no use.
I have only just finished restraining you. You will not get free unless I untie
you. I rather like having you at my mercy. I owe you an apology, and this way
you’ll just have to hear it.” He took her nipple in his mouth and sucked, and
Anna panted her question.

“Apology for
… for what?” He sighed against her, the sensation giving her goose bumps, and
then he released her only for his fingers to play with her nipples instead.
Like livewires of electricity, her nerve endings sparked and sent darts of need
towards her clit.

“In my haste
earlier I didn’t use anything. I’m clean, but is that going to be a problem?”
She froze, and he cupped her chin, his face so close to her now his breath
fanned over her. “Anna, answer me.”

She blinked,
once, twice, and he frowned.

“Yes, I mean,
no, it won’t be. I’m on the pill, but it wouldn’t anyhow. I mean you can’t …
can you?”

“Can I what,
little one?”

Heat rose in
her cheeks at his intense study of her. He settled one heavy hand on her
abdomen, and she swallowed hard, watching his hand just rest there.

slayers don’t know everything.” She flinched at the hardness of his tone and
looked up at him from under her lashes. He looked tense, but above all hurt.
His beautiful eyes held a maelstrom of emotions when he glanced at her briefly,
before removing his hand. She ached to reach out to him, but she couldn’t move,
so she had to use her words instead.

“I’m not a
slayer. I decided long ago that I wanted no part in killing off another
species, no matter what they did to stay alive. That obsession killed my father
and my mother. It broke Grand-pop’s heart to lose Mummy. I was not going to put
him through that again—ever.”

BOOK: Under Orders
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