Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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The Double Rider Men’s Club 9

Unbridled and Unsaddled

Sabrina Lancaster wants to live the unbridled sexual lifestyle of the Double Rider Men’s Club. Unfortunately, Drew Montgomery and Parker Grayson, former rodeo rivals and the two men she adores, are not members of the club…at least not yet.

She invites them both to compete in a private rodeo contest at the DRMC property, and the winner gets a date with her. Both men are very interested in Sabrina and eagerly sign up. Sabrina plans to invite both men out for the evening regardless of the contest’s outcome. Once nestled in a small cabin, Sabrina invites them to share her.

Neither Drew nor Parker had never considered participating in a ménage relationship, but the night they spend with Sabrina changes both of their minds and hearts. Both are willing to try a relationship as long as it remains private. When a newspaper exposé outs their supposed love triangle and resurrects their previous rivalry, will Sabrina be able to keep her dream relationship?

Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys
48,266 words



The Double Rider Men’s Club 9






Elle Saint James










Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting




Copyright © 2012 by Elle Saint James

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First E-book Publication: April 2012


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Unbridled and Unsaddled
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To all the readers who love this series. Thank you so much for the e-mails and wonderful comments you’ve sent me. Also, to confirm the answer pretty much everyone has asked, yes, of course Clayton Forrester will have his own story, and yes, he
find love in the final book of the series.


The Double Rider Men’s Club 9



Copyright © 2012






Chapter One


Ryder, Colorado


“How can I convince you to participate in our little contest?” Sabrina Lancaster asked the mouthwateringly gorgeous cowboy standing before her.

Arms crossed, leaning against the corner of a rustic barn, Parker Grayson was quite possibly the most handsome man she’d ever seen. Well, he was closely tied with one other man in her mind.

The corner of his mouth lifted in a seductive half smile. “Promise to go out with me and I’ll give your offer due consideration.”

She grinned. “Interesting you should say that. The winner of our unofficial western rodeo triathlon is five thousand dollars and a date with yours truly.”

He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes as if he was teetering on the edge of a difficult decision.

Parker’s smile suddenly widened, and yet he seemed to hesitate. His eyes popped open again to drill her with his beautiful, light–green-eyed gaze, and while his smile remained, she feared he’d still say no to her query. However, it was vital to her diabolical plan that he say yes.

Before he responded in the negative, Sabrina decided to use her ultimate secret weapon to entice him. “Did I tell you that Drew Montgomery already agreed to ride in the competition?”

Parker’s whole body stiffened and came to attention. “No. You didn’t mention him.” She laughed because he was suddenly so stiff and formal about his archrival being mentioned that it amused her.

“Yes. And in fact, he’s actually the reason I used myself as a prize in this competition. Money didn’t seem to interest him as much as a date with me did. Funny, huh?”

“Yeah, funny.” Parker’s intense, beautiful gaze had shot to her face the exact second Drew’s name spilled from her lips. He inhaled and exhaled very slowly before answering, “Well, if Drew is in this thing, then so am I. You can count on me.”

Score one for rivalry

“Excellent.” Sabrina lifted her spiral-bound notebook and jotted his name down beneath Drew’s. There would be several others competing, but none of them were even in the same league with these two former rodeo champions.

“How many of us are competing?” he asked.

She didn’t look up from her notebook. “Not too many. Less than ten. But you and Drew will obviously be our main attraction. This is a private show, so there won’t be any publicity other than within the club you’re performing for. I hope that won’t be a problem.”

“No. That actually appeals to me. If the general public hears about my coming out of retirement, I might get hounded to do other venues.”

She smiled. “Funny. That’s exactly what Drew said, too.”

Parker didn’t respond. Well, he sort of grunted.

After a few minutes, as she jotted a few notes down, he asked, “How will this western rodeo triathlon work, exactly?”

Sabrina looked over the top edge of the spiral and straight into his engaging eyes. She cleared her throat. “Well, each of you will ride a bull for eight seconds, rope a calf as fast as you can, and then target shoot with a rifle.

“Points will be given for each of the first two events much like any other rodeo, and then a rifle-shooting match will determine the overall winner. Serving also to eliminate any tie scores from the first two competitions.”

He nodded, but his gaze hadn’t shifted from her face. He leaned closer. She kept the notebook between them as if a barrier across her chest might help block him. It didn’t.

And the truth was, she didn’t want to keep him at bay.

Parker pushed his face closer and closer. Sabrina wanted to kiss him so desperately, she refused to hinder his forward action by moving a hair in any direction.

Glancing down at her notebook and pretending that she didn’t see him moving ever closer, Sabrina finished writing, lowered her notebook to the side, and looked up in time for him to plant those sensuous lips right across her mouth.

Limbs suddenly trembling with pent-up lust, Sabrina pushed her body into his. Parker’s hands came up to her shoulders only briefly before his fingers skimmed past her neck and sank into the tresses of her hair.

His tongue licked its way between her lips with hungry intent. She let him in. Let him kiss her. Let him lick deeply inside her mouth. Would let him do probably anything he wanted.

Parker’s kiss was exactly as she expected it to be. Firm contact, engaging movement, sensuous lips working in concert to ping her libido, and altogether perfect.

She’d longed for this moment for quite a while. She’d worshiped him from afar for what seemed like forever. It was time for action, and she was more than ready.

They were out in the open at Parker’s ranch. She was only barely hidden by the corner of the barn, but Sabrina didn’t care. The competition coming up was entertainment for the Double Rider Men’s Club. They loved to watch all sorts of decadent sexual acts. Sabrina wanted desperately to be a part of their sexy ménage lifestyle, but the two men she desired weren’t club members. At least not yet.

Perhaps if her complex diabolical plan worked, that would change. Truthfully, her plan wasn’t exactly diabolical. She didn’t want to take over the world or anything, but she had powerful desires that she’d long ignored. After years of self-denial with regard to two gorgeous cowboys, this was her chance to get what she wanted. She intended to grab on with both hands and ride hard.

Parker gripped his fingers more securely in her hair and tilted her head back for a deeper taste. This intimate kiss was so fucking good, her panties were damn near saturated with her own juices. He suddenly licked and tangled his way even farther into her mouth. Their hungry tongues collided in a maelstrom of pleasure. She was already breathing hard like she’d run around his substantial ranch a few times.

Her notebook dropped to the dirt, and she didn’t care. Her hands came up tentatively to touch and explore his torso. With only the width of a blouse and a single layer of T-shirt between them, her fingers explored his upper body with glee. The man had muscles on top of his muscles. He hadn’t gone soft even after he’d retired from the rodeo circuit several years ago. The ranch he owned must keep him very busy and in good shape.

Sabrina’s fingers slid from his muscularly ripped chest to the contours of his back. As she tactically explored his body, she noticed something coming up between them fast. Parker’s cock stiffened beneath his denim fly and pressed against her lower belly as they consumed each other. One arm was slung around his torso, her other hand bunched in the shirt’s fabric at his impressive shoulders.

BOOK: Unbridled and Unsaddled [The Double Rider Men's Club 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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