Read Two if by Sea Online

Authors: Marie Carnay

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Holidays, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor

Two if by Sea (3 page)

BOOK: Two if by Sea
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“I wish I shared your optimism.”

Damon focused on the sea of people below them. Their empire. His gazed flitted over each woman lounging by the pool and standing in the corner.

Could one of them be the one? Could there be a woman out there who wanted more than a fling?

He chewed on his lip, silent and brooding, until a disturbance caught his eye.
Hello, beautiful.
A woman in a simple shift dress and sandals had her index finger shoved into a brawny man’s chest. Her auburn curls bounced around her shoulders and as she shouted at him, the guy backed up.

Damon snorted. Feisty, that one. “Check out the redhead by the pool. Two o’clock.”

Tony smiled. “Already there, my friend. I’ve been watching her since we started talking. She’s stunning.”

Damon nodded. Even with the dress covering most of her body, he could make out her shape. Slender legs, graceful arms. Tits he could worship. A pout he’d love to kiss into submission.

She took a step forward. Rosy cheeks, mouth in an O. She was shouting.

“I wonder what he did to piss her off.”

“He copped a feel.”

Damon rolled his eyes.
. Men could be such dicks. “You don’t think she’ll—”

Before he could finish the thought, the woman stomped her foot, took both her hands, and shoved. The man never had a chance. He fell backward into the pool and Damon laughed as water splashed in all directions.

“You know, Tony? Maybe we can give it one more year.”

He stepped away from the window and picked up the phone. A moment later, a woman answered.

“Samantha speaking.”

“Hello Samantha, it’s Damon.”

“Yes, sir. How can I help you?”

He walked back to the windows and focused his attention on the redhead. “Do you see the redhead by the pool?”

Samantha paused. “The one who pushed the man into the pool?”

“Yes. That’s the one.”

“Sir, if I may, she was justified in what she did. I spoke with her a few minutes ago and—”

“I’m not interested in her behavior.” There was a pause on the line. “Samantha?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Send her to our office.”

His employee cleared her throat. “Yes, of course, sir. I’ll send her up.”

“Thank you.” Damon hung up and flashed Tony a smile. “Let’s see what that little vixen is like in person, shall we?”

“As usual, you’ve read my mind.”

The pair of them stood at the window, watching as their employee walked up to the redhead. She spoke for a few moments and the mystery woman palmed her hip. Samantha spoke again and the woman shook her head.

That was new. Never in all the years they’d been running the cruise had a woman turned them down. No matter, Samantha knew what to do. She pointed toward their window and the woman looked up.

. All fire and ice. Heat and cold. Even from their vantage point, Damon could see the anger simmering behind her calm exterior. She was a spitfire all right. One he wanted to pin to the mattress and fuck all night.

He raised his hand in a greeting and the woman crossed her arms. Samantha slipped her fingers around the woman’s bicep, leaned in, and the redhead nodded.


Chapter 3

don’t understand
what they want with me. You said the guy deserved what he got.” Daphne crossed her arms and leaned back on the elevator rail in a huff.

“Like I said, they want to meet you. I can assure you, it will all work out.”

Daphne frowned. “You saw him feel me up, right? I acted in self-defense.” She couldn’t believe it. Thirty minutes into the cruise from hell and she’d already been escorted off the deck and into a private elevator.

With all her luck, the guy would press charges and she’d be arrested. Hell, she didn’t even know where they were. What if they were floating in the waters of some country where pushing a guy into a pool meant jail time? She could be locked up in some sketchy prison for God knows how long.

Hopkins would fire her, she’d lose her chance at ever making it in the PR business, and for what? A coworker who had bailed on her at the last minute. She took a deep breath to calm down.

It didn’t work.

She turned to the other woman. “Please, tell me something.”

Sam pulled up her mouth into a canned, employee smile.

Daphne knew that face. PR people used it all the time. Nothing good ever happened when someone flashed you a smile like that.

She pushed off the elevator railing and tried not to yell. “I’m serious. You can’t tell me I’m wanted upstairs and clam up when I ask what it’s about. I need to know what I’m getting into.”

She paced inside the moving box. “I don’t even know what country we’re in at this point. Or what the law is! I am not going to be prosecuted in some foreign country because some guy groped my boob!” She failed in not shouting.

Sam just smiled. “You’ll be fine. Trust me.” The elevator opened and she held out her hand. “Now you need to go.”

Daphne stepped off the elevator in a huff. “Aren’t you coming?”

“I haven’t been invited.”

The doors slid shut and Daphne was alone. She turned around and all of her anger and outrage fizzled. Her jaw practically fell to the floor.

She’d expected an office. Something sterile and impersonal. Maybe a jail cell to hold the criminals until they made it to port. Not…

Marble floors stretched away from her and crystal chandeliers lit the way. At the end of the elevator bay, a pair of double doors edged in gold waited for her. She blinked.
Did I fall and hit my head? Did I wake up in Wonderland?

Daphne half expected the white rabbit to come bouncing down the hall yelling,
I’m late, I’m late!

She smoothed down her dress, pushed her hair off her face, and exhaled.
Pretend they’re your clients. It should be easy; their places look just like this.
She strode across the hall, her wedge sandals silent on the polished floor, and pushed the door open.

A lush carpet, sleek furniture, and two of the sexiest men she’d ever seen. Definitely not client material. Both men smiled and she took a step inside.

“You wanted to see me?”

“Please, come in.” The tan one waved her toward them with a motion of his hand.
. Now she knew where that old cliché came from. Tall? Check. Dark? Tanned like he hadn’t a care in the world. Handsome?
Oh, yes.

This one had a beautiful profile, with an angled nose, defined cheekbones, and enough muscles to bench press her all afternoon. She shifted on her feet.

The man standing to his left held out his hand. “Damon Whitfield. Pleasure to meet you.” Daphne swallowed. Damon Whitfield had blond hair long enough to wrap her fingers around. His dress shirt was tailored so well that it showed off his sculpted chest, and the rolled sleeves revealed forearms made of skin over steel.

These two owned the cruise ship? Impossible.

She took his hand and ground her teeth to hold back a shiver. “Daphne Meadows. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Whitfield.”

“Call me Damon, please.” He motioned to the other man. “This is Tony Gareaux. We own the Stardust.”

Tony held out his hand and Daphne took it. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand.

Did they bathe in pheromones? Coat their fingers in some chemical to turn women on?

Daphne never got lightheaded or dizzy because of a man. But these two? Ridiculous. She pulled away and pushed her shoulders back. They weren’t going to butter her up with visions of all-night orgasms. Not if they were going to make her life difficult.

She plastered on a PR smile. “I’m sorry if I caused a disturbance at the pool.”

Tony raised an eyebrow. “My employee said you had an issue with a male guest?”

Daphne nodded. She felt like a kid called before the principal. “I was on my way to my cabin when a man by the pool stopped me. He said a few things, I tried to blow him off, he groped me. I didn’t appreciate it and I expressed my displeasure.”

Tony glanced at Damon with an unreadable expression. “Meaning?”

She rolled her lips over her teeth. If a client had called with this story, Daphne could’ve spun the scene a million different ways. But for her, the truth was the best. “I called him an asshole and pushed him in the pool.”

“Do you think that was an appropriate response?”

“When a man grabs my boob and tells me a good fuck would loosen me up, throwing him in the pool is too nice, to be honest.” She ran her tongue over her teeth. “I should have kneed him in the balls.”

She didn’t know if it was the shock of the whole morning—first running late, then Rachel bailing, and then that jerk. But she’d gone off the rails. Everyday all day, she played the nice girl for her job. She’d made a career out of never making a ripple in the world, and always being the epitome of reserved and self-contained grace.

If it wasn’t some celebrity who’d gotten his nose out of joint and yelled at a tourist, it was some real estate developer caught in a scandalous love affair. And she’d helped them all. PR wasn’t the glamorous life some made it out to be. She might have perfected the fake, soothing voice and the placid grin. But underneath it all?

The real Daphne preferred a more direct approach. They wanted to kick her out? Great. It was exactly what she wanted.

Tony ran his fingers over his lips. “What do you think the result of all this should be?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Isn’t that your decision?”

“I’m asking for your input.”

Daphne blinked. From the room and the fancy suits and the way they commanded attention, she’d assumed the pair of them would take charge. Ask her opinion? It never crossed her mind. She relaxed her posture. It all might work out after all.

She tried to keep the excitement out of her voice. “I think you should find a way to escort me off the ship immediately and send me back to LA.”

Damon cocked his head. “Why is that?”

“I’ve assaulted another guest. I should be punished.”

Both men regarded her in silence and Daphne had the feeling more than her actions were on their minds.

At last, Tony spoke. “You’re awfully eager to leave the ship, Ms. Meadows. Is it not to your liking?”

She frowned. “That has nothing to do with it.”

He stepped closer and his dark eyes turned electric. Tony could heat a room a million degrees with just a stare. And he knew it.

His lips curved, but she couldn’t call it a smile. “You don’t strike me as the singles cruise type. Why is it you’re here?”

Daphne edged back. “That’s none of your business.”

Something else flashed across his face. Anger? Curiosity? “Everything that happens on this ship is my business.”

She had to get out of there. “Then I suggest you find a way to get me off of it.”


. Daphne Meadows was one confident woman. From the way she crossed her arms and glared at Tony, to the way she stood her ground when he questioned her motives, Damon could imagine what she’d be like in bed.

Glorious, to be sure.

“It seems to me you’re using this whole incident as an excuse, Ms. Meadows. Answer my partner’s question. Why did you get on the cruise ship if you’re so eager to leave?”

Daphne’s eyes narrowed, the green almost eclipsed by a thicket of lashes. She turned toward the wall of windows and motioned at it. “I never would have come on this trip if I’d known it would be like this.”

“And what is that exactly?”

“A class-A meat grinder.”

Tony laughed. “Seven days of letting go and having fun isn’t your style?”

“With some random stranger who calls me ‘babydoll’ and wants to do it in the deep end of the pool? No thank you. I’d rather be at home.

Damon walked over to the windows and looked down at the partiers. Women pranced around with fruity drinks in their hands and nothing but scraps of fabric hiding their nipples. Ass cheeks hung out all over the place and half the men in the crowd had honed in on the first of many hookups that week.

Stardust had a reputation of hedonism and an ‘anything goes’ attitude. It wasn’t a cruise for relaxing and recharging. It was a cruise for getting laid as many times a possible. Damon eyed her from the side. If she couldn’t handle the first five minutes on board, what would she think of the naked dance party that night?

He ran his tongue over his lower lip and turned toward her. “The tickets are non-refundable. You’ve already spent the money to be here. Why not stay?”

Daphne shook her head. “No. I came on this trip to help out a coworker who’d begged me to come. I thought I’d give her a boost, she’d get over her break up and I could work on a tan. When she bailed…” She trailed off and glanced down at the carpet. “I shouldn’t be here. That’s all.”

Tony stepped up to her. The man wanted her. It radiated off him in waves. He always did love a challenge.

“How about you give it another chance. We like you. We want you to be our guest for the week.”

Her head snapped up. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Tony grinned like a cat about to pounce. “You enjoy our company, we treat you like a princess. Have some fun.”

Her eyes widened and Daphne flicked her gaze between both men. “I’m not some hard up hooker who needs rent money for the month. Your fancy manners and Colgate smiles don’t impress me.”

Damon shook his head. Challenge was an understatement. He left the windows and walked up to her. “If money won’t impress you, and the thought of two men at your beck and call turns you off, what does push your buttons, Daphne?”

She furrowed her brows. “I don’t need my buttons pushed.”

“We want you to stay. You’ve already made the plans. I’m guessing you’re on vacation from work. Take advantage. Don’t run away from this experience because you’re scared.”

. Her cheeks heated, her nostrils flared, and Damon knew he’d hooked her.


I can’t believe this is happening.
Daphne’s cheeks burned and she fought the urge to turn around and stomp out of the room like a celebrity throwing a temper tantrum. She’d seen it so many times she had the moves down pat.

This whole trip had been a colossal mistake. She shook her head. “I’m sorry, but you’ve got the wrong girl.”

Tony pulled his lower lip into his mouth and nibbled. The sight was obscene. Dirty. Daphne clenched her teeth together.
You’re not going to entice me with that come hither look. No, sir.
She crossed her arms across her chest for good measure.

“You’re turned on. Admit it.” The words dripped with grit and sex.

“I am not.”

“Then why are your nipples trying to break out of your dress?”

Daphne glanced down and her cheeks turned into an inferno.
Damn it.
“It’s cold in here.” She let her arms fall to her sides, but that only made her awkward and uncomfortable. Men didn’t do this to her. No one did.

With a shake of her head she walked over to the window. From their office at the top of the cruise liner, Damon and Tony could overlook most of the deck. The pool she’d shoved that dickwad into sat front and center, but Daphne could make out a dance floor, an open air bar, and more people than she could count.

Women in nothing but string bikinis milled next to guys in obscenely low riding board shorts. Dudes in speedos dove into the pool and splashed the girls at the other end. Everyone had a drink in their hand and Daphne didn’t spot a single frown. All of the other guests were having the times of their lives.

She was too busy holding it together to notice. She chewed on her lip as Damon walked over. He stood next to her, his presence solid and intoxicating. Daphne didn’t want to admit it, but the thought of him and Tony catering to her needs made something deep inside her start to throb.

Two men full of confidence and raw sexual energy doting on her? It was insane. There had to be a catch. She spoke up without turning her head. “So what’s the hitch?”

“Excuse me?”

“Men like you and your business partner don’t strike me as the type to fawn over a woman like me. What aren’t you saying?”

Damon’s stare burned, but Daphne refused to give him the satisfaction. If she turned, he’d see the lust in her eyes.

Tony answered from the other side. “Let’s just say we have a thing for sharing.”

Her lips parted. “What does that mean?”

“Exactly what he said.” Damon reached out and trailed a finger down her arm. She shuddered. “We prefer to share one woman.” He stopped when he reached her wrist and slipped his hand around the tender skin. “In every way.”

Daphne’s mouth fell open and Damon jerked her arm, pulling her to him in a single breath. His other hand gripped her waist and he turned to catch her as she fell into his chest.

“Get your hands off me.”

“Not until you admit you’re curious.”

“I am no such thing.” The lie came out hollow and phony.

Tony’s hands landed on the swell of her hips and Daphne gasped.
This can’t be happening.
“I don’t do this. I’m not this kind of girl.”

“Is that because you don’t want to be? Or because you’ve never had the opportunity?” Tony slid his hands higher, caressing her shoulder blades and spine, before swooping around to rake across her breasts.

BOOK: Two if by Sea
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