Read Twin Flames Online

Authors: Elizabeth Winters

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

Twin Flames (3 page)

BOOK: Twin Flames
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He shook his head, still gripping her tightly. “I sleep here. I live elsewhere.” His deep voice slid over her, and suddenly she was all too aware of her position in his arms. The heat of his chest pierced the thin T-shirt that covered her torso, making her breasts ache with need.

Her pussy exploded with heat as he slid her down his muscle-rippled body until she was standing of her own accord. She knew by the friction of his engorged cock pulsing against her belly that he wasn’t immune. A shiver raced over her skin as he gently raised her face to his. “Does it disgust you that I sleep in this hovel, plagued by demons of the damp?”

She could barely answer, she was so consumed by the feel of his roughened fingertips tracing the tender skin beneath her neck.

“I don’t care where you sleep,” she whispered.

His fingers trailed down the sensitive skin of her jaw, wrapping around her throat. Pleasure coursed through her. He was barely touching her, and yet her pussy was already slick with moisture.

“Do you care about this?” He cupped her breast with his other hand, squeezing the nipple between his finger and thumb. “Do you want this, Raven?”

“Yes,” she panted, hardly aware of what she was saying. “Please.”

His other hand slipped underneath her T-shirt and pulled it slowly up her belly. The cotton teased her heated skin.

“Please,” she whimpered.

He ripped her shirt from her body. One hand under her knees and one around her waist, he lifted her to his chest and carried her to the pile of blankets. Laying her down, he hovered above her, his mouth mere inches from her own.

“Damn you, you’ll kill me yet.” His mouth came down on hers, harsh and demanding. She opened to his tongue’s exploration, meeting it with her own. His soft lips nipped and licked her into oblivion. Fire shot through her belly to pool in her pussy. She wanted him there, wanted the ultimate completion of their arousal

Her hands yanked at his belt, but he held her off. “Patience,” he murmured into her hair. “You’ll get what you want, little one.”

She squirmed under his hands, wanting nothing more than to feel him against her. His jeans gave way and the thick length of his erect cock spilled into her hands. She reveled in the softness and the length, yearning to take him into her mouth.

She pressed her head up, her tongue tasting the salty skin of his neck. He groaned into her hair, pulling her away, but she held on. Wrapping her legs around him, she flipped him onto his back. She slid down the length of his body, licking his salty skin.

“Raven, no.” He tried again to pull her up, but she slipped the length of him into the damp softness of her mouth.

His hands fell to his sides

A smile playing across her lips. Her pace slow, she sucked up and down the length of his cock. His body trembled. She drew a breath as his hands found her bare breasts. He gently squeezed one engorged nipple then the other, leaving her swirling mindless in sensation.

She was going to orgasm. He had barely touched her and she was going to orgasm. The taste of him still in her mouth, she moved up his body until they were face to face.

“Fuck me,” she demanded, slamming her mouth down on his. She rolled onto her side, the momentum placing him back on top.

She pulled him close until the divine weight of his body was pressed against hers.

“Is this what you want?”

“Yes. Damn it.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, but he managed to evade the contact. Instead, he slipped loose the buttons that held together her jeans. He eased the material down her hips and legs, stopping just short of her ankles. She tried to sit up, to see what he was doing, but he gently pushed her back down.

Her legs trapped, she shuddered as his fingers traced the inside of her calves and traveled slowly up the curve of her thigh until they were mere inches from her pussy. She arched her hips, silently begging him to touch her. When his fingers caressed her clit, she saw fireworks. Squeezing the tender flesh, he played her like a fragile instrument, his mouth and tongue caressing what his fingers could not.

Heat built low in her belly to travel up through her breast and her brain exploded with heat. All she wanted was the feel of him inside her.

Fingers tangled in the dark mass of his hair, she pulled him up and to her. When they were face to face, she whispered, “Now.”

He pulled her jeans free and spread her legs wide. She screamed as his cock thrust into her core, shattering her senses.

The feeling was unlike anything she had experienced. She shut her eyes and let the incredible orgasm lift her from earth as he thrust in and out of her wet pussy, sending her spiraling into another world.

Chapter Three

He was gone.

Raven stared across the unfamiliar room, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. She slowly picked her way around the cavern, looking for her discarded clothing. She hated the fact that she was trembling. He was just a man, but no man had ever made her feel like this.

What the hell was wrong with her? She had just fucked a complete stranger, hell, a client.

But boy had she enjoyed it.

A treacherous voice reassured her that she’d done nothing wrong, but as much as she wanted to believe it, she couldn’t. Things like this were as much out of character for her as jumping into a fiery building.

She had to get out of here.

Something oozed beneath her fingers as she slid her hands along the damp walls of the cave. She fought the urge to scream. It might wake whatever lay in the darkness.

Painfully slow, she moved forward until she landed against something hard. The familiar feel of muscles stretching underneath smooth skin. Devlin pulled her close.

“Where did you go?”

“I had to take care of something. I planned on being back before you woke.” His hands slipped below her hips, caressing the firm curve of her ass.

She had just spent the past five minutes condemning herself, and now all she wanted to do was fuck him. What was wrong with her?

“So, was there a reason you brought me down here?” She prayed he would jump on the subject.

Instead, he slowly raised a brow, a sly grin playing on his lips. She ignored him, walking down the hall and back into the cavern. The scent of sex permeated the room, a stirring reminder what had transpired mere hours before.

“Is there somewhere we could sit?” She purposefully ignored the pile of blankets.

Devlin shrugged. “The floor is all I’ve got.”

She watched his long body slide down the rock wall and settle in the dirt. She sat cross-legged before him. His grin widening, he leaned forward, sweeping a hand up the inside of her thigh.

She playfully slapped him away. “I thought you hired me for my psychic abilities?”

He grinned. “Those are good too.” He sat back, both hands in his lap. “I believe the entrance to the chamber is down here somewhere, I’m just not sure where.”

Her eyes scanned the dirt-splattered walls of the room…searching.


Her eyes locked on Devlin and her breath caught in her throat. He was the discrepancy. His aura was gone.

You aren’t human,” she whispered into the darkness. It wasn’t a question, merely an observation.


She flinched when he tried to touch her, staring into his dark golden eyes. “What are you?”

He sighed, his hands falling away from her shoulders. “That’s impossible to explain.”

“Try me.”

He leaned forward, his big hands on his knees, and took a long breath. “What I am is not important. All that is important is getting that gate open.”

Raven brushed her dirt-covered hands on her jeans. “The gate is going to have to wait. You owe me an explanation.” She stood slowly, turning toward him as he did the same. He caught her before she took a single step, his speed and strength both exhilarating and terrifying. For a moment, she stood still, soaking in his essence.

“Why is this so important to you?” She searched his eyes, seeking answers and finding only darkness.

“I need to return to my people.” Pain flickered in his eyes, drowning her in his sorrow. “I was banished from my world because I had a vision. I saw the world as we knew it end, and a new one rise up to take its place. A world full of peace and empty of corruption.”

“And you were banished for this? I would think that your people would have been thrilled at such a prediction.”

“My people were. Their leaders were not. The war has gone on for centuries. It is what sustains us.” He pulled her towards him. “Surely, you can feel the pull between us. It is your destiny to send me home.”

He was right. She could feel the truth in his words.

“The war started before I was even born.”

His hand smoothed down a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her eyes. “It is said that a king was born to our people. He was blessed with more psychic power than his body could withhold. On the day of his birth, the Council commissioned an artisan to weld together an amulet made of amber, which would hold the essence of his power. Whoever held this amulet, held his power. As the king grew in age, he would eventually strengthen to a point that the full force of his power would not kill him. In order for this to come to pass, he was given teachers. One of his teachers was a man known as Minoan. He was a prophet known around the world. It is said that he won the king’s trust above all others.”

Devlin paused. “Minoan had several distinctive traits. He was a powerful psychic who had no match but the king. His entire line held this power, and it was reflected in their appearance. The line of Minoan are incredibly distinct. Their hair is the color of pure darkness. Their eyes, the color of untouched amethyst. Their skin radiates a golden hue that resembles sunshine and can be seen in the darkest night.”

Raven sucked in her breath. He was describing her family.

“Minoan,” he continued, “tricked the King into giving him the pendant and, once he had it in hand, he returned to his people to wage war on the king. It seems his family had always coveted the throne, to the point that they were willing to kill for it. My people fought valiantly, but were eventually forced to live and hide underground where they have remained for centuries. Minoan’s people will not stop until the very last of my people are dead.”

Hands shaking, Raven pushed herself to her feet. The urge to run from him was overwhelming.

“I believe you are of the line of Minoan. It is rumored that the few who disapproved of the war came through the portal to start over. They had the power to open the portal, so you must as well.” Devlin joined her, taking one of her hands in his own. “Will you help me return? Surely you understand the importance.”

Could he possibly be right? It made sense. She had never belonged, never fit in. And if he was right, how could she pass up the chance to learn about her heritage? A single nod would give her consent. Her heart was breaking. She wanted to reach out to him, to touch him, but how could he want her? She was the enemy of his people.

She was the enemy of his people, but now wasn’t the time to step onto that particular minefield. They had to open the gate. She shut her eyes and moved deep inside her mind. The psychic plane held no resonant imperfections. “How large an area do these caverns cover?” she asked, her mind already calculating the possibilities.

“It’s endless.”

A quick glance at his face confirmed he wasn’t joking. “How the hell am I supposed to work with that? It’s impossible.”

“I wouldn’t have hired you if it couldn’t be done. Although it’s physically endless, there are boundaries on the psychic plane that create definition.” He moved to settle on the ground. Legs spread, he patted the space between.

She cocked an eyebrow.

A slight smile slowly spread across his lips. “Trust me.” He patted the floor again.

Tentatively, she moved forward and resettled herself. When she stilled, his fingers tangled in her hair, his index fingers massaging her temples.

“We’ll combine our powers.” His breath tickled her cheek. “Think of me as a battery. I’ll recharge you when you run low.”

He was a conductor, but was he powerful enough to be adaptable? Her eyes slipped closed and she focused on the surrounding caverns. The gate would be surrounded by a bright purple and yellow aura caused from the tear in the plane.

His power flowed through her, refining her vision. The walls dropped from view, giving her a clear view of the endless space surrounding them.

Deep red boundaries confined her vision to a small space. She pushed against them to no avail. They would have to wait. She would satisfy herself with the space currently available.

Taking her time, she studied every inch of the room.


She allowed him to settle her between his legs, but as his fingers touched her temples, she shrugged him away. “I’ve searched every corner. It’s clean.”

“You’re sure?”

She nodded. Damn sure.

He rose and pulled her to her feet. “We’ll go to the next set of boundaries. The guardians are sensitive, so you must remain silent until we reach the inner sanctuary.”


He nodded, ignoring her shocked expression. She had heard of the guardians, they were the work of fairy tales. Horrible creatures that watched over the mystical gates between worlds, their sole purpose to kill anything that dare disturb the universal balance.

She trailed into the dark corridor behind him, remembering the feel of the walls as she traveled over the oozing floor. The entire cavern felt like a living thing, constantly moving and shifting.

“You do realize that the gate is useless without the key?”

He paused. “We have the key.” He tugged her forward so quickly she slipped in the ooze.

“Damn you. Look what you did.” Ooze dripped between her fingers and toes, running down her face and beneath her T-shirt. It burnt her flesh as it dribbled.

Devlin pulled at her T-shirt and it ripped from her grime-covered body.

“What the hell are you doing?” Raven tried to push him away.

“You have to get that stuff off you. Take off your clothes. There’s a reservoir up ahead.” He grabbed the waist of her jeans and they ripped off like paper.

“Move,” Devlin growled. “They’ve awakened.”

The walls thumped around them in rapid succession. The floor began to bubble in response. Damn. The ooze was heating.

With a curse, Devlin tossed her over his shoulder and ran into the darkness.

The floor rippled beneath them like a giant snake, yet he somehow managed to keep his balance. His heartbeat was so strong and quick she could feel it even pressed against his back. It beat a song of determination against her breast.

She held on to him as tight as she could as they raced down the corridor. At the next blind corner, Devlin put her back on the ground. He pressed her behind his back, his large body covering her completely.

“Stay quiet,” he whispered.

Guardians can’t see. The thought came to her suddenly, a distant memory. If they were quiet enough, the creatures might pass them by.

Shivering from the damp, she huddled against Devlin, her head pressed between his shoulder blades.

Slow footsteps crept toward them down the darkened corridor. Inch by inch they moved closer until Raven could fell the vibration of their claw-like feet. The floor shifted, shivered, and then finally came to a halt.

She held her breath, heart pounding in her throat. Devlin’s tension was palatable. The damp heat of the creature’s breath brushed her cheek. She shut her eyes and tried to ignore it.

Seconds passed in silence, then minutes.

Devlin relaxed, the tension in his muscles dissipating.

“Is it gone?” she murmured into his back.

“Yes. We must go quickly.”

She gasped as he scooped her into his arms. They pulled away from the hallway, traveling quickly down the darkened corridor. Heavy footsteps followed in their wake.

Devlin jerked into a doorway. She went over his shoulder into the air, the breath sucked from her body. Icy cold water flowed over her head.

She rose to the surface and wiped the water from her eyes. Devlin stood at the tip of the pool with one arm raised. An amulet fell from his hand. It cast a deep purple light into the darkness of the tunnel. Screams rang out through the cavern. Only when silence filled the empty space did he lower his arm.

He turned to her, his body still tense with battle. “We’re safe here. Wash the poison from your body.”

There was no need. The mere touch of the water wiped away the ooze as though it never existed. She could feel the healing properties of the pool as the dampness slid across her skin. She was so amazed by the power of the water that it took her a moment to realize Devlin was tearing off his clothes.

She watched him slide into the water, his powerful body sleek and glistening in the dim light.

A perfect specimen.

Strong arms slid around her bare waist, and all rational thought went out the window. The musky smell of bare male flesh sent her hormones into overdrive. She gripped his shoulders, her fingers sinking into the layer of muscle.

His hands gripped her bare ass, guiding her up against his hard cock. She groaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, letting the length of him sink deep inside her.

For a moment, all she felt was the fullness of him penetrating her warmth. A soft purr escaped from her throat. Damn. He felt so good.

She threw her head back as his mouth found her erect nipple. The touch of his tongue sent her spiraling into oblivion. He slammed into her, his body hot in the icy water. With each plunge, she moaned with pleasure. The pleasure coursed through her body. Warmth slowly spread through her limbs, until her body exploded with sensation. Devlin collapsed on top of her, spent, as the world swam in a circle around them.


“You’re too damn irresistible.” Devlin growled, his hands tracing the length of Raven’s body, hip to chin.

She laughed, flipping over onto her back. “I thought we were here to find the gate,” she teased. “All we’ve done is run from monsters and, well, this.” She motioned to their naked bodies with a casual wave.

Devlin pulled her into his arms. “You’re right. Let’s work.” His fingers found her temples and began the necessary massage.

She took a deep breath and tried to concentrate. It was difficult while their bodies were pressed together in such an intimate pose.

Slowly, his power flowing through her veins, she was able to slide into the psychic realm. The physical world faded away, the mystical taking its place.

A soft white light swirled around the room, draping them both in a sheer radiant blanket. The space where the pool had been glistening before them was a haze of brilliant colors, one indistinguishable from the others. A blend of auras mixed so intensely they sparkled as one.

BOOK: Twin Flames
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