Read Turned Out Saga Online

Authors: Angel M. Hunter

Turned Out Saga (4 page)

BOOK: Turned Out Saga
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She came crying to Champagne, “I thought he was perfect for me. He was saved, he went to church, and he didn't pressure me to have sex.”
I don't care how much church a man attends,
Champagne thought.
If he's not getting the sex from his woman, he's getting the sex from somewhere.
But she didn't say anything, not wanting to kick a sister when she's down.
Alexis was still saved and she still had judgmental ways but thank God, no longer went overboard with it. So when Champagne told her about her and Zyair going to Hedonism, Alexis didn't tell her she was going to hell, she just said, “Are you out of your mind?”
There was no way in the world she would take her man to a place filled with beautiful, naked women. She certainly didn't want to be around a bunch of naked men running around with their dicks hanging out. It just wasn't something she wanted to see and she couldn't understand why Champagne would either.
“Have you two lost your natural minds? I can't believe Zyair would even suggest such a thing. And for you to accept, what were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that it's time to add some spice into my relationship.”
“That's the only plan you two could come up with?”
“You're judging, Alexis,” Champagne told her in a tone that reminded her how far they'd come.
“I know, and I'm sorry. But there has to be some other way to add a spark to your relationship. Going to the freak beach? I don't know, girl. Something about it just ain't right. Plus, you ain't never walked around nobody naked, so how are you going to feel walking around strangers naked?”
“They won't know me, I won't know them. That's what's going to make it easy.”
“You might be biting off more than you can chew. What are you going to do when his dick gets hard?”
“What do you mean, what am I going to do? Hop on it. Plus, there isn't too much he can do while I'm right there.”
“Well, what are you going to do when you see some Mandingo-looking man and he turns you on?”
“What do you think I'm going to do? Stare with my tongue hanging out.”
They shared a laugh, easing the tension that was forming.
“You're sick, you know that?”
* * *
When Champagne returned to the office, she found a note on her desk from Jackson. He wanted her to put together a list of her clients and any pertinent information she wanted to share with Camille.
“To hell with that,” Champagne said and packed up for the rest of the day.
Chapter Four
“Boys” Mary Jane Girls
Zyair was sitting in his office, a huge smile plastered on his face. He recalled the way Champagne surprised him by sucking his dick the last night and did it like it was the best tasting dessert on this earth. He'd arrived home from work late that night because of a party for an up-and-coming male fashion designer that wasn't scheduled to end until after one in the morning. Zyair was tired, and the only thing on his mind was climbing into the bed.
To his surprise, Champagne had other things in mind. “Hey, sweetie,” she greeted him when he walked in. Looking sexy as hell, she was relaxed in the sitting room in a short black negligee and a glass of wine in her hands.
From an earlier conversation, he knew she'd had a rough day at work and was surprised to see her up. “Why aren't you in the bed?”
“I was waiting for you to come home.”
“That's sweet but you didn't have to do that.”
“I know I didn't have to. I wanted to.” Champagne stood up and gave him a kiss, took his hand, and pulled him toward the bedroom. “Now go and take your shower, and I'll be out here waiting with a surprise.”
Zyair questioned her with his eyes but she wasn't giving anything away.
“Wash up good too,” she told him. “Don't miss an inch.”
While in the shower, Zyair wondered what she had planned. She did say, “Don't miss an inch.” That meant a blowjob was in order, so he took extra care in cleaning his penis, under his balls, and his ass. One never knows.
Zyair stepped out of the shower and into the bedroom. He dried himself off with the towel. On the nightstand next to the bed were some items. He took a closer look at them—Honey Dust Body Powder, Motion Lotion, and some weird-looking vibrator. “What the hell is that?” he asked.
“It's called a cyberflicker.”
“And what is it supposed to flick. I know you don't plan on that going anywhere near me.”
“Come here. Just relax and let me do my thing.”
“I don't know.”
“Trust me, I'm not going to do anything I'm sure you won't like.”
Zyair sat on the bed cautiously.
Champagne straddled him and pushed him back.
“Don't you want to talk about your day?” he asked, playfully.
“No. I have something better in mind.” Champagne kissed him on his eyelids, causing him to shut them and then traced his lips with her mouth. She pushed him back on the bed, moved her legs to rest between his, and placed her hands on his penis, massaging it.
Moving down his body with her tongue, she reached over for the Motion Lotion and ran her tongue over his shaft.
Zyair had his eyes open and watched her every move. She rubbed the lotion over his penis, and with each hand movement it was heating up.
Zyair moaned. “That feels good.”
“Well, this is going to feel even better.” Champagne blew on his penis, causing a heated sensation and then draped her mouth around it and circled it with her tongue, up to the head.
“Oh, girl, what are you doing?” Zyair tried to sit up but she pushed him back down.
Instead of answering him, she proceeded to suck and lick every inch of him.
Zyair had his eyes closed and was giving his I'm-about-to-explode-at-any-moment face, when he heard this buzzing sound. “What the hell!” He opened his eyes in time to catch Champagne holding that “flicker thing” between his balls and ass. When she placed it there, his whole body tightened up.
“Come on, baby, relax. We said we wanted a change.”
When he realized that she wasn't trying to put anything in him, he relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of the vibration, which ran up and down the length of his body. When she started licking his balls, he knew it would be over any minute.
“I'm going to cum any minute now. Let me inside of you.”
Champagne wasn't hearing it. She was enjoying the moment.
“Ugh!” Zyair yelled out. “I'm about to cum.” Champagne replaced her mouth with her right hand, dropped the flicker and massaged his balls with the left, while he exploded.
Afterward Zyair looked at her with love. “That was the bomb.” He didn't even question her about the new items. He'd just had the best orgasm in quite some time. If she'd only swallowed, that would have topped it off.
Champagne went to wash her hands and get a rag to wipe Zyair down. When she returned he was sound asleep. Smiling and wishing she could pat herself on the back, Champagne was pleased with herself.
* * *
So here Zyair sat, recalling last night and thinking to himself
, I couldn't believe I let her put a damn vibrator anywhere near my ass.
Shaking his head, he tried to clear his thoughts and concentrate on the work that lay before him, but before he could even do that, there was knock at the door.
“Who is it?”
His employees knew not to bother him, especially if his door was closed. Every other Friday, he took care of the financial end of the business, paying bills, reviewing his cash flow and paying his employees, and this was one of those days. He did this religiously. It enabled him to know, on a consistent basis, what he was bringing in and what he was putting out. No one could or would ever try to cheat him out of a penny. He knew where every cent went.
His business allowed him the luxuries of his Cadillac, Jeep, and Mercedes coupe that sat in the garage of his estate. It also allowed him to purchase Champagne the three-carat engagement ring she wore on her finger. Heck, it allowed him to be rich beyond his dreams and become richer in the upcoming years. Even his parents would be pleased at the success of the restaurant. Yes, it was a little more lavish than they'd initially planned but to make money, you had to spend money. And he expanded on their dreams, bringing to fruition what they couldn't.
“It's Thomas, nig—” Thomas stopped short. He almost slipped up and said the whole word.
“Hold up.” Zyair got out of his chair and let Thomas in.
“What's up?” Thomas greeted. They gave each other a pound.
“Nothing. Just taking care of business as usual.”
“Want to go out for lunch?”
Zyair gave Thomas a long, steady look.
“What? Whacha lookin' at me like that for?”
“Today is the second Friday of the month. What do I do the second Friday of every month? My finances. You know this, and still you drop in and expect me to—”
Thomas stood up. “How about this? I have free lunch while I'm here and we go out tonight instead, go a strip club, see some naked ass, have a couple of drinks. I'ma call up Trevor and Wise and see if they want to join us.”
Zyair really wasn't feeling it but he knew he'd been neglecting his boys for the last month. He glanced at the calendar and recalled that it was Thomas's birthday. Not letting on that he forgot, he said, “Cool. Anything for the birthday boy.”
“Aww, nigga, I thought you forgot.”
“You're my boy. I wouldn't forget your day.”
“Yeah, okay. I saw you take a peek at the calendar.”
* * *
Thomas and Zyair met during their first year of college. They attended Rutgers University in New Jersey together, and hung out with the same crowd. One evening when they were standing in the hall, Thomas overheard Zyair talking about his sloppy-ass roommate that was pledging a fraternity. “I'm about to go upside his head.”
Thomas was going through the same thing with his roommate and was in the process of finding an apartment off campus. He'd need a roommate if he wanted extra cash to spend on the ladies. He decided to approach Zyair. “Yo, man, I'm about to get an apartment off campus, if we split the cost, we can get a two bedroom and it'll save me a few dollars.”
“Yeah, but what will it save me?” Zyair asked.
“I don't know what it'll save you, but you just might get peace of mind.”
Zyair looked at him and tried to sum him up. He recalled seeing Thomas around campus talking to the finest ladies. He also knew that Thomas wasn't a slouch in the academics department. Although he dressed like a thug and talked liked he was from the streets, he ran track and stayed on the dean's list. He'd appreciate a change because his roommate was a slouch, loud, and irritating. Peace of mind was definitely something he could use.
“Yo, man, thanks. It sounds like a plan but I need to see the place first.” Zyair wasn't stupid. He knew that college students could only afford so much. He knew what he could afford, and he wasn't too sure if he wanted to give up safety for comfort.
The apartment turned out to be in a decent area of New Brunswick, close to downtown and near public transportation, so he moved in.
Thomas and Zyair got off to a smooth start. Both of them were neat freaks. Nothing was ever out of place. When they had women over; they were always impressed, especially when they learned they kept the place up themselves. They also never had any major disagreements, especially when it came to women. Zyair liked them attractive and smart, while Thomas liked them ugly and dumb. His theory was ugly women treat you better because they want to hold on to you and would do just about anything to make that happen. Zyair didn't have a theory. He just wanted someone he could carry a conversation and be seen in public with. It wasn't long before they became the best of friends.
They'd stay up late at night and talk about any and everything under the sun. They had each other's back. Where one might slack off in studies, the other picked up. They complemented one another, balanced each other out.
They became like brothers. Zyair's parents would send Thomas necessities when they sent Zyair's, who never felt cheated because he knew Thomas grew up in a foster home without family.
Thomas and Zyair still had each other's back. They'd drink together and even go so far as to have sex in the same room. Well, that was before Champagne came along.
Occasionally Zyair would recall with disdain an incident that took place their senior year. They'd had a party to celebrate their upcoming graduation. Drinks were flowing, and weed was being passed back and forth like water. Everyone was having the time of their lives.
As the clock ticked and hours passed, the crowd started to disburse, until there was about ten people left. And what was a party with people dancing, laughing, and having a good time became an orgy.
How it happened is still beyond Zyair's knowledge. All he knew was that one minute he was kissing this girl on the couch, and two minutes later he looked up to find a group of five having sex near the fireplace, and two other couples off to the side doing their thing. Dicks were being sucked, people were fucking doggy style.
There was no pussy eating. Back then, that was something the brothers denied doing, so to actually be seen doing it was out of the question.
Full of liquor and weed, Zyair decided to see just how far he could go with his female friend. It ended up being all the way.
Later that night, after everyone left, Zyair lay semiconscious out on his bed. He could barely move. His head was pounding. That night was his first night experimenting with weed, and he recalled hearing someone say it was laced with something.
Feeling a little out of it, he found himself falling asleep. He woke up with someone's lips wrapped around his penis. Not even bothering to open his eyes, he figured it was the girl he'd been with earlier. He decided to go with the flow and take the pleasure ride. He started moving his hips and grinding into the person's mouth and went to reach for their head when he heard his door open.
“What the fuck?” Thomas yelled out.
Zyair opened his eyes and looked down to find Ty'ron, a classmate and fellow partygoer with his dick in his mouth. Shocked, embarrassed, and confused because it was feeling so good, Zyair's initial reaction was to jump up and push Ty'ron's head away. He then kicked him in the chest, causing him to fall back. Zyair was about to beat his ass to pulp but Ty'ron got up to run out the room.
“Close the door!” Zyair called out.
Thomas did as he was told.
Zyair looked at Thomas and tried to convince him. “Yo, man, I'm not gay. I was in here passed out. I wake up and this motherfucka has my dick in his mouth.” Zyair took a step toward Ty'ron.
Ty'ron covered his face, like the punk he was, and immediately started apologizing.
Zyair was up on him when Thomas said, “Wait! Wait!” and stood between them.
“Move out of my way, man, or you're going to get hurt too.”
“Nah, man. I've got a better idea. Let's humiliate him instead. That's what we used to do in foster care.”
“Fuck humiliation! He needs his ass kicked!”
Thomas started to unzip his pants and turned toward a frightened Ty'ron. “You want to suck some dick? Here's a dick for you.”
Zyair was shocked. “Yo, man, what the fuck are you doing?”
“Let him finish his job on the both of us.”
Zyair looked at Thomas like he'd lost his mind. “I ain't gay, man.”
“And neither am I. He started it, let him finish.”
Zyair, not being sure what to do and caught between confusion and anger, decided to just follow Thomas' lead, and together they forced Ty'ron to do them both. They knew he wouldn't say anything for fear of what it would do to his reputation.
This incident stayed their secret. They never told a soul about it and discussed it only once, and that was the following day.
“Yo, man, what made you come into my room?” Zyair asked.
“Well, when you were doing Sarah, I saw Ty'ron watching, and it looked like he was watching you harder than her. When you went to your room, he said he was going to the bathroom. Something just didn't feel right. He was taking a long-ass time to come back, so I thought I'd check on you. Shit, you better be glad I did because ain't no telling how far he would have tried to go.”
BOOK: Turned Out Saga
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