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Authors: Cristiane Serruya

Tags: #General Fiction

Trust (9 page)

BOOK: Trust
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She gave a nervous laugh and concentrated on her coffee. “It’s your imagination, Ethan. I’m just a private person.”

His hand cupped her face to lift it up. “I’m falling for you, Sophia,” he murmured, his azure eyes flashing.

His words startled her. “Don’t you think it’s too soon to say something like that?”

“You don’t believe in love at first sight?”

“Never happened to me.” She lifted a shoulder and finished her coffee. “Can you call me a taxi? It’s not necessary for you to take me home.”

“Baby, it’ll be my pleasure.” He motioned to the clothes strewn all over the sitting room. “What are you going to take with you?”

“Nothing. Leave the clothes here so when I need something I’ll have them. I’m just taking the lingerie to wash.”

He packed the Valentino dress and the Philip Treacy shoes; wrapped up the lingerie in a tissue and put them into a bag with some of the pantyhose. “Take these. Next time we go out I want to see you in the Valentino dress.”

“Where can I put these things?” she asked, standing up.

“Don’t worry. My housekeeper will arrange them in my dressing room,” he said and picked up the Hèrmes bag. “Here. Put your evening bag inside this.”

She shook her head at herself, baffled and feeling overwhelmed by all those gifts.

He handed her the sunglasses, gloves and the fur coat, arranging it on her shoulders. “Perfect,” he announced and kissed her. “Let’s go.”

Leibowitz Oil Building.

Monday, January 18
, 2010.

9 a.m.

Edward knocked on Sophia’s office door.

The click on the lock informed him Sophia had opened the door and he pushed it, entering the elegant room, she smiled, “Good morning.”

He closed the door behind him and stopped mid-stride, analyzing her fresh face and impossible huge smile. “You got laid,” he stated, pursing his lips.

Sophia blushed. “God, Edward! And they say the British are restrained and reserved.”

“Love, I’m just stating a fact. Nothing more,” he shrugged and sat in front of her. “You look absolutely radiant. Soooo, Mr. Gorgeous was a good partner in bed?”

“Stop this, Edward. You’re using your CEO powers over me to gossip about my sex life.” She flung her pen at him.

He caught in the air, laughing. “Sophia, Sophia. It’s you. You have the power.” He tossed her pen back to her. “You just don’t know how to use it.”

Sophia just shook her head at him. “We have a lot to discuss today.” She cocked her head to one side. “I just got the contract for the new engines,” she frowned. “I’d like you to analyze it with me.” She pulled out a brown envelope and tapped her pen on it. “Have you seen the project the students from the University of Strathclyde are developing?” As he nodded, she continued, “It’s absolutely fantastic. I’m sending a note to Williams from Tech to get a good look at it and report back to me. I think we should invest in them. Maybe we could enroll them in an internship or something. Think about it.” Sophia bit her lip and looked at her notes, underlining one of them. “I’m worried about the loan agreement. I studied the draft Mr. Wales sent. I didn’t like some of the clauses.” She stared at him. “And more, I don’t feel comfortable around him, Edward. There’s something that nags me. I want a meeting with the CEO.”

“Oh, please, Sophia, don’t start.” He thinned his lips. “Just because Wales drools over you?” She shook her head. “Instincts again?” She nodded. “It took me almost three months to get this loan as it is,” he sighed. “The rates are good. The City of London Bank is a well-known institution. What is the problem?”

“I think we can get a lower rate. And have you read the most recent draft?”

He shook his head. “Not yet.”

“I don’t agree with their penalty clauses and they’re asking for too many guaranties. I’m sorry but I’m vetoing it as it is, Edward,” she said, firmly.

“Heavens, Sophia!” He threw his hands in his blond hair, exasperated. “What are you vetoing?”

“Have you negotiated a hundred-and-fifty percent as guaranty?”

“No, of course not,” he balked, surprised.

“I think you should read the draft he has sent and ask for another meeting, urgently. I really don’t want to lose the bidding season for the subsalt oil in Brazil. It’s a potential gold mine of oil and gas reserves, you know. Gabriel was so excited by the discovery of the Tupi field. It is the perfect opportunity for Leibowitz Oil Brazil to forge a more extensive association with the government.”

“What do you propose?”

“We can renegotiate it. I have underlined the clauses for review. Or…” she chewed on her lips, “We could always do an IPO.”

He widened his blue eyes. “You’re going to put LO on the stock market? What would Gabriel think of this?”

“Gabriel was open-minded, Edward. It’s an easy way to raise funds. You can choose; do we have time to renegotiate the contract? If so, go for it. Otherwise, I will grant the loan to LO myself while we prepare the IPO.”

“We’re running out of time. And we definitely have no time to prepare an IPO, Sophia. Besides, I’m not allowing you to make a personal loan. We have dis-” The intercom buzz interrupted him.

“Yes, Sarah?” Sophia said in a displeased voice.

“Mrs. L, I’m sorry to disturb you, but it’s Mr. Ashford.”

Sophia rolled her eyes heavenward. “I’m busy, Sarah. Tell him that I’ll call back as soon as possible.”

“Uh, Mrs. L, he’s not on the line.”

“No?” Sophia forehead creased.

“No. He left a message saying he’ll pick you up at one o’clock to take you to lunch. His secretary is on the line; she wants to know where she should make the reservations.”

His secretary! The gall
. “In hell,” she muttered.

“I beg your pardon, Mrs. L?” Sarah’s voice sounded shocked from the other side. Edward barked a laugh.

“Sarah, tell Mr. Ashford’s secretary Mrs. Leibo- Mrs. Santo. Heavens, Sophia! You have to decide what name you want to use. This is quite confusing.”

Sophia smiled at him. “Mrs. Santo for those who don’t know who I am. Easy.”

“Right. So, Sarah, tell Mr. Ashford’s secretary Mrs. Santo wants to go to China Tang at The Dorchester,” Edward finished, shaking his head at her.

“Hold on, please, Sarah.” She touched the mute button, “No way, Mr. Davidoff.” She bit her lip.
If he wants me to have lunch with him,
should call me. Yes, that’s it
. “Sarah, tell Mr. Ashford’s secretary that I don’t have an answer for her. And, please, only call me again if Mr. Ashford
is on the line. I won’t answer if anyone else calls. Only his or Gabriela’s. Have I made myself clear?”

“Ye-yes, Mrs. L, I’m sorry,” Sarah stammered.

“Poor, poor Sarah,” Edward tsked. “So moody, Sophia. Why didn’t you answer his secretary?”

should call, not his secretary.”

“You haven’t fallen for him,” he shook his head, pity in his eyes.

Sophia thinned her lips. “I like him, Edward. That’s all. Now, if you ple-” The intercom buzzed again. “Oh, damn! Yes, Sarah?”

“Mr. Ashford on line two, Mrs. L. Are you answering the call?” Sarah’s voice sounded apologetic.

“Yes,” she sighed. “Please transfer him.”

“Sophia, darling, good morning.” Ethan’s baritone voice filled the room. “Why didn’t you answer my secretary?”

“Ethan, I don’t go out with secretaries.” Edward smiled at Sophia’s petulant answer. “
want to go out with me,
call me.”

“I see.” He inhaled. “I’m sorry. So, baby, where do you want to have lunch?” Ethan asked.

“Anywhere would be good. I don’t have much time today. Unless you want to make it after two o’clock.”

“Anytime, Sophia. I would like to take you somewhere else after.”

“Where? What for?”

“Surprise, baby. So, where do you want to have lunch?”

“China Tang at The Dorchester,” Sophia raised her brows at Edward, smiling. “Sound good?”

“Splendid. Shall I pick you up at a quarter to two?”

“I said two o’clock, Ethan. I can’t make it earlier today. Will that be okay?”

“Yes, Ms. Santo, ma’am, fine,” he mocked. “Don’t forget to leave some spare time for me after, all right? The whole afternoon, if you can. See you at two.”

Edward smiled at her when Ethan hung up. “He’s eating out of the palm of your hand, Sophia. Completely smitten.”

Sophia made a face at him. “Now, where were we?”

Outside The Dorchester Hotel.

4.03 p.m.

“You got me drunk, Mr. Ashford.” Sophia giggled. “I’m not fit to go back to work like this.”

“Good. I missed you during the weekend. I want to make up for it today.”

His driver opened the door to his Rolls-Royce Phantom Black-tie Edition.

“Wilkins, we’re going to one hundred sixty-five Sloane Street.” Ethan accommodated his long body on the seat and closed the partition between them and the driver. “Promise me you won’t get mad?” He turned sideways and framed her face, his azure eyes sparkling.

“Mad? Why would I get mad?” She looked at him, befuddled.

“Promise me,” he insisted and she nodded, smiling.

“Hmm. Whatever.” She flicked her hand, “I promise.” And giggled. “You really got me tipsy. Why are we going to Sloane Street? I don’t need more clothes.”

“No more clothes,” he agreed. “For now.”

“Aren’t you mysterious, Mr. Ashford?”

“I want another promise from you, Sophia. You’re going to spend the night with me.”

Sophia sobered on the spot. “Tonight?”
Oh, damn. Gabriela! I must tell him sometime. How long can I keep it from him?
She bit her lip.

“Please, baby?” he huskily asked and his thumb caressed her mouth with a light touch. “You have to stop doing this.” His mouth descended to conquer her lips in a sensuous kiss. He twisted her long braid on his wrist, keeping her pinned to him. “Promise me, Sophia.”

“Ethan… I can’t. Tomorrow, I promise.”

“So be it,” he sighed. “But spend this afternoon with me. Wilkins can take you home after dinner,” he offered.

“Before dinner. Seven o’clock.” She kissed him lightly. “It’s the best I can do.”

“Are you going out this evening?” His demeanor darkened.

“No. I have a contract to review.”
Yeah, she’s a blonde, blue-eyed three-year-old contract

The car parked in front of a brick building. Ethan leaped out and held his hand for Sophia.

“Remember your promise,” he insisted as Sophia stepped on the pavement and looked around warily. “Shall I blindfold you?”

“Blindfold me? What for? I promised I wouldn’t get mad and you said we weren’t going shopping.”

“I said we weren’t buying more clothes,” he corrected and guided her by the hand in the direction of a jewelry shop.

Sophia planted her heels on the ground.

“You won’t make a scene in the middle of Sloane Street, will you?” He stared back at her. “You promised.”

“Ethan… Please. There is no need for this.” His generosity and domineering behavior distressed her. At Christmas, he had already given her a whole set of jewels. “I don’t feel comfortable with so many gifts.”

“Indulge me, please, baby,” he asked her sweetly.

How can I say no?
She let him tow her into the shop.

The instant they entered it, a beautiful woman came to greet them with a big smile on her face.

“I’m Ethan Ashford,” he smiled and the woman melted at his charm. “We have an appointment with Mr. Arkade.”

“Of course. He’s expecting you, Mr. Ashford.” The woman eyed Sophia speculatively, taking notice of her purple three quarter sleeve wool dress from Carolina Herrera with a deep V-neckline and classic multicolored patchwork bag, black lambskin high heel booties, and long black lambskin gloves from Chanel. She opened a door at the end of the shop and motioned them to follow. “May I take your coats?” Sophia handed her dark gray overcoat trimmed with purple and lilac fox fur and Ethan gave her his black one. “Please, be seated. Mr. Arkade will be here in a moment. Would you like something to drink?”

I don’t need jewels, Ethan. I have so many that Gabr-
Understanding dawned on her when she remembered his words on the restaurant.
This is jealousy and it’s absolutely ridiculous, Ethan. It’s abuse. You’re trying to dictate what I can wear while I am with you
. “Still water, please.” Sophia took off her gloves.

“The same for me.” Ethan smiled at the woman who grinned at him, bewitched by his charm.

“Is it always like this?” asked Sophia, amused.

“Like what?” he frowned.

“Women falling at your feet?” She giggled. “Oh, my. I can’t believe I just said that out loud.” She put a hand on her mouth. “Mr. Ashford, you’re a danger to my sanity.”

He grinned at her. “The only woman I’m interested in is here in this room.” His blue eyes flamed. “Let me see your watch.”

She extended her arm for him to look at her Franck Muller Aeternitas Mega Four with rubies.

“Take it off, please,” he asked.

She shook her head.

“Why not?” He frowned. “Is it a fake?”

“Of course not.” She replied with indignation. “It’s a work of art.”

“Yes, it is. It is one of the most complex wristwatches in the world, looked at in three hundred and sixty degrees.” He eyed her sideways, “Please?”

Sophia relented.

As he turned the watch, he noticed an engraving on the leather bracelet.

‘Para G., o amor da minha vida.

Eternamente sua, S. 27/09/2002.’

“What is written here?” he asked.

Oh, damn. Mr. Jealousy is about to enter the room
. “For G., the love of my life. Forever yours, S.”

He stiffened. “Who is G?”

She sighed. “My late husband.”

His hand closed around the watch, his knuckles white. “You got married when you were eighteen years old?” he thundered.

“Ethan… Please.” She opened her hand to receive the watch back.

“You didn’t answer my question.” His anger was boiling.

“I married when I was seventeen. On September the twenty-seventh, two thousand one.”

“You were a child. How old was he?” His azure eyes were bright.

“Give me back my watch.” She thinned her lips.

BOOK: Trust
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