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Authors: Melissa Pearl

True Colors (24 page)

BOOK: True Colors
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“It didn’t work?”

“Sort of. I mean I could tell he wanted to get away and then he gave me that look. The dark one that scares the living crap out of me. I backed away. I couldn’t...I’m sorry, Caitlyn.”

“No, it’s fine.” I rubbed her arm. “You did great.”

“I don’t think I did.”


“Well, I followed Liam to see where he was going and...well, he got to Indie’s class and she wasn’t there, so he ran to Art History to check on her. He actually went into the class.”

“Shit,” I whispered. “Did you see him come out again?”

“No, I had to get to my own class. I nearly got a detention for being late, but Ms. Caldwell was in a good mood today.” She blinked at tears and I squeezed her arm.

“Do you think he figured it out?”

“How? Unless Indie let something slip.”

“I don’t think she would have. She’s not stupid.”

“So what do we do?” Libby bit the corner of her mouth, her dark eyebrows dipping.

“I don’t...I don’t know.” I looked around us, wondering if we should walk to the parking lot and scan it for Micah’s car. Maybe we were overreacting. Maybe Liam had pulled Indie away before I got there. Maybe...

“We have to find out.” Libby cleared her throat, striving for a courage we were both far from feeling. “We have to go to Indie’s place and make sure everything’s okay.”

I swallowed. Libby was right. But the scary thing was I knew, like in my gut knew, that if we did find Indie at her place, it wasn’t going to be pretty. Libby turned for the parking lot, clutching her bag strap as she tore across the grass on her short legs. I hesitated. Eric would be so pissed if I did this. I’d promised him I’d be safe.

“You coming?” Libby called, her face anxious.

Damn it! I had to go. It was my freaking idea! I had to make sure Indie was okay. Whipping out my phone, I found Eric’s number and pressed it before I lost my nerve. I rustled for my keys as I caught up with Libby, the phone pressed to my ear.

It went to voicemail. A huge part of me was relieved. “Hey, um...” I licked my lip. “I just wanted to let you know that I’m heading to Indie’s house.” Libby gave me a confused frown when I reached her, which I ignored. “She was going there with Micah to get some evidence and she’s not back. Libby and I are worried about her so we’re going to check it out. I just wanted to let you know what I was doing. I promise I’ll be safe, okay?” I sounded so nervous. He was going to see right through my message. “Okay, see ya.” I hung up with a grimace, suddenly wishing I hadn’t felt compelled to call him. I was worried about his anger and now I’d probably just worried him unnecessarily.

“Who’d you leave a message with?” Libby walked to the passenger side of my Mini, looking suspicious.

I unlocked the car and got in with a sigh. “My boyfriend.” I didn’t want to look at her while I started the car; I hadn’t told anyone about Eric and I kind of wanted to keep it that way. Besides I wasn't even sure if he was my boyfriend. Just because Nicole said it didn't make it true. We hadn't had that conversation yet.

“I don’t suppose you have a phone charger that can plug into a car do you?”

She shook her head at my frowning face. I glanced at the 5% warning before shoving the phone in my back pocket. I decided to keep it on anyway, in case Eric called back. I was annoyed that I hadn’t remembered to charge it last night. Why hadn’t I?

My cheeks flared as I reversed out of my spot, suddenly remembering why. With Eric in my bed, my brain cells were acting like Play-doh.

“You have a boyfriend? Who?” Libby buckled up as I accelerated out of the parking lot.

“It’s...he’s a college guy... my next-door neighbor.”

I shrugged, trying to not make a big deal of it. I shouldn't have called him my boyfriend. Libby’s lips quirked with a grin and she shook her head. “Are you talking about the hot surfer guy that Stella has wanted to get her talons into for like ever?”

Gripping the wheel, I kept my eyes on the road as I pursed my lips.

Libby giggled. “Well, you deserve him more than she does.” She shrugged. “I didn’t think he was that friendly though.”

I grinned. “He is when you get to know him.” I couldn’t help wiggling my eyebrows and we both burst into near hysterical laugher. It was bizarrely inappropriate considering where we were headed but also a welcome relief.

Our laughter died a short time later, replaced with an ominous silence.

Libby finally broke it when she cleared her throat. “I made an appointment with Mr. Van der Belt.” She adjusted the watch on her wrist. “I’m due in his office at four this afternoon.”

“Good.” I nodded. “Do you want me to come?”

“Um...I don’t....maybe?”

I threw a glance at her. “I’ll be there if you need me, Libby. Just say the word.”

“Thanks, Caitlyn.” Her closed mouth smile was sweet. “I’m sorry for suddenly going cold on you. Liam was pretty clear about me not being your friend.”

“I get it.” I forced a smile, hoping she realized that I did. We had bigger things to worry about, and I think it hit Libby the second we turned into Indie’s street. Her gulp was audible.

The houses along Malibu Road were huge, all situated behind looming gates. We drove past Indie’s house. The gates were open and when Libby craned her neck, she thought she spotted Micah’s car.

“Did you see Liam’s?”


I turned at the end of the street and kept cruising past Indie’s house.

“What are you doing? Aren’t we going to check on them?”

“Yeah.” I bit my bottom lip. “But I think we should park down the street...just in case Liam does arrive or something. Look, I don’t know, I just think it’d be better if my car wasn’t on the road as a warning sign or something. I think most people know my Mini.”

“You’re right. Good idea.” Libby’s head bobbed.

I drove one block down the road and parked at the beach. It was a really quiet beach that hardly anyone came to. I looked out across the rippling water and smooth sand. They were in complete contrast to my roaring emotions. I wanted them to make me calmer and fill me with a sense of peace, something nature normally did, but this time I was turning away from it. Walking from a serene sanctuary into a potential hell pit. Okay, slightly dramatic, I suppose, but I had no idea what would be waiting for us at the Swanson house and no part of my brain could convince me it’d be good.


It took us five minutes to walk back up the hill to Indie’s place. We didn’t talk the entire way, but I read Libby a couple of times. She was petrified, her skin so pale it was almost blue. She clenched and unclenched her fingers as she puffed her way up the driveway and then I thought she’d actually stopped breathing for a second when we reached Micah’s car. We ducked behind it, peeking into the windows. It was unlocked, but the keys weren’t in the ignition. It looked as though they’d parked with the intention of only being a minute. That had been the intention, so why the hell was his car still here?

Libby nudged me and pointed to the front door then raised her hand in question.

I pinched my nose as I thought, unsure what to do. Libby’s idea of walking through the front door seemed ridiculous. I couldn’t shake the foreboding in my stomach.

“Let’s try around the back first,” I whispered.

Libby nodded and we scurried around the side of the three-car garage, looking for an entrance. We found a gate and lucky for us, it was unlocked. We snuck through and padded our way down the path until we reached the pool house. Peeking our heads out, we quickly scanned the pool area and then peered through the glass doors leading into the main living rooms.

We ducked back into hiding and leaned our heads against the wall.

“This is ridiculous. Who do we think we are, spies or something?”

Libby tittered with nervous giggles. I couldn’t help a small grin.

“We need to get into the house.”

“I know there’s a laundry room around the corner.” Libby pointed. “Carter took me past it last time we were here. It’s a back way to the upstairs bedrooms.”

“I guess that’s a good place to start.”

I followed Libby’s lead and soon found myself outside the laundry door. To our surprise it was also unlocked. Had these people not heard of security before?

We crept in and closed the door softly, just as my cell phone started singing “Kiss You.” I scrambled for it, turning it off before I could even check who was calling me. I turned to Libby with an apologetic wince as we listened for noises in the house. After a minute of silence, we found the courage to sneak out of the laundry and work our way upstairs. I don’t know what compelled us to start with the upstairs—most likely it was the fact that the stairs were right there—but I’m glad we did. Because behind the first door we found Micah...bound and bleeding.

Chapter 27

“Micah,” Libby choked out the word as she tripped into the room. His head shot up, his eyes wide and vehement. Blood had dripped from the laceration on his forehead, marking his face with dark, red smears. It had now dried and caked into his short black hair. If his limbs hadn’t been secured to the arms and legs of an office chair with coarse rope, he could have been mistaken for a madman killer.

Libby went to work on freeing his feet, while I gently pulled his gag free. “Micah, what happened?” I whispered.

With a grimace he licked his lips, his mouth sore from the gag. “Have you got Indie?”

“No, where is she?” I wrestled with the ropes around his wrists, finally pulling one free. He shook the rope off and tenderly checked out his wounded head. He looked slightly groggy and slow. Surely that blow to the head must have knocked him out. I wondered how bad his concussion was.

“We need to get to her.” His dark eyes flamed. I focused on undoing the tight knot binding his other wrist.

“Tell us what happened.” Libby pulled the ropes free of his feet and sat back.

“We were in the office, about to download the files.” Micah pointed at the big mahogany desk on the other side of the room. A laptop was open, the screen dancing with rainbow swirls, indicating the computer had been open a while. “Where’s the memory stick?”

Micah winced. “Indie must have it. She was just finding the files when I blacked out.” Micah touched the back of his head. I peered over his shoulder to see a second wound. “I didn’t even hear Liam come into the room. When I came to, I was tied to this chair. Indie was screaming at him to let me go. Liam was rabid. Going ballistic. Screaming at Indie that she was a cheating whore. He grabbed her by the hair and threw her towards the door.” Micah’s face bunched as he struggled with the words. “I tried to wrestle free and get to her, but then Liam smacked me over the head again.” He closed his eyes, looking sick as he fingered the cut on his forehead. “Do you think she’s okay?”

“We’ll find her, Micah. It’ll be okay.” I finally tugged the knot free and Micah wriggled out of his bindings, rubbing his chafed wrists. He lurched tall and made an attempt for the door. Two steps in, his legs turned to Jell-O and he had to catch himself against the wall.

Libby and I rushed to his side, propping his arms over our shoulders.

“Damn it,” he mumbled. “My head’s spinning, man.”

“What did he hit you with?”

“I didn’t see. Something hard and metal.”

I swallowed, praying it wasn’t the butt of a gun...or a tire iron. The Burbank newspaper article flashed through my brain.

“Whatever he hit you with was nasty, Micah. You’ve probably got a concussion,” Libby said and then looked at me. “We need to get him to the hospital.”

“Not without Indie.”

“But Micah—”

“We’re not leaving without her.” His languid voice was still firm.

“He’s right.” I shot a look at Libby. “We can’t leave Indie behind.”

Libby knew I was right, but she was scared...and she had every right to be. Big, strong Micah was a mess and we’d practically have to carry him out of here.

I steadied him against me as we made our way out the door and down the hallway.

“Where do you think she’d be?” I whispered.

Micah methodically took in his surroundings, obviously scrambling for recall. He winced, annoyed with himself that things were blank. “We came up the stairs and went straight to the office,” he muttered as he looked down the hallway. “Let’s try down here first.” He pointed ahead and we struggled our way forward.

“Should we just try every room?” I glanced at Libby.

“I guess so.” She made a face, looking as uncertain as I felt.

Leaning away from Micah, I checked the first door I came up to, my nerves rattling against each other as I eased the door open. The room looked tidy and untouched. I quickly shut the door and moved onto the next. It was slow progress with having to drag Micah along with us. I was tempted to suggest he wait for us in the hall, but I knew that would never fly.

We reached the grand central staircase and I toyed with the idea of voicing my suggestion. Micah would wait at the top of the stairs. As soon as we had Indie, we’d collect him and make a beeline for the door. Better yet, he could work his way down the stairs while he was waiting for us. I opened my mouth to speak, but then heard a muffled scream. We all did. Our bodies pinged tight and still as we listened.

BOOK: True Colors
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