Read Tripp in Love Online

Authors: Tressie Lockwood

Tripp in Love (2 page)

BOOK: Tripp in Love
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Of course he had used his influence to get her off that afternoon. Every one of the guys, including the chief had let things slide for a woman. Not so far as to put anyone in danger, but he would kick himself later if he ever locked her up rather than ask her out. So here he was, at her brother’s funeral, waiting for her. He couldn’t get more distasteful than that, but he wasn’t ashamed.

Tonight, she had changed into a black dress with black heels. Her legs were covered with sheer stockings. The dress was so form-fitting, he got a good idea of what her smooth brown skin would look like without it. And her breasts, so heavy and round a man could forget his problems with his face cushioned on them.

A half-dozen people showed up at the funeral. He guessed most were there to see for themselves that the town pain in the ass was truly gone. Tripp wasn’t surprised Lorn’s dad hadn’t shown up, if he was as bad as Toya had hinted. Lorna Cane, Lorn’s mom, sat on the same bench as Toya, the only one with tears running down her cheeks. Toya’s eyes were dry. He wondered if the two women had ever met.

At some point, she must have felt his eyes on her because she turned to look back at him. Her expressive eyebrows rose, and her mouth formed an
. He wanted to taste that mouth, and if he had his chance, he would.

When the service was over, she walked back toward him. Did she realize how her hips swayed with each step, tantalizing him? Yeah, she did. This woman was well aware of her beauty, and she used it to her advantage. Every one of the guys down at the station had been putty in her hands. Even the chief, who had arranged for the impound fee to be waved on her car and had a temporary license faxed down for her use in traveling here and on the road back home.

“Officer Tripp, what are you doing here?” she asked. His cock stirred for no reason other than the sultry tone of her voice.

“It’s just Tripp.” He held out his hand, and she put hers into his palm. Damn, she made him feel like a giant. That wasn’t a bad thing. “I wanted to take you to dinner.”

She grinned up at him. If she didn’t stop, he might forget the food and
her right here. The tilt to her head told him she knew just what was on his mind. “Just dinner?”

“We can discuss that at my favorite restaurant. I think they have something you’ll enjoy.”

He followed her to the hotel where she’d booked a room and arranged to pay for with a withdrawal from her bank branch in town, and they dropped off her car and rode in his personal SUV. The company vehicle he’d left at home since he figured she might not like to be so conspicuous riding in it. Seeing her frightened earlier had gotten to him, and awakened a protectiveness he didn’t want to repeat tonight.

“So what are you drinking?” he asked.


His turn to be surprised. “I would have taken you to be a white wine kind of woman, or maybe something fruity.”

She burst out laughing. “Seriously? Yeah, no thanks. A light beer. How about that?”

He grinned. “Okay, watching your figure.” Purposely, he let his gaze travel to her breasts and the amazing cleavage she displayed. Something told him she wouldn’t be offended, and she wasn’t.

She rested a hand at the side of her dress’s V-neckline. “I think you’re watching it enough for the both of us.” Her words held breathy wonder rather than satisfaction or annoyance.

Tripp waited until the waitress had taken their drink order and left to fill it before he spoke again. “How can I not? You’re beautiful. But you know that. Tell me more about you.”

“Oh no you don’t, copper.” She waggled a finger at him. “You know more than I wanted you to know about me. Hell, you even have my home address and probably my phone number. I only have your name. You do the talking.”

Her hands folded and chin rested on them to present an intriguing picture. A woman so interested hadn’t happened for a while. “What would you like to know?”

“That’s for you to decide.”

They paused once again to receive their beers and then gave their food orders. At her insistence, he shared a little about himself. “Let’s see. How about family, since you told me about yours. Last year my parents decided to travel the United States in an RV. Sold their home and, well, I haven’t seen them in about six months. We talk regularly on the phone though.”

“Hm, siblings?”

“I have one brother who owns a hardware store not far from here.” With each admission, he felt more and more like a bore. A big-city woman like her would never be impressed with a small-town cop like him. Hell, even the crime down this way must be nothing compared to New York. Yet, her gaze never wavered from his face, which he found very attractive in her.

“Ever been married?”

He choked on a gulp of his beer and put a hand up to cough it out. “Once. I got off duty early one day and found her in bed with another man.”

Toya’s eyes rounded. “Is she insane?”

He grinned. “I’ll take that as a compliment. Yes, well, needless to say, we are no longer together. She got pregnant by the guy.”

“Let me guess, single mother?” Her lips curled in her annoyance at his ex.

He nodded. “Either way, I decided then and there that getting serious with anyone wasn’t what I was looking for.” He didn’t know why he’d thrown that into the conversation. Maybe it was to let her know if they did get physical, that’s as far as it would ever go. He would never remarry. For that matter, he would never classify any woman as a girlfriend. Sure, he admired his parents and how they had managed to stay together so many years, but that was all it was—an example.

Her lips curled on one side, and the amusement in her eyes was clear. “Consider me informed.”

He liked her sense of humor and the way she smiled. She was a breath of fresh air, oddly enough, which surprised him. When their food arrived, they ate for a few companionable minutes and then continued a casual conversation. Tripp waited for the right moment to bring up what he already knew they both wanted.

“So you’re here for…”

“I intended to go back home right after the service, at the latest tomorrow morning.” She stuck the tip of her tongue out and ran it over her fork. His cock strained in his pants. Focusing on anything else but her movements was impossible. If seducing an officer was against the law, the woman would be in cuffs right now. Hm, her cuffed and at his mercy might be exciting. Or did she go for such sexual games? All of a sudden, he had to know.

“Stay until Sunday—
,” he blurted.

She widened her eyes in an expression that was obviously deliberate. “Is that an order?”

“An offer,” he amended in a softer tone. He reached across the table and took her hand. Their fingers intertwined, and he rubbed a thumb over her palm. The sharp intake of breath let him know she wasn’t unaffected by him. Good because he was ready to forget the rest of his meal to have her. “No strings, no expectations other than to please each other physically.”

Her gaze roved him, and he was glad he kept himself in shape with running and lifting weights several times a week. He had nothing to be ashamed of in the equipment category, either.

“Why not. I’m up for a little fun.”

The check was paid in minutes and they were out the door.

“We can go to my place if you’ll feel more comfortable there,” he offered while slamming the truck door and revving up the engine.

“Is it closer than my hotel room?”


She laid a slender, brown hand on his thigh. “My room.”

He clenched his jaw and tore out of the restaurant’s parking lot.


Chapter Three

Toya kept her heels on and unbuttoned her blouse. She let the two sides hang open and noticed how his eyes narrowed on her breasts. They were her best asset, and the red lacy bra played them up to perfection. She liked her big nipples, which was why she had to have extra padding in her bras to tone down their impression behind her clothing. All her previous lovers liked them too, and it got her off seeing their desire. Tripp was no exception.

She didn’t regret her decision to come back to the hotel for a second. Sex was about having fun, and just like him, she’d been hurt in the past. Unlike her lover, she was still hopeful of finding
the one
. But the big, sexy cop would more than do for now.

She wiggled out of her skirt and let it fall to the floor. “Do you like my stockings?” She’d worn thigh-high’s with garter belts for no other reason than she loved to wear sensual undergarments.

He glanced down at the huge tent in his pants. “I do.” He strolled across to her and ran his hands over her hips. A squeeze at her ass made her breathless, and she rested her hands on his forearms. “Keep them on for me.”

“Of course. If that’s what you want.” She spun away from him and bent a little over the bed as if she’d climb up.”

“A thong,” he exclaimed. “Woman, did you come here to seduce me?”

“Who me?” She laughed.

He moved up behind her and bent his legs a little to rub his cock on her ass. Toya moaned. Here they had rushed to the hotel like they would rip off every article of clothing to go at it, but now they couldn’t stop teasing. Toya couldn’t believe how in synch he was with her, and how she knew what he wanted too. Something told her they would be a perfect match in bed.

“Just what kind of work do you do?” he demanded as he tore his shirt open and yanked it down his muscular arms. Toya turned back around so she could feast her eyes on his chest. She ran a single finger up his tight abs to a nipple, around it, and then explored the other. Tripp’s breathing grew deeper.

“I design lingerie.” She knew her tone made it sound like she washed laundry or some other brainless task. Shocking him into stillness made her chuckle, but it also gave her a chance to loosen his belt. Getting to see what was behind his pants was a priority. The man’s bulge looked unreal. She had to know for sure.

“Remind me to thank you for speeding,” he murmured.

He lifted her chin and kissed her. Toya let her eyelids droop, but she didn’t close her eyes. She wanted to see him, watch the lust in his eyes while he devoured her mouth. He pushed his tongue between her lips, and she invited him in, moaning for more. Their fingers intertwined, and he raised hers above her head while he slipped her top off and tossed it aside. His hands came back down her sides, and he thumbed her nipples. Her head went back.

“I can’t wait to see you with this off. Do you like to have your nipples sucked?” He rumbled the words through the barrier of her bra, knowing the vibration would tighten her little buds.

“Mm, yes.” She pulled at his head, tangling her fingers in his hair. He nosed his way past the delicate material and nipped one peak. Toya sagged against him.

“Oh no you don’t, beautiful.” He spanked her ass lightly. “You stand here so I can feast for a little while.”

“Feast on what?” She wanted him to say it. Her bottom lip caught between her teeth. One thing was for sure, she was already drenched, and if something didn’t happen down there soon, she would scream.

Tripp seemed to sense her need. He patted her pussy and then squeezed her there. “Right here. I’m going to eat my fill.”

A shudder rocked her body. The first time she was with a man, she didn’t suck his cock. Somehow it was more intimate than straight intercourse. At least in her mind. But she could see herself returning the favor for Tripp. In fact, she needed to get her hands wrapped around his piece now.

His belt buckle came loose under her fingers, and she lowered his zipper. His cock didn’t wait for her to reach into his boxers. The beast strained to get out, and she was only too happy to set it free. Well, as free as her digits wrapped around it could be.

“Oh wow, you’re big.” Her words came out raspy, and she could have kicked herself for sounding so green. Like she’d never seen a big cock. Of course she had.
But man oh man, what do they put in the water down here?

“I’m glad you approve.” He tugged his equipment from her touch and kissed her again. “If you handle it that much, I’m liable to lose it, so me first. And I change my mind about where I want you.”

Toya let out a small squeak when he lifted her at the hips and tossed her on the bed. He followed on his knees, making her heart pound. If a man ever looked like a predator, it was Officer Jeremiah Tripp. He stalked her with eyes filled with dark intentions. Toya watched him, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She was both nervous and excited, and she scooted away, going higher on the bed. He kept coming until he was comfortable between her legs. With her knees bent, her heels dug into the mattress.

Tripp skimmed kisses along her inner thighs and calves. He tasted the area close to her pussy, causing it to clench in anticipation. His rumbling moan sent shivers down her spine. “You skin is so dark and sweet, like chocolate. No…better.” She caught her breath when he pushed aside her thong and stuck a thick finger into her wetness, then pulsed it in and out. “Your pussy is even darker, so sexy. I can’t wait to eat you.”

She pushed his finger to his mouth and made him taste the come coating it. “Have you been with a black woman before? Do you like my taste?”

“Mm, very much.” He licked up every drop. “And no, I haven’t been with a black woman before. Do you mind?”

“No.” She pulled her panties down over her hips, but he pushed her hands away to do it himself. First he lifted one leg to free that one, and then he worked on the other. All the time, he kissed her skin and flicked the tip of his tongue over it. Toya squirmed with each touch, her pussy growing wetter. “You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.”

He didn’t grace her comment with a response but dipped his head between her legs and took one long swipe. Toya dug her nails into the cover at her sides and raised her hips. Tripp’s tongue parted her folds to glide deep into her snatch. She cried out his name and then bit her finger to muffle it a little.

Tripp raised his head, eyes sparkling with amusement. “You like your pussy licked?”


“Because I can stop if you’re feeling hesitant,” he teased.

BOOK: Tripp in Love
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