Read Trick Online

Authors: Lori Garrett

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Trick (18 page)

BOOK: Trick
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“You don’t have to say that, love.”

“I mean it. I’m so proud of everything you’ve done. Who you are.”

“I’m proud to be with you.” Gunner nods shyly. He’s not entirely comfortable talking about himself like this. He doesn’t know how to take credit for what he’s accomplished.

“What made you decide to buy a bar?”

Gunner smiles as he wipes down the grimy counter. “Why not? I spent the better part of a year trying to drink away the memory of you, so I was experienced and good at pouring booze.”

“And Old Daniels’s place?” I lean forward and love the way he looks down my shirt.

Gunner runs a hand through that gorgeous hair.

“I know the farm isn’t really my style, but I love that place. And I loved Mr. and Mrs. Daniel’s. And, fine, so maybe I was secretly or subconsciously hoping if I bought it, someday it might be a proper home for me...and the woman I love.”

“Me?” I ask, my smile so wide, it hurts my cheeks.

He cocks and eyebrow and gives me the sweetest half grin. “Always you.”

“I love you,” I mouth, loving the way he watches my lips.

I lean in and kiss Gunner, not caring that we’re in a room full of people. He slides his tongue between my lips and his warm breath fills my mouth. Ecstasy.

“How much longer till we can leave?” I ask between kisses.

“Soon, kitten. So soon. Let me just run out back and make sure the dumpster is unlocked, since tomorrow is trash day. Then I just gotta close out the register. Won’t be long.” I can tell from the way his eyes look me up and down hungrily that he’ll make sure it doesn’t take long at all.

“Good.” I sip my drink and wink at him.

“Alright, everybody! Last call!” Gunner yells. A chorus of moans and curses fills the room and a line develops quickly. Gunner mixes and pours drink after drink until the line has dissipated.

“I’ll be right back, gorgeous,” he says. Gunner kisses me quickly, then walks to the back of the bar. I love this new level of responsibility he has. It’s not only good for him, seeing him stable and in charge of his life is a major turn on.

“I was hoping I’d get a chance to talk to you alone,” a man’s voice says. I look to my left and there’s now a stranger sitting in the barstool next to me. He’s in his late thirties, I’d guess. A nice-looking man, in a dress shirt and loose tie. His hair was probably combed nicely earlier, but at this late hour, and probably one-too-many, it’s falling in his face.

“I’m sorry, do I know you?” I ask, using my best business voice.

“No, no. I’m Jim. Jim Lawson. I saw you dance.” His tongue darts out of his mouth and he runs it along his upper lip. Gross.

“Well, I hope I did okay. I was nervous,” I say. I’m trying to be polite, just like I was always taught.

“Darlin’, you were more than okay. You were incredible. You were energetic and lively...and I hope you don’t mind me saying—I mean, of course you don’t, you girls know what you do—you were very sexy up there.”

I stare down at my fingers in my lap. This is definitely one of those times when I think I’m being complimented, but I’m so skeeved out, I just want to dart away. “Thank you.”

“Now, don’t misunderstand, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, darlin’.”

“No, no, it’s not that,” I rush to say. Even though it

He tosses his head back and polishes off whatever dark liquor he’s drinking. “Can I buy you a drink?” he asks.

“No, no thank you.” I shake my head adamantly. Even though my warm buzz is gone, I wouldn’t drink a sip this guy offered. I look around for Gunner, but he must still be caught up in the back.

He leans closer and runs a finger along my arm. “You sure? I’d really like to.”

I yank my arm back and pull it close. “My boyfriend owns the place, so it’s not necessary.”

“I see.” He nods, dropping the low talk and smiles all of a sudden. “Well, then I’ll get straight to my point. I own a large car dealership, you see. And I’ll be honest, business isn’t what it used to be. But honey, if one thing is true forevermore it’s that sex sells. I’ve been thinking about paying to have some nice, professional commercials made up to help with sales and all, and I sure would love it if you would be on them, dancing how you do.”

“Sir, that’s, wow... That’s very flattering, but I don’t think burlesque dancing is going to help you sell some trucks.”

“I don’t sell trucks, sweetheart. I sell Ferraris. Did you know that over ninety-percent of the customers are men? And, with all due respect, ma’am, I think you moving around like you do could convince any man to buy anything.”

His eyes travel down my neck, and settle on my breasts. I wish I’d buttoned this shirt up to the very top button. But I was with Gunner up until a few minutes ago, it wasn’t a problem then.

I feel the heat on my face spread down my neck.

“We can switch up your dancing and costume to whatever you’re comfortable with, of course. And you’ll be compensated well, I promise you that.”

I try to swallow, but there isn’t much moisture in my mouth. I clear my throat and manage to warble, “I don’t even know what to say, I’ve never really thought about commercials.”

“I understand. You can take some time to think it over. It wouldn’t be just limited to this one commercial, though. I’d stake my company on it that business picks up after seeing you in the commercials.” He leans away from the bar and I feel his eyes on my bum.

Mr. Lawson pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and blots his mouth with it. Is he drooling? “I’m thinking we’ll make a new one every season, maybe even for holiday sales, too. A new costume, a new dance routine. I’m telling you, I bet those Ferrari’s will be flying off the lot.”

“That’s quite the offer.” I swallow hard.

“Then there’s also the charity functions. My wife and I are on the board of several different committees and we're always looking for entertainment for the gala’s and banquets. I feel sure you would help increase donations and overall support, darlin’.”

“Wow, you’re putting a lot of confidence in me, Mr. Lawson.”

“I’ve been known to go after what I want,” he says. He pulls a business card holder out of his front shirt pocket and slides one of his cards my way. “When I know it’ll be worth it. And it’s Jim, please, call me Jim. I have a feeling you and I are going to have a great...partnership.”

He pats me on the leg and lets his hand linger a little too long on my thigh. I’m about to pull back, to politely tell him that I’ll consider his offer and get the hell away before he gets grabbier, when something causes Mr. Lawson to fly off the stool, his arms and legs in the air, a startled scream breaking from his lips.

Gunner has the man in a headlock, his powerful arm hooked under Mr. Lawson’s chin, his fist raised above his face.

“I’ve been watching you undress her with your goddamn eyes all night, you fucking pervert!” Gunner screams. His fist snaps forward and it connects squarely with Mr. Lawson’s nose. Blood spurts everywhere. “You wait till I’m not around to start pawing all over her? You’re gonna regret you ever looked her way, fucker!”

Gunner punches him in the face again, and Mr. Lawson groans.

“Gunner!” I yell. “Stop it! Please, dear god, stop!” I try like hell to pull him off of Mr. Lawson, but I’m no match for his strong arms on a normal day, never mind when he’s in a fury. “Help! Someone please help!”

Ryker is the first one to reach Gunner’s side and yanks on his brother with all of his strength. Gunner fights it, but Ryker is able to get him off of Mr. Lawson.

I rush to Gunner and immediately start pounding on his chest with my own fists. “What the hell are you doing?!” I scream.

“He was touching you, Harlow!” His eyes are glazed with some kind of crazy madness that makes him look like someone I don’t know.

“He was offering me a job!” I yell back.

He blinks and a tiny shred of old Gunner seems to come back into focus. “That’s not what it looked like to me.” He makes fists with his hands, staring at the blood like he’s confused about where it came from. When he looks at me, his eyes are begging me, for what I’m not sure. “He had his hands on you, what was I supposed to do?”

But I’m too damn shaken to let this slide. Gunner can be unpredictable and a little crazy, but tonight he took things too far. Way too far.

“Oh, I don’t know? Stop and ask what’s going on like a normal, civilized person! I can’t believe you did this!” Maybe that’s what he’s been trying to tell me all along. He isn’t normal—maybe he’s not even civilized.

I glance over at Mr. Lawson who is covered in bruises and blood. “I’m going to sue your ass!” he yells at Gunner. “I’m going to take everything that’s yours!”

“Like hell you will, you son of a bitch!” Gunner lunges back toward him but Ryker and a friend pull him back.

“Gunner, calm down, bro. He’s not worth it. You’ve got a good thing going here. You just go home with your lady and I’ll clean up here,” Ryker says, his voice quiet.

“I’m not going home with him,” I say. My words surprise even me.

Gunner’s eyes dart up, wild with regret that tears at my heart. “Baby, don’t. You don’t even have a car here. I’ll take you home.”

How could I have been so blind? I look into the face of the man I love, and I truly feel that I don’t know him. It’s a chilling, ugly feeling, and I need to get away from it. I refuse to live my life hoping Gunner won’t make a fist at the first person who looks my way when I dance.

“I’m not going anywhere with you right now. I can’t even stand to look at you. You promised, Gunner. You promised you’d back off where my career was concerned.”

His features harden and his voice goes sharp. “Harlow, he was touching you. He wanted you. I could see it in his eyes. He’s been staring at you all damn night like he wanted to bend you over my bar and fuck you. That wasn’t about a job. You’re so damn naive.”

I jerk my head back in anger. “Right, because no man could ever possibly be interested in me professionally? There’s no way he could have actually wanted to hire me legitimately, right?”

“That’s not what I said,” Gunners says, shaking his head.

“Really? Because that’s what I heard. So, here’s something for you to hear, Gunner. Fuck. You.” I stare him down, look right at him and let him see on my face how damn pissed I am.

The look he gives me back is shell-shocked. Like he didn’t expect me to hold my ground around him and his big, bad temper.

I guess I’m not the only naive one around here.

“I didn’t mean it like that, kitten—”

“Ryker, can you take me home?” I interrupt.

Ryker lets his brother’s arms drop, and Gunner rushes toward me. His arms envelope my waist before I can back away.

“Don’t touch me right now. I don’t want you near me,” I say, putting my hands flat against his chest and pushing him away.

“Don’t do this,” Gunner pleads, pulling me closer. “Please. Not after tonight. I thought we had everything worked out. I thought things were going to be okay.”

“They were. But you screwed it up!” I lock eyes with him, his so confused and hurt, I’d feel sorry for him if he hadn’t stomped on my trust tonight. My voice shakes, but I tell him what I need to say. “You promised you’d let me handle my career. You promised you’d back off. You promised you trusted me. But you don’t. Because if you did, that man wouldn’t be sitting there with a broken nose. If you did, I’d be going home with you right now to make love to you all night.”

“Kitten—” Gunner steps away from me, but still reaches for my hand. “Let me at least drive you home.”

I throw a hand up and press him away. “I’m not doing this right now. Ryker? Can you take me home or not?”

Ryker’s eyes dart from me to Gunner. “Sure thing, Harlow.”

I run my index finger along Gunner’s wrist, along my name that’s marked on him permanently.

“Goodbye, Gunner,” I say. I let my nail slice over my name on his skin, crossing it out. Walking away.



“She got home alright?” I ask Ryker as I pace the floor like a wild man. “And before you answer, know that if you laid a single fucking finger on her, I’ll end you.”

My brother smirks. Fucking smirks, like the good-for-nothing son-of-a-bitch that he is.

“Course I didn’t touch her, bro. Easy.”

He rounds my kitchen island and grabs the bottle of gin I’ve been nursing since I got home, and pours himself a glass.

“Help yourself,” I sneer.

“Hey, I just did you a favor, you could be a little nicer to me,” he says before he knocks back a triple shot.

I slam my fist into the counter as I walk by. I refuse to hit the oak cabinetry or any of the appliances, but I’ll hit the granite to work out some of my frustrations, broken knuckles be damned. “What exactly was the favor?”

Ryker raise an eyebrow at me. “Getting your girl home safe. She sure as shit didn’t want you around. Can’t say I blame her, you acted like a goddamn loose cannon back there.”

I finish my drink and pour another. “You’re one to talk, Ryker.”

“True. But I own up to my worthlessness. You’re still trying to convince yourself that you’re anything but a Hunt through and through.” He takes a long drink from his tumbler. “What you are is the worst kind of slacker. You’re going to break that sweet thing’s heart, and deep down, in there,” Ryker thumps my chest where my heart is, “you know it. Everyone knows it. I bet even Harlow knows it, she’s just hoping with everything in her that she’s wrong. That she’s different. Because girls like that, they believe in fairytales. And you, my brother, are not fairy tale material.”

BOOK: Trick
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