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Authors: M. S. Brannon

Tragic Love (22 page)

BOOK: Tragic Love
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There is not much traffic once we get on the open interstate, semi's mostly. The passing lights are hypnotic as they shine through the windshield, lightly illuminating the inside of the car. I pick up my iPod and switch it over to Thirty Seconds to Mars, allowing the music to help me escape. Many of their songs remind me of Presley and when “The Story” comes on, she is the first person to pop into my head. She’s had a dark story of her own to tell, and finally after three years, she can let it all out.

We stopped just outside Indianapolis to get gas and something to eat. My stomach is aching, but food will do nothing to ease the pain. The nerves about seeing Presley in less than nine hours intensifies every mile we get closer to Memphis. The weather has been more than cooperative for us; clear skies with no rain or snow to contend with. The air is getting a little warmer the further south we go and I’m looking forward to getting to the warm Memphis air. The early winter in Sulfur Heights was a huge shock to everyone’s system.

When Jake begins tearing open a bag of Doritos and cracking a can of Mountain Dew, the noise distracts me enough from my thoughts to glare over at him. “Really?” He’s got a lot of nerve.

“What?” He holds the bag open for me to grab a chip and I just wave him off. Jeremy and I just got the interior of the Chevelle fixed and if he drops a single crumb, I’m going to thump his skull.

“You better not spill that shit in my car,” I snap

“Or what? I swear you, Reggie and Jeremy are all the same about your cars. We are on a freaking fourteen hour trip. I’m gonna eat, so get over it.” This is coming from a guy who doesn’t have a car of his own and has to either borrow
whenever he wants to go somewhere or bum rides off of us. He can’t fully understand the work involved in restoring a car because he’s never done it, and when he does contribute, it’s only to piss everyone off. He’s only into cars when they’re racing. The time it takes to get there, he could care less. Jake’s never had anything he appreciated enough to take care of. To him, everything is replaceable.

“Says the guy who has no car,” I dispute and run my hands over my face.

“Fuck off, man.” Just to be a dick, Jake takes a chip and crushes it over the carpet beneath his feet. I instantly get pissed as the bright orange crumbs litter across the black carpet.

I lean over and punch him in the arm. “Asshole.” But all Jake does is laugh. He’s lucky he’s my brother and I love him, otherwise he would be walking the rest of the way to Memphis.

Several minutes go by and my mind races back to where it’s been for the last sixty days, Presley. She’s always in my thoughts, consuming every square inch of my mind and now I’m in the final hours before I lay my eyes on hers. I’m slowly going out of my mind. I drum my thumbs to the music on the steering wheel and my left knee takes on a life of its own, frantically bouncing up and down.

“Dude! You need to calm the fuck down,” Jake says, looking down at my knee bobbing rapidly in tune to the music. “I know you’re all worried and shit about Presley, but I’m sure she’s fine. And your freaking out is not going to help her any.”

“Yeah, I know.” I have to be strong for her so she knows I will always be there to hold her up and protect her when she’s not able to herself. “I’m just getting all this shit out now before I see her. I’m dying to see her.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Jake says, looking out the window, appearing to be deep in thought. I stare in his direction, completely baffled at what came out of his mouth. I am stunned to my core that Jake Evans, infamous party boy and man whore, is actually missing someone. “You might want to keep your eyes on the road, jackass.”

“Sorry, I’m just…” I try to speak, but nothing coherent is coming out. “There are no words,” I stammer to get out.

“What’s so fucking hard to understand? Delilah and I are friends. I would call her one of my best friends. And I’m amped to see her. Doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”

“I know that, douche bag, but it’s just shocking you actually care for someone who isn’t a part of our family. That’s what I was getting at,” I respond.

“You say the word
like I’m going to run off into the sunset on a fucking white horse and shit. You’re such a fucking girl sometimes, Drake. Besides, it’s not like we’re getting married or anything. I mean, when we first met all I wanted to do was sleep with her and I tried everything in my book to seal the deal. You’ve seen her, she’s fucking smokin’, but then I realized she actually has some common sense about her. Plus, she’s fun to hang around; completely different from the chicks around home. I didn’t want to ruin that by bagging her. For some reason that I don’t understand, Delilah and I are friends, that’s it. No white horse, no happily ever after, just friends. Anyway, she’s dating that rich dude.” Jakes voice gets a little venomous when he mentions Delilah’s boyfriend

He leans his head back and stares out into the distance of fields and darkness. He then pulls the dark hood of his sweatshirt over his head and shuts me out. Jake’s done talking. I leave my brother with his thoughts. I’ve got my own to deal with, and in five short hours, they will be coming to life.


Just as Jake had projected, we arrive in Memphis about an hour ahead of time, thanks to my lead foot and my anxious mind. We check into a modest hotel located on the outskirts of Memphis where Jake and I shower and grab some food before heading for the rehab center located in East Memphis.

I keep worrying about what I should wear. I know it’s completely stupid, but I haven’t seen her in sixty days, and considering where Delilah is from, I wonder if I should’ve worn a shirt and tie. God, I’m a fucking wreck. I don’t even own a fucking tie. What the hell is my problem?

We pull up and park exactly at ten a.m. I’m not wasting a single minute with her. This is the only day we have together and I will spend every minute holding her in my arms, kissing her lips and smelling her sweet skin. Jake and I stand in front of the car and spot Delilah waiting next to her new Lexus coupe a couple rows in front of us. She looks like she always does, so prim and proper. Nothing is out of place. Her light purple dress is wrinkle free and her long, blonde hair is pulled back perfectly in a tight braid.

I look over to Jake and he’s got the biggest grin spread across his face as he strides over to Delilah. She, in turn, looks just as happy to see him, especially when he pulls her up in a big bear hug. I give them a minute to get reacquainted before moving close enough to hear them.

I lean into Delilah and give her a one arm hug, not wanting to delay this any longer. “Okay, guys, are you ready to go see Presley?” Delilah asks as she starts moving toward the front door.

“Yes,” I whisper back, recognizing the sickening feeling in my stomach. My brow starts to sweat and I’m sure I am pitting out. The air suddenly feels humid as I choke out every breath of air.

On the outside, the building looks like a bed and breakfast hotel. There are flower gardens planted along the side and trailing up the front sidewalk. The large trees cast shadows over the two-story structure and one tree is accompanied by a tire swing. I’m quite impressed so far by Sunny Ridges, but I will be happier when we go inside.

Jake pulls open the door and holds it open for the rest of us. I know Delilah is dying just as much as me to see Presley, but I want some alone time with her. I only want it to be us. It’s selfish of me and I don’t give a shit.

Delilah walks to the front desk and gives the nurse Presley’s name. I take a moment to look around. The inside is just as warm and inviting as the outside with the live flowers and plants potted around the room. Pretty nice couches are scattered around the large, open room.

I shove my hands in my jeans pockets to keep them from shaking. I am so incredibly nervous and happy to see my girl. I only hope she is just as excited to see me.

The electricity that has always been present between us starts to run its way up my body when the image of Presley comes to life and my love rounds the corner, walking into the lounge area. She looks incredible, wearing a tight t-shirt and jeans. The light is radiating off her olive-colored skin, her eyes gleam as she looks at me and once again appears to be full of life. She put on some much needed weight and doesn’t look like she’s going to break when I hold her.

I abandon Jake and Delilah, running the short distance to Presley. I sweep her up in my arms, just like I will do on our wedding night, and hold her tightly to my body. Her perfect, sweet smell floods my nose as she wraps her arms around my neck, planting small pecks to my skin. I swing her around without putting her down and she instantly wraps her legs tightly around my waist then her lips press against mine.

This is another one of those feelings you never knew existed until you experience the moment and the unexplainable feeling accompanying it. I feel so much more than love for this women, it is indescribable. She is a part of me—every vital thing I need to live—and with every second she keeps her lips pressed to mine, I can feel life flood through me. I’ve been saying Presley is the very reason I breathe and this kiss solidifies how I feel because, without her, I would be dead. It wasn’t until this very moment that I knew just how much I needed her to survive.

I wrap my arms around her body and hold her core tightly against my waist. My tongue delves into her mouth, tasting the cherry soda she’s been drinking. I can feel my cheeks starting to wet when tears drip from Presley’s eyes then fall onto me. I know in this moment she will be fine. Presley and I will be fine. There is nowhere else in this world Presley and I can survive, if it’s not together. This kiss proves it. We are meant to be because our love is and will always be everlasting.


Chapter 15



I’ve felt like the walking dead the last week, dying to see Drake, but also dreading to see him. I slammed two cherry sodas and ate a king size chocolate bar to ease the butterflies swarming in my body. It did nothing except make me antsier. Then I rounded the corner and my eyes met with Drake’s. I know instantly he is exactly what I’ve needed. Looking into his eyes confirms the last sixty days of pain, sickness and loneliness has been worth it because living my life is worth every minute I get to spend with him.

I look Drake up and down, taking in the beautifully perfect man in front of me. He’s wearing a black button down shirt and dark jeans. Something completely out of character for him, and it makes my heart warm knowing he dressed up for me. To be honest, I prefer him in t-shirts, dusty boots and jeans because it’s his style; I love his style. Drake’s eyes are shining with excitement as he breaks into a run and picks me up in his arms. God, how I’ve missed his arms. They are protective, strong and would never let me fall again.

I can’t help myself, taking in as much of him as I can, I start planting little kisses to my favorite spot on his neck. He smells wonderful, with a hint of cologne and the only smell I’ve ever loved underneath, his smell. When he swings me around, my lips instantly go to his and I kiss him with so much passion my lips instantly swell up. I take my time becoming reacquainted with his tongue, taste and rhythmic dance as we rediscover each other. We haven’t said a single word, only allowing our lips to express the feelings of happiness oozing from every part of us.

I hear the deep voice of a man clearing his throat and it causes me to crack my eyes open. Our lips are still planted together when Jake comes into my line of sight. Tucked under his arm, Delilah is standing with tears in her eyes. She’s dabbing fallen tears with her white handkerchief and looking happier than I’ve ever seen her.

Drake breaks our kiss and slowly slides me down his body, planting a small kiss to the tip of my nose. Before I can fully turn to Delilah, she snatches me into her arms, squeezing me so hard it’s making it hard to breathe. I hold her back and allow the joy of this moment to take me over. My own tears begin to prick my eyes and instead of choking them back, I let them free fall down my cheeks. I love these kinds of tears; tears that come from happy moments. I haven’t cried these kinds of tears in a really long time and it feels invigorating.

“Oh my Lord, Presley, you look absolutely radiant,” Delilah says as she breaks our hug and holds me at arm’s length. I miss hearing the southern drawl of her voice. Everyone here has an accent, but hers is perfect. Delilah’s is home and I love it. Her lips are painted in a shell pink gloss and the perfect Delilah smile beams from behind them.

“Thank you. So how have you been?” I ask, but can’t get over why Jake keeps his arm draped around Delilah. What the hell happened over the last several months? The last I knew they fought like cats and dogs, always making crude comments to each other.

“Oh, nothing new, just school and all the wonderful things my mother does to keep me busy. But never mind that, how are you doing?” Her brow is crossed as she looks concerned for me.

“I’m surviving,” I reply and the tears restore themselves back into her eyes. She looks sad and broken like she did the day we departed at the airport. I squeeze her hand in reassurance. “I’m good, Delilah. It hasn’t been easy, but I’m finally feeling like my old self. I’m okay, really.”

She lets out a large breath of air and gives me another big hug. Drake wraps his arms around me from behind and snags Delilah in his embrace so I’m sandwiched between them and squeezed. The last sixty days have been worth every second because of this very moment. I love both these people and I want nothing more than to hold them both forever.

“Hello? What am I, chopped liver?” Jake snidely says, causing the hug to break and make me giggle. Jake doesn’t do well in emotional situations, and often times, humor or insulting someone is the best way he expresses himself during them.

“Of course not.” I wrap my arms around his waist, giving him a tight hug. I can’t ever remember hugging Jake in the past and it feels a little awkward, yet nice. He’s stronger than I imagined, not as ripped as Drake, but definitely solid.

BOOK: Tragic Love
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