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Authors: Stacey Grice

Totaled (27 page)

BOOK: Totaled
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Once we parked and climbed the steps to his house, I gasped as Drew came up behind me and picked me up, cradling me in his huge, strong arms and carrying me through the living room and straight into the bedroom. My laughing ceased as he looked seriously into my eyes. His lips crashed into mine, hungry and forceful. He gently laid me down on the bed and came over me, continuing to kiss me, hurried, like I was about to be taken away from him. Then, he abruptly stopped, looking at me with longing and adoration stilling his every movement, calming his heavy breathing. I waited, returning his look, exchanging my feelings for his in our silent conversation.

“Brianne Abigail Murphy?” he asked softly.


“I love you.”

Oh my God.

“I love you more than I can even find the words to say,” he continued. “I love you more than I have ever loved anything in my entire life.”

He bent down to kiss me before I could say anything. I tried to let those words sink in, to seep into my heart. My entire soul felt like it was going to spontaneously combust, my body on fire. I reached up to still him, grabbing his face above me.

“I love you too, Brian Andrew Dougherty. I love you so much.”

The smile that immediately took over his features was like a little boy seeing his brand new bicycle next to the tree on Christmas morning. He came over me fiercely with a barrage of kisses, pecking over my entire face, happy and playful. I didn’t want happy and playful right now. My normally timid nature when it came to physical affection was for some reason gone tonight. I was excited about us (especially since my family knew and they were okay with us as a couple), insanely attracted to him, and just downright horny. And he had just professed his love for me.
His love for me.
I had been psyching myself up for this moment all night and talking myself into it the entire drive over to his house. This was the night. It had to happen tonight.

I pushed his chest and shoulders over, urging him to fall to the side, and came over him, straddling him with my knees on each side of his waist. He looked up at me, surprised at my taking charge. It made me smile.

Feeling empowered, I reached for the hem of my dress and pulled it up slowly, as seductively as I could until it was over my head and tossed to the floor. Watching his pupils dilate as he watched me was the most arousing thing I had ever seen. To know how I was affecting him…I felt sexy and wanton. I leaned down to him and instead of kissing him, I brought my nose to the underside of his chin, inhaling his scent, moaning at how amazing he smelled. I kissed his Adam’s apple and worked my way over to his ear, pausing once I reached it to whisper, “Take your shirt off.” He chuckled faintly and I interrupted him. “Now.”

He did as I asked and the sight of him was enough to send me over the edge already. I grazed my fingernails over his broad chest, lightly touching over his nipples, trailing further down to trace over each ripple of his rock hard abs. Watching him stiffen and his muscles contract as I made contact was delectable. I slightly repositioned myself lower to be able to kiss his chest and felt the hardness beneath me. I ground my hips against it, craving more contact, trying to satiate the ache that was forming between my legs. I kissed and licked and nipped at his chest, stilling right over his tattoo to kiss it gently with love and appreciation.

He took that opportunity to flip me back over onto my back and take over. Within seconds, I was writhing underneath him, yearning for more contact. He reached behind me, unsnapping my bra and carefully removed it strap by strap. He looked at me, really looked at me, inch by inch, like he was studying me, like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. I had never felt more cherished than in that moment.

Warm, wet heat around my left nipple surprised me. He circled it with his tongue, grazing his teeth over the tip lightly before enveloping it again with his entire mouth. My heart was thumping so fast, I swore he could hear it. And the throbbing in between my legs was the most tortuous sensation. I needed more.

“Drew…please?” I begged.

“Please what? Tell me what you need.”

“Touch me. Please touch me,” I whined breathlessly, opening my legs even more, hoping that was enough to give him the hint without me having to say any more.

He brought his right arm down and grabbed behind my left knee, hitching it up into more of a bend. The soft, caressing touches along my thigh were agonizing. Just when I was about to speak up again, he moved his thumb to my core, lightly rubbing over my cleft. I was so worked up I couldn’t even think straight, but the more he gave to me, the more I needed. And then I heard the ripping sound and felt his hand pulling at my underwear.
That was hot.
I lifted my hips so he could get the shredded fabric out from under me. I was completely bare to him, squirming for more contact, arching into him as far as I could go. He rubbed firm, deliberate circles around my swollen clit with his fingers, kissing me at the same time. Just when I thought I was about to come undone, he gently breached my opening with his finger, inserting it and withdrawing it slowly, all the while rubbing his thumb over my nub. I gasped and moaned and found my voice.

“Oh, God. Yes. Please? YES!”

But then he abruptly withdrew his hand from in between my thighs, kissing me hard, sucking on my bottom lip as he pulled away.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, panicking that he wasn’t going to touch me anymore. “Why did you stop?”

“I have to taste you.”

“What? Wait…” I tried to stop him, feeling hesitant and insecure. Nobody had ever done that to me before. Hell, nobody had done half the stuff Drew had. But before I could get the words out, his head was in between my legs, lapping at my desire.

“Holy Mother of God. Yeeeeeeesssssss! Please, don’t stop!” I yelled, shocking myself at my verbalization of my pleasure. I felt intoxicated. Heady.

He brought me to the cusp and then introduced two fingers into me, slowly and tenderly at first, somehow knowing that’s exactly what I needed. The pressure was building, nearing its peak, and I could no longer fight it. He closed his lips over my clit, sucking it into his heated mouth, and I exploded. I came into a million pieces, seeing every color of the rainbow bursting in front of my eyes, screaming and moaning Drew’s name over and over and over until I couldn’t say another word. My mouth felt dry and my heart rate finally began to slow, the throbbing at my center that was so excruciating moments ago now quieting, finally satiated. I kept my eyes closed as I felt Drew kissing his soft lips up my body to come back up to me.

He looked into my eyes, his expression hungry, ravenous, in fact, for more. He leaned into me with an air of bravado surrounding him, lowering his head to kiss me hard. The passion behind this kiss was even more intense than the moment we had just shared. I liked tasting myself on him. He took my bottom lip into his mouth, biting it just hard enough to give me a thrill of slight pain. My sweet and considerate Drew was gone and alpha-male Drew was here. It felt dangerous and I loved it. He kissed and nipped aggressively from my mouth to my earlobe, stopping suddenly, his body becoming still over mine.

“I’m going to make love to you, Brianne,” he whispered. “If that’s not what you want, you should stop me now.”

I swallowed hard, lifting my hips and circling them to grind against his arousal and eagerly replied, “Please don’t stop. Don’t ever stop.”

He almost growled in approval and rose up to unbutton and remove his jeans, taking his boxer briefs down with them. His erection sprang free and the sight of it made my mouth water. He. Was. Huge. I knew scientifically that it was possible to fit, but I immediately got scared. This was going to hurt. Bad. He reached into his nightstand drawer for a condom and ripped it open with his teeth. I watched him stroke himself and glide it on from tip to root.

Noticing the apprehension in my face, Drew came to lie beside me and delivered kisses of reassurance. He caressed my skin, rubbing long, sweet strokes from my stomach all the way up to my breasts, making me feel soothed and loved.

“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” he reminded me, running his hand across my cheek.

“No. I want to,” I said firmly. “I love you and I want my first time to be with you. I want it tonight. I’m just nervous.”

“I won’t hurt you, Bree. If you want me to stop, just tell me to stop.”

“I don’t want you to stop. I want you. I need you. Just go slow at first, okay?”

“Of course.”

He came over me again, kissing me hard, bringing the passion back. I wanted him inside me more and more with every kiss he demanded. Spreading my legs open wider, inviting him in, I felt the tip of him teasing my entrance. I grabbed onto his ass, pulling him to me. He continued to kiss me hard, not pausing even for a second as he thrust forward until my resistance gave in to him. I wanted to gasp at the sharp, pinching pain, but he continued to assault me with his tongue in my mouth, distracting me from the pain. He stilled inside of me, the pressure insane, and allowed me to acclimate to his size. I felt full. Stretched. Closer to him than ever. But I needed him to move. As if he could hear my thoughts, he slowly retreated back a few inches, only to plunge forward again. I winced at the unbelievable sensations he was evoking.

“You okay?” he asked hoarsely, meeting my eyes.

“I’m fine,” I answered him, feeling a little breathless. “You feel so good. More. I need more.”

That was all he needed. He plunged forward slowly and deliberately, working us into the most unbelievably incredible rhythm. We made love until we came together, reaching our release while peering into each other’s eyes.

Chapter Thirty


For a second, I thought I heard the shower running. Dismissing the thought, deciding it was a dream, I rolled over onto my other side and tried to fall back asleep. But then I heard it again and remembered.

I rolled over, seeing that she was missing from beside me. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep. Peeling the covers back, I saw a small spot of evidence from her giving me her virginity. I hoped I didn’t hurt her. I hoped I’d made it special for her. Lord knows, it was special for me. I truly loved this girl and couldn’t imagine not sharing every future first with her. She was it for me.

I quickly changed the sheets, not wanting to embarrass her, and made my way into the bathroom. She was singing softly something about seeing your face in every flower, your eyes in the stars above… something about being in love, and my ear to ear grin overtook my face. She was in love with me too. She was happy.

“Mind if I join you?”

“Jesus! You scared me!” she yelled back, obviously startled by my presence.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I heard the water running and woke up.”

“It’s okay. I’m almost done in here. I’ll leave the water running for you.” She reached out from behind the curtain to grab her towel and I was bummed that I couldn’t join her in the shower. She stepped out, wrapping the towel around her body, her wet hair clinging to her shoulders. She looked more beautiful than I ever remembered her looking.

I stepped into the shower under the stream of water and immediately yelped at how hot it was. “SHIT! Oh my God! Are you trying to scald me?”

“Oh, sorry,” she called. “I like my showers hot.”

“How do you not have second degree burns right now?” I joked as I turned the nozzle to a more reasonable location. She just laughed. “Anyway, I have something that I need to talk to you about,” I said with trepidation in my tone. I was nervous. And excited. And scared shitless. But mainly excited. I had intended to tell her last night but we got caught up in the moment and fell asleep holding each other.

“Okay...” She almost sounded scared.

“Don’t worry. It’s good news.”

“Well, spit it out already.”

“Your Dad got me a fight. A real fight.”

“What do you mean, a real fight? What were all the other ones? Fake?” She laughed.

“I’m serious, Bree. A real fight, in the UFC.”

In an instant, the shower curtain was snatched open wide, revealing me in all of my wet, naked glory as she screamed, “WHAT?!”

“I know,” I said, laughing and trying to cover myself a little. “I fight in nine days; well, eight days now. We have to go to Atlanta.”

“Who are you fighting?”

“Stefan Purifoy.”

“Stefan Purifoy? Holy shit. Seriously? He’s one hell of a heavyweight for your first ever UFC fight. What happened? He was supposed to fight Angel Gonzalez in Atlanta.”

God, I loved that she knew about this stuff. Her sexiness level just went up another notch. How did I get so lucky?

“Yeah, well apparently Gonzalez tested positive for performance enhancing drugs in his prelim, so he’s out. And I’m in.”

She turned and stood in front of the mirror, still wrapped in a towel, looking at herself with a weird expression on her face. I couldn’t tell if she was excited, worried, or downright pissed off.

“I never realized you followed the UFC so closely,” I commented as I gently tugged the curtain closed again to continue my shower.

“Well, fighting is sort of our family business. And I like it, okay? It’s no different than someone being a football fan or a baseball fan.”

“I know, it just surprised me. Did I do something wrong?” Because she sounded pissed. “I only found out last night at your dad’s. That’s what he was telling me on the back deck. I wanted to tell you last night but when we got here, well, we…I’m sorry.”

“No, no, of course. I understand. I’m not upset. I’m just…I guess I’m worried.”

“You don’t think I’m ready,” I said softly, looking down at the tile floor with disappointment.

“No. You’re ready. Maybe that’s what I’m afraid of.” I heard her walk out of the bathroom.

I turned the shower off, wrapped a towel around my waist, and rushed after her. When I entered the bedroom, she was standing at the window, just staring out into the ocean. “What’s wrong?” I asked, coming up behind her. I wrapped my hands around her waist and rested my chin on the top of her head. “I thought you would be happy for me.”

BOOK: Totaled
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