Read To Save His Mate Online

Authors: Serena Pettus

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, Shapeshifter

To Save His Mate (9 page)

BOOK: To Save His Mate
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“Yes, but we’ll be eating at my place. I want to cook for you,” he replied, giving her a heated look. “Is there anything you don’t particularly like?”

“Um, no, I’m pretty easy.” Damn, did that ever come out wrong! “I mean, I’ll try just about anything once.” Nope, not any better, and damn the man, he was grinning like a fool. “Okay, neither of those statements came out quite right.”

“Really? I rather enjoyed your answers.” He chuckled.

“You would,” she grumbled, but she couldn’t keep the smile from her face either.


Chapter Ten




It was seven o’clock and Lacy was making her way to the front door of the models’ house to wait for Stephanie when Angel strolled out of the kitchen.

“Where are you headed off to? Got another hot date with Ethan?” she asked, not looking the least bit interested in Lacy’s answer.

“Out with his sister-in-law, actually. She and one of her friends are having a girls’ night and invited me along. I figured it would be a good way to get the dirt on Ethan.” Lacy fed Angel her cover story and hoped Angel would share it with the rest of the women in the house. If one of them really was the killer, Lacy needed to keep up appearances. “Ethan is having some kind of guys’ night at his place tonight. Poker or something, and his brothers are coming. It’s no girls allowed, so their wives invited me to tag along with them.” Lacy shrugged.

“Well, have fun.” Angel continued to the back door and out onto the porch without even looking back as she spoke. Geez, some models really were snooty bitches. Lacy just hoped she never came off like that.

The sound of a car door closing brought Lacy’s attention back to the front window where she saw Stephanie making her way across the yard. Quickly opening the front door then going outside, she met her new friend at the steps.

“Ready for a fun night?” Stephanie asked, practically bouncing in place.

Lacy smiled. “I could use a bit of fun.”

“Good, because Sarah is meeting us at the bar and she is dying to meet you.”


“Sarah, Erik’s wife. She’s cool. You’ll like her. Don’t worry, I didn’t say anything about you being…you know.” Stephanie was referring to her being a cop, or at least, Lacy hoped that was what she was getting at.

“Thanks,” Lacy replied, climbing into the passenger seat of Stephanie’s sporty little red car. “The fewer people who know about me being a cop, the better. I can’t afford for my cover to be blown. I think I may be getting close.”

“Really? That’s so exciting!”

Okay, this chic was seriously wound up compared to the last time Lacy had seen her. “Do you not get out much?”

“Why?” Stephanie asked, a genuinely puzzled look on her face.

“Well, you just seem to be
excited about tonight. It made me think that maybe you don’t get to do this often.”

Stephanie averted her eyes and pulled the car out onto the road. “Let’s just say the guys don’t always like for us to go out to the bar without them. I think they only agreed because Ethan told them you would make sure we behaved.”

“Behaved? And
would I need to babysit two grown women?” Just what was she getting herself into here?

“You see, when we first met our guys, we were all supposed to meet at this bar for drinks, but Sarah and I ended up getting arrested before the guys showed up.”

Lacy felt her eyes widen, the air from the vents in the dash drying them out a bit before a few of her stunned brain cells finally told her to blink.

“It wasn’t our fault! These drunk guys were hitting on us, and then the next thing we knew, there’s a fight and we’re in the middle of it.”

“Why do I get the feeling there’s more to this story than you’re letting on?”

“Because you’re a good cop?” Stephanie turned a corny smile her way and Lacy just laughed. “We weren’t charged with anything once the bartenders cleared us, so don’t worry, you’re not consorting with criminals.”

“That’s good to know.” At least, her night wouldn’t be boring. For crying out loud, Lacy needed something to keep her mind off of Ethan’s plans for Friday. Plans that would include the two of them alone…at his place…deep in the woods. A delicious heat unfurled low in her belly at the memory of their earlier encounter in the seclusion of the forest.

“You look a little flushed,” Stephanie stated, cutting into Lacy’s thoughts before they could wander too far south. “You feeling okay?”

“I’m fine.”
I’m so fucked up in the head right now over your brother-in-law, I can’t think straight!
“I’m just a little warm, that’s all.”

“You must be thinking about Ethan.”

Lacy’s head jerked around as she gawked at Stephanie’s profile. Was the woman psychic, or was Lacy just that transparent? “How did you know?”

“Oh, please. I used to get that same look on my face when Abe and I first met. Don’t sweat it. Ethan’s a really great guy, and I can tell he likes you a lot.”

“Believe me, I’ve noticed.” Lacy wasn’t aware she’d spoken aloud until Stephanie let loose an impressively loud whistle.

“Nice! You’ll definitely have to share the juicy details, but wait until we get inside because Sarah will be pissed if she misses out.” Stephanie pulled into a full lot and maneuvered her little car into a seriously tiny parking spot. “Gotta love compact cars!” she exclaimed before jumping out.

Yup, this would be an interesting night, especially if Stephanie was completely sober, which Lacy assumed she was.

After clambering out on her side, Lacy followed Stephanie up the wooden steps to the wide porch that extended from one side to the other of the run-down establishment. The sound of their heels clomping across the wood was barely audible over the honky-tonk beats blasting from the bar.

Once inside, it was damn near impossible to hear anything. There was a full dance floor, groups playing pool, a few drunks attempting to play darts and a bar with about a dozen high-top tables scattered around.

Stephanie made her way over to one where a stunning blonde with bright amber eyes sat nursing a beer. “Hey, Sarah!”

The blonde waved and held her hand out to Lacy as soon as they drew near. “Hi, it’s nice to finally meet you. Lacy, right?”

“Yeah, and you must be Sarah. It’s good to meet you, too.”

“So, Stephanie tells me you and Ethan are hitting it off pretty well. You guys are modeling together, too?” Sarah asked as she flagged down the bartender.

“Yeah, he’s a hit with the photographer. Landon has been drooling over the shots so far, and he swears everything Ethan and I have done together on this shoot will be sold at lightning speed.” It was the truth. Lacy had no doubt that if Ethan wanted a career in the industry, Landon would be more than happy to help him launch it.

“You might want to sit down, Lacy.” Sarah’s half-laughed order had Lacy raising an eyebrow in response. “David Ricker is ogling your ass. He’s harmless enough, but when he drinks, there’s absolutely no filter on the man.”

“Not to mention the fact that he must watch some really awful porn or something to come up with those pick-up lines he uses.” Stephanie giggled.

“I take it they’re bad?” Lacy smiled but climbed up onto her stool in an effort to cut off his view.

“Horrible. Now, back to you and Ethan. Do you like him?”

“Real subtle, Sarah,” Stephanie grumbled.

“When have I ever been subtle?” she groused. “Seriously?”

Stephanie shrugged before turning back to Lacy. “She’s right. There’s not a subtle bone in her body.”

“It’s all right,” Lacy assured both women, already enjoying herself. “I like a straight forward person. And I do like Ethan. He’s a real sweetheart.”

“Oh, hell! Friend-zone alert!” Sarah yelled before leaning over the table to speak to Stephanie. “Time for an intervention.”

“A what?” Lacy asked. What the hell was this girl talking about?

“Ethan has a serious jones for you, sweetie. That man is extremely picky when it comes to women—all of the Wolfe brothers are—so him being hung up on you is a pretty big deal,” Sarah explained.

“I don’t think he’s ‘hung up’ on me. We just like each other a lot.” Surely, he was just attracted to her. Really, Lacy didn’t think her lust-addled mind could take it if he felt the same way about her. After all, she was fairly certain she’d almost completely lost her heart to the man already.

That’s when Stephanie chimed in, the traitor. “The kiss he planted on you the other day wasn’t exactly a friendly peck, Lacy. And Adam says Ethan has warned him and a few others away from you already.”

“What?” Others? He was warning other guys away from her? What did that mean?

“Come on.” Sarah threw up her hands and rolled her eyes back so far Lacy feared she’d pass out. “You’re a gorgeous model in a small town. Do you seriously think the men around here haven’t noticed? Take a look around you. It’s like you’re sitting in a spotlight and all of these guys in here have their eyes trained on you.”

A quick glance around the bar had Lacy feeling very uncomfortable. She wasn’t used to being the center of attention…not this much male attention anyway. The guys on the shoots generally kept a professional distance. None of them had ever hit on her or asked her out. Well, except for Ethan.

He wasn’t like the guys in the city, either. No, Ethan was a gentleman, a good ol’ southern boy with manners. Yeah, he stared at her sometimes, but nothing like the looks she was getting in here. Ethan’s looks were softer, more sensual, leaving her feeling special, while the looks she was receiving from these yahoos made her feel naked and dirty.

“Here’s the deal,” Sarah began. “If you don’t love the man, and I mean
love him, not just think you do, then do
sleep with him.”

Now, the girl reminded her of her mother. “I think I’m old enough to decide who I sleep with.” Really, why did she feel the need to warn her away from having sex with Ethan?

“Listen, I just don’t want to see Ethan get hurt, and believe me, if you mean as much to him as I suspect you do, it would destroy him if you left.”

Lacy lowered her head. In truth, it was already going to wreck her when the time came for her to go. This small town had definitely grown on her in the short time she’d been here, and she was in no way looking forward to returning to the city. “If he’s interested in a relationship, I would be willing to stick around after this job and see where things go,” she admitted. “I’m just not sure what his intentions are right now. I mean, he could just be looking for a quick fling while I’m here, and I’m just reading too much into things.”

Sarah and Stephanie were both shaking their heads almost in unison when Lacy looked up, but Sarah was the one to speak first. “I already told you, the Wolfe brothers are very picky about their women. If he has taken a serious interest in you, then he’s looking for something more long-term, if not permanent.”

“Permanent? Like marriage?”

Sarah looked as if she was about to say something else, but Stephanie cut in. “Lacy, there’s something special going on between you and Ethan. It’s obvious to anyone who watches the two of you. Whether you are together or apart, you both seek each other out, watching one another with heated gazes and it’s really sweet to witness.”

Lacy groaned and put her face in her hands. “Am I that obvious? He must think I’m some clingy nut job!”

“I doubt it because that would make him one, too.” Sarah laughed.

“Make him one what?” A striking older woman had sauntered up to their table and both Sarah and Stephanie smiled in welcome.

“Hey, Angela!” Stephanie exclaimed, hugging the woman’s neck. “What brings you here?”

“Well, I stopped by Ethan’s house to drop his father off, and they told me where you ladies had run off to, so I figured I’d come over and say hello.” Angela turned to Lacy and extended her hand in greeting. “Hi, I’m the boys’ mother, and you are?”

“I’m Lacy. I model with Ethan.” Wow, did this woman have a grip! Her blonde hair was perfectly styled, and she had a rather unnerving way of staring you right in the eye. If Lacy didn’t know better, she’d swear the lady was trying to assert her dominance.


“So you’re the girl my Ethan has taken a liking to? Can’t say that I blame him. You’re a pretty little thing.”

That was a compliment, right? “Um, thank you.”

Lacy was desperate for someone to jump into the conversation and save her from what was sure to end up as a mother’s interrogation, but instead of the two girls she’d come with, her salvation arrived in the form of one extremely drunk local named David Ricker.

“Hi there, sexy lady,” he slurred as he shamelessly ogled her breasts.

“Hello,” Lacy replied, shifting a bit to recover some of her personal space. His breath was downright lethal! She wondered how long he’d been drinking that night when he spoke again.

“You ever been to the cir-circus?”

What a strange question. “Sure.” Stephanie and Sarah watched her now as if her byplay with the town drunk was the best entertainment they’d seen all year.

“You wanna play one of those circus games?” he asked. Before she could reply, he kept on going, drunken excitement dancing in his glazed eyes. “You come with me, and we’ll play the ‘Guess My Weight’ game. You sit on my face, sweet-cheeks, and I’ll guess your weight. If I’m wrong, I’ll eat the difference.”

Lacy was appalled, but even more disturbing was how the man’s skull bounced off the table after Angela delivered a good swat to the back of his head. Blood gushed from his nose, but when Lacy went to offer him a napkin, he swung his arm up.

Going purely on instinct, Lacy threw up her own, blocking the blow with her forearm then grabbing his wrist and deftly twisting his arm behind his back. She bent him over the table, effectively bringing his movements to a halt.

“Two things, Mr. Ricker. One, you need to sober up before you end up biting off more than you can chew. And two, you don’t ever hit a woman. Do you understand me?”

“Yes’m,” he replied, his voice now more of a nasally whine due to his rapidly swelling nose. The guy was bleeding all over the place.

BOOK: To Save His Mate
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