Till the Last Breath . . . (24 page)

BOOK: Till the Last Breath . . .
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If It’s Not Forever

It’s Not Love

Durjoy Datta • Nikita Singh

To the everlasting power of love …

When Deb, an author and publisher, survives the bomb blasts at Chandni Chowk, he knows his life is nothing short of a miracle. And though he escapes with minor injuries, he is haunted by the images and voices that he heard on that unfortunate day.

Even as he recovers, his feet take him to where the blasts took place. From the burnt remains he discovers a diary. It seems to belong to a dead man who was deeply in love with a girl. As he reads the heartbreaking narrative, he knows that this story must never be left incomplete. Thus begins Deb’s journey with his girlfriend, Avantika, and his best friend, Shrey to hand over the diary to the man’s beloved.

Deeply engrossing and powerfully told,
If It’s Not Forever …
tells an unforgettable tale of love and life.

You Were My Crush
Till You Said You Love Me!

Durjoy Datta • Orvana Ghai

Would you change yourself for the love of your life?

Benoy zips around in a Bentley, lives alone in a palatial house and is every girl’s dream. To everyone in college he is a stud and a heartbreaker. But is he, really? What no one sees is his struggle to come to terms with his mother’s untimely death and his very strained relationship with his father.

Then once again his world turns upside down when he sees the gorgeous Shaina. He instantly falls in love but she keeps pushing him away. What is stopping them from having their fairy-tale romance? What is Shaina hiding?

It’s time Benoy learned his lesson about love and relationships …


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First published by Grapevine India Publishers 2012
Published in Penguin Metro Reads by Penguin Books India 2013

Copyright © Durjoy Datta 2013

Cover photographs © Getty Images

All rights reserved

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

ISBN: 978-0-143-42157-3

This digital edition published in 2013.
e-ISBN: 978-9-351-18295-5

BOOK: Till the Last Breath . . .
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