Threads Of Desire (Creative Hearts Book 3) (27 page)

BOOK: Threads Of Desire (Creative Hearts Book 3)
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Sean gets up and comes over to the bed reaching for me. My hand shoots up to stop him. “Don’t touch me. Don’t say a word. Just go.” I look him in the eye, no longer seeing the man I thought I knew. This man is now my enemy and I wonder for a moment where my husband went. “Go now. I don’t care where, just go. Having you near me makes me ill.”
I reach over and shove his cell phone into his hand.

Sean takes it and steps back. He grabs the suit jacket off the chair and walks to the bedroom door. “Bree, I’m so sorry. Please don’t let this be the end of us.” His voice cracks and I almost say something to stop him from going. But I don’t. There is nothing to say that won’t be a scream.

I listen as his car leaves the driveway, then the tears start to flow. Big fat tears that I quickly swipe away with my freshly manicured hands.

My husband had an affair. A terrible laugh escapes my lips. Me, Sabrina Jacobs, a woman who up until this point has had it all together is being taken down by a scrawny, twenty-something with big hair, skinny thighs and silicone-enhanced boobs.

I breathe hard against the rage, but all I see now is a 90’s Angela Basset in my mind—she’s scarily similar to today’s unchanged Angela—and she’s lighting a match. The smell of sulfur is pungent and satisfying and the flames are yellow and orange and oh so beautiful. The fire is hot. Almost as hot as the pain in my belly and it feels good to watch it burn so high and strong. Almost as good as the screams I let go of as my babies were ripping their way into the world. Coming to us. Into their father’s waiting arms. I fight for breath. Fight to douse the flames. I can’t light that match. I know I can’t. If I do the fire may never go out and then where will I be? Where will Mack and Zach be without the two of us?

I look around half expecting to be in some alternate universe. To be in someone else’s bedroom or someone else’s body. But no, it’s mine.

The bile rises in my throat and I run to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet in time. My knees hit the cold tile floor, and I heave and retch until there is nothing left.

I stand slowly as I grab for a towel to wipe my mouth. A perfect white Egyptian cotton monogrammed towel.
. Sean and Sabrina Jacobs. I quickly wipe my face and throw the towel down in the hamper. I glance at myself in the mirror. My eyes are hollow and red-rimmed. My normally smooth, tan skin is puffy and blotchy. A desperate feeling overtakes me and my heart is beating so fast it feels like it’s about to jump out of my chest. I force slow breaths through my nose.

No way, this is not you, Sabrina. Get it together girl.
I rinse my mouth and face, splashing the cold water over and over until my skin stings. When I look at the mirror again, I blink a few times until I can recognize a hint of myself. I pick up a brush and start to smooth my hair. I make a mental note to make an appointment for a touch-up on my relaxer. Just because your marriage is a wreck, it’s no excuse to let yourself go. I snort to myself. Sabrina Jacobs does not do sad and tired.

Not me.
This will not happen to me.
My marriage will not fall apart.
My kids will not grow up without a father. Not like I did.

With that thought I know that I will take him back. There is no way I’m letting him go, letting this go.

I will not fail at this, I vow this to myself before I shut off the bathroom light and head back to my beautiful, beige, empty bedroom. I get into bed, and reach for the phone on the nightstand. I clutch it tightly to my chest for a few moments as I gather my strength and still my racing heart. Calmed, I let out a long breath and dial Sean’s cell. Again.

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Praise for the works of K.M. Jackson

“A lush island setting provides the backdrop for this equally lush romantic tale. K.M. Jackson’s wonderful writing voice brings her characters to life. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this sexy island adventure.” –Farrah Rochon, author on
Through The Lens

“A fun Sexy Island romp that’s totally addictive,” —Phyllis Bourne, author on
Through The Lens

“Not just sex in the city—
Seduction’s Canvas
Sizzles!” Two strong People get weak in the knees as this story heats up.” —Megan Caldwell, author on
Seduction’s Canvas

“K.M. has a very fluid writing style, with just enough detail to keep you hooked….she’s good at creating characters that feel real and relatable…
Threads of Desire
did not disappoint.” —Christina Jones, author

“Deeply emotional, heartbreaking, funny and full of hope, K.M Jackson’s,
is absolutely fantastic!”—Lauren Dane,
New York Times
Bestselling Author

“Full of humor, unforgettable characters and a story that will have you wondering just how it’s going to end,
is a must-read!”—Juli Page Morgan, author of
Athena’s Daughter

“An intensely personal look at modern marriage.
Heart-wrenching as well as heart-warming with plenty of humor to soften the edges.
One of my favorite reads this year.”—Irene Preston, author of

“This story is funny, completely modern, emotional and heart wrenching at times…
plays out almost like a Lifetime movie, except with more interesting characters and richer dialogue, complementing the storyline.”—
RT Book Reviews

“With a sensitive touch, and an expert hand, Jackson leads the reader into a world that matches our own, into lives that could be ours, into problems that we’ve heard or experienced. The story had a real touch that can be appreciated. Great book club pick.” –
USA Today Happy Ever After

by K.M. Jackson was one of those books that completely took me by surprise… heart wrenching and inspirational… It is a genuine real-life portrayal I think every woman should read and Sabrina Jacobs reminded me why I am so proud to be a woman.
In all our glory, we truly are the stronger sex and she is no exception!”—
Scandalicious Book Reviews

Other titles by K.M. Jackson

The Creative Hearts Series

Book 1: Through The Lens

Book 2: Seduction’s Canvas

Book 3:Threads of Desire


About the Author

A native New Yorker, K.M. Jackson spent her formative years on the ‘A’ train going from her home in Washington Heights to The Village where she attended high school. On that long ride to study math and science, K.M had two dreams: 1. to be a fashion designer and 2. to be a writer.

After graduating from high school, K.M. studied fashion design at FIT. She then spent ten years designing for various fashion houses. But after having twins K.M. took the leap of faith and decided to pursue her other dream of being a writer.

She currently lives in a suburb of New York with her husband, twins, and a precocious terrier named Jack that keeps her on her toes.

Kwana can found on her
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or you can get in on the fun and excitement of her special Facebook chat group by joining her over at
! Don’t forget to sign up for her
to stay up to date on her latest releases and all the thrilling happenings in the KMJ world.

Table of Contents


Other Titles by K.M. Jackson



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20



Reviews for the works of K.M. Jackson

About the Author

BOOK: Threads Of Desire (Creative Hearts Book 3)
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