Read Then Came You Online

Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

Then Came You (5 page)

BOOK: Then Came You
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"So you get bears around here?” she asked.

"Sure we do, but don't worry, I'm here to protect you."

He slid the stable door open and led her inside.

"You remember any of the horses and their names?” he asked her.

She pointed to the end stall. “I think so. I know that dark brown one over there is your horse and his name is Stan."

"Hey, that's pretty good."

"I don't think I've seen that black horse before,” she said, pointing to the horse closest to them.

As if he knew Gillian was talking about him he shook his head up and down and swished his tail.

"No, he arrived a few weeks ago. The owner couldn't afford to feed him anymore and I said I'd take him in till he gets back on his feet."

"That was sweet of you."

"And here is the newest family member."

Connor led her to the stall that housed the new foal. He was kind of proud of him and Connor knew he was going to be a fine-looking horse. He'd inherited his good looks from his parents who always produced the prettiest of horses.

"Oh, he's so cute. Can I stroke him?” she asked, standing on tiptoes and peeking over the top of the stall.

"Sure you can."

Connor slid the stall door open and they walked inside.

"Have you given him a name yet?” asked Gillian, stroking his nose.

"Nope, been waiting for you to do that."


"Sure, you have to do it because he's now your horse."

"Connor, I don't know what to say to that. First of all, I don't live here and..."

"I'll keep him for you and you can ride him when you visit on your sales calls."

She nodded. “But I don't ride."

"Now it's you who's messing with me."

She shook her head. He'd never bothered to ask her if she'd ever been on a horse before. He just assumed everyone knew how to ride.

"Not had much use for a horse growing up in Chicago."

"Then, pretty lady, you're going to have to learn."

"No, really, I don't think that would be a good idea."

Did he see fear on that pretty face of hers?

"You don't want to learn or what?” he asked.

"What if I fall off?"

"Then as the saying goes, you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on your horse."

Gillian laughed. “You're serious about this, aren't you?"

"You're damn right I am. What's the good of owning a horse like this darling boy when you can't ride him?"

"If I learn to ride you'll be the one to teach me, right? I mean, you'll be with me all the time?"

"I'll be actually on the horse with you for your first lesson.” He looked at his watch. “Which starts as soon as I saddle up one for us."

* * * *

Gillian couldn't believe any of this—Connor giving her the new horse, which she'd fallen in love with as soon as she'd stepped into the stall and petted him. And now here she was sitting on a chair in the stables watching Connor saddle one of the other horses for her first riding lesson.

He led a dark brown horse towards her.

"This is Stella. She's gentle and the ideal horse for you to learn to ride on."

Gillian stroked the horse's nose.

"So you've never been on a horse before?” he asked.

"Once when I was a child. I think it was at the zoo."

"Okay, let me help you up. Put your foot in this stirrup here."

Gillian, with the help of Connor pushing her butt up into the air, managed to get her foot in the stirrup and her leg over the horse's back and into the other stirrup.

"You okay up there?” he asked.

"I'm fine."

Connor got on behind her. He spoke gently as he took the reins.

"Hold them together and low like this."

The warmth of his breath on her ear made her feel lightheaded. She was riding a horse with a hunky cowboy sitting right behind her. Hey, wasn't that the fantasy of thousands of women and she was the lucky one who got to live it?

"Now you can pull this way and the horse will know what you want her to do."

He put his hand on Gillian's as they gave a slight tug to the right, moving the horse, then to the left.

"See, it's easier than driving and hell of a lot more fun,” he whispered, his breath slightly moving the tendril of hair that had fallen from her ponytail when she'd mounted the horse. “You want to start riding?"


"Okay, just squeeze your legs on to her body and give her a slight jerk with your thighs. Just like you did last night when I had the pleasure of being between them."

His voice was like liquid velvet and the thought of what he was referring to made her stomach quiver and her pussy tingle just remembering each minute they'd been together.

Gillian did as he said and the horse moved ahead.

"See, you got the hang of it already. Must be those sexy thighs of yours,” said Connor, putting his hands over hers as she held the reins. “Let's go down this path and I can check on some of the guys out in the pasture."

"I'm not keeping you from your work, am I?"

"Nope, that's what I have hired hands for. You cold?"

"A little."

Without saying anything Connor moved closer and wrapped his arms tighter around her. His cock pressed into her butt.

"Feel better?” he asked.

"Much. And is this what you mean by wooing me?"

"Sure is."

"Then I like it. And I can assure you I'll be very appreciative of it when we get back in the bedroom."

"Shit. Now just stop that kinda talk or I'll have to turn the horse back and take you into the house and make love to you and I've still got some romancing to do before we do that again."

Gillian laughed as Connor squeezed her and kissed her shoulder. “So what do you think of riding a horse?"

"I like it, it's very relaxing. Of course the scenery is nice too. The company's not bad either."

He gave her another squeeze.

They arrived at a pasture and Connor waved to four guys who were getting out of a truck.

They waved back and stared at Gillian who waved to them anyway as they rode by.

"I'm assuming you've been riding since you were a little boy,” she said.

"Of course. Used to ride with my father. I have photos of me sitting on the saddle with him when I was a baby."

"So you always wanted to ranch for a living?"

"Yeah, I love the land and I can't think of myself doing anything else. I didn't realise there was such a cold wind out today so how about we turn back? I don't know if we'll have time tomorrow, with it being Thanksgiving, but on Friday I'll give you another lesson."

"Sounds good."

Connor showed her how to pull the reins to turn the horse in the other direction.

"So what's next on the wooing list?” she asked.

"You making fun of me again?” he said before he kissed her on the cheek.

"Nope, just wondering what you have planned for me."

He pulled her in close. “I thought we'd have some lunch and then I'd drive you into town. I'll show you around a bit and once we've had some supper at a place where we can shoot some pool, how about some dancing before we return home? I hope I don't have to teach you to dance too."

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Chapter Six
* * * *

Connor smiled as he sat his beer bottle down on the table by the pool table. He'd talked her into buying a cowboy shirt and hat. She'd changed into them in the store and here she was bending over the pool table. He couldn't take his eyes off her ass. It was making him hard just thinking about seeing it tonight devoid of any clothing. He'd seen a couple of other guys eyeing her and was glad he'd made his move when he had. If he was any judge, someone back in Chicago would be asking her out soon.

She managed to sink two balls into the side pocket and pumped the air with her fist.

"Beginner's luck,” he said, standing to take his turn.

"I'll have you know I've been playing since I was a teenager."

He kissed her on the nose before viewing which ball to sink.

"Watch the pro."

He took a shot but the ball bounced on the frame and recoiled back into the middle of the table.

"Shit, how did that happen?” he said, pushing his hat back on his head.

"That means I win another game."

"I'd ask for a rematch but I think we should quit while I still have some dignity left. No one's ever beaten me before."

He took a swig of beer as she walked over to him. He pulled her in close and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. He almost knocked her hat off her head but she held it in place with her right hand.

"How about some dancing next?” he asked.

"Sounds like fun."

He led her through to the other part of the bar where a three-man band was playing.

Connor sat their beers down on a nearby table and got hold of her hand, leading her on to the dance floor where about half a dozen couples were already holding one another close and moving around to the music.

He pulled her into his body, put one arm around her waist then took her hand and held it up on his shoulder.

"This probably isn't the sort of music you're used to listening or dancing to,” he said.

"Nope, but I'm sure Chicago has a few country and western bars."

He moved her around the floor, taking in her scent. He loved her perfume. He had no idea what it was that it made him want to smile each time it drifted his way. Maybe he'd have to sneak a peek at her toiletries and find its name so he could buy her some for Christmas.

The song changed to a slower number. Gillian snuggled in closer to him. He was growing harder by the second. Good thing this was the last piece of romancing he'd be doing for the day because he couldn't last much longer. He was in urgent need of being inside her again. He moved his arm from around her waist, let it slide slowly then placed his hand on her butt. It felt like she did some working out. Small but firm. Yeah, he couldn't wait to see her naked.

Gillian sat her head on his shoulder. His cock pressed into her belly. Holy shit, he was getting so horny again.

"Hey, you ready to head home?” he whispered in her ear.

"Thought you'd never ask."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Seven
* * * *

The sexual tension between them had been building on the ride back to Connor's house. It had only been a twenty-minute drive but to Gillian it had seemed like hours. She'd almost been tempted to reach her leg across to the driver's side of the truck and press her foot down on Connor's, causing him to accelerate and get them home that much faster.

By the time they walked in the front door, her panties were soaked and her heart was beating faster too. Gillian could hear it drumming in her head. Talk about libido in overdrive. She had to have him and hoped he didn't mind what she was about to do to make that happen sooner rather than later. She pulled his jacket off him like it was on fire. Next she grabbed his cowboy hat and threw it on the couch.

"Hey, honey, I love this...don't think I've had a woman act like this before and I have to say, damn, it's a turn-on for me."

"I'm glad you like it.” She kissed him, letting her mouth pull at his lower lip. She ran her hand down his shirt over his belt buckle and on to his very obvious erection.

"Can you feel I'm oh so ready for you?” he asked.

She squeezed his cock, anticipating seeing it, feeling it and even tasting it.

"Shall we head up stairs before I'm too hard to even walk up one step?"

She nodded. He got hold of her hand and the two of them rushed up each step and hurried into his bedroom. He turned on a lamp on the bedside table, casting the room in a low sultry light.

"Where were we, my darling?"

Shit, the way he'd said that had made her juices slide from her entrance.

Gillian squeezed his cock again before undoing his belt buckle, snapping open the button on his jeans and pulling down his fly. She eased her hand inside. He wore boxers. She somehow thought he would. Gillian slid her hand inside their opening and let her fingers glide up and down his shaft. He was hot, hard—his cock slightly pulsating and a tiny bit of pre-cum bubbling from its head.

"Mmm, that feels so good. You know how long I've dreamed of this minute, you touching me like this?” he said.

She gave him a quick kiss. “For being such a romantic all day, how about I give you a special treat?"

She didn't give him time to respond. She knelt on the carpet and got hold of his jeans and boxers and pulled them down his legs until they sat around his ankles. Gillian looked up. His cock was fantastic as she'd assumed it would be. Thick, long, each perfect vein standing out. She reached up and stroked him before positioning herself in just the right spot. She gave him a few more strokes before taking the tip of his shaft into her mouth.

Connor moaned. Gillian placed her hands on his hips and took another few inches of him into her mouth. He moaned again. He placed his hands on her head as she took the rest of him into her mouth and ran her tongue along the entire length of his cock.

"Jeez, I've died and gone to heaven, haven't I?” he asked, running his hands through his hair.

She pressed her palms on to his hips some more as she went to work on him. Each time she licked and sucked, he moaned. Gillian knew he was getting restless, getting close, because he moved his feet slightly and thrust ever so slightly into her mouth. Sensing he was near the edge of his release, she let go of his cock, held it and as she made her way up his body, felt him climax on to her belly. He held her close as he shook and whispered ‘Gillian’ into her hair.

"Wow, I didn't expect was fantastic,” he said.

"I think we should get you out of the rest of your clothes,” she said. She unbuttoned his shirt, parted both sides and kissed his chest. The hair on it tickled her nose and mouth. She pressed her face into it while smelling his scent.

Next she eased the shirt off his shoulders and threw it onto a nearby chair. He freed his legs by stepping out of his boxers and jeans.

Gillian ran her hand up his belly on to his chest, feeling every single one of his well-defined and ultra-hard muscles under her palms. He probably didn't need to work out because just doing the kind of work he did gave him a great physique.

BOOK: Then Came You
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