Their Soul Mate [The Hot Millionaires #5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Their Soul Mate [The Hot Millionaires #5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Cody covered her hand with one of his own, but she snatched hers back before his touch could soften her stance. “Oh, he feels all right, perhaps a little too much sometimes.”

Justine sniffed, trying not to let the empathy she felt for Zac’s situation influence her. “I’ll take your word for it.”

Susan came back into the room. “I think Zac would appreciate a little moral support,” she said calmly. “He looked as though he’d been condemned to a life of servitude when I left them alone.”

“Then why did you?” Justine asked, aggression in her tone. She was still employed by Zac, so he deserved her loyalty. “Can’t you see how hard this is for him?”

“Sometimes these situations are better handled in numbers,” Susan said, ignoring Justine’s fit of pique.

“Get this a lot, do you?” Justine refused to be appeased by the woman’s infuriatingly calm approach. “Long-lost sons turning up out of the blue. Sorry,” she added when Susan looked at her askance. This wasn’t the administrator’s fault, and Justine knew she was only sniping at her because she was so disappointed in the turn her life had taken. “Of course we’ll help out,” she said, getting to her feet. “Come on, Cody, Zac needs his hand held.”

An hour later they were back in the car.

Chapter Nine


“Thanks,” Zac said after they’d travelled some miles in silence. “I appreciate the support, both of you.”

“No problem,” Cody said from behind the wheel.

Justine said nothing, and Zac was wise enough not to push her.

A couple of hours after they got home, Cody sought her out.

“Something I can do for you?” she asked, looking up from the quotes for the woodworm that had just come through on her e-mail.

“Not me so much, more Zac.”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“He’s shut himself off. I can’t get to him.”

“Mentally, you mean?”

“Yeah. He won’t tell me anything about his conversation with his mother.”

“He probably needs time to come to terms with it himself first.”

Cody threw himself onto the couch opposite her desk, looking genuinely upset. “But he always tells me everything.”

“He’s never been in a situation like this before.” Justine hardened her heart. If Zac was hurting, it was none of her business. “Anyway, what do you expect me to do about it?”

“I rather thought a distraction.” Cody looked up at her with puppy-dog eyes. “He’s real sorry for the conclusions he jumped to about you and the jerk.”

“Oh no! After the way he—”

Cody stood up and pulled her into his arms. “It’s a lot to ask, but I know he feels bad about the way he treated you. I reckon having that on his mind, on top of whatever it was that his mother said to him, is too much.”

“I can’t believe you’d think I’d even consider it.”

“Are we so very repulsive? You seemed to enjoy—”

“That was when I thought you respected me.”

Cody’s lips brushed the top of her head. Against her better judgement she relaxed against him, her breasts squashed against his chest, her pussy pressed against his erection, and she died a little inside. God, she felt so hot she could probably come then and there, just by rubbing against him. How pathetic was that?

“It’s because we
respect you that we were so upset when we walked in on you and the jerk.”

What the hell? I was prepared to play with them before all this, expecting nothing in return.

“Okay,” she said on a heavy sigh. “No strings, right?”

“Of course.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“Both of us,” he said softly, his hands running seductively up and down her back. “Are you still willing?”

Am I?

Justine paused for a long time, eyeing Cody as she thought through her decision. An opportunity she would once have grasped with open gratitude now required consideration. She was learning.

“Yes, all right,” she said eventually.


* * * *


“Then we’d better make sure you don’t regret it.”

And she wouldn’t, not while Cody still had breath in his body. Rather than kissing her into submission he released her, determined not to influence her decision. Now that she’d made up her mind, he swung into action and did what he did best, which was making a desirable woman feel good about herself. He cupped her buttocks, pulling her close against his erection as he ground it into her stomach. She was one hot babe, and Cody was crazy for her.

More than crazy. He had strong feelings for this mad hellcat who held conversations with a car called Malcolm and didn’t seem to have a clue just how attractive she actually was. Even when he thought she was still involved with the jerk—especially then—the urge to step in and protect her had been almost overwhelming.

“What do you have in mind?” she asked, the tip of her tongue protruding to moisten her lower lip as she spoke.

“Come with me.”

He took her hand and led her to his room.

“Nice pad,” she said.

Cody watched her as she glanced around the large space dominated by a huge circular bed. Everything neat, not so much as a stray pair of boxer shorts cluttering up the space.

“Glad you approve.”

“The tidiness is a bit intimidating,” she said, grinning.

“Feel free to make as much mess as you like.”

“Beware what you wish for.” Her laugh sounded nervous. “Shouldn’t we send for Zac?”

“I reckon we need to surprise him,” Cody said. “Take his mind off things.” He opened a closet and rummaged in a bag. “I brought you a present back from the States.”

“What is it?”

Justine opened her eyes very wide as he extracted a complicated-looking leather outfit and presented it to her with a theatrical flourish.

“It’s a leather ring harness,” he said. “You happy to wear it for us?”

Justine swallowed twice and nodded. “I guess.”

“Attagirl.” Cody sat on the edge of the bed, and she automatically dropped her gaze, waiting to be told what to do next. “Undress,” he said. “Take it all off for me, baby.”

She did as he asked, one garment at a time, slowly, making him wait as she ratcheted up the anticipation. Finally, it seemed she understood that she was the boss. Cody didn’t think it was possible for him to get any harder, but Justine’s striptease proved just how wrong he could be. His erection was painful, pressing against the thick denim of his jeans, so he unzipped and gave it its freedom. A tiny smile tugged at Justine’s lips when she noticed. She was fully naked now and Cody could see moisture seeping from her pussy and streaking down her inner thighs.

Good, she’s as turned-on as I am

“Now put this on,” Cody said, standing to help her. “You put your legs through these gaps here.” He held the harness in place while she did as he asked. “Now we tighten the top around your neck. Your gorgeous tits hang out through the gaps, but your pussy gets covered in leather.”

“Why the ring on the front of the thong?”

Cody chuckled. “So we can lead you around by it or do what the hell we like with you.” He stood back to study his handiwork. “Christ, you look hot!”

“You like?”

“I like, but there’s something missing.” Cody went back to his closet and found what he was looking for. A studded collar with nipple clamps attached. “You want those hard nipples clamped?”

Justine licked her lips. “Yes, please.”

Cody fastened the collar around her neck with infinite care. The desire to touch her, to fuck her senseless, was overwhelming, but he could wait. Just about. This was for his buddy, and he got to call the shots. Even so, attaching the clamps to her perky nipples gave him a perfect excuse to touch her, and he did so teasingly, deliberately rubbing his thumb across her areolas until she moaned and pushed herself more firmly into his hands. He tapped her thigh and she immediately stopped moving.

“Let me get you ready before we play,” he said, attaching one of the clamps. “Is that comfortable?”

She threw her head back and closed her eyes. “It’s wonderful.”

Cody laughed. “Glad to hear it.”

He attached the second clamp, briefly dropping his head to rasp one of her taut nipples with his tongue.

“Lay on the bed and stretch your arms above your head.”

She did as he asked and Cody attached her wrists to the headboard with restraints that swivelled.

“Now you’re at our complete mercy.”

“I always was,” she responded, her eyes muddy with passion.

“Do you have any idea how goddamned sexy you look?”

She shook her head. “I’m fat.”

Cody guffawed. “You’re perfect. Can I take your picture?”

“You can do anything you want.”

“Oh, I intend to. Never fear.” Cody found his camera and snapped off a few shots. He didn’t show her the results, and she was too well trained in such situations to ask. “Spread your legs and bring your knees up. Show me that leather-covered pussy, Justine.” She lifted her hips, a sexy smile on her lips, and he took a few more shots. “You need something else ’cause you’re too greedy to wait. Am I right?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly.

“Turn over, then, and get up on your knees.”

Cody abandoned the camera and went back to his closet in search of more toys. He squirted lube over the crack in her butt with infinite care, sliding a finger into her anus when it was suitably oiled.

“Like that?”

“I want you to fuck me,” she said breathlessly. “You’re not being fair.”

He slapped her ass hard. “You know better than to ask.”

“Sorry,” she moaned. “You know how to make me want you so badly that I can’t seem to think about anything else.”

You can talk. On your hands and knees with clamps on huge tits dangling below you, you’re every red-blooded man’s wet dream.

Cody removed his finger and slowly inserted a plug that was contoured to slide deep into her ass. She pushed back to ease its progress, sighing when she’d taken it all.

“You’re a greedy little witch,” Cody said, slapping her again. “I’m gonna have to teach you some manners.”

He reached for a paddle and brought it down on her rear. At the same time he tugged gently on the chain attached to the nipple clamps. Justine screamed, but Cody knew it wasn’t because she was in pain and repeated the process. His erection throbbed and jerked in response to her reaction, and he knew he couldn’t keep this up for much longer without needing to come himself.

“Are you sorry for being so needy?” he asked her teasingly.

“Yes, master, very sorry.”

“That’s good. Now, turn back over, lie on your back, and spread your legs again. We’ll give Zac something else to think about, shall we?”

Cody threw off his clothes with a sense of unmitigated relief, opened the door, and shouted to Zac.

“Spare a minute, buddy?”

“I’ll be right there.”

Footsteps sounded on the stairs. When he opened the door to Cody’s room, all he would have seen was Justine in her sexy leather harness, tits clamped, collar around her neck, hands restrained above her head, sexy smile on her lips, and passion swirling in the depths of her remarkable eyes. If that didn’t shake him out of the funk he’d fallen into since meeting his mother, then Cody didn’t know what would.

“What the fuck…”


* * * *


In the few hours since meeting his so-called mother, Zac had been feeling downright sorry for himself. He didn’t know why exactly. His life hadn’t changed in any way. He’d done well enough on his own, without any family to ease his path. He guessed it wasn’t his mother’s fault that she’d been forced into abandoning him. He also reckoned his father had tried to do the right thing. Even so, it was all pretty screwed up, and his grandmother was the most to blame. She ought to have taken him in herself, the hell with what the neighbours had to say about unmarried mothers. She didn’t do that but salved her conscience from beyond the grave by dumping the problem of Mary Elizabeth on him.

Thanks a bundle, Mrs. Everton!

What was Zac supposed to do about Mary Elizabeth now? He’d pay her fees without noticing the loss. That was the easy part. It was the emotional investment he wasn’t sure he could take. Zac had learned from an early age not to get emotionally involved. No sooner did he get attached to a foster family than he was moved on. It didn’t do to rely on anyone except himself.

He reminded himself of that when he thought about Justine. Zac wanted to believe she wasn’t still involved with the jerk, but life had taught him to be cautious, and he wasn’t yet ready to accept it. He wished it could be otherwise because she’d gotten under his skin and he desperately wanted to trust her enough to convince her to stay with him and Cody. In spite of his self-containment, it felt right having her about the place.

Cody’s voice intruded on his introspective thoughts. He ran up the stairs, too distracted to wonder why Cody hadn’t come to him. When he entered his room he stopped dead in this tracks, barely able to believe his eyes. Justine in a bondage harness, cuffed to the bed, nipples clamped and, if he knew Cody, with a plug up her butt, turned toward the door and offered him a sultry smile.

BOOK: Their Soul Mate [The Hot Millionaires #5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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