Read The Witch's Desire Online

Authors: Elle James

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

The Witch's Desire (10 page)

BOOK: The Witch's Desire
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Ursula faced the council, her face pale but resolute as she stepped forward.

Demi walked with her, wondering why Ursula was so frightened when the vampire was restrained and they were surrounded by a room full of guards and council members. What could he do to hurt them?

When she came to a stop in front of Alexei, Ursula kept her face down, breathing in short shallow breaths as though she'd been running. Then she drew in a long slow breath and let it out, straightened her shoulders and looked Alexei in the eye. She raised her hand to his temple.

The room grew silent.

As soon as her hand touched Alexei's face, her eyes closed and her head tipped back.

Demi felt a jolt of something electric stimulate her brain and then images flooded into her mind. Pictures of events she'd never known, of people who were strangers and places she'd only ever dreamed of going to.

Swirling in a haze of smoke from candles and burning incense, she felt the pain of being bitten and smelled the coppery scent of blood. She raised her hand to her throat instinctively. No blood warmed her fingers. What she was experiencing were the memories of a man being turned into a vampire.

Immediately the images darkened and a hunger so strong it made her muscles clench filled her. She was running through the streets, attacking men, ravaging women and killing children in a frenzied attempt to quell the all-consuming hunger.

As the years passed, the hunger was mastered, and he added strength and ability to manipulate people with his mind, leading him into darker corners of the world and more sinister pursuits. He'd murdered, plotted coups and killed so many people, the names and faces swirled in Demi's head until she thought it would rip apart.

“Demi,” a voice called to her from the mists of the past. “Demi, wake up.”

She pulled her mind out of the memories and blinked. Though her eyes had been open, she hadn't seen what was happening in the room. Demi glanced at Cal. He was holding her in his arms, shaking her gently.

“Demi, come back to me, sweetheart,” he said, and brushed his lips across hers.

She lifted her hands to lace behind his head and deepened the kiss, her tongue sliding across his in a sensual dance. When they broke apart, Demi glanced at Ursula, whose hand was still pressed to Alexei's temple. “What's happening?”

“He's using Ursula to put them all in some kind of mind-meld. Look around.”

The council members sat around the circle, their eyes glazed, their bodies still as Alexei's memories washed over them. All of them remained motionless in a trancelike state, except one. His eyes staring blankly into space, the tall lanky council member's hands shifted in his long, voluminous sleeves, unearthing what appeared to be a lump of grayish clay. Then he pushed a metal device into the clay and set a switch.

Demi's eyes narrowed. What was it? Cold slithered across her skin, sinking into her gut.

“Cal!” She grabbed Cal's arm. “What is that man doing?”

Cal shoved Demi to the side. “He's got C-4 explosives. Alexei put everyone in a trance. He's going to blow up this room and everyone in it.”

“Stop him,” Demi whispered. “I'll get Ursula.”

Cal lunged for the council member with the bomb.

Demi grabbed Ursula's arm and tried to yank it away from Alexei.

Alexei's eyes popped open and he stared straight at Demi.

She refused to look at him, afraid he'd drag her back into his sick, demented head.

Katya stepped around Ursula and backhanded Demi, sending her flying across the table into one of the council members who pinned her arms behind her back, holding her still. “Let me go!”

Cal reached the guy with the bomb, but hesitated when he heard Demi's cry.

“Don't worry about me,” she yelled. “Stop him or we'll all die.”

Cal's hesitation cost him, allowing one of the two bailiffs who'd led Alexei into the room to capture him and keep him from getting to the man with the bomb. The second bailiff reached out to help the first, but met with Cal's heel as he kicked into his face.

The bailiff went down and stayed down.

Cal ducked low, throwing himself and the man holding him into the legs of one of the tables. The bailiff loosened his hold as he fell, enough to allow Cal to roll free. He lunged for the C-4 and stared down at the mechanism. The timer showed fifteen seconds until detonation.

“I don't how to disarm it without setting off the explosion.”

Demi knocked heads with the council member holding her and fought her way free. She leaped across the room, crashing into Ursula, breaking her connection to Alexei and knocking her into Blaise and Katya. “Wake up, everyone, or you'll die!” she screamed.

With the connection broken between Ursula and Alexei, the room came slowly to life. Too slowly for Demi's comfort. She jumped to her feet and pulled Katya and Blaise up by their arms. “Do something. Make that demon magic of yours save this room full of people.”

“Eight, seven, six…” Cal called out. “Do something.”

“Now!” Demi slapped Blaise in the face then raised her hand to slap Katya's.

Katya caught her wrist as she swung. “I've got this.” She and Blaise held hands, seeming to communicate between themselves. Then Katya spoke quietly. “Cal, put the charge on the floor and step away.”

Cal set it carefully on the floor. “Three, two…”

Katya and Blaise closed their eyes.

Demi stared across at Cal, knowing his was the last face she wanted to see if she was to die in the next second.

A bright red light flashed from the detonator.

Demi's breath caught as the device exploded, the blast caught in an invisible containment field that seemed to swell outward then back in as the force was absorbed.

The room erupted in voices as the council came to life, everyone talking at once.

Alexei laughed. “You are all fools.”

Demi balled her fist and slammed it into the vampire's face, shutting him up before he could say another word.

“You all have seen what Alexei has been and is still capable of doing as long as he lives,” Katya said. “If not for the human, you would all be dead.”

Members muttered in disbelief, amazement, chagrin and some even offered thanks.

The Grand Master clapped his hands and the room grew silent. “We are in agreement, a vampire such as Alexei has committed heinous crimes to humanity and otherkin. The punishment for such crimes is death.”

Alexei stared hard at the Grand Master, apparently trying to recapture the man's mind.

“Enough tampering with my mind!” The older man waved his hand.

Alexei's face contorted and he cried out, his body twisting and writhing until he exploded into a thousand dust particles, expelled into the air.

Ursula sagged against a table, her shoulders shaking, tears slipping down her cheeks.

Demi knew she should go to her and comfort the demon, but she needed to feel Cal's arms around her.

He met her halfway, crushing her against his chest.

She pressed her ear to his chest, his heartbeat matching her own. Then he tipped her chin up and kissed her for a very long time.

Katya cleared her throat. “If you two are finished. We can leave.”

Demi glanced around at the curious faces of the council members.

The Grand Master nodded at them. “We thank you for your help in resolving this matter. We also understand you were due a vacation after delivering Ms. Rusu to our custody. The council has the penthouse suite at the most luxurious hotel in the city. You two may use it for the duration of your stay.”

“Hear that?” Demi laughed. “A real hotel and a real vacation.”

“All we have to do is get there.”

“We have that arranged as well.” The Grand Master nodded and Joe the tow truck driver entered the room. “Joe will take you where you need to go.”

Demi kissed Cal and turned to Katya and Blaise. “Thank you both. We wouldn't be alive now without your help.”

“Likewise.” Katya stuck out her hand. “And you thought you weren't of much use to us paranorms.” She laughed. “We could use people like you at the Fifth Precinct.”

Cal pulled Demi against him. “Would you like that?”

Demi shook her head, smiling. “As much fun as we had here, I think we're needed more back in Chicago. I want to help the people of my hometown—no, I
to help them. There are far too many bad guys in this world to leave it to just anyone.” She winked at Cal. “Ready?”

He gazed at her hungrily. “I'm way past that point, sweetheart.”

“Then let's get started on that vacation before the city is blown away.”

They left the Paranormal Council arm in arm, walking out in the rain.

The cold rain did nothing to cool Demi's rising heat and anticipation. “You think we'll actually make it to the hotel?” she asked, snuggling close to her handsome cop.

“We will, even if we have to swim to get there.”

The tow truck stood at the curb, Joe behind the wheel. “Get in!”

Laughing, Demi climbed aboard, Cal sliding in next to her. “You waited for us.”

“Darned right I did. This should be a limousine for all you two have done for the city.”

Demi grinned at him. “I much prefer this rig. I swear it has water wings.”

Sitting high and dry inside the cab of the tow truck, Demi hugged Cal's arm all the way back to the fancy hotel where they were escorted to their suite on top of the world.

Once the bellboy left, Demi sighed. “Alone at last. Too bad our luggage didn't make it with us. I'd planned on wearing that green number I wore the other night.”

Cal stalked toward her, his eyes gleaming dangerously. “We don't need luggage.”

A ripple of pleasure warmed her damp body and she backed toward the bedroom. “No? But what will I do for a nightgown?” She unzipped her jacket and let it fall to the floor. “Or underwear?” Her shirt followed the jacket.

Cal growled, his gaze sliding over her. “For the next forty-eight hours, clothes will be strictly forbidden.”

Her brows rose. “Bossy much?”

“Damn right.” He gathered her in his arms and crushed her lips with his. When he broke for air, he scooped her into his arms, wincing with the effort.

“Oh, baby, I can get to the bed on my own.”

“Shut up and let me be your hero,” he said through clenched teeth.

Demi cupped his face and stared into his eyes. “You have nothing to prove. You already are my hero.” She kissed him and laid her head on his shoulder, letting him carry her into the bathroom, where he set her on her feet and pulled off her jeans and shoes.

When she tried to remove his clothes, he brushed her hands aside and made quick work of getting naked, fishing a condom from his wallet and placing it in the soap dish.

Demi smiled. She was about to see some action.
She turned the shower nozzle and stepped beneath the spray.

Cal joined her, pulling her back against his front, his cock nudging the crease of her bottom. “This is what kept me going through all the hassle, the rain and the fighting.”

Demi laughed. “My breasts?”

“Among other body parts.” He turned her in his arms and swept the long wet hair from her face. “No, really. Being with you is what kept me sane throughout the chaos.”

“I don't know. Being with you is making me a little nutty.” Her hands roamed over his chest, reveling in how broad his shoulders were and how solid his muscles felt. She tweaked his little brown nipples and trailed her hands down his tight abdomen to the hard shaft jutting out from a nest of dark hair. “I don't suppose you mean to use this anytime soon?” Demi wrapped her fist around him and slid along the length to the base.

“Damn right I do.” Cal thrust into her hand. He worked up a lather of soap and swept it over her shoulders and across her breasts, cupping each in his palms before he dipped lower to cup her sex.

“I see where you're going with this.” She widened her stance, giving him full access to her entrance. “But I'm ready for more than foreplay.” Grabbing the foil packet from the soap dish, she tore it open and rolled the condom down over his erection.

Cal's hands curved behind her thighs and lifted them, backing her against the cool marble tiles as he positioned her over his cock. Then he paused.

Anxious for him to be inside her, Demi wiggled, trying to lower herself over him. When he refused to accommodate her, she looked up.

Cal gazed into her eyes, a gentle smile on his face, his eyes burning with passion. “I might not be a paranorm with magical powers, but I love you with all my heart.”

With her eyes burning with unshed tears, Demi wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close, her throat choked with emotion. “Your love
the magic in my life, Calais Black. Without it, I am nothing.” A tear slipped down her face and she sniffed. “Now, are you going to make love to me, or do I have to tie you down with vines and ravage your body to get any satisfaction?”

Cal grinned. “You don't have to tell me twice.” He slid into her in one long, hard stroke, his girth stretching the walls of her channel, the friction making her come apart.

He thrust in and out, drawing out her pleasure for as long as he could before he too burst over the top. One last hard push and he buried himself inside her, his member throbbing against her core.

Demi wrapped her legs around his waist and held him there until his body relaxed and he lay down beside her.

Yes, this was where she'd wanted to be. They'd weathered lightning and a pack of rabid vampires to get to this moment and, by damn, it had been worth every scratch, bruise and curse word. Content to lie beside him, she laid her hand over his chest and rested her cheek against him.

Cal captured her fingers in his and pressed a kiss to the tips. “Don't go to sleep yet. We've got a lot more vacationing to do.” His lips blazed a heated path along the inside of her arm. He rose up on his elbow and leaned across her to suck one of her breasts into his mouth, pulling gently, the action stoking the flame at her core, building it to a raging fire.

BOOK: The Witch's Desire
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