The Vampire Princess Saga Box Set (4 page)

BOOK: The Vampire Princess Saga Box Set
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Some students decided to make a luau at a waterfall.

I decided to go
, since Mirta would be there. She convinced me and I agreed to go with her.

I realized
they had excluded Eros of the party.

He didn
’t get along with anyone; he was always isolated. That’s why he hadn’t been invited to the event.

During the
class break, I walked to the yard and saw Eros by himself, seated on a bench under a tree.

His perfect face
was focused on a book.

I approached him
and sat close to him.

What are you reading?” I asked, cautiously.

He lifted his face.

“I’m reading about owls”, he answered, glancing at me with a slight smile.

Do you like owls?” I got stunned.

It’s a symbol for wisdom”, he explained and his voice was soft; he stared at my face.

I didn’t know that.” I swung my head, letting my hair going down and hiding my face.

There are many things you don’t know yet.” he confessed with a terrifying voice.

One night, an owl came at my window and I frightened it away.”

It’s just a bird, it doesn’t hurt anybody”, he claimed.

It scares me… it has got huge eyes…” I made grimaces.

He smiled and
concentrated again in the book.

I realized he thought
that his reading about owls was more interesting than our talk.


We remained quiet and I was eager to ask him something.

Tonight there will be a luau at a waterfall”, I sighed. “Do you want to go with us?” I looked up, bashful.

I don’t like it”, he muttered and closed his book.

That will be cool”, I insisted.

Maybe I’ll show up.” He stared at me.

I’ll be waiting for you there”, I said, with a subtle gleam in my eyes.

I won’t promise I will”, he said as he stood up and walked away.

I was still staring
at him; it took me a few minutes until I could rise from the bench and walk away, too.




In the evening, when we arrived at the waterfall, everything was so pleased before a nature’s beauty.

I loved
it. I felt the gentle wind biting my cheeks. I was so excited!

got out of the car.

The guys
were looking for a suitable spot to make a bonfire.

, I watched the blazing twigs for a long time.

The folks
served us drinks. We sat on the ground and in front of the bonfire. I refused to drink as I was remembering my mother’s words.

I sipped my soda
, while listening to the sound of a guitar. They were singing such a moody melody.

stood up to go for a walk around the waterfall. Mirta was talking to Christian at that moment.

She looked at me
while I was walking away slowly.

Excuse me”, she told Christian, and came after me.

What happened to you? Don’t you like here?” she asked me.

I looked at her worried face

Yes, I do”, I responded, a little confused.

Why are you feeling like that?” She wanted to know more.

He didn’t come”, I told, staring at the floor.

I can’t believe you’re here thinking of Eros! She placed her hands on her waist and looked upset.

I just wanted him here with me”, I confessed and my eyes were gleaming.

And you say you aren’t in love with him”, she added, thoughtfully.

He’s my friend”, I said, trying to sound indifferent.

I’m her friend too”, she said, looking at my face.

Finally you and Christian are together.” I changed the subject.

Have you noticed? She said and smiled, her face looked ashamed.

I have not only noticed it as I’m very glad to finally see you together.” I smiled back.

lingered quiet for a moment, then a boy approached us. He looked at me anxiously.

Hello. My name is Douglas.” he said, watching me.

I had no interest
on knowing his name.

Valkyrie”, I said, curtly.

was completely unnecessary, me there, chatting with him.

went back to Christian and I was alone with him. I avoided facing him, and kept my eyes down.

I’m trying to talk to you tonight since when we arrived here.

remained speechless. He gazed at me all the time and I was bothered with that.

Are you always so quiet?” he asked me as his hands went into the pockets of his jeans.

I speak when it’s necessary”, I answered, in a serious tone.

Me too, I’m shy, too”, he shrugged. “Do you like luaus?”

They’re cool.”

answers were short and he could realize I didn’t want to talk to him.

It seems that your friend is having fun
with my friend Christian!” he said, staring at them, around the bonfire. They were totally involved in a conversation full of intense glances.

Let’s come back to the party”, I said, and walked away hastily.

Wait!” he suddenly said and grabbed my arm. “Let’s talk a little bit more.”

I looked up into his eyes
and remained still.

owl appeared flying silently and landed on a tree trunk, just a few yards from us.

I glared
it; and realized it was staring at me with watchful eyes, as if it was observing me. It seemed to be the same owl that showed up at my window.

I hate that creature!” Douglas shouted when he saw the bird.

picked up a piece of firewood and flung it on the owl.

Go away, omen!” he yelled.

I tried to stop him
, so he wouldn’t hurt the owl.

I remembered Eros had told me several things about the owls.

Don’t do that!” I shouted and ran to him.

The torch hit the bird and it flew away, vanishing into the darkness.

I felt
awful about that and wished to walk away.

I turned
back and left them.

Where are you going?” Mirta cried out loud.

I’ll leave”, I said, walking away.

Are you going by yourself? She asked, desperately. “It’s dangerous!”

What happened to her? Did she feel like that because of an owl?” Christian asked, mocking me.

came after me and stood in front of me, trying not to let me go away.

You can’t go back home alone, it’s dangerous.” She held my hand.

That wasn’t funny… what Christian did.” I was so angry.

He just wanted to frighten the bird. No one likes owls; they bring death messages.” she explained.

I like owls and that’s just a silly superstition!” I frowned, outraged.

Alright, Valkyrie, let’s go then!” she said and held my arm firmly.

Okay” I agreed. “I’ll go back because you’re asking me.”

Then we
walked back to them.







On the
next day, Eros arrived at school and that scared me. His left hand was bandaged. And it really attracted my attention; he was dressed in black, and that contrasted with his bandaged hand with that white band. I got really worried about him.

I wanted
so much to talk to him and walked forward before I had gone to the classroom.

What happened to you?” That was the first thing I asked him, instead of saying ‘Hi’.

I had a small accident.” He kept his voice indifferent.

Did you get wounded?” I looked at his hand.

It was scorched.” He looked away awkwardly.

Why did this happen?” I asked, and remembered about the owl the night before, when Christian had injured it.

scene made me confuse and a shiver ran through my spine.

I was frying a steak.” he said and seemed confused because of my inquiry.

Do you cook?” I asked surprised.

Yes, I do.” He smiled for a short time and then his face became serious.

Do you live by yourself?” I insisted.

“Yes, I do.”

Be careful next time.” I was worried about him.

“I’ll be more careful, and it was nothing.” He stared at me, incredulously. “I’ll be fine as soon as possible.”

I was expecting you to show up yesterday.” I changed the subject.

I’m sorry”, he muttered. “I couldn’t go.”

On one hand, it was good you didn’t go.” I said, looking at his face. “Christian bruised an owl.”

Why did he do that?” he asked and wrinkled up his brows.

He hates owls.” I declared.

But if I was there, I would have prevented him.” He looked as if he was angry.

I could sense his cold stare.

I tried to do that”, I said, with a low voice.

Are you starting to like owls?” He smiled in an affable way.

Err, I got used to it.” I smiled. “I thanks to you.”

He smiled back

There are many things you need to know and this is not the right time.” He stared at me; there was something powerful in his mysterious gaze.

What for example?” I was puzzled.

discerned the terror in my eyes.

Our conversation
s sometimes were enigmatic.

Everything has its time…”

walked forward and leaving me behind.

I was intrigued
about his unfinished phrases.


BOOK: The Vampire Princess Saga Box Set
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