Read The Sweetest Mercy (Sexy Shifter Shorts) Online

Authors: Amanda Bonilla

Tags: #Paranormal Erotica, #Cherrie Lynn, #The Sweetest Temptation, #C.J. Roberts, #Erotica Series, #Fiction, #Erotic Shorts, #Linda Howard, #Pepper Pace, #Erotic Romance, #Erotic Short Stories, #H.M. Ward, #The Sweetest Mercy, #J. Kenner, #Beautiful Bastard, #Sara Fawkes, #Colleen Hoover, #Olivia Cunning, #Jeaniene Frost, #Free, #Crave the Darkness, #M. Leighton, #Blood Before Sunrise, #Adult Fiction, #Erotica, #Short Stories, #50 Shades of Gray, #R.K. Lilley, #Katie Ashley, #alpha male, #Kathryn Harvey, #Ilona Andrews, #Sylvia Day, #Urban Fantasy Romance, #Shaedes of Gray, #Christina Lauren, #Paranormal Erotica Series, #Bestseller, #The Dark Duet, #Jennifer Foor, #Hopeless, #Shapeshifter Erotica, #Urban Fantasy, #E.L. James, #Bared to You, #Shapeshifter, #Lost to the Gray, #Paranormal romance, #Paranormal, #Cherise Sinclair, #Domination and Submission, #Erotic Urban Fantasy, #Amanda Bonilla

The Sweetest Mercy (Sexy Shifter Shorts) (8 page)

BOOK: The Sweetest Mercy (Sexy Shifter Shorts)
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Carter jerked the wheel and pulled off to the side of the road. He unbuckled Kiera and pulled her onto his lap. Screw the guest room. They’d just be a little late. “You’re not going anywhere any time soon.” Carter placed a gentle kiss on Kiera’s mouth and her tongue darted out to trace his bottom lip. Hell, maybe they wouldn’t even go to Logan’s today. He could wait another twenty-four hours. He pulled back only to strip his BSU tee from Kiera’s body. She moaned as his hands found her breasts and she arched into his touch. Such a fiery, wanton creature, his little nymph. “And if you ever decide to leave, I’ll follow you, Kiera. I’d follow you to hell if you asked me to.”

Kiera rolled her hips, pressing into his erection and Carter thrust up to meet her. “You won’t have to follow me anywhere, Carter. Because from now on, wherever we go, it’ll be side by side. Forever.”

Forever? Carter’s beast purred in his psyche, happy with their female’s words. He kissed her again, his mouth slanting against hers as he deepened the kiss. Forever was a good place to start.



Discover Amanda Bonilla on Kindle

Sexy Shifter Shorts

The Sweetest Torture

The Sweetest Temptation

The Sweetest Mercy


The Shaede Assassin Series

In the shadows of the night, Darian has lived alone for almost a century. Made and abandoned by her former love, Darian is the last of her kind-an immortal Shaede who can slip into darkness as easily as breathing. With no one else to rely on, she has taught herself how to survive, using her unique skills to become a deadly assassin.

When Darian's next mark turns out to be Xander Peck, King of the Shaede Nation, her whole worldview is thrown into question. Darian begins to wonder if she's taken on more than her conscience will allow. But a good assassin never leaves a job unfinished...

Shaedes of Gray

When Shadows Call

Blood Before Sunrise

Lost to the Gray

Crave The Darkness

read the first chapter
right now.



What Reviewers are saying about The Shaede Assassin Series:


“It is always a pleasure to discover an excellent new author and series, and Bonilla qualifies on both counts. The debut of her Shaede Assassin series features a tough yet compelling heroine. Full of fascinating characters, high-stakes intrigue and fast-paced action, it’s a truly exhilarating adventure! Do not miss out!” –Romantic Times Book Reviews,
TOP PICK 4.5 Stars


“SHAEDES OF GRAY is edgy, full of great paranormal moments and unexpected events that add just the right amount of anticipation to keep you captivated. For urban fantasy fans, Amanda Bonilla has created an extraordinary debut novel, which is sure to keep you glued to the pages until the end, as well as leave you desperate for the next book in this exciting new series.” –
Romance Junkies Reviews
Blue Ribbon Rating: 5


“Truly transcendental as well as gritty…. an abundance of awesome action, as well as raw romance, all wrapped up in a fast-paced story that is fresh and unparalleled.
Shaedes of Gray
is going down as one of my favorite new series, and Darian as one of my new favorite heroines of 2011.” –
Pamela Webb-Elliott
Heroes and Heartbreakers


Shaedes of Gray
, the main character is stoic and somewhat grouchy and I loved everything about her. Amanda Bonilla has created a brand new series that absolutely wowed me!” –
The Romance Readers Connection
4-1/2 Stars


“Let me tell you, within two pages (and no, I am not exaggerating) …. I just KNEW I had started reading a great book by a really talented author… you will no doubt find it on my
Favorites of 2011
list. Yes, people, it was that good.” –
Yummy Men Kick Ass Chicks


this book.
Shaedes of Gray
is a first rate read from cover-to-cover! Amanda Bonilla breaks-out on the writing scene at full throttle. I loved the cover art, all 336 pages and the back blurb. In short for me,
Shades of Gray
was pure love. I will (impatiently) await
Blood Before Sunrise
‘s release next summer. You can’t go wrong in buying this novel for the Urban Fantasy enthusiast on your Christmas shopping list.” –
Rabid Reads
, 5 Paws


Shaedes of Gray
is full of compelling characters, exceptional world-building and a story that leaves you wanting more. The Shaede Assassin series is on my must buy list.” –
The Qwillery, 5 Quills


“…this noir and Machiavellian Urban Fantasy will have you clinging to the edge of your seat as you follow Darian through the shadows that is her life. A fast paced storyline that keeps you on your toes as Ms. Bonilla uses Darian’s history to unfold and set up this engaging and suspicious world…This entire book is an emotional roller coaster ride of twists and turns that will keep you riding the edge to the end. –
Smexy Books



“If you are a fan of Urban Fantasy and you have not tried the Shaede Assassin books, you are really missing out!” –
Jen, Red Hot Books, 5 stars


“BLOOD BEFORE SUNRISE is a tightly written, edge-of-your-seat read! You do not want to miss out on this series.” –
Under The Covers Book Blog,
4.5 stars


“Well-written, perfectly paced so not to overwhelm, outstanding character development, Shaede Assassin is definitely a new addition to my favorite UF series list.
” –
Smitten With Bad Boy Heroes,
5 stars


“Amanda Bonilla has done it again. Blood before Sunrise is a brilliant follow-up to the great Shaede Assassin series… Blood before sunrise is fast-paced read with a fantastic story line, full force action without losing the 'love' storyline that I like!
Definitely a 5 star +!” –Paranormal Cravings, 5 stars


“All in all Blood Before Sunrise is a Great addition to a Great series and a book I recommend to all Urban Fantasy lovers. If you love this genre this book and this series are a Must Read for you.” –
The Bookaholic Cat, 5 stars



This third chapter in Bonilla’s thrilling, pull-no-punches series has old relationships and prior obligations colliding with a deadly force. The characters in her well-crafted world are complicated, dynamic and nuanced.” –
Romantic Times, 4 Stars


“Well-wrought action sequences and high-stakes suspense.”
Publishers Weekly


I think Amanda Bonilla has written with this new Urban Fantasy installment the best one of the series. The tension was heavy. I felt it like a brick in my stomach. Such a strong emotions to strong for me to stop reading! I think this is becoming one of my favorite Urban Fantasy series. Can't wait what Amanda will bring us next!” –
Paranormal Cravings, 5 Stars


Crave the Darkness (Book 3) Excerpt

Chapter 1


That’s how I started out; all I was again. A casting of mottled dark. The real me, the me that knew happiness and light left with him.

“Darian, pay attention.” Raif turned in his seat and nudged me with his elbow. I blinked at the sound of his whispered words and brought my eyes up to meet the faces staring back at me.

“Can you repeat the question?”

The seven members of the Pacific Northwest Territories judicial council exchanged frustrated glances. A murmur spread from one end of the long stone-topped table to the other, and the speaker—a Fae with dark eyes and shining, midnight blue hair—shuffled through her notes before addressing me.

“Let me see if I have this straight. You refuse to answer to the charges brought against you. Which are”—she glanced down at the paper in front of her as if she needed a reminder—“kidnapping of a high-priority PNT prisoner, as well as . . .”

I love you.

Tyler had said those words to me.

“. . . aiding and abetting . . . conspiracy . . . a treasonous . . .”

Good-bye, Darian.

Right before he’d walked out the door.

My god, is this how a broken heart felt? What I’d felt when Azriel left me was a drop in the bucket compared to the pain I felt now. I was reduced to a hollow shell. Fragile. I wanted nothing more than to feel whole again.

Raif elbowed me once more, and I snapped to attention, sitting up straight in my seat.

“. . . in addition to evading PNT authorities and violating section 15-372.1 of chain of command standard operating procedure. Does that cover it?”

My gaze drifted across the stark white courtroom to the Fae woman, her face coming back into focus. They might as well toss me in jail right here and now. I wouldn’t deny my guilt, and I sure as hell wouldn’t explain myself. Silence hung heavy in the room, and Raif cleared his throat. Apparently, it was my turn to speak.

“You forgot breaking and entering, conspiracy, and all-around willful disobedience.
covers it.”

Raif pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and finger, closing his eyes as he released a heavy sigh. When he finally had his temper under control enough to look at me, he slowly shook his head and mouthed the word:

Yeah, well, it wasn’t like I was going to throw myself on the floor and beg for the council’s mercy. Besides, I’d lost everything in this world I gave a damn about. At this point, I had nothing left to lose. The seven PNT council members leaned toward one another, throwing furtive glances my way while they discussed my fate. This was my third hearing in as many months, and I hadn’t given them any more information today than I had at my first arraignment. What had happened after I’d kidnapped Delilah, the Oracle who’d plotted against Raif and the entire Shaede Nation and left the PNT’s Washington Headquarters with her partner in crime, Faolán, was no one’s business but my own.

“You do realize that by keeping this secret, you may very well face imprisonment. Or worse.” The worried tone of Raif’s harshly whispered words didn’t change my mind. And though I knew he was grateful for my secrecy, he didn’t want to see me punished, either.

“Doesn’t matter.” I couldn’t muster an ounce of concern in my own voice. I leaned in to Raif so only he heard me. “They can threaten me all they want. I’m not going to endanger your daughter or the natural order by reminding anyone of things best left forgotten.”

I didn’t give two shits about the PNT’s discipline. Nothing they could dish out would punish me more than I’d already punished myself. My actions had hurt one of the few people in this world I gave a shit about, and destroyed us both in the process.


God, it hurt just to think his name. I broke his heart by leaving him without a word of where I was going or when I’d be back. I betrayed our trust by wishing for him to stay put in Seattle, unable to leave the city, while I traipsed around on my adventure to find Brakae, Raif’s daughter. And in the end, my reward was exactly what I deserved: time away from him and the space I needed to decide what I really wanted.

BOOK: The Sweetest Mercy (Sexy Shifter Shorts)
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