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Authors: Christopher C. Payne

The Savior Rises (20 page)

BOOK: The Savior Rises
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She pushed open the door just in time as she threw up alongside the car. A black vile liquid rushed out of her mouth. It was sticky and thick. She slammed the door closed when she was done, attempting to shut out the smell. It was worse than she had imagined or remembered.

She banged on the partition, but the driver just sat there, staring straight ahead, not even acknowledging she existed. She did exist though; she was here. Was her nightmare coming true?

The last piece of paper was a note which she ripped from the envelope. Her hands shook as she read the words out loud.


My name is Maximillian, I am the leader of the Litwana clan of gargoyles which my son Dennis told you about. I sent him to protect you, but that plan failed. I am truly sorry for that. I wish your life could have been so different.

At the time, I also set in motion a backup plan. That plan was to switch the year of your birth. Today you are turning 21. This was done for your protection. Without this deceit, you surely would have been killed long ago.

You are now left with two choices, and the ability to choose is yours and yours alone.

Choice one is to take the ring, place it on your finger and stand in the middle of the Circle of Power. The rocks will protect you, but the rest is speculation. My belief is you will turn into a gargoyle and, as such, will be like no other my race has seen before. You are our prophecy, our savior, the one we have been waiting for.

My belief is strong on not inflicting my will on others. So with that in mind I have also given you a second choice. Hand the ring to your driver, and he will take you back to the airport. Awaiting you at home is your $10 million, and you can live out your life as you desire. Nobody will bother you again.

The decision is yours, and I wish you luck no matter what path you decide to venture down. You have been through so much, my child, I can only hope that someday I can wrap my arms around you and give you the love you so deserve.


Stefani knew she had no real choice – not for her sanity, anyway. She picked up the ring, jammed it on her finger, and walked out toward the stones. She ran through the tunnel this time, jumped the little chain fence, and strolled right up to the center slab.

There she lay down, waiting for the time to come. Her thoughts passed back through her life, both imaginary and real, and she honestly had no idea how to ever detangle the two. Reality and fiction would forevermore be the same to her. She would just have to do her best to navigate both in whatever manner she could.

Suddenly her body began to burn. It was as if her entire being were thrust into the charcoals of a raging flame. She cried out in pain as she tore her clothes, wanting desperately to douse this internal fire.

Her face felt as though it were contorting, being pulled and pushed, as if her body were suddenly a piece of clay being molded into its new form.

Her skin glowed white, and she threw her arms behind her, cracking the stone slab into two pieces as they tumbled to the ground by her feet.

She involuntarily knelt down, and as she did so, giant white wings shot from her shoulders. They flapped in the wind while she fought to gain control.

The force that only seconds before had knocked her to her knees relinquished its hold, and she felt herself stand. For the first time in her life, she felt complete.

The strength rushed through her veins, her muscles flexed, and she felt reborn as she launched herself in the air. Flying was easier than she could have imagined, her wings carried her skyward faster than she ever thought possible.

She knew she never had a choice. She was the Chosen One, and she felt her heart racing with exhilaration beyond her wildest imagination.

Her only hope was that somewhere, somehow, Greg would feel this moment, and his heart would twinge with fear. Her first order of business would be to find him and make him pay.  Revenge and anger may not be the emotions brought forth in all the religious teachings, but they were the only emotions she cared to tolerate now.

Life was as it should be. She found her destiny, and now the world would truly be introduced to a gargoyle. The prophecy had risen, for better or worse, her time had begun.

Greg sat in his office, staring out at the San Francisco skyline. He had no idea what Stefani’s benefactor had done.  He’d been so stupid. A birth date was such an easy thing to switch. It was so simple he’d never suspected it.

The second he felt the surge of energy and saw the date on the calendar, he knew in his soul what had happened. He should’ve killed the child when he had the chance. Now he wasn’t sure she was even susceptible to death.

She was as close to a god as this planet would ever see and, for the first time in his life, he felt fear.











“It’s time to wake up, dear. Stefani, you have to take your medication. If you take your medication like a good girl, you can watch The Price Is Right. Drew Carey is on The Price Is Right, honey, and you love Drew Carey.”

BOOK: The Savior Rises
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