Read The Sarran Senator Online

Authors: A.C. Katt

Tags: #bisexual, #mmf

The Sarran Senator (7 page)

BOOK: The Sarran Senator
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“No, it’s not against custom. Nezier didn’t
like getting hair in his teeth,” Tarin said abruptly.

Sam laughed out loud. “Thank you for telling
me that. At least now I know I’m not competing with a perfect

Sam worked his mouth down Tarin’s chest,
stopping at his navel to lick at the Sarran slick.
::You taste
sweet, my love, more viscous than an Earthen male. I wonder if I’ll
taste the same as I did before.::

Tarin reversed his body so that his mouth was
on Sam’s shaft.
::You taste slightly salty. My sires and Zinna
took me to the sea once. To me, you taste like the sea, my fox. I
loved the ocean.::

::My home state has a large shoreline. I used
to love to swim along the shore. Lately all of my swimming has been
done in a pool. There is something lost in the translation.::

::Castle Water is by the sea, as is the
Duchy and its estate, Falling Waters. You will have your
, a bigger one than you’ve ever seen. We are not a
seafaring race, except for the fishermen who stay close to the
coast. From one end of the sea to the other is thirty days on our
swiftest boat. Our planet has a single continent. It is more
efficient to travel over land.::

::So no cruises then…::

Tarin laughed at the picture Sam sent of a

Getting back to business, Sam lapped at
Tarin’s navel where a pool of slick had collected. He put his index
finger and his thumb at the base of his Warrior’s cock and began to
suck lightly around the head. The slick poured like water from
under the foreskin. Sam took Tarin’s long thick cock deep down his
throat, massaging it with his throat muscles.

::My Earthen Warrior, you are very talented
in the slumber chamber.::

Tarin followed Sam by swallowing deep.
::I’ll bet that Nezier never complained about your

::No, he never did.::
Tarin’s laugh
filled Sam’s mind with joy.

Sam moved his mouth away from his prize,
determined to make it last. He lapped at the juncture of Tarin leg
and thigh, kissed behind his knee, and kneaded Tarin’s balls. He
rubbed his perineum, being careful not to penetrate with so much as
a fingernail. Tarin was gasping, but then so was Sam.

::My love, it’s been so long, I’m about to
explode. Your mouth could start a fire under a faucet,::
panted, trying to hold it together.

::It’s been that long for me too. I’m
going to come.::
Sam felt the tightening of Tarin’s ball

::Come, my love. Come for me,:: Tarin

::No, both of us at once. Now!::
men erupted, with each swallowing the other’s spend.

::I love you, Tarin. I don’t know how; I
don’t know why. I feel as if I’ve been waiting for you all of my
life and now that you’re here, I’m afraid to let you out of my
sight lest you disappear because I’m dreaming this bliss.::

::You’re not dreaming, my fox. I’m right here
where I belong, next to you.::

Sam turned his body back upright, then lay
down, putting his head on the slightly taller Tarin’s chest. Sam
was a huge man on Earth at six foot four. Tarin topped him by three
inches, just enough so that he could tuck his head comfortably
under Tarin’s chin. Tarin was delighted. They exchanged lazy kisses
and Sam traced silky patterns on Tarin’s chest with his fingers

Tarin couldn’t stop touching his bonded.
Everywhere he reached and felt hard smooth skin that caused him to
quiver in delight. Sam caught the hot spot on the nape of his neck
and the one behind his ear. He found that Sam had a point at the
juncture of his knee and shin. He lightly ran his finger over it
again and again as Sam cried out. They were about to get up and go
to the slumber chamber when…


“It’s Sara. How do I let you in my mind?”
Tarin sent him a picture of a door that Sam opened and Tarin walked
through. He repeated the action in his mind.


::Yes, pet.::

::Am I disturbing you?::

::You’re never a disturbance. You are only a
joy. What can I do for you?::

::I had a whole prime rib roast in the
freezer. Syn taught me how to use the appliances. I want to invite
you and Duke Tarin to dinner. I’ve made scalloped monk, corn,
shrimp cocktails, and a salad of baby greens, scallions and cherry
tomatoes, plus a few Sarran greens and nuts and vegetables that
Juraens recommended.::

Sam lifted an eyebrow to Tarin and he nodded.
::We’ll be happy to join you.::

::Thank you, Daddy. I want to get to know my
new sire and so do Mark and Juraens.::

Tarin smiled.

::What time, baby girl?::
Sam asked

::Is eighteen tines good for you?::
Again Sam cocked a brow at Tarin. He nodded.

::That sounds good, we’ll be there. Will we
be able to see Michael?::

::You mean Nafchael?::

Sam burst out laughing.
::Like Brangelina,
is it?::

Tarin gave him a questioning look.

“I’ll explain later,” Sam mouthed.

::We have both boys and the cats this

::Nothing like hitting my Warrior with
both barrels,::
Sam chuckled.

::Do you think he’ll mind?::
asked, her worry evident.

::I can guarantee he won’t.::
kissed Tarin’s shoulder.

::I made charlotte russe. I was so happy
to be able to bake again.::
Sam’s lips tightened into a thin

::Don’t waste one precious second thinking
about that bastard.::
The relaxed Sam became tense.

::That’s what Mark and Juraens said,::
Sara said, her mind voice becoming small.

::Your Warriors are right. He’s not worth a
parsec’s thought. I made sure he’s buried in a very dark hole where
the other inmates don’t take well to child abusers. He’ll never
bother another fem again::

::Thank you, Daddy, for everything. I’m
sorry I didn’t tell you.::
Sara was contrite, her voice

::It’s not your fault, baby girl. I should
have noticed. Now, no more about that fucker, we’ll see you
Sam said with a mask of joviality.

::Okay, Daddy, I won’t think about him
anymore, I promise.::

::Good girl. Can we bring anything?::
Sam asked, knowing Sara hadn’t entertained for a while.

::No, Syn even let me pick some of her
flowers for the table. Everyone has been so welcoming.::

::Sara, you are eminently loveable, never
forget that. We’ll see you at eighteen tines.::

::Yes, Daddy, I look forward to it.::

“She still has issues. My poor Sara, I left
her with that monster.” Tears began to fall from Sam’s eyes.

“You have faced what happened. You didn’t do
anything wrong, you didn’t know. Sara is well aware she didn’t tell
you and is beating herself up over the fact that she let him scare
her into not saying a word. Sara’s Warriors will deal with her
demons and we’ll deal with yours and mine.”

Tarin sat up and turned Sam to place his head
over his shoulder. He held Sam tightly in the circle of his loving
arms. “She didn’t tell you, my fox. You couldn’t have known unless
you were prescient and there are very few with that ability, even
on Sarran. Let’s go to the bathing chamber or we’ll arrive at my
new femspring’s home smelling of sex.”

“Fuck, my flightsuit, it’s all wrinkled.”

“Don’t worry, this wasn’t made, it was
fabricated. We can fabricate another. Next rising we’ll go for our
promise rings and our Asta glasses and get you fitted for some
clothing. There is a very talented glassblower in the village;
likewise, a jeweler and a tailor.”

“I believe this was the original conversation
that was interrupted by our loving.” Sam smiled at his bonded.

“Let’s go to the bathing chamber, it’s only
fifteen tines. If we love again, we can wash it off where we
stand.” Tarin turned and kissed Sam behind his ear. Sam laughed,
green eyes dancing.

“I haven’t laughed so much in years.” Sam
grabbed Tarin’s hand and followed him into the bathing chamber,
where they began to touch each other again.

* * * *

Gatehouse, Castle Air: 17:45 tines

“Daddy, Duke Tarin, I’m so happy to welcome
you to our home. Come in. Mark is getting the Asta. The council
appointed my Warriors’ aides this rising. Basel and Etac went
across the courtyard to retrieve the offspring.”

Sam and Tarin took a seat in the main hall.
“May I call you, Sire, Tarin?”

“I would love that.” Tarin gave Sara a broad

Juraens came up behind him. “Tarin, would you
mind if Mark and I also called you Sire as we do Sam? Neither of us
has had a Sire in a very long time.”

“Any Warrior would be proud to name you as
his offspring. And I never thought to have a femspring, never mind
one with such beauty and grace.”

Sara giggled. “I’m not used to compliments;
they make me giddy.”

“Then your Warriors and your sires will have
to continually give them to you until you cry stop,” Tarin

“You are a kind man and I can see Daddy is
happy.” Sam took Tarin’s hand and kissed the hot spot on his

The door opened and Michael and Naffer ran
in, followed by Basel, Etac, and a row of cats.

“Grandpa, you’re here!” Michael ran up to Sam
for a hug and a kiss.

“Yes Michael, I came for the moontine meal
with my bonded, Tarin.”

Naffer gave Michael a sideways glance. “Told

“Are you my grandsire too?” Michael moved
nervously from one foot to the other.

“Yes, Michael, if you wish me to be.”

Michael seemed to stop and think for a
moment. “Can I have a hug?” he asked tentatively.

“Of course, that’s what grandsires do best,
give out hugs and treats.” Tarin pulled two small packages out of
his flightsuit pockets.

“Michael is my bonded. That makes both of you
my grandsires too,” Naffie said and put himself forward.

“Yes, it does, Naffer. Come give us each a
hug. We have a treat for you too.” Each offspring opened their
small package. It was a small scale model of the Brightstar.

“This is a model of the ship that brought
Mommie, Grandpa, you, and your Poppie to us,” Tarin said to

“It’s the same ship that brought you your
Zinna, Naffer,” Sam added.

“Cool, Michael, we can play Zyptz and

“Only if we both get to be Warriors…” Michael

“You’re my bonded, I’d never make you play at
being a Zyptz.”

::Michael, aren’t you going to introduce
Aloysius broadcast on an open channel.

“Oh yes, I forgot. Grandsires, these Warriors
are Lieutenant Basel and Ensign Etac, Poppie and Zadda’s

Sam and Tarin rose to shake hands.
interesting custom, this shaking of hands. You’ll have to tell me
its origin.::

Aloysius prompted.

::Oh…yes…Grandsire this is Aloysius. Poppie
and Zadda are his persons, Chou, whose person is Mommie, Bandit
whose person is Naffie, and Shadow whose person is me!::

::And your last guest?::

::I’m Midnight, and I belong with the two of
you. I’ll be coming home with you this moontine.::

Sam smiled in amusement at his haughty

::You’ll have to tell us what you need;
I’m not as yet familiar with felines…”
Tarin said with respect
that only a Sarran could show a cat.

::A scat box, a cat tree, a bed, and food
dishes. I eat laptard meat, any kind of fowl or fish, but I don’t
like tuna. I have also learned to like banc. I tasted one for the
first time this rising. You have an embarrassment of riches in the
rodent population.::

“Tonas is going to grit his teeth. The bane
of his existence is tuna and cat hair.” Mark laughed. “He thinks
Tigger sheds deliberately just to aggravate him.”

Sam almost bent in half laughing.

“What is this tuna?” Tarin asked.

“I fully expect to enjoy your introduction to
the American delicacy of canned tuna fish. Some people actually eat
the stuff themselves.”

“I gather you’re not a fan.” Tarin

“So definitely not a fan.”

“I like it raw in sushi, but canned tuna is a
bridge too far.”

::You’re perfect for us, Midnight. How old
are you?::

::Won’t he get offended that you asked
Tarin asked on their private channel, his brows drawn
::I don’t want to lose our chance of getting rid of
the bancs in the garden. It’s a constant battle to keep them out of
the house.::


::Nasty rodents with no natural predator…I’ll
explain later.::

::I have a long pedigree. I’m a Maine
Coon, fifteen tides of age,::
he said proudly.
::When your
people sent out the psychic call for cats, I was in a nasty pet
shop. I escaped and went to the ship. I heard you onboard, and knew
you were my person, but I couldn’t find you until Aloysius

::You are welcome in our home,
Tarin bent down and stroked his silky black coat
while Sam scratched behind his ears.

::See…my humanoids know how to treat a
feline. I’m going to the kitchen to have supper with the

Sara stood. “Let’s sit down to eat. I hope
you like the Earthen food, Zadda.”

“I hear you are a wonderful cook and an even
better baker. I can’t wait to taste it.”

* * * *

Chapter 5

The exciting thing about meeting and getting to know
someone for the first time, is that you never know,

they could end up being ‘the one.’


Gatehouse, Castle Air: 20:00 tines

“This is a wonderful meal. Sam, we need to
hire a cook. I can’t cook. Nezier did all the cooking when we
didn’t use the fabricator.”

BOOK: The Sarran Senator
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