The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller (19 page)

BOOK: The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller
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My being a virgin has never been a secret between us. Kaeleb knew it the first time his hand simply brushed over my breast, the way my body responded to the touch, and he let it be known right then and there that there would never be any pressure from him to do anything I wasn’t ready to experience.

But right now, he’s all I want to experience.

has other plans.

Just as Kaeleb’s lips work their way back up my throat and find my mouth, a cold, wet nose jams itself right in between our faces. Surprised, we quickly disengage and turn our heads, only to find one very eager Walter. Stretching as far as he can, his paws are right underneath my head and his whines rise in pitch until they are ear shattering.

Kaeleb’s forehead falls to my neck as his shoulders shake with laughter. “Well, that’s a first. I cock-blocked

Still whirling from my euphoria, my only response is a giggle as he places a tender kiss against my skin. He reluctantly presses himself off of my body and once seated, offers me his hand and pulls me up right next to his body. With a contented sigh, I lean against his shoulder and curl my feet under my legs, watching as he helps maneuver Walter onto the couch. Obviously very pleased with the attention, Walter’s yips die down and we patiently wait as he turns circles, searching for the perfect spot—AKA Kaeleb’s lap—until he plops down with an exhausted grunt.


I feel ya, buddy.

I suddenly find myself
as the mixture of champagne and excitement from the day’s events begin to take their toll.

With the fog of lust finally beginning to clear, my mind falls back to Quinn’s departure. “What the hell was that with Josh tonight?” I ask, as a yawn works its way through my lips.

Kaeleb curls his arm around my shoulder and I nestle into his offered warmth as he exhales deeply. “No idea. That guy is a fucking douche.”

“Agreed,” I remark as I set my head against Kaeleb’s chest.

Listening to the steady sound of his beating heart, my lids become heavy and I’m forced to relinquish all thoughts as I slowly drift to sleep.

It was the beginning of many things that should have never been overlooked regarding Quinn.

Many things that I would later come to regret.

“I’m very pleased with your progress, Aubrey, but I still have my concerns. For instance, while you may look like your old self, you still refuse to acknowledge the misdirected guilt that eight year old Aubrey Miller experienced. I fear that until you do, you can’t possibly move past what drove you to become Raven in the first place. And to be quite honest, I don’t feel that you are capable of handling any situation in which death, or even illness, occurs to someone you care for deeply without losing yourself again. Just because you choose to avoid them, doesn’t mean that the guilt and fear have just magically disappeared. They’re still very much there and will remain until you come to terms with them. Regardless of your appearance.”

My day pretty much turned to shit after that grand epiphany from Palmer. That’s what started it. Next, in Microbiology lab, I find out I made my first fucking C on a lab report because my dickwad partner contaminated the media, giving us false results. Probably because he couldn’t take his eyes off my ass. Then, when I arrived home, I was greeted by Walter carrying one of my brand new Chucks in his mouth. Well, what was left of it anyway.

I’ve lost a lot of shoes over the past two weeks. Thankfully my Docs are still intact.

After first giving him a scolding, and then lots and lots of love, I brought him to bed with me where I’ve been lying ever since in my pajamas. I blame this funk all on Palmer. He’s probably just pissed. I haven’t been dropping by nearly as much, and he must be looking for a way to twist my mind into thinking I need more help. These damn conversations have worked their way into actual therapy sessions. Ones that I don’t need.

Sighing out loud, I roll over to stroke Walter’s soft coat with the tips of my fingers and laugh as he growls in his sleep. He’s most likely wrestling with my other poor, defenseless shoe.

My phone vibrates, pulling my attention to my bedside table. Picking it up, I smile at the text displayed:

K: On my way. Need anything?
Me: You.
K: I’m all yours.
K: Everything okay?
Me: It will be when you get here.
K: I’ll be there in five, Sunshine. :)
Me: K.

After setting the phone on the bed beside me, I continue petting Walter until Kaeleb arrives. Quinn and I gave him a key long ago, so it’s no surprise when I hear his backpack hit the living room floor. Soon after, my darkened room becomes dimly lit as he opens the door and steps inside.

That is until he flips on the light.

“AH! NO! Turn it OFF!” My arm immediately covers my face.

“God.” He snickers. “Quinn wasn’t joking. You really
a vampire.”

Walter barks and whines upon his arrival, the high pitch bouncing off the walls around me. “Make it stop,” I groan, rolling over and planting my head firmly in my pillow. I pull it securely around my ears to provide a much needed barrier from uninvited light and sound.

I barely make out the sound of muffled footsteps before the pillow is whisked away from my face and replaced with Walter’s tongue. I raise my hand to block his assault, but he’s relentless. So much so, I’m forced to roll back over and pull him onto my chest.

Kaeleb grins down at me, then pulls a chew treat out of his pocket, waving it in Walter’s face. I’m instantly forgotten as he slides and stretches his way over my body, landing on his paws and snagging the treat from Kaeleb’s fingers. In one swoop, Walter is lifted off the bed as Kaeleb places him on the floor.

The bed dips with his weight as Kaeleb forcefully scoots me over. I watch with feigned anger as he sprawls out on his stomach next to me.

“Seriously? There
another side to the bed.”

He reaches over and grabs the previously thrown pillow, snickering while folding it under his head. “Yeah, but this side’s already warm.”

I roll my eyes and elbow him in the ribs, satisfied with the resulting grunt. Pressing myself up, I glance over to see Walter gnawing happily before reclining back into my original position. I grab the only pillow left and tuck it under my head, twisting my neck to face Kaeleb then stare into his eyes as he does the same. The side of his mouth turns up as he reaches forward and presses my bangs away from my brows.

“There you are,” he states softly on a contented breath.

I exhale deeply, breathing out the stress of the day. “I’m here.”

“What happened? Wanna talk about it?”

Rolling onto my side, I slide my hands under my cheek and shake my head. “No, I want to just get lost in you.”

His eyebrow rises along with the corner of his mouth. “I can do that.”

He presses himself up on his elbow and strokes my cheek. His fingers trail downward until they cross over my lips, then leaning forward, his mouth hovers over mine as he inquires, “How lost are we talking here, exactly?”

His head dips as he barely touches his lips to mine. “Lost enough?”

My eyes fall to his mouth and I shake my head.

“Hmmm…” he hums. “How about this?”

He lowers his chest so that it rests flush against mine and draws his tongue slowly across my lips. They part for him and he delves in deeply, drowning me in the taste that I crave. After one sweep, he pulls back with a smug grin on his face. “Enough?”

“More,” I state. Lifting my hands, I thread them through his hair and tug him back down. He smiles against my lips, then obliges. My hungry moans fill the air as he repositions his body snug between my perched legs.

Breaking the kiss, his elbows press into the bed as he brushes his fingers through my hair. Tenderly, he gazes down at me. “More?”

I barely nod, lost in need as he dips his head. His hair tickles my jaw and his warm lips part, nibbling and lapping my neck as he makes his way down to the hollow. My back arches when his teeth nick my collar bone, searching for some sort of release from his torment.

With excruciating precision, he drags the weight of his body down mine, causing my nipples to tighten with the movement. His fingers dance underneath the hem of my shirt before flipping it up and rolling it over, and my skin quivers with his touch. I release a gasp as the warmth of his tongue trails across my lower stomach, leaving a burning sensation in the undiscovered territory. He ends the torture with a gentle kiss before he lifts his body.

“Lost yet?”

“Not quite,” I remark. My gruff voice is almost unrecognizable.

He chuckles and presses his fingers inside the hem of my pants, pulling them off in one swift movement. Sitting back on the heels of his feet, he smiles. “I didn’t think so.”

Leaning forward, he splays his fingers and spreads my legs with a feather light touch. Goose bumps run wildly all over my body and a breath hitches in my throat. Kaeleb pauses briefly as his eyes catch sight of my new black lace panties. Raking his teeth across his bottom lip, he tears his gaze away to meet my stare.

My lids are heavy with desire, but my heart is racing with anxiety.

We’ve never been this far before, and I’ve sure as hell never let anyone touch the most intimate part of my body. I begin to feel self-conscious and draw my legs shut, but they’re met with the resistance of Kaeleb’s body, his eyes full of understanding as he lowers on top of me. He hovers above me, and his heated breaths fan my mouth as he whispers, “We can stop if you want to, Bree. If you’re not comfortable. I want to make sure you’re ready before we take it any further.”

But looking into his eyes and feeling his soothing warmth on my skin, I know there’s nothing that I wouldn’t want to share with him.

I trust him with absolutely no reservation.

Nodding slightly, I bring my hand to his face and the place the tips of my fingers over his soft lips. “There’s nothing I want more. I
this, Kaeleb. I need

A low growl escapes his throat as he brings his mouth to mine and our tongues tangle with a different hunger than ever before. His fingers curl under my tank and I lift myself, allowing him to pull it swiftly over my head. As soon as it disappears, I recline and shove my fingers into his hair, directing him to my throat. Warm lips find my neck and trail their way down to my breasts, which are propped up with the padding of my new black push-up bra. The feel of them elicits another moan from Kaeleb as he runs his tongue over the swells and then dips between. The heat from his touch along with his rapid breathing sends my hips up toward him.

My body grinds against his, the need for relief from the pressure building between my legs emboldening my movements. Cupping his hand around my left breast, he strokes my nipple with the pad of his thumb through the material and my neck extends as a groan passes through my lips. He hooks his finger over the top of my bra, pulling it down to free my breast. My back curves off the bed as he takes it into his mouth, flicking and teasing the nipple.

“Feel good?” he asks breathily.

“Mmm-hmm,” I moan, tugging his hair and directing him to the right side. His chest vibrates against my stomach as he performs the same painstaking ritual on my other breast. The feeling of pure ecstasy takes over my body as I continue grinding against his jeans. Releasing my hold on his hair, I run my fingertips over the tops of his shoulders, brushing the soft cotton covering his upper back. His muscles clench under my touch as he disengages his mouth and drags his parted lips slowly down the center of my body. As he inches closer, my thighs tremble with anticipation and my core throbs mercilessly for his touch. I shut my eyes when the moist heat from his mouth stops at the top of my panties. He pauses briefly and my body clenches with the need for his touch.

“God, Kaeleb,” I groan. “More. I need more.”

With no hesitation, Kaeleb hooks the strings of my panties and slowly slides them down my quivering legs, leaving me completely exposed. His fingers brush lightly against the sensitive skin of my inner thighs before parting my folds.

“Sunshine,” he says, scooting his body toward the end of my bed. “You need to get lost? You come to me. I’ll take you to places you never knew existed.”

My chest heaves as his warm breaths soon replace the cool air. I gasp loudly, only to suck in a breath when his tongue strokes the one area yearning to be touched. Yanking the pillow from underneath my head, I cover my face to stifle the uncontrollable sounds escaping me.

Warm lips surround my core as he takes me into his mouth and I can no longer control my voice. I moan into the pillow with each flick of his tongue and just when I think my body can’t take anymore, he dips his finger inside of me. The sensation of his stroking and lapping sends me over the edge. My stomach tightens and my body tenses as I explode with a scream. Waves of pleasure roll through my core and with each one his tender caresses grows softer.

BOOK: The Resurrection of Aubrey Miller
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