The Remix (The Hollywood Twins, #2) (2 page)

BOOK: The Remix (The Hollywood Twins, #2)
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“It’s Kesha, Die Young,” she casually replied.


“Really? It’s doesn’t sound like the same song as on the radio.”


“No, this is a dance remix. I always play the remix versions as they are more danceable,” Hanna explained and turned her attention back to the computer as the next song had to be mixed in.


“Cool. I didn’t know. I’ve never heard that version before.” When Hanna didn’t respond back, he soon gave up hope of getting any further in his attempt, and went down to continue partying with his friends, who were high fiving him for making the bold move to approach the hot DJ.


Before every gig, Hanna would prepare for her performance, by searching out the best remixes of popular songs. It had become her trademark. She enjoyed these versions tremendously and lately was inspired to create remixes of her own. Using a program on her computer called Garage Band, she experimented with different beats and sounds. At first it was just for fun, but she quickly found that she had a knack for it. She had even mixed one of her favorite new songs "Broken Down" by a young, up and coming artist, Kimberly Cole. The song was already a small hit on the radio and she was about to follow it up with a complete album. Hanna loved the song and Kimberly’s voice. It was one of the best songs she had heard in quite some time. She really liked the remix she had created of the song, and although she had never dared to let anyone else listen to it, tonight was different. Tonight she was playing at one of the most popular clubs in Hollywood and the crowd was really enjoying the tracks she was pumping out through the speakers. So she decided that she would take a chance and play it for the first time.


As the latest Will I Am/Britney Spears track was near it’s end, she flawlessly mixed in her version of "Broken Down". She had found the perfect house beat that didn't drown out the lyrics of the song, but enhanced the melody behind it. It didn’t take long before the crowd got behind it, grinding to the beat. Her heart was racing as she listened to the sounds of her own creation pounding out through the speakers, and watched people actually dancing to it. It was something she had never expected to see, and honestly it made her feel proud.


Hanna knew she was a beautiful woman, with her long black hair and bright blue eyes. She had an amazing figure, and wore the latest fashions to compliment it, but beneath all of the perfect makeup and sly attitude, she had a good amount of insecurity when it came to her real passion in life, her own music. Tonight was making her feel differently for the first time. Finally the business she had created was more than a hobby, it was actually a talent that could make her shine.


Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice that rose over the loud music to reach Hanna's ears. The young man who sidled up to the stage was dressed in a fine suit, and seemed to be the type that would be looking for a celebrity, not a club DJ. Hanna leaned down a bit so she could hear his words when he called up to her.


"That's a great remix of the song," he shouted as he leaned forward against the stage and gazed up at her with genuine interest. Hanna noticed his dark brown eyes first, and his handsome features second. His light brown hair was combed carefully and the way the short cut fell accentuated the strength of his cheekbones perfectly. He seemed a little puzzled. "How come I've never heard it before?" he asked quirking one thick brow.


Hanna smiled at his words; it made her head spin with excitement that so many people were enjoying her work.


"Maybe that's because it hasn't been released yet," she called back and cast him a light wink of her dark lashes. "I just did this in Garage Band a few days ago," she admitted and braced herself for his reaction.


His gaze lingered on her with surprise, as the music filled the air between them. Would he think she was pushing her music on the crowd, or did he really like it?


It did not take long to find out the answer. “Wow, I'm impressed,” he admitted as he continued to stare up at her. What he didn’t reveal was that he was very familiar with the song as he was actually the music producer who had produced the original version with Kimberly Cole. He admired the way she had honored the lyrics while dirtying up the rhythm and making it throb through the room, inspiring people to really get into it. He had decided to keep this to himself though, as in his experience most women he met were only interested in his connections and his success, not in who he really was.


“I'm glad you like it,” Hanna replied with a shy smile. She was normally quite seductive, but it made her giddy that such a good looking guy, who obviously had great taste in music, liked something that she had created. She kept to herself that she was impressed too. Impressed by the way his tailored suit jacket accentuated his toned frame.


He hung out close to the stage as she started the next song and when she was able to pause for a moment, he bought her a drink.


She smiled as she accepted it. "Thanks, I'm Hanna," she offered her hand to him. When he grasped it, the warmth of his hand was very enticing, and the way he drew his fingertips across the back of her hand made her shiver a little. He certainly knew how to make his intentions clear.


"Tony Gee," he replied and tugged her a little closer as he spoke in a lower voice. "Gee, for G-Spot."


Hanna laughed and winked again. "Good to know," she crooned and openly surveyed him from head to toe. Tony did not mind the inspection in the least, and returned it, his gaze slowly perusing Hanna's curves and slender waist. He found her to be very beautiful, on top of being talented. Throughout the rest of the night he continued to buy her drinks. Although he talked with other people he remained close to the stage. Whenever he had the chance he glanced up at Hanna, and she, feeling the heat of his eyes on her, would meet his gaze with a slow smile. It was as if they were getting to know each other through expressions rather than words, and as the night progressed Hanna could feel the arousal building within her. When she looked up to find him staring at her yet again, his brown eyes smoldering with desire, she was certain that she would not be going home alone. What a perfect ending to a perfect night, she thought to herself. Not only was she playing in one of the best clubs in Hollywood, her song had gone over well, and now she had this delicious treat to look forward to.


As soon as people began to straggle out of the club and the bartender announced the last round of the night, Hanna began to get her things ready to go. She turned around, fully expecting Tony to be waiting for her, but when the house lights came up, the only people that remained were the staff of the club. Hanna was disappointed as the man she had hired to help her load the equipment began gathering the larger pieces and heading to her jeep. She wondered if she had done something to offend him. A moment later she shook it off, and smiled instead at the manager of the club.


"Thank you for this opportunity," she said professionally as he handed her pay for the night.


"Thank you Hanna," he said and shook his head in amazement. "You are something else. I like your choice of music and the boys in here are like little puppies when you are up there. You can count on coming back, especially if you bring that new mix of “Breaking Down”. That was hot!"


Hanna's face flushed with pride and she brushed her dark hair back over her shoulders. Too bad she would miss out on Tony G-Spot but all in all the night had been fantastic. As she headed toward the front door, she heard a voice behind her. It was Tony.


"Are you leaving without me?" he asked in a breathy tone as he stepped up behind her. Hanna shivered at the effect his voice had on her entire body. It was deep and casual, with a strong but patient quality.


"Absolutely not," she replied and turned to face him. He had been waiting for her, and now that most of the staff was gone, he was not afraid to make his intentions even clearer.


"I hope not," he said as he moved closer to her and laid his hands lightly on her hips. "Or I would be very disappointed."


Hanna raised her eyebrow and smirked. "Well, we can't have that," she said sweetly.


"No, we certainly can't," he replied and in the next moment his lips were caressing hers, engaging her in a heavy kiss that left her heart racing. He was certainly a confident kisser, perhaps his nickname of G-spot was warranted.


"My place," she offered, completely ignoring the fact that poor Rachel would likely be sleeping.


"Sure," he agreed and kissed her once more as they walked out into the parking lot.



Chapter 3

When they arrived at the apartment Hanna was eager to get her hands on Tony. He had kept her on the edge all night with his secretive looks and his intentional gazes at certain areas of her body. She unlocked the door as he walked up behind her and they stepped into the apartment.


“Nice place,” Tony said casually as he glanced around at the tiny living room. Even though it was small, they had done a good job of decorating it, and it was still a welcoming environment. “You live here alone?” he asked as Hanna headed for the fridge to get them some water.


“With my sister,” she replied and pointed to Rachel's closed bedroom door.


“Oh,” Tony nodded, feeling a little awkward that there was someone else in the apartment. But when Hanna locked her eyes on his, he didn't care if there was a whole parade in the next room, he knew what he wanted. She offered him a bottle of water.


“You're going to need it,” she grinned and pranced confidently into her bedroom. Tony cracked open the bottle and took a long swallow as he followed after her. Hanna was not like any woman he had met before. She knew what she wanted and she was not afraid to ask for it.


“Just give me a minute,” she requested as she headed into the bathroom. Tony nodded and began to pull back the comforter on the bed. He had already shed his jacket and shirt by the time she came back into the room. Tony would never have thought she could look sexier than the skimpy outfit she had been wearing at the club but when she stepped out of the bathroom wearing lacy black lingerie, he could barely take a breath.


“Wow,” he managed to say as she leaned against the doorway of the bathroom and smiled seductively. “You are amazing,” he said without meaning to. It just slipped out before he could stop it. He usually played it very cool with the women he dated, laid back and distant, but Hanna made him feel like a nervous schoolboy that had never even touched a woman before.


“Thanks,” Hanna grinned as she walked toward him. “You're not so bad yourself,” she eyed his muscular chest. He was slender with just enough build for everything she touched to be firm. He was just her style with a narrow waist and strong shoulders. When her fingertips began to explore his bare chest and her lips turned upward toward his, he was there to greet her with an eager kiss. Her hands slid to the buckle of his belt, releasing it as he continued to kiss her and his hands slowly curved around her lower back.


There was no need for niceties when they both knew exactly what they had been longing for all night. When they broke their kiss briefly, Hanna's lips sought out the curve of his neck and the tenderness of his earlobe.


"Mm," he muttered as his hands drew upward along her back and over her shoulders. Her hands had slipped beyond the waistline of his pants and she could tell that he was more than ready to go.


"Wait," she gasped out breathlessly and pulled away from him.


"What?" Tony asked with a frown. He hoped he had not done something to turn her off.


"Just," she smiled nervously. "Would you mind if we put on some music?" she asked.


"Of course," Tony nodded and while Hanna set up the song, he discarded what remained of his clothes. By the time she turned back around he was completely naked before her, and she offered a short gasp at how perfect his body was. His hips had that lovely slope that led right down to his quite rigid expression of arousal.

BOOK: The Remix (The Hollywood Twins, #2)
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