Read The Prettiest Woman Online

Authors: Lena Skye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction, #Short Stories, #Multicultural & Interracial

The Prettiest Woman (7 page)

BOOK: The Prettiest Woman
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“Hey, gorgeous, I’m in front of your place. Would you like me to come up?”


“No, that won’t be necessary. You can meet me at the door.”


“Okay, I’ll see you soon.” he said.


I hung up and looked at Jessica, “It’s now or never.”


“I’m not going to walk you downstairs but give me his phone number before you go.” She walked to our window and looked outside, “I’m going to take down his license plate number.”


“Are you serious? I don’t do this to you. You don’t have to sweat a thing. I leave all of that information on my dresser before I leave.  Better safe than sorry always, remember that.”


I sighed, “Okay. I’ll text you his phone number right now.”


After we took care of that, I was headed out of the door. “Good luck Roxie and remember what I told you to do.”


I nodded my head and walked downstairs. He was standing outside of the door. I opened it and he gave me his award-winning smile. He looked amazing; it was as if he stepped off of one of those sexy male calendars.


“Hi Roxie, you look…really good.” he said as he gave me an appreciative glance. I smiled shyly, “Thank you.” He leaned in and gave me a hug. He smelled absolutely divine. He was still about two inches taller than me with my heels on. I was grateful that he was over six feet tall.


We walked arm in arm to his car. I saw the BMW insignia and I smiled. I didn’t know anything about vehicles but his was obviously very current and very expensive.


He opened the door for me and helped me into the car and we headed on our date.


“So do you mind if I ask where we’re going?”


“I do mind.” he grinned, “Don’t worry about it; just know that you’re going to have the best night of your life.”


“Umm, okay.”


“Oh, it will be a public place. I’m not a creep. So we’re not going to any hotel rooms or anything like that.”


“That’s very good to know. I wasn’t sure if I was going to have to mace you or not.”


“Feisty. I like it.”


“Good, there is plenty more where that comes from but I’m not mean.”


“I didn’t think that you were.”


I blushed slightly. I couldn’t believe that I was out with him. My life had taken an interesting turn and I was looking forward to the rest of my night. I also loved his confidence; it was sexy.


We arrived downtown and pulled up to the John Hancock building. I’d never been to this kind of restaurant, but I’d heard of it. I was super excited because the Signature Room was famous. He helped me out of the car and the attendant took his car away.


“Have you ever been here before?” He asked.


“I hate to admit it, but I haven’t.”


“I was hoping that was the case. I really wanted to impress you.” he said sheepishly.


“Are you faking like you’re shy?” I asked as we got onto the elevator.


“I’m not faking. I’m always nervous around a beautiful woman that I like.”


“Is that so?”


“It is.”


I wasn’t going to believe him until I looked at his face. His face was slightly flushed and his smile twitched a bit. He 
 nervous! It was so cute that I couldn’t resist the urge to kiss him on his dimpled cheek. “There’s no need to be nervous. We’re going to have a good time.”


“That’s the plan. But you know, I hate uneven numbers. If you’re going to kiss me on one side then you’ve got to kiss the other. You wouldn’t want my left cheek getting jealous would you?”


“No, I suppose we couldn’t have that.”


He turned his face and I kissed him lightly on the other side. His face turned towards me and I was scared that he was going to kiss me on the lips but at the same time, I wanted him to. The chemistry between us was electric; he took a look at my lips, shook his head slightly and pulled away.


Was something wrong? I was being silly. One minute I didn’t want him to kiss me, then the next I was disappointed that he didn’t.


“I can see that you’re going to be trouble already. You’re dangerous.”


I smiled as we stepped off the elevator. Jessica was right; he did want to rip my clothes off.


We walked to the hostess and she smiled at the both of us, “Hello, table for two?”


“Yes we have reservations.” Vincent said.


“Great! What’s your last name?”




“Okay.” she replied as she checked the system, “Follow me please.”


We followed her to the far end of the restaurant and my breath was taken away. We had a corner table. Under any other circumstances that would have sucked because I hated being in the corner. But this view allowed us to see the city from two different angles. It was amazing and I couldn’t get enough of seeing my city at night from so high.


“Coming here was worth it.” he said.


“Why is that?”


“Just to see that look of wonder on your face, it’s gorgeous. I would want to show you new things all the time if I get to see that look.”


“So you like showing women new things?”


“I don’t mind. This is something that’s really exclusive to you. You’re just…beautiful.”


I blushed and looked him in the eye, “You’re leading me to think that you’ve never been with a beautiful woman before.”


“Of course I have. The key is that I’ve never been with you before and I really want to get to know you. I hope that you’ll allow me the opportunity.”


“We’re on the same page. That’s something that I would enjoy as well.”


He smiled brightly, “So tell me about you. I know that you’re a busy woman, but who are you outside of that? Where are you from?”


“I’m a constant work in progress, I’m still figuring out who I am, and it’s an interesting ride. I don’t know if I told you but I have an older sister and I’m from the south side of Chicago.”


“How much older than you is she?”


“She’s 26 years old. So what about you? Any siblings?”


“I have two younger brothers. I grew up in Orland Park.”


“Nice. How much younger are your brothers?”


“One is 30 and the other is 15.”


“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I said.


“Nope.” he laughed, “apparently my parents weren’t done yet.”


“I guess not. That’s a huge age gap!”


“Well what can I say? We Italians are a passionate bunch, you’re never too old.”


“That explains a lot.”




“Well I don’t know why it didn’t hit me that you’re Italian. Your name is Vincent Caruso, duh.”


“It’s alright. Is that a problem? You have something against dating Italian men?”


“Not at all, it’s just that I was wondering why I was so attracted to you.”


“You like Italian men?”


“I guess I do. I’ve heard that they have a lot of swag, I see that it’s true.”


“Well that is partially what I’m known for.”


I laughed and shook my head, “There goes that cockiness.”


“But you like it.”


“I do.”


Soon our waitress came and we ordered. I was truly enjoying myself; he was so easy to talk to. I felt as if I’d known him for years. Over the next hour, he talked to me about some of the places he’d been. He was well traveled and he spoke about it without bragging.


“I think that you would love Turks and Caicos. It’s so relaxing and when you’re there you won’t have a care in the world. The only thing that you focus on is the water, the sand, the food and luxury.”


“That sounds divine. I’m overdue for a vacation.” I said.


“How long has it been since you’ve been on a vacation?”


“Twenty-one years.”


“You’ve never been on a vacation?”


“I’ve been out of town for funerals and a few weddings but that’s about it. I’ve never been able to afford it.”


“That’s something else that we’re going to have to change.”


The more he talked, the more I got swept up. He seemed to be absolutely perfect. It all felt a little too good to be true.


“Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked.


“Can I ask you a question and you answer it honestly?”




“Why did you send me a message?”


“Why wouldn’t I?”


“I don’t know, I guess I just don’t think that black girls are your usual type.”


He shrugged, “I haven’t dated a black woman before but color has never been a big deal to me. I’ve always found black women to be incredibly attractive. But the main reason I sent you a message was because of that big bold sign at the top of your profile.”


I laughed loudly, “I thought that it was going to be a deterrent. You surprised me because I was giving up on the site when I wrote that message.”


“It was very refreshing. So many women are selling themselves there and it was a little disappointing. I mean I’m not naïve, I know what the site is all about but I was still hoping for women with some self-respect. When I saw your photos and your smart-ass profile, I knew that I had to get to know you. You kept it real and it you made it very clear where you stood.”


It felt good to hear him say that. My profile attracted the kind of man that I wanted.

We had a wonderful meal. I have to admit that my steak wasn’t all that great, but my date, the wonderful view and the customer service offset the meal. Our waitress brought our check and I quickly glanced at it when he opened the black leather folder. I almost choked when I saw that the bill was over $400 dollars. I was shocked and I felt a little guilty. I didn’t believe in going on dates that I couldn’t afford. But Vincent didn’t bat an eyelid. He pulled out his black American Express card and paid it without fussing.


“That bill was very steep. I almost had a heart attack.” I laughed.


“No worries, you’re worth it. I love treating my dates, unfortunately, that can lead to me getting taken advantage of. My ex-wife was that way and that’s why we’re divorced.”


“That’s an odd outlook, especially considering where we met.”


“Well, I don’t want a new relationship just yet and being a sugar daddy seemed like a good temporary solution. At least that way I know what the relationship is all about from the beginning. Our expectations can be clear and we can walk away without any hard feelings. Now what I didn’t expect was that most of the women would be escorts in disguise that are looking to take me for all that I’m worth.”


“I guess we’re both naïve.” I snickered before I finished off the last of my drink. I thought about what Jessica told me but I kept it to myself.


We left the restaurant and headed to a new bar that was on a rooftop of a hotel. I’d always wanted to go there and now, I finally had the chance.


“Do you want another drink?” He asked into my ear.


“No, I want to dance. Show me what you’ve got Vinny.” I teased.


“I don’t know if you’re ready for all of this.”


“I’m very ready.” I said as I grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor. We stood face to face and our bodies were pressed against each other. His hips moved with mine as I swayed them from side to side. He danced really well and it didn’t feel awkward at all.


“You thought this white boy couldn’t dance? I’m Italian baby, dancing is what we do.”


“Oh, I thought you all only knew how to fist pump.”


“Alright, no more Jersey Shore for you.”


I snickered, “I haven’t watched that in so long.” My laugh was short-lived. I felt his bulge rising between us and my head was telling me to pull away but I got closer. I wanted to feel the blood pulsing through it, I wanted to make it twitch and I wanted to see just how big it was. I was definitely in heat and his dick was huge.


I instinctively licked my lips and looked him in the eyes. His eyes took on a stormy blue color and my entire body felt as if had been struck by lightning. His hand went to my hair and he brought his lips to mine. I lost myself in him. The taste of him was intoxicating. He tasted like wine and passion. His lips were warm and soft and he knew what to do with them. I melted into his body and enjoyed the feeling of being close to him. It felt like it was where I belonged, which was crazy because I’d just met him. Was life really supposed to be like that?


I was incredibly turned on. I broke my no kissing on the first date rule and didn’t care. I felt like my entire body was singing. I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen next. We spent the next couple of hours dancing, laughing and making out like teenagers. It was without a doubt the best date of my life.


“I’m so sorry, but I have to be up extremely early. Let’s get you home.”


“Okay.” I said casually even though I was disappointed. I was having a lot of fun.


He obviously noticed my disappointment, “How about you come back to my place for a bit, just for coffee though.”


There was no way that we were going to his apartment just for coffee, not if I had anything to do with it. I knew the game. Men invited you over for a movie, for a drink or something innocent and you ended up having hot sex. And, that’s what I wanted.


“Coffee sounds really good. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a brat, I’m just really enjoying being with you.”

BOOK: The Prettiest Woman
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