Read The Passion of Mademoiselle S. Online

Authors: Jean-Yves Berthault

The Passion of Mademoiselle S. (5 page)

BOOK: The Passion of Mademoiselle S.
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During this period there were no fewer than 224 registered brothels in Paris, each offering its own specialties for every social class. The luxurious Chabanais was famous for its illustrious clientele, such as the Prince of Wales, who had a special erotic chair that was kept at the institution to fulfill his fantasies. There were brothels for every taste; some re-created the atmosphere of a harem; some the courts of the Mughals; others the grandeur of Versailles or the gloom of a medieval dungeon. Many had special rooms for extreme fantasies, such as S&M practices. There was even a brothel for clergymen, the Abbey in rue Saint-Sulpice, while another, le Moulin Galant in rue de Fourcy, was reserved for the homeless. Le Moulin Galant was made up of two sections; the cheaper one was called the Deputies Chamber and cost ten francs for five minutes, and the more expensive, the Senate, cost fifteen francs. Paris was indeed the city of unlimited pleasures, although its pleasure houses were regulated by the authorities; girls were submitted twice a week to a medical examination, a precaution that was far from being observed at the time in other major cities in the Western world. Simone would have had no difficulty in obtaining one of these “aids” from one of these exclusive establishments, even though opening the door would have required some courage; clients were men only, and the women who would venture to the brothels were not usually of the highly educated classes. Simone would have felt out of place to be sure, although it's clear Simone did not lack audacity. I can hear her inquiring as to the materials the “aid” was available in, perhaps ivory or Bakelite? Bakelite was one of the very first plastic materials and had just been invented, and was making its way into all art deco products of the time. Through the letters, we gather that Simone started with a reasonable-sized aid, and later became increasingly “ambitious”…


My dear love,

Thank you for your long, chatty letter that I had been hoping for so eagerly. I needed to read your wildest thoughts to convince myself that you truly are happy in my arms. What makes you say I am demanding? Are you not demanding too, my loved one? If my letters are a pleasure to you, then you must see that yours are also a great joy to me.

Yes, my darling, I do apologize for going back on my word. I promised to bring the precious aid but, I so hope you will understand, I still felt unsure at the last moment. I am afraid I shall look so depraved, so perverse! And yet, I cannot explain the madness that makes me want to experience such sensations when I am with you. You make me happy, my dear darling, so happy. I have such delicious experiences in your arms, and now that my body has developed a taste for your attentions, it would not tolerate more chaste behavior. You cannot imagine how I long for your touch. Feeling you naked against me, stroking every inch of me, stirring in you an imperious urge to take me, it all drives me wild, you know. Oh, the intoxication of watching your twitching cock gradually drawing up to his full height, taking him greedily between my lips, seeing the glow of pleasure that this special caress brings to your eyes. And then touching you in the other place, that is what you long for when you press up against me, yes it is what you are hoping for, darling, I know that now. I felt your whole body tense at the feel of my tongue, and when I drove my finger in deeper, a shudder of pleasure told me you were very close to climaxing. I wanted to create the illusion that I was no longer a woman, so I pushed myself hard up against your quivering buttocks and put my free arm around you, while my impatient finger probed your secret depths. Is that what you want? What you are hoping for? Are you forgetting my gender? Are you so perverse, my dear beloved, that you want to think of me as a man when your pleasure reaches its culmination? You are right, my loved one, being taken in that way is the most astonishing sensation, and I would not resent it if that were your secret desire. If I can give you the same pleasure, so much the better, and I find it arousing to think it is I who am taking you. I have devastating climaxes when I straddle you like a man. What would you like me to do to create an even more real illusion? Is there something I can add to what my own body has to offer for the sake of your pleasure? Tell me if there is. Be my guide. I shall follow blindly. No, we should not stop now. We are sliding a little deeper into depravity every day. Our perversion is leading us into the wildest fantasies. But which of us is complaining? We signed an unspoken pact from the first day we agreed to love each other. And, for now, nothing can break that pact but satiation. But we are not there yet, and we have many a pleasurable hour ahead.

Yes, if we are to love each other as we would wish to, we need a discreet little nest where nothing can interfere with our embraces. We need to shut ourselves off from the world so that we can be just “us.” This winter we shall look for somewhere, would you like that? Because, alas, right now you are going away for such a very long time. Three long weeks without seeing you, without loving you. Oh, darling, it will feel such an age.

But when you return, if you still want me (you see, I didn't say if “you love me”), you will find me impatient to be in your arms again, savoring your ardent attentions. If you like bruising my buttocks, then I shall offer them to you with no reservations or fear because now that I have suffered the whip, I am no longer so afraid of it and I know how much pleasure it gives you when I submit meekly.

My loved one, I am your dear little slave. Treat me as such but keep all your caresses for me forever and ever.

Do you know how fond I am of you, do you? Do you know how terribly I love you now?

My darling, my little god, you have such gentle eyes. Give me your lips too. It is such a delight, so sensual, lying in your arms, quivering to your touch, even when you are at your most brutal. Feeling you inside me, in my shuddering ass, as you probe it so ardently with your cock, is the most incredible sensation, it goes beyond anything I have known or could imagine.

Oh yes, I shall give you that sensation. I shall be the one taking from behind and you will come with such voluptuous delight.

I love you.

Till later, my loved one.

Your Simone

My darling love,

I am sending you the long letter I promised.

First, though, I must thank you for the four long passionate pages you sent me on Friday. How can I describe all my joy when I pried open the envelope and found those ardent, tightly packed words? Of course I had been wanting a letter but could not have hoped for one so lengthy because, since Bandol, I have lost the habit of reading such missives from you.

When I tore myself away from you my whole being seemed to break in two. We were so close to each other on Friday! I could feel your whole adorable body throbbing against me, and your cock stiffening in my hand; oh, I would have taken you with such passion, my adored one. I had never felt every inch of me quiver so profoundly as it did then. I had the absurd notion that I might be leaving you forever. This thought flashed across my mind, and I held you to me passionately, pressing your lips as I imprisoned them with my own.

And for two days and two nights, my maddened mind and rutting body longed ardently to be back with you as you waited patiently for me.

And now I have just been in your arms, my lover whom I adore. I have come from your arms with no thoughts in my head and no strength left, but every ounce of me remembers and still shudders to the fire of your kisses. Oh, what a wonderful hour I have just spent with you! The door is barely closed before you reach out your arms to me and I bury myself in them, quivering all over with desire and love. Your mouth presses against mine in an endless kiss that intoxicates us both. Your hand slides slowly toward my thighs while I reach for your cock, which is already beginning to rear its proud head. At last you uncover the beloved little hole, and your willful finger buggers me while I rub up and down your cock and reach for your balls to stroke them gently. With our lips still together, we stay there pressed against each other as our desire climbs to more imperious heights.

Oh, quickly, quickly…every minute is precious, my beloved, and I am so hungry for you, for every inch of your body, which so haunts my nights alone.

Look, I am naked already, lying on the bed and waiting for you. Hurry, my beloved, come and join me.

But your much loved body really is too tempting with its glorious soft white skin, and that straining cock stirs the wildest desire in me. I take it right into my mouth. I cannot suppress a groan of pleasure. Beneath my lips it gradually arches and grows fuller still. I am happy, my dear love, but you too now want to taste my pulsating flesh.

You press your mouth to my cunt. Your lips circle my button, which jolts deliciously to this inflaming touch. Every inch of your flesh is close up to mine. Your mop of brown hair disappears between my thighs, your stomach presses against mine. You brace your thighs on either side of my cunt. I still have your cock in my mouth, but your deliciously tempting brown balls are within reach of my lips. I shall attempt a still more unusual caress, one I have not dared try before. Very gently, my mouth draws in that warm flesh, and there between my lips, I feel one of your balls thrilling and quivering. My avid mouth smothers it with kisses, sucks in all of it, and my lips close around it. There it is inside my mouth, quivering like a little bird, and it is wonderfully delicious. Under the effects of this new ministration, your whole body shudders and thrills. It weighs more heavily on mine, we are now reduced to one being, tightly bound together. And for many a long minute, not relaxing our grip for a moment, we suck deliriously on each other's flesh, and our painfully ardent climax leaves us panting.

Oh, the love with which you lick this flesh, Charles. While your tongue carries out its devilish work, you bugger me with two fingers, and all I can feel is boundless intoxication. This orgy makes you groan with pleasure and I beg for mercy. How long is it before I do? No one could say.

I have no strength left, quite spent, but you are not yet satisfied and you drive the formidable rod
into my ass. There, my beloved, watch, watch. This is what I do when I am alone and my longing for you is too powerful. The rod goes in and out, back and forth in my shimmering flesh. I'm fucking myself before your eyes. You slip one finger into my ass, then another, and I rub at my button while my tongue probes your hole, deep inside.

Could anyone dream of a more thorough orgy, a more perfect perversion and debauchery? We experience every pleasure, every climax together, gasping with sadistic
delight. These wonderful ministrations are making us lose our minds, and it is not over yet, oh no, it's not over yet.

My nails claw at your flesh but I am exhausted. You have emptied my mind and my cunt with your demonic embraces, administered with such perfect skill. Now I should like to watch my lover's body buck irresistibly in its final exploit. I want to watch him climax at last, right to the last drop, just as he did for me.

Your tensed fingers grip your cock. “I'm tugging myself, darling, I'm tugging myself,” you say in a strangulated voice. Turn toward me. I don't want to miss a moment of this sadistic action. Your gorgeous eyes blaze with an ardent fire. You gaze briefly at your mistress's body still lying beneath you. You seem to be looking for a place to discharge your come. I'm ready, my beloved, ready to receive this sacred baptism, which will connect me forever to my lover's body. Tug it, tug at that magnificent cock stiffening beneath your fingers, tug again and again. I want to feast my eyes on this unique sight: Performing the most perverse of gestures among all gestures, we are scaling yet new heights in our depravity. My lips and my ass have so often drawn your sperm out of you, but today it is you who will give it to me.

The first droplet beads at the end of your member. You close your hand still tighter; then I slip a headstrong finger between your buttocks and probe deep inside. A gasp, a cry, a shudder through your whole body and you ejaculate furiously, wildly over my breasts and my stomach. Your sperm jets out just as I wanted it to, abundant and hot, and my hand relishes in spreading it all over my body. I smother your cock with this beloved sperm. Oh, you made me so nice and wet, my darling, and I do love you so! I am happy, truly happy. I am yours forever, is that what you want?

My hopes have not been disappointed. We have committed our wild excesses just as we wanted to.

And you, my loved one, are you happy too? Did I meet your expectations? Did I succeed in bringing you to the most extreme of climaxes, just as you hoped I would?

Do you believe it would be possible to find embraces still rarer than ours? Would more sadistic passions be possible? Could even more thrilling delights be achieved, do you think?

I still have the traces of your kisses on my skin. I am exhausted by your absurdly skillful embraces. Tell me, who is it that teaches you such couplings, my most admirable of lovers?

How can I describe the joy of having your head between my thighs! Your lips pump out my come down to the last drop, because you suck me with such expertise that, despite the pain of so many successive climaxes, I do not have the will to tear your lips from my engorged button. If my touch makes you happy, I will lavish it on you with so much love, for there is no sweeter thing for me than feeling your flesh beneath my lips.

I shall think of you this evening. I shall look back over our excesses in my thoughts and dreams. I want to relive the ardent sensation of your sperm on my skin. It was unforgettable, and that perverse gesture of yours is engraved forever on my memory.

From now on when I think of you, I shall always picture you tugging your magnificent cock with an ardor matched only by my own as I contemplated that titillating tableau.

Tomorrow evening, if you can, I should like to have a long letter to read. I cannot wait to hear what you felt, my darling one, and I want you to tell me again if I brought you to a good climax.

Do you know how very tired I am? And I must end this letter, it is almost one o'clock.

Till tomorrow evening, my darling love.

I am smothering you with kisses as wild and mad as my love, all over you, everywhere. And if you want to make me happy, well then, press your expert tongue to my swollen button and make me climax helplessly, till I can no longer breathe. I shall take your adorable balls in my mouth and suck on them lovingly, not forgetting their handsome brother, your prick, which I do so adore.

Write soon, I love you, I am all yours.

Your filthy little Simone

BOOK: The Passion of Mademoiselle S.
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