The Murder of Marilyn Monroe (12 page)

BOOK: The Murder of Marilyn Monroe
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Photographed by Frank Powolny in 1952. (Getty Images)

Photographed by Frank Powolny in 1953. (Getty Images)

January 14, 1954—MM marries Joe DiMaggio. (Popperfoto/Getty Images)

April 24, 1954—Peter Lawford marries Pat Kennedy. (United Photo Press)

Photographed by Milton Greene in 1955. (Getty Images)

December 1956—Portrait of American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr. Ralph Greenson (a.k.a. Romeo Samuel Greenschpoon, 1911–1979). (Photo by J. R. Eyerman/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

March 1, 1957—Fred Meade (L), LA distributor of
magazine, talks with private investigator Fred Otash who, the previous day, testified before a State Senate committee about the operational methods of investigators working for the magazine. (United Photo Press)

January 11, 1961—President-elect John F. Kennedy with brother-in-law Peter Lawford, after flying to West Palm Beach, Florida, from Washington, DC. Nine days later, JFK would deliver his inaugural address. (Associated Press)

May 19, 1962—Cecil Stoughton captures (L-R) Robert Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, John F. Kennedy, and Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. at the birthday party thrown for the President at Arthur Krim’s New York apartment. (Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images)

August 5, 1962—Police photo of MM’s bedroom following her death. (Associated Press)

August 5, 1962—Police photo captures a smudge on the wall of MM’s bedroom (possibly blood) that was subsequently airbrushed out of the version released to the general public. (Confidential source)

August 5, 1962—Reverse side of the same, un-retouched police photo, bearing the pencil inscription: “3 COL W/MARILYN break, P2A.” (Confidential source)

August 5, 1962—Deputy Coroners Cletus Pace and Robert Dambacher remove MM’s body from the Westwood Village Mortuary in order to transport her back to the Coroner’s Office. (Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone/Getty Images)

BOOK: The Murder of Marilyn Monroe
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