Read The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch Online

Authors: Michelle Monkou

Tags: #Fiction

The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch (10 page)

BOOK: The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch
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After dinner they sat in the living room with a small fire burning in the fireplace. His parents had already excused themselves so the young people could have a chance to talk. Zack refilled Brent’s glass with iced tea.

“Naomi, here’s my business card. I’m not going to wait for Zack to tell you that I’m in the sports and entertainment arena.” Brent handed her a card.

“Thank you. Zack tends to be shy about his personal business.”

“I don’t know why. If you need to know anything, just ask me. I’d be happy to volunteer information,” Brent whispered in a loud, husky voice.

“Think he’s sincere?”

Zack almost choked on his drink. He looked at Naomi, who had her full attention on Brent. He shifted his gaze to Brent, hoping that his friend would give him the courtesy of looking at him. He felt like the proverbial fly on the wall.

“Zack is a pretty sincere guy. He’s shut down over the years—heartbreak and rejection does that.”

“Oh, is he still moping over a heartbreak?” Naomi teased.

“He shouldn’t be. He lost her to me in our junior year in college. She saw me make the winning touchdown and decided that she didn’t want to be with the college cheerleader when she could be with the star player.”

“I could let all the other bs fly, but I’m not admitting to being a cheerleader.”

“Personally, I think you would have made a cute cheerleader.” Naomi wrinkled her nose at him.

“Don’t you start.”

“Zack was a lacrosse player,” Brent clarified.

“Lacrosse? I’m impressed.”

“What about me? Football.” Brent curled his forearm popping his bicep into an impressive muscled hump.

Naomi made a face. “I like a touch of the unique and exotic.”

Zack grinned.

“I tried.” Brent shrugged. “Tell me about basketball and you.”

“Stop shopping for new clients.”

“No, it’s okay. Actually, I got a call from a photographer interested in talking to me about modeling.”

“Did you call him back?”

“No, I was trying to decide if that’s what I wanted to do.”

“And?” Zack thought she could be a fantastic model, but he didn’t want to push.

“Lady, with your height, good looks and fantastic body…” Brent raised his hands in mock surrender. “Not that I’m checking you out, but I know you can model, act, whatever you want to do.”

“And I’m sure you’d be willing to help with all of that.” Zack could see the calculations regarding commissions flying over Brent’s head as he added up all avenues of income.

“No joke, no kidding around, let me do the footwork. Not asking you to sign anything.”

“Not yet, anyway,” Zack interrupted. He trusted
his friend but didn’t want him pushing Naomi into anything.

“You’ve got a deal.” Naomi offered her hand and firmly shook Brent’s hand.

“My pleasure.” Brent kissed her hand.

Zack rolled his eyes. But he was glad that Naomi looked happy with her decision.

“Brent, nice meeting you. I’m going to excuse myself and allow you all to bond.”

“You don’t have to leave.” Zack stood with her.

“I have to, otherwise how would I know what Brent really thinks about me?” Naomi laughed.

After Naomi left, he and Brent reconnected. Now that they were both busy, their lives didn’t often intersect. He missed his buddy.

They chatted until the fire died, leaving only burning embers. Brent looked at his watch. “Guess I missed that mixer.”

“I’m sure it’s still going on.”

“It’s been a long day. I don’t have the stamina I used to have.”

“I know what you mean. That’s why I’ve long retired from the meat-market scene at nightclubs.”

“Must be easy to do now that you’re with Naomi.”

“It’s all temporary. One day, she’ll be returning home to her life.”

Brent headed for the front door. Then he turned and said, “Doesn’t have to be that ending. Just tell her what’s on your mind.”

“What’s that exactly?”

“That you love her.” Brent didn’t wait for his response, instead closing the front door on his exit.

Chapter Ten

aomi came downstairs to the smell of a full, hearty breakfast. She identified possible waffles or pancakes, definitely bacon and eggs, but there were other items that had the wonderful mix of tomatoes, herbs and potatoes. She was getting used to these grand meals, which would be her downfall when it was time to start practice.

“I’m going to be so spoiled,” she said, as she rounded the corner. “Oh.” She stopped short.

“Didn’t mean to startle you,” Zack said. The sight of Zack standing in front to the stove stirring a pot was sexy as hell. “Where’s Reba?”

“She had to go see her sister for a few days in California.”

“And you came to the rescue?”

“I want you to know that I’m quite capable of providing a meal. I think that I fed you…in more than one way.”

Naomi blushed.

“Have a seat and I’ll serve breakfast.”

“Where are your parents?”

“Probably gone for one of their morning walks together.”

“Oh, yes, they do go whenever Mr. Keathley doesn’t have an early morning at work.”

Naomi waited until Zack was seated, but only barely. Her plate was filled with the mouthwatering food. After saying Grace, she dug in.

“I heard from Brent.”


“Looks like my first job will be the women’s lingerie in the great outdoors. I think they are looking at some locations farther north.”

“That sounds pretty chilly.”

“I know. Besides, revealing my body has my nerves on edge.”

“Revealing your body has
nerves on edge.”

Naomi smiled. After cleaning her plate, she reached for the small bowl of fresh fruit.

“Now that I know what you’ll be doing, I may have a plan.” Zack tapped his temple.

“Really? What’s that?”

“I’ll let it be a surprise.”

Naomi shrugged to show that she wasn’t excited by his mischievous glint. The way he smiled turned her stomach in a jittery mess.

“This was wonderful. Having breakfast with you.” Naomi smiled at him.

“I miss you.”

“You’ve seen me often enough.”

“Yeah, but it’s been a ‘see but don’t touch’ moment.”

“This is true. But it is what is. I do enjoy our meals together.”

Zack tossed down his napkin with irritation. “Yeah, with my parents watching us.”

“They do seem pleased with themselves.”

Naomi stood and started to clear the dishes.

“I’ll get those.”

“Hey, it’s my turn. When I get back home, there won’t be anyone serving me or washing my things.”

The silence dropped, heavy and intrusive. Naomi gritted her teeth at how insensitive she must have sounded. And hopefully not desperate. She noticed that Zack paused in helping to take up the dishes, but didn’t say anything. Didn’t ask anything.

Switching subjects, she asked, “Um…is everything straight with your partners?”

“No. I’m working on dissolving the partnership. May cost me in more than one way.”

Naomi’s head snapped up. “What happened?”

“Not sure yet.”

“Don’t do this.” Naomi set down the plates on the counter. She faced him with her hands on her hips. “Don’t retreat. I’m really interested in what’s going on.”

“One of the men that is entangled in this has a shady reputation. Pushing him out may not be nice and tidy.”

“Can you pay him to leave?”

“He’s not a partner, so I don’t have to pay him. I do, however, have to get rid of the person who was partnering with me on this project.”

“Why don’t you get your father’s help? He’s got the reputation and clout to step in on your behalf and get these men to back off.”

Zack tossed the dishcloth into the sink and uttered a disgusted grunt. Then he leaned against the sink with his shoulders hunched and head bowed.

Naomi noted that this man’s pride could cripple his success.

“I can hear you call me names, even though your mouth isn’t moving.”

“Good.” Naomi crossed her arms, glaring at his profile.

“I’ll talk to him.”

Naomi tapped her foot.

“Today. I’ll go to my father today.”

“Talk to me about what?”

Naomi jumped. She hadn’t heard Zack’s parents return. Zack looked equally surprised and uncomfortable, since he had no choice but to continue with the conversation.

Naomi patted Zack on the shoulder. “I’ll let you two talk. I have to prepare for my new career.” She left the kitchen despite Zack’s protests. This conversation between father and son had to be done. She saw Zack turning to his father for help as a milestone needed to aid in the conflict that appeared to exist between them.

In the meantime, she hurried through her morning therapeutic exercise routines and then settled on her bed with laptop and pen and paper. While Zack dealt with difficult issues, she had her own challenges. She had to take her own advice and place the necessary call.

“Hi, Coach.”

“Naomi, how are you? Everything okay? I’m heading down to the lobby for breakfast and then we’re on the move for the final game in San Diego.”

“How have things been going? Has the fan turnout been good?”

“It’s been fantastic. Good to see so many young girls with mothers and even fathers come out. Many of the players have diehard fans that keep track of them online. It’s all pretty cool. So many girls asked about you.”

“That’s sweet.” Naomi missed this part of the professional business. She always looked forward to talking with her young fans. “I miss everyone.”

“Is that the reason for the call?” Her coach probed. “Are you still in Seattle?”

“Yes. I’m…well, I’m going to model.”


“I got offered a contract for a photograph layout for a sports magazine.”

“I suppose wearing next to nothing.” Her coach’s disapproval came through loud and clear.



“It’s time for me to look at other options.”

“How about a news broadcaster, assistant coach and just a basketball player with another ten years in her?”

“You ever wanted to be the sexy girl?”

“Who says I’m not that now or never was?” Her coach chuckled.

“This is a legitimate avenue for me to pursue. I can model, endorse some items, maybe create my own things. I want more than basketball.”

“I presume that your agent doesn’t know you’re calling me.”

“Of course not, we’ve always dealt directly with each other and let the suits do what they have to do. Nothing has changed.”

“I appreciate it, even if I don’t agree.”

“This project will let me know if I’m excited about
the career or just the thought of being on a magazine cover. I’ll get back to you.”

Her coach sighed. “Let me know what’s happening.”

Naomi hung up and stared at the animated screensaver on her laptop. She suspected more people than her coach would be disappointed with her choice. The one person who really mattered was the last to know. She took a deep breath seeking courage from deep within herself before placing the next call.

“Grandma? Hi, it’s Naomi.”

“Calling with good news, I hope.”

“Good news? I think so. Did Frannie tell you?” Naomi had hoped she could break the news to her grandmother.

“All Frannie said was to let you tell me. I’m so happy and proud of you.”

Naomi exhaled, trying to eliminate the nervous knots. Her grandmother’s support was important. “I’ll be gone for a few days next week. I’m not sure what issue it will come out.”

“Gone for the engagement? I don’t understand.”


“To Zack.”

“Frannie told you that I was getting engaged to Zack?”

“Well, no, just that you would have something to tell me. She sounded happy. I just assumed.”

“It’s not about Zack.” Her pulse, which had spiked at the thought of Zack proposing to her, returned to normal. “I’ll be modeling.”

“Well, that’s another big surprise.”

“How do you feel?”

“Honey, I’m behind anything you want to do. If modeling is what you want to do, then I’m all for it. You are a pretty girl. Look just like your mother.”

“I’ll be modeling lingerie.”

“And you’ve got the body to do it. You’re a grown woman, and I’m sure you’ll handle yourself with class and dignity.”

“I wish you were here so I could hug you tight.”

“I wish that I was with you, too.”

Naomi caught up on her grandfather’s health. She wanted to ask about her mother but fought the urge. She hated feeling the need to know how she was doing when her mother didn’t inquire about her. But she wanted her mother to know that despite her absence, she’d done well. Her grandparents had stepped in and provided the love that she needed. Her grandmother had taught her all about being a good woman.

“Well, I’ll talk to you later. Got to take your grandfather to his doctor’s appointment. Don’t forget to tell me all about it when you get back.”

“I will. Love you.” Naomi hung up with her grandmother.

Now that she’d talked to her coach and her grandmother, she felt much better. Their opinions did matter, but she still had to make up her mind. Once she’d committed to working with Brent for her new modeling career, she felt sure that she’d made the right decision.

A new challenge, a new life possibly awaited her. She ran toward it with open arms. All she wanted now was for Zack to be there in front of her, ready and waiting. She knew that she loved him. But to hear her grandmother mention engagement and all that came
with it like a wedding and life happily ever after, Naomi wanted that more than ever.

However, she couldn’t honestly say that Zack felt the same. She felt as if she’d only been able to penetrate the first inches of his shell. She could offer him much, but trust was something that he would have to feel and believe. Without trust, they had nothing between them. This momentary beginning to something pure and sincere couldn’t live without trust.

Naomi pushed the thoughts aside. Instead she focused on where she might want the next phase of her career to go. Brent requested the information, suggesting that she needed to think, focus, write it down and then make it a reality. She’d never done anything without giving it every ounce of her effort. Going off to be a model seemed like a viable option.

“Dad, I need your help.”

“You’ve got it.” His father raised his hands. “And with no strings attached.”

Zack nodded.

“It may mean that you have to give up on the project. The council will simply withdraw the permit.”

“What about the audit? I don’t want any stains on my reputation.”

“I couldn’t stop it. That would have raised a lot of questions. Don’t worry about it.”

“Considering that they don’t audit companies that are okay, this action puts a certain stigma on my name.”

“Not true. My company has been audited because of the amount of work I’ve done. It also happened when I was relatively new to the business. It’s one of those painful exercises that must be done.”

Zack nodded. “Okay, this will work.”

“I’m glad Naomi encouraged you to come to me. I’ve been dying to help.”

“I know, Dad.” Zack scooted to the edge of the chair, bringing him closer to his father. “Dad, I need to tell you something else.” He paused.

“Go ahead.”

“I’m going to come out and say it.”


“I’ve been thinking about my birth mother.”

His father’s hand paused in midair as he was about to stroke his head. Then he lowered it, resting one hand in the other. Finally he looked up at Zack.

“I’m thinking about going to Haiti.”

“Could you slow down for a second?”

Zack paused. He felt himself getting defensive. His father’s knitted brow and tight-lipped expression told of his real feelings.

“Do you have information to locate your birth mother?”

“No. Not yet.”

“I told you everything I knew.” His father cleared his throat. “You know, I don’t want you to go to your mother with this news.”

“I don’t think it’s right to keep it from her.”

“It was her one fear.”

“Finding my mother?”

“Losing you.”

Zack stood, opting to pace in the confines of the office. “Mom can never lose me.” He chose to address that concern rather than the other topic of him going to Haiti to find his mother, maybe even his family.

“Nevertheless, I’ll tell her.”

“I’d love to hand over the responsibility, but I can’t.
This is something that Mom and I have to discuss. You can have a separate conversation with her.”

“Do you know when you’re going?” his father inquired, seeming more unsettled than usual.

“I don’t even know
I’m going. The subject has been on my mind. I wanted to let you know.” How could he explain the dreams that he had? Some were bits and pieces of intense recollections as a child in his homeland. Other scenarios were of a future event when he reunited with his birth mother.

“I’ll have to wrap my head around this. But I want you to know that I support you.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

His father hugged, then released him. Clearly his thoughts now took over and their conversation was complete. Zack took the opportunity to leave. He’d hoped his father would be more enthusiastic. Yet he understood the older man’s fears. At some point, sooner rather than later, he had to tell his mother.

“Zack, when are you going to make me happy?”

“Uh?” Zack halted in surprise.

“You know.” His mother pointed toward the ceiling. “Naomi.” She mouthed. Her eyes lit up with a heady grin. “Come on, don’t play shy with me.”

“Gosh, Mom, you can’t rush things.”

“Look, at my age, you stop trying to take things slowly.”

“You’re beautiful regardless of your age.”

“Keep the compliments coming. Your father could stand to learn a thing or two from his son. By the way, glad to see you two talking. He’s so proud of you.” She hugged him. “I’ve got to run, there’s a sale at my favorite boutique.”

He kissed her cheek. “See you later.”

“Next time, it’s my turn to have a chat with you. I want you all to myself. You can fill me in and tell me how much you love Naomi.” She patted his cheek before walking away.

BOOK: The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch
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