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Authors: Maggie Cox

The Marriage Replay (14 page)

BOOK: The Marriage Replay
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‘I love you,' she whispered into his ear as he started to move rhythmically inside her. His silky hair brushed against her cheek, and the shadow that had started to form around his chiselled jaw was scratchy and slightly rough against her softer more feminine skin, but Sorrel loved every touch as though experiencing it for the very first time, and didn't want it to stop.

‘I love you, too, my angel,' Reece grated back to her, his voice warm and husky with passion and need.

He drove into her like a man held deep in the power of some irresistible mystical enchantment, and Sorrel shuddered as her tight, hot muscles possessively claimed him, her eyes filling with helpless scalding tears that streamed down her face as she climaxed—the unbelievable intensity of forceful sensation taking her to a
heavenly stratosphere never visited before and bringing her back down to earth again with dizzying slowness.

Kissing her tears away with great tenderness, Reece moved his mouth down to her breasts, teasing and licking and suckling, until finally lifting his head as his body shuddered violently and he spilled the climax of his loving deep inside her.

‘We didn't use anything.' Her blue eyes wide and her lovely face even paler in the soft trail of moonlight that illuminated the bed from the window, Sorrel felt her breath momentarily suspended as she glanced up at Reece.

‘It's no good using protection if we want to make babies, honey.' His tone was gently mocking, but his emerald eyes couldn't have been more serious.

Her heart almost burst from her chest. ‘I'm not trying to make you be something that you don't want to be, Reece,' Sorrel assured him softly. ‘It was wrong of me to try and push you into being a father when I knew you didn't want to be. It doesn't matter if we don't have babies. Children are important to me, but I wouldn't want to lose you. I'll go with you anywhere you want me to go, as long as we can just be together.'

Knowing that she meant it, Reece felt his love for this woman deepen even more than he'd thought possible.
But he didn't want Sorrel to make any more sacrifices for him.
Especially not now, when he knew for certain that he wanted a family, too. He might have been injured or even killed in that car accident, and when he'd survived both catastrophes he'd figured that he must really have a guardian angel.

Remembering back to that day in the beautiful Portuguese church, when he'd thought he'd smelled
roses—his mother's favourite perfume—Reece wondered if his mother might be that guardian angel. Considered too that she had been silently giving him her blessing and trying to give him the message that children were the most precious of gifts.
He'd been spared from that accident for a reason.
And Reece was now convinced that that reason was Sorrel and their future family…

‘Wherever you are is home to me, Sorrel…I mean it. I didn't think about you having to spend so much time alone when I was working. And it was wrong of me to expect you to follow me around like some rootless gypsy…especially when I wasn't prepared to listen to what you really wanted. I'm sorry, sweetheart. And you're
making me be anything I don't want to be. I
us to have a family together. I was honestly devastated when you lost the baby.'

‘Reece…' Pulling his head down to hers, Sorrel tenderly touched her mouth to his, her heart so full she could barely find words for what she wanted to say. ‘You're going to make the best father
husband…I just know it.'

‘Then let's not waste any more time making that a reality, huh?'

His wicked smile a mixture of angel and devil, Reece silenced anything else she might be going to say with a kiss that melted her right down to the very marrow in her bones….

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1665-5

Previously published in the U.K. as
The Wedlocked Wife

First North American Publication 2011

Copyright © 2006 by Maggie Cox

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BOOK: The Marriage Replay
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