The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica (73 page)

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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Kerry walked on, riding the power that she felt building around her. A man and a woman in a parked car, arguing a moment before she passed by, kissed each other passionately as she looked their
way. A group of tough-looking young men across the street made a few catcalls in her direction before beginning to eye each other. Two women walked past her, bodies held carefully just outside of
accidental touching range. She felt rather than saw them vanish down an alleyway behind her, mouths and hands frantically scrambling with each other’s clothes.

All of it made her feel like dancing down the sidewalk. She touched the trees as she passed, let her feet graze the little grass patches around them. Bushes blossomed and flowers budded in the
early spring of her touch. Birds sang mating songs and, above it all, her breasts swayed slowly together, rubbing and caressing until it was all she could do not to pleasure herself on the

She settled for swinging her hips just a bit more, tugging her pants upward so they rubbed against her the right way. The seam caught itself between her labia, sending a shockwave through her.
It made her feel full and empty all at once. Somehow, she kept walking through the cloud of sensation, her feet unerringly guiding themselves of their own accord toward Lena.

When she finally arrived, she wasn’t sure when she got there or how long she stood staring at the door to Lena’s apartment. A neighbour going out to walk her dog let her into the
building after making eye contact and blushing profusely. So now that she was here, why was she hesitating? She took a deep breath and let the energy of the city fill her as she rang the bell.

Minutes passed and her sense of being both desirable and powerful ebbed slightly as she thought that maybe Lena had gone out. Or perhaps was sleeping in with some girlfriend that she
hadn’t known about. Or else she just didn’t answer the door at the crack of dawn. Kerry pressed the bell again, sending every bit of the molten wave that had carried her here along with

The door opened. Lena looked out, a confused expression on her round face. “Hi, Kerry. What are you doing here?”

By way of answer, Kerry slipped her jacket off, dropping it to her feet. She kicked her shoes off and let her feet find the serpentine rhythm they’d held in her room. She swayed
seductively, her fingers finding each button in turn on the silky shirt. Through it all, Lena looked first baffled, then stunned and finally something that Kerry couldn’t quite read. Clearly
she wanted the crazy woman at the door but something made her hesitate.

“Who is it, baby?” The other woman appeared at Lena’s side just as Kerry’s shirt dropped open, exposing her breasts. “Holy shit,” the woman breathed, almost a

Lena reached out and grabbed Kerry’s arm, pulling her inside. The other woman scooped up her jacket and shoes and dropped them on the apartment rug as the door closed. A pang shot through
Kerry’s entire body as she looked from Lena to the other woman and back again. So Lena had a girlfriend already. She might have known. So much for the love in her bosom finding its way out to
bring love to her.

But that was pre-love spell Kerry talking, her uncertainty spinning under in the whirlpool of this new and unbelievably sexy Kerry. That Kerry raised her hands above her head and began to dance,
shedding her clothes as she went spinning and twirling through the living room. She could feel the other two women watching and wanting her. She reveled in what she could feel and smell of their
desires before she pulled them into the dance with her.

Together the three of them writhed and spun and gyrated to an ancient imagined music. Lena and her girlfriend shed their clothes, their hands somehow always touching Kerry, themselves and each
other. Soon their mouths followed and the dancing slowed until Kerry was only twisting slightly as the other women hungrily tasted her skin and sucked on her breasts.

Her own hands were full of Lena’s breasts one moment and buried in her girlfriend’s soaking wet pussy the next. She threw back her head and gave an earth-shattering moan as
Lena’s mouth closed over one of her smaller breasts. Her eyes were closed as all three of them sank slowly to the floor, rolling into the softness of the carpet.

Someone was between her legs, hungry mouth searching for, then finding the red-hot nub of her clit. Her pussy stretched itself joyously open to admit an entire hand. She rode it fiercely, her
hips rocking up to find their own rhythm with the hand and tongue. More hands and another mouth were exploring her breasts, sucking and biting and stroking and pinching until she came with a shout,
body shaken to its core.

Someone straddled her face now, moist slit pressed to her mouth. She raised her head and licked furiously until she found the other woman’s clit buried in her soft fur. A cloud of musky
scent filled her nose and mouth until it was all she could breathe and she inhaled deeply, pulling it into herself until it etched itself on her memory.

Between her legs, she could feel a finger being worked slowly and carefully up her ass. The hungry mouth hadn’t left her clit and those fingers were still there driving themselves in and
out of her aching wetness. At the same time, the woman whose clit she was sucking came with a soft howl, thighs shaking around Kerry’s ears.

As the other women’s bodies pressed into her, sucking and tasting and possessing, Kerry knew what it was to be worshipped. She revelled in the feelings, even casting some of the power she
found inside her outward just a little. She could almost feel it flow through the building and out into the city and she knew that while earlier she felt the desire that was already there, now she
was creating it on her own. A voice, not her own, murmured something through her lips about multiplying and worship. Then it laughed, a triumphant sound that made Kerry shiver all over.

That brought her back to herself in a hurry. She tried to wrap the tendrils of power around herself like a blanket, pulling them all back into herself. But that was when her nerve endings
crescendoed. It was as though every muscle in her body shuddered its way to release all at once in the most intense orgasm of her life.

All the power she’d pulled back in washed out of her in a giant flood as she sank back into the carpet. But a moment later, she couldn’t remember why. There was Lena and her
girlfriend, Jan, and soft warm female flesh to explore. She lost herself as the three of them tried new positions, new angles. Sex toys appeared or objects became sex toys as the need arose. They
ate breakfast, then lunch from each other’s bodies and Kerry learned the exquisite joy of savouring pussy-flavored eggs. They took a shower, then a bath together, bodies becoming one as they
entwined. Then, finally sated, they all climbed into the big bed that Lena and her girlfriend shared and slept, their dreams still gently sensuous.

It was the vine tickling her nose that first woke Kerry. She blinked at it in the early morning light, trying to remember what day it was and where she was. Lena let out a gentle snore from the
pillow next to her and Kerry gave her sleeping face a giant grin. It lasted until someone else’s arm dropped over her waist and she remembered Jan. But then again, after yesterday, sharing
Lena might not be so bad. A slight throb went through her at the thought.

Then she realized that there hadn’t been any vines in the bedroom when they’d gone to bed. At least, not coming down from the ceiling. She sat up slowly, hands going instinctively to
her ribs. Her multiple breasts were gone. The spell must’ve worn off. She sighed, at once disappointed and relieved. It wasn’t like they would have been convenient to keep.

At the same time, her eyes tracked the new vegetation growing over the ceiling and the walls. And the floor when she looked down. She clambered out of the bed as carefully as possible so as not
to wake the others and looked out the window. The city was green as far as she could see and nearby buildings were a riot of vines and flowers. Trees and bushes burst through the sidewalk. Already
they were too thick for cars to travel on the street below.

She could see naked bodies in the lush green jungle too. Bodies of all shapes and sizes and genders in all sorts of combinations, all of them waking puzzled and confused and sated to the new
green jungle around them. Kerry pressed her hands to her cheeks in shock. “Did I do this?” she mumbled at last.

“Hmm?” Lena gave a questioning, waking sound from the bed.

Kerry turned around to find two sets of eyes squinting into the morning, glancing from her to the vines hanging from the ceiling. She looked back out the window, still not quite believing her
eyes. She couldn’t have done all this with her simple love spell, could she? No, it was impossible. Just like growing then losing multiple breasts overnight.

Lena’s girlfriend came over to stand next to her. Jan was clearly occupied with the changes outside. Her mouth hung slightly open as she stared around. There was a long pause before she
turned back to Kerry. “Hey, you’ve got the usual number of boobs!” She said in a slightly accusing tone. There was a short pause before she reached up and pulled at one of the
vines. “Is all this related, somehow? Did you do something?”

“I’m not sure,” Kerry muttered, hoping that it wouldn’t be that obvious.

“Lena, come look at this,” Jan ordered over her shoulder. “I think your friend got a little carried away with the whole love goddess thing she pulled yesterday.”

Lena rolled out of bed and came over to stare out the window with them. “She was your friend yesterday too,” she reminded Jan.

“Yeah, well that was before she probably put me out of work. Not much need for a road crew out there,” Jan gestured outside with a look of disgust.

“I’m sorry,” Kerry murmured, giving Jan an apologetic look.

“I’m not sure you should be.” Lena wore a big grin and nothing else, which made Kerry stare longingly at her lush curves despite her fears.

Jan made an angry noise and stomped away toward the bathroom. Lena and Kerry kept looking out the window, digging their toes into the moss growing under their feet. “Should I try and
reverse all this?” Kerry asked in a doubtful tone.

“Do you really think you could?” Lena asked quietly. “You did this for me, didn’t you?”

Kerry blushed and hung her head, then nodded. Whatever had been inside her yesterday was completely gone, taking the city as its vessel instead. Instinctively, she knew that she wouldn’t
be able to stop it; it was much bigger than just her now. So that just left her on her own once more. She turned to leave, eyes not meeting Lena’s.

Lena reached out and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go check out our brave new world. No one’s ever reversed Western civilization for me before. I think I’m flattered.”
Kerry looked up into her glowing smile and returned it with interest. Then, hand in hand, they walked out to explore the city.


Hanging in Suspense

Shaunda Randleman

I kneeled on the floor of the darkened, empty room, naked except for the chain clasped with a lock around my neck. I was on my hands and knees with my thighs spread and my ass
as high in the air as I could hold it. My face was near enough to the floor that I could feel my warm breath deflected back at me. This was one of her favourite ways to see me, and I knew she would
see it as a gift from me. I had no idea exactly how long I had been there, if it had been minutes or hours; my mind had raced though so many thoughts swirling in my head, so many possible
scenarios, that I had lost track of everything except for my desire to please her. She is many things to me; she is a mistress, a master, my rope loving life partner, at times she is my devious and
torturous captor. But I don’t call her any of these things. To me she is everything; no word can describe that, so I don’t even try.

Right now, all that separated us was one door. But she needed me to wait, she was busy, she had many things to do before she could attend to me. She told me earlier that today would be very
satisfying for me, if I did as she instructed. I trust her, and I had no intention of disobeying. Now she was on the other side of that door, readying herself for me, taking her time to get into
the right mood and mindset, while I was to wait out here. Before assuming this position of patience and waiting for her, I had taken some time to ready the room, setting the mood, trying to make it
as pleasing to her as possible so she could see how much I wanted to please her. It was slightly cool in the room; just cool enough to keep my nipples hard. The air smelled of cinnamon from the
flickering candles I had lit.

Finally the door opened and she walked in, radiant in her black satin. She stood above me, and though I dared not look at her, I knew she was visually inspecting me and the scene I had set. She
walked around me slowly, stopping when she got behind me to look at my vulnerable ass. She liked it when I put myself in such compromising positions for her, making myself as exposed and open to
violation as possible. She gave my ass a few light whacks, making me moan softly and push my ass further out toward her. She reached to my head, grabbed my hair, and pulled my head up from the
floor. I instantly and instinctively opened my mouth for her; I knew very well that I was to keep my lips parted at all times. I silently hoped that she hadn’t noticed that my mouth had been
very much closed while my head was down.

She sat down in the only chair that occupied the room and gazed at me. I held my position, loving the way she looked at me, knowing that she was thinking about so many degrading things she could
do to me. I looked longingly at a box that was situated by itself in the corner of the room in front of me. She noticed my look, and asked me what I was looking at. I dropped my eyes immediately;
it made me feel naughty, as if I had been caught thinking dirty thoughts or something. She laughed darkly and stood. Walking to my ass again, she spanked me one more time on each cheek, just to
tease and chastise me, but doing so hard enough to leave her handprint. She then walked away for a moment, going to the corner of the room to retrieve the box that had already caught my eye.

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica
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