Read The Lost Patrol Online

Authors: Vaughn Heppner

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Alien Invasion, #Colonization, #Exploration, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Space Opera, #Space Exploration

The Lost Patrol (6 page)

BOOK: The Lost Patrol
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A shuttle hatch slid up and Meta jumped to the ground.

“You’re going to have to stop that,” Maddox told Shu. “It’s unseemly.”

“You’ve saved my life twice today.” Shu arched up onto her toes to kiss him again.

Maddox grabbed her arms, restraining her. “You should thank
,” he said.

Shu looked at him blankly.

Maddox twisted the Spacer around to face the approaching Rouen Colony woman.

Meta had been born on a two G planet. Her muscles and bones were denser than a regular human’s. She wore a tight uniform, showing off a voluptuous figure, making Shu look like a child. Meta had long blonde hair that bounced as she strode toward them.

“Meta just destroyed the cruise missile for us,” Maddox said.

Meta’s eyes were alight and her features tense.

“Why is she so angry?” Shu asked.

Meta must have heard the comment. Her gaze flickered to the Spacer and then fixated on Maddox. She marched up to him and swung—no doubt to slap his face.

Maddox was too fast for that. He caught her wrist, and by straining, held her arm in place.

Meta ripped her arm back, stumbling as she gained her freedom. “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

Maddox took Meta by the arm, walking her several paces away as he began whispering to her. “That’s what I love about you. You always get physical.”

“This isn’t a joke.”

“We’ll talk about this during dinner tonight.” Meta still glowered at him. “No one kisses like you.”

“Why were you kissing her then?”

“If you’d looked a little more closely, you would have seen that she was kissing me, as I just saved her life. It was a gesture, nothing more.”

“It looked like more.”

Maddox squeezed her arm. Normally, Meta understood him better than others did. Like him, she’d been modified at a secret facility. Some of her problems were just like his problems. He liked that she could take care of herself. That he could depend on her. He also had a strange desire to take care of her. She seemed to feel the same way. He treasured that as something rare.

Meta’s glare had softened just a little. Maybe she could hear him now.

“We’ll have wine later,” he said, “make it an evening to remember.”

“Okay…” she said.

“Excellent,” Maddox said, turning to Shu. “Meta, this is Shu 15, a Spacer Provost Marshal. Shu, this is Meta, one of
combat specialists.”

“I’m his woman,” Meta said.

One of Shu’s hands flew to her mouth. “I’m sorry. The captain saved my life. I was showing him my gratitude.”

“I saw what you were doing,” Meta said, becoming heated again.

“I am very sorry,” Shu said, bowing at the waist. “I am sure that during our voyage we will become friends and learn to laugh at this day.”

“What?” Meta said.

“I’m sure you’re right,” Maddox said smoothly. Before he could say more, a klaxon began to wail from the shuttle.

“Let’s go,” he said. “I suspect they’re firing another missile. It’s time to use that, track down our hidden enemy, and wring a few answers out of them.”


The shuttle lifted with Meta piloting. “You’re right about a cruise missile,” she said, glancing at a board. “It’s heading…straight for us.”

Maddox saw it on his weapons board. He studied the telemetry data, the missile’s size and warhead. “There’s nothing unusual about the weapon… Wait. I’m detecting an electronic warfare pod.”

“Why are you delaying firing?” Meta asked. “It’s getting too close. Destroy it.”

“Yes,” Maddox said, absently. He manipulated the panel. The engine accelerated as a laser beamed. On his screen, Maddox watched the missile’s EW pod trying to fool the targeting computer.

A flash on the screen showed an explosion.

“Hit,” Meta said.

“No,” Maddox said, tapping the panel. “Its warhead prematurely exploded. The laser must have triggered a proximity fuse.”

“It’s gone, we’re here,” Meta said. “That’s all that matters.”

“A reasonable assumption,” Maddox murmured.

“Do we head upstairs to

“Not yet,” Maddox said, tapping his board, activating a comm. “Galyan.”

“Here, Captain,” the AI answered.

“Were you tracking the missile?”


“Give me the coordinates to the launch site.”

“Done,” said Galyan. “I should point out it is a mobile launcher.”

Meta examined her panel. “The launch point is fifty kilometers from here.”

“Galyan,” Maddox said. “I want you to scan around us. Search for anyone using flash signals.”

“Radio signals?” Galyan asked.

“Flash signals of any kind,” Maddox said. “If the missiles are launching fifty kilometers from here, there must be a spotter nearby feeding them information.”

“Why does the spotter have to be nearby?” Meta asked. “Couldn’t it be an orbital spotter like

Maddox stared at Meta, nodding after a moment. He should have already thought of that. “Good point.” He swiveled around, studying Shu.

“Is something the matter?” the Spacer asked.

“No,” Maddox said, turning back to his board. What was wrong with him? Why was he being so overt?

Meta tapped on her screen.

Words appeared on Maddox’s board. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?





“Anything’s possible,” Maddox said aloud. Meta had an interesting point. Was the Provost Marshal a Spacer Intelligence agent? The missiles would be a heavy-handed approach to getting them to trust her.

“I may have something, Captain,” Galyan said. “Two missiles just lifted, one from sixty-three kilometers out and another from a lake one hundred and three kilometers away. I eliminated both missiles, along with the surface launch vehicle. I have already informed Star Watch about the underwater launcher. They have scrambled together an attack team to neutralize and another team to investigate.”

“Good work, Galyan.”

“Thank you, Captain. It is enjoyable to be active again. I should note that events pick up the moment you are out of training and back in action.”

“You didn’t alert me just to say that.”

“You are correct,” Galyan said. “My superior ship sensors have picked up a strange trace of radiation, a subtle source. I might not have noticed if you had not alerted me to unusual space activity.”

“What’s the source of the strange radiation?” Maddox asked.

“A Cestus hauler,” Galyan said, “one that belonged to Octavian Nerva’s company several years ago.”

Maddox considered the information. “Star Watch vetted the hauler?”

“Correct, Captain,” Galyan said. “This is Cestus Hauler AB 731, the
Marius III
. It is in a tight Earth orbit and in visual range of you. It is three hundred kilometers from my present position. I had thought to call the hauler and demand an explanation for the unusual radiation signature. Past experience suggested you would wish a different avenue of discovery.”

Maddox sat back, thinking. He glanced at Meta, “Take us up.”

“Captain,” Galyan said. “I overheard that. I should point out that the second Stokes android said the Lord High Admiral wished to see you. I doubt that was a fabrication.”

“The admiral can wait,” Maddox said. “Is the hauler occupied?”

“Unknown,” Galyan said.

“What does the present manifest say?”

“A moment,” Galyan said. “According to orbital security, the
Marius III
is on automated standby. It is awaiting a shipment of Nerva electronics to take to the Augustus System. Captain, this might interest you. The
Marius III
recently visited the New Carolina System.”

“Why would that interest me?” Maddox asked.

“Such a route to Earth would take the hauler near the Xerxes System. It would be easy to drop off or accept a shuttle such as Kane used to do.”

“Yes,” Maddox said. “The androids are of Builder origin. The Nexus is of Builder construction. Ready a combat team, Galyan.”

“For breaching and entering the
Marius III
?” Galyan asked.

“Yes,” Maddox said. “Sergeant Riker will lead the insertion. Everyone is to wear a vacc suit or combat armor.”

“Yes, Captain,” Galyan said.

“I plan to join them once they’ve secured the hauler.”

“I had already anticipated your coming,” Galyan said.

“Captain,” Meta said.

Maddox turned to her.

“If Galyan has anticipated you, and if the android and missile attempts to kill you just now were of Builder origin, might the enemy also be anticipating you?”

“You think this is a trap?”

“Why would they have allowed
to spot the ‘strange’ radiation leakage? Whoever made these attempts has remained hidden all this time for a reason.”

“What are you suggesting?” Maddox asked.

“That you alert Star Watch and let them handle the situation.”

“I’m alive today because I acted promptly each time I faced an enemy,” Maddox said. “I’m also weary of being on the defensive. To win, one must eventually attack. We are about to attack.”

Maddox glanced at Shu. Those dark goggles made her harder to read.

“Galyan,” Maddox said. “What happened to the Spacer airship earlier?”

“It has grounded, Captain.”

“Voluntarily?” Maddox asked.

“Negative. It outran a wing of atmospheric interceptors, but Star Watch issued a worldwide alert. Orbital strikefighters joined in the chase and forced the airship to land. Star Watch Marines presently surround the vessel with combat vehicles. The airship’s commander is claiming diplomatic immunity. For the moment, that has produced a standoff.”

Maddox looked at Shu as he asked Galyan, “Is the airship’s commander asking for anyone’s return?

“Negative,” Galyan said.

“Why doesn’t the Visionary want you back?” Maddox asked Shu.

“She follows the Spirit’s guidance,” Shu said. “The Visionary must realize I’m supposed to go with you.”

Meta made a disdainful sound.

Maddox ignored it as he asked Galyan, “Has Riker been notified and the combat team assembled?”

“I have initiated the process,” the AI said.

“I want you to closely monitor the
Marius III
,” Maddox said. “Incapacitate the hauler if it attempts to leave orbit. Eliminate any offensive weaponry the moment it tries to warm up.”

“On what authority are you ordering this?” Meta asked.

Maddox hesitated. He didn’t like anyone questioning his orders, not even Meta. With a shrug, he said, “Self-defense. The brigadier will back me up.”

“You’re a Patrol officer now,” Meta said.

“True,” Maddox said indifferently. What had the first Stokes android said? Once an Intelligence officer, always an Intelligence officer. In that, the android had been correct.




Sergeant Riker’s stomach grew queasy as the armored shuttle approached the gigantic Cestus hauler.

The older man sat in the shuttle’s command cabin as Keith piloted. Riker wore an armored vacc suit with the helmet in his arms.

Riker had weathered features and his left eye and arm were bionic. He had been with Captain Maddox in Intelligence for quite some time now. Nothing was routine with Maddox. Originally, Riker was supposed to have been a foil to the young man’s rashness. Lately, the sergeant had begun to wonder about his original assignment. Maybe he had done something wrong back then to upset a high-ranking Intelligence officer. Maybe this had always been a punishment detail but no one had told him.

One thing was certain, an Intelligence operative shouldn’t be riding shotgun with a commando team heading for a Nerva hauler. Who knew what waited for them on the spaceship? Behind the cabin hatch was a seven-man Marine squad in combat armor. They were trained for hostile insertions. He was just an aging sergeant thinking more and more often about his pension and visiting his two nieces in the Tau Ceti System.

I’m getting too old for this excitement. Let someone else risk his bones to babysit the captain

“That’s odd,” Keith said.

“What is?” Riker asked, not liking the sound of that.

“See those hangar bay doors?” Keith asked.

The lieutenant pointed at something outside the shuttle’s blast window. The Cestus hauler had become huge, a long spaceship with numbers on the sides. Riker could read the word
Marius III
. The vessel dwarfed
, which was one of the largest fighting craft in Star Watch.

“Do you see it?” Keith asked. “It’s between the last two Roman numerals.”

Riker squinted, and then he berated himself. Sitting back, he blinked twice in quick succession, activating one of the bionic eye’s features. The image leaped forward. Oh, yes, he saw the hangar bay now. The two doors were opening.

“What’s unusual about the hangar bay?” Riker asked.

“That they’re opening,” Keith said.

“That’s what they’re supposed to do in order to let us in.”

“Right,” Keith said. “Now, you’re getting it.”

“No,” Riker said. “I’m not.”

“When was the last time we did something for the captain that was as easy as that?” Keith asked.

Riker muttered under his breath. The boy was right. Nothing ever came easy following a Maddox directive.

Keith burst out laughing.

The noise made Riker frown.

“You’re too easy, mate, do you know that? Don’t be so nervous about this. It’s an empty hauler. If we get into trouble, I’m out of here. This will be a cinch.”

Riker stared at the lieutenant. Had he ever been that young, that cocky?
, he told himself.
I was born old


The shuttle slid through the doors into a huge hangar bay. Riker looked around suspiciously. Below on the deck sat squat cargo shuttles. He didn’t spy any robots or carryalls moving containers.

“It feels dead,” Riker said.

Keith shrugged. “I’m parking us over there next to the hatch. My autocannons are hot. If anything challenges us—boom, they’re toast.”

Riker stood so he could see more of the hangar bay. This reminded him of the Dyson sphere. That had been some voyage, a year ago. He never wanted to do anything like that again.

Riker’s eyes widened as true fear bit his heart. He had always been a lifer. This is what he did. But if he wanted to get out…he would cause himself to start having a short-timer’s luck. That would mean this would be his last mission because he would die on the hauler.

I’m in for the long run
, Riker told himself.
I’m going to die in the service but of old age, not battle wounds

“You all right, mate?” Keith asked.

Riker jerked in surprise.

“You’re pale,” Keith said. “Did you eat something bad this morning?”

For a beat, the sergeant stared at the cocky pilot. Then he muttered under his breath, putting on his helmet and sealing it to the suit.

Keith shrugged, tapping his controls, taking the shuttle down.


Riker floated weightless down a large hall, pulling himself along the float rails. Behind him followed the Marine squad. They headed for the hauler’s bridge. Despite their Marine training for this, he had done more space walking than they had, which is why he led the way.

The sergeant kept checking the schematic on the inner lid of his visor. Galyan had overridden the hauler’s controls, using a technique learned on their last voyage. According to the Adok AI, nothing was amiss on the vessel. Nothing moved. Nothing lived, and no electronic system had activated in any way.

Riker still didn’t like it. He didn’t trust this. Something was wrong on the ship. He had instincts about these things. Androids had tried to trick the captain. Everything had been too easy about this raid, and that struck him as wrong.

“You are approaching the bridge,” Galyan said through the suit comm.

“Be alert,” Riker radioed the Marine sergeant.

“Roger,” the Marine said, a young man by the name of Hank Towns.

Hank sounded nervous. Riker knew the kid was fresh out of training. No wonder he was nervous. This was just great. He had to babysit wet-behind-the-ears Marines.

Riker’s grip tightened around his blaster.

“Sergeant,” Galyan said. “I sense movement near you.”


“It simply started up,” Galyan said.

Riker saw something coming around the corner and shouted a warning. He pulled the trigger a second later. A harsh beam radiated from the blaster.

From behind him, Marine autocannons opened up. Both the blaster and heavy shells obliterated a robot trundling around the corner on treads.

As he fired, Riker tightened his grip on the float rail so the blaster beam wouldn’t send his weightless body backward.

The Marines must have magnetized themselves to the deck. They remained rock-steady as they obliterated the robot.

“Stand down!” Hank shouted. “Cease firing!”

Riker stopped shooting, too. Pieces drifted off the robot as the shredded body demagnetized and began floating.

“Is there a bomb in the thing?” Riker asked.

“I’m not reading anything off,” the tech specialist said, looking at a recorder.

“Was the robot a threat?” Hank asked Riker.

“It was moving, and it shouldn’t have been,” Riker said.

“Roger,” Hank said. “Stay loaded,” he told his men.

Riker scanned the corridor. The floating pieces bothered him. With a soft grunt, he forced himself to move. They needed to reach the bridge.

The sergeant carefully floated past the debris of battle. Not only had he boarded a Dyson sphere one thousand light-years away, but he’d been on the alien Destroyer with Maddox. That, too, had been a harrowing experience.

Why was it that boarding actions never got any easier? The threat of the unknown, the threat of immediate death, made one wish he was anywhere else but here. Maybe doing this made life sweeter because he appreciated being alive afterward.

That was something the captain would say. Riker hoped the young lad wasn’t rubbing off on him. The old were supposed to teach the young, not the other way around.

“I see the bridge hatch,” Hank said.

“Roger,” Riker said thickly.

“Do you expect trouble?” Hank asked.

“I always expect trouble.”

The Marine sergeant snorted.

“What’s so funny?” Riker asked.

“That’s something my DI would have said.”

Riker nodded. “Your DI was a smart man.”

“No. He was a bastard,” Hank said, with a touch of real dislike in his voice.

That caused Riker to cock his head. Had they shipped a troublemaker onto
? Riker made a mental note to keep his eye on the young Marine sergeant.

“Do you have the entrance code, Galyan?” Riker asked.

“Just a moment,” the AI said. The hatch slid open.

“Fire!” a startled Hank shouted.

Autocannons opened up.

“Stop!” Riker said. “Galyan opened the hatch, not the ship.”

“Cease fire, cease fire!” Hank shouted.

The autocannons quit firing. Sparks showered inside the bridge as smoke drifted lazily.

“Thanks,” Riker told Galyan.

“What are the Marines firing at?” Galyan asked.

“You surprised us with the hatch,” Riker said. “We’re all keyed up. You should have told me what you were going to do.”

“This is interesting psychological data,” Galyan said.

“No, it’s—”

“I have noted the occurrence,” Galyan said. “In the future, I will warn you before I act.”

“Thanks,” Riker muttered.

“You are welcome, Sergeant Riker. It is good to be appreciated.”

The sergeant rolled his eyes and propelled himself forward. He drifted through the hatch onto the
Marius III’s
bridge. A few panels still sparked, but there was no more smoke as damage control units had activated on the boards. Fortunately, the shot-up area was relatively small. Lights blinked elsewhere, and a large screen showed space and the Earth below, with the continent of Australia visible.

“We’re on the bridge,” Riker said. “Give me a few minutes, and I’ll secure the ship.”

“Shall I inform the captain?” Galyan asked.

“Give me a few minutes first.”

Riker went to several boards, tapping them, testing each. The tech specialist did likewise on other panels. The minutes passed, but neither man found anything suspicious.

“All clear,” the tech specialist said.

Riker nodded. “We’re secure on the
Marius III
,” he told Galyan. “You can tell the captain.”

A few seconds later, Galyan said, “The captain is on his way. You are to remain on the bridge until he reaches you.”

“Will do,” Riker said. He shut off the comm for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief. This time, it really had been easy, a piece of cake. He could use a few more like these.

“We’re waiting for the captain,” Riker told Hank.

The Marine sergeant nodded his helmet.

Riker sat in a chair and tapped a panel. He turned on gravity dampeners, bringing pseudo-gravity to the entire vessel. That had been the captain’s orders. Then, Riker swiveled his chair and stretched out his legs for a well-deserved breather.


Three minutes and twenty-three seconds after artificial gravity powered up throughout the
Marius III
, a hidden hatch rose. After a short span, the hatch slid shut again, although nothing visible had emerged.


BOOK: The Lost Patrol
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