Read The Last Detail Online

Authors: Melissa Schroeder

The Last Detail (8 page)

BOOK: The Last Detail
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“Is that something that interests you?” Sam asked.

She stilled beneath Jared’s arm and he could almost feel her entire body go on alert. He could have sworn he heard her breathing hitch.

She shook her head. “We don’t have time to be fooling around like that. We have a pack of agents sniffing around after you and now me.”

“No. They think you got away on a transport,” Jared said.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I got a decoy away. I also put out some rumors that you were out in the Freanklin sector.”

“You were always a smart shit, Jared.”

“Fuck off,” Jared said with little heat. He still should be furious with Sam for taking advantage of Lou. She was a woman who didn’t allow people close to her. In all the years he had known Lou, Jared understood he was about the only person she truly trusted. In her own way. He didn’t think she would ever trust anyone completely.

But he wasn’t even that pissed anymore. Okay, he was, but another image was forming. Instead, he was trying to get the idea of taking Lou to bed, of sharing her with Sam, out of his head. Dammit to Hades, thinking of being in bed with Sam was bad enough. He knew there wasn’t a chance the two of them would be able to keep their hands off each other.

Sam chuckled as he approached them. “So we have some time to play. And since you mentioned taking on both of us…”

Even the thought should have annoyed and disgusted Jared, but for some reason it didn’t. He cared about these two people more than he had ever cared about anyone else. Maybe he hadn’t seen Sam in years, but there was still that part of Jared that cared, who knew the man beneath wasn’t the man he showed the world. In fact, the idea of sharing her with Sam sent a shaft of need reeling through his blood stream.

He pulled her in front of him and tugged her against his chest. Those whiskey-brown eyes stared up at him with a mixture of confusion and excitement. That alone had his lust rising up. He bent forward to test her out and nuzzled her neck. Sweet Lucifer, she smelled of sin. More nights than he would like to admit he found himself lying awake, wondering what it would feel like to have his skin against hers, and breathe her tantalizing scent in as she slept next to him.

It wasn’t just her body he yearned for. From their humble beginnings together to the woman she’d became today, she was an amazing woman. But now he could smell her arousal, feel the way she tried to resist the pull of having two men take her.

Sam crowded in behind her and he looked at Jared over her shoulder. It was insane how they had gone from rivals and competitors in less than five minutes. And seeing the need in Sam’s eyes as he looked at Jared brought back so many memories. They crashed into him, his body going from aroused to almost painfully so, in a matter of seconds. There would be time for that later, he thought as he brushed that aside and focused on Lou again. If there was one woman who deserved the undivided attention of two men, it was Lou. She’d had precious little affection in her life, before and after he’d met her.

He nipped at her ear. “What do you say, Lou?”

She shivered in reaction, and for a moment, he was worried she would say no. Intimacy was something she had avoided for years. Even the slightest touch would sometimes cause her to involuntarily cringe. He knew it was a lot to ask of the woman. But in that next instant, she pulled back and captured his gaze.

“You’ll stop if it’s too much?”

He nodded. “Promise on my tattered honor.”

She smiled at the shared memory of his promise to stay with her the night she’d been attacked. Then she nodded and Sam groaned.

“Well, thank the Lord in Heaven.”

She laughed. “You have no patience.”

Jared glanced at his old lover and thought of the way they had tried to resist their feelings for each other. “No. Actually, Sam’s known for his amazing patience. In fact, it was one of the things the instructors tried to beat out of him.”

From the look on Sam’s face, he wasn’t interested in talking about it. Jared could understand. The most luscious, tempting woman stood between them, agreeing to take both of them to bed.

“Let’s move this into the bedroom.”

He leaned forward and picked her up to carry her down the hall. Her face flushed red. “You don’t have to carry me.”

“Ah, but if there was a woman who needed it, it’s you. Plus, I can ensure that you don’t change your mind.”

She laughed, the sound filling the hallway as he followed Sam to the room. The carefree sound had his heart tripping and his body warming. It wasn’t usual to hear such lightness from her.

As he stepped into the room, Sam was already pulling his clothes from his body, his need easy to see. Jared let his gaze travel down Sam’s hard body to his cock. The head was already dark, filled with blood, a drop of precome wetting the head of it. Jared swallowed, his mouth suddenly going dry. Damn, between the two of them, there was a good chance they would make him lose all control, and that wasn’t something he had done since the last time he’d slept with Sam.

Jared set Lou on her feet then started to undress himself. He barely kept himself from tearing off the clothes. Lou watched them with undisguised interest. Her arousal fed his own.

He looked at Sam and had to bite back a sigh. The man had filled out in their years apart. His chest had been lean when they had been together all those years ago, but now the muscles rippled beneath the surface of tanned flesh. A thin line of hair bisected his chest and ran down, past his abs to his groin. Jared licked his lips. He could remember just how Sam tasted. The salty sweet essence had been like a drug to him.

Sam’s cock twitched. “You keep looking at me like that and I might lose what little control I have right now, Jared.”

Each word was said with precise diction, telling Jared that Sam wasn’t lying. Looking at his face, he could see Sam’s jaw flex, a definite sign he was on the edge. Sam always ground his teeth when he was pushed to the limit.

Sam stepped forward and pulled the shirt Lou was wearing off with one quick jerk. Her golden hair fell about her bare shoulders as his gaze moved down her body. He was transfixed by the sight. She wasn’t a feminine woman, but she was definitely a woman. Full hips, breasts tipped with the most beautiful rosy nipples, and just the perfect roundness to her belly.

He allowed his gaze to slip to the juncture of her thighs. Jared could already smell the faint scent of her arousal. His heart tripped when he looked up and saw her uncertainty. He was standing in front of her, his cock harder than Titanium steel, and he knew she worried about the scars he hadn’t even paid attention to. In fact, he had forgotten about them the moment she was bare to him. He could tell her, give her all the pretty words he had said to his lovers in the past, but he knew that she would never believe him. Instead he showed her.


Jared stepped so close to Lou, she could feel his heat. It only added to the inferno that burned within her. The clean, fresh scent of him filled her senses as he raised his hands to cup her face. The calluses on his fingers slipped over her jaw and she shivered. The look in his green eyes was so tender it brought on a mix of emotions she could barely contain. Fear lanced through her at the same time the slow roll of arousal burned in her blood. He leaned closer and brushed his mouth over hers. He didn’t close his eyes. He slipped his tongue over her lips and she didn’t hesitate to open her mouth. He groaned, closed his eyes and dove into her mouth. His lip ached but he ignored it.

All the nerves and fear melted away under the heat of his passion. As he deepened the kiss, she felt Sam move in behind her. His fingers danced down her spine all the way to her ass. Sam’s huge hand cupped one cheek at the same time she felt his mouth move over her neck. Passion spiked as liquid heat moved through her. Her pussy lips damped with need and her nipples tightened painfully. She arched against Jared, enjoying the way his chest hair felt against her breasts.

She slipped her hand down Jared’s chest to take hold of his cock, but her fingers collided with Sam’s. She started at the contact and pulled back from the kiss. Sam removed his hand, then enclosed it over hers. Together, they moved their hands over Jared’s shaft. He tipped his head back and groaned. She continued to move her hand over Jared as Sam removed his and moved to stand beside the two of them. Jared raised his head and turned to look at him. Sam hesitated for a moment, then leaned in closer to kiss him. Both men winced a bit and she was pretty sure it had to do with their injuries from the fight.

The first thing she felt was a slap of craving that hit her with such a force that she tightened her hand on Jared’s cock. Jared groaned and moved his hips, thrusting his cock into her hand. She continued to pump him as she watched the tangle of tongues between the two men. Lou hadn’t been too sure what she would feel when she witnessed this. She definitely didn’t expect to make her hotter. But it did. Every nerve ending in her body shimmered with need. Her appetite for both men increased.

By the time they pulled apart, she could barely keep from pressing her legs together to ease the need building. The smiles they offered her told her she was in trouble.

“What do you think, Jared?” Sam asked. His voice deepened over the words, telling her just how aroused he was. “I think she really liked watching us.”

Jared stepped away from her as Sam bent his head and took a nipple in his mouth. His teeth scraped over the tender flesh and she moaned.

“I think you might be right,” Jared said. He dropped to his knees in front of her and pressed his mouth against her belly. His tongue flicked out over her flesh as he moved down to her pussy.

The heat of his breath hit her before his tongue slipped between her wet lips. She felt the tension amp up, her body shimmering close to the edge of her release. Jared pulled her clit into his mouth and sucked. Her knees gave out, but Sam held her up.

Jared pulled back.

“I think we need the bed,” Jared said.

They moved on to the bed, laying her out on the mattress between the two of them. They shared a look that she couldn’t decipher before Jared looked down at her. He leaned down and gave her another slow, bone-melting kiss as he moved his body over hers. She wanted this, needed this as much as she had needed Sam earlier. He rose to his knees between her legs. He wrapped his hand around his cock and started to pump it.

Sam moved closer to her head. “Open up, baby.”

She readily did as he ordered. The first sweet salty taste of him hit her as she felt Jared pull her hips up. She lifted her hand to cup his sac, caressing, teasing. He moved in and out of her mouth, and she enjoyed his groan as she slipped her tongue over the tip of his shaft.

With one hard thrust, Jared entered her to the hilt. She moaned at the fullness, pulling a groan from Sam. As Sam fucked her mouth, Jared thrust into her powerfully, causing the headboard of the bed to slam against the wall. Then Sam thrust into her one last time, almost causing her to gag. He groaned as he came, filling her mouth and throat.

He pulled out of her mouth then lay down next to her, stroking her hair as Jared leaned down to take her mouth in a hot, opened-mouth kiss. She panicked at first. Sex was never something for pleasure, not until she’d met Sam, and now the pleasure moved through her, almost overpowered her. She tried to pull back from the emotions that were swamping her, the ones she saw in Jared’s eyes.

“No, you don’t. Stay with us, Lou,” Jared said, every word coming out from behind clenched teeth. “Trust me.”

She watched him and knew in that moment that she had always trusted him. Trusted him for her protection, trusted him with her life, and now, she could trust him with her heart. In that next instant, she came apart, her orgasm rolling through her like a supersonic blast. Jared followed after three more thrusts, groaning her name as he poured his seed into her.

Chapter Eight

Sam walked up the stairs and found Jared in the office cursing under his breath.

“Having a few problems there?”

Jared stilled then started typing again. “You brought a whole lot of shit on top of me and Lou, you know that?”

That caught his attention immediately. “What the hell happened?” he asked as he made his way to the other office chair next to Jared.

“It seems that there has been a price put on all our heads.”

That sent a chill through him. “What do you mean? You and Lou too?”

“Yes,” Jared ground out as he tossed him a nasty look. “Thanks to you, there are retrieval agents looking for her. And it’s dead or alive.”

Sam didn’t want to face that, didn’t want to really admit it was partially his fault. It was in a way because he had known from the start that this undercover assignment was off. The assignment was bad, but he knew that he hadn’t been the one to set this ship in motion. “Not all my fault. You’re the one who sent her after me.”

Regret filled his old lover’s face and Jared looked back at the screen. “Don’t you think I know that? Fuck. I’ve spent the last ten years protecting her.”

That gave Sam pause. He had known she and Jared had worked together for a long time. “You’ve been together for ten years and never tried to get her in bed?”

Jared shook his head. “At the beginning, let’s just say I didn’t sleep with girls who worked for me.”

It took Sam a second to realize what he was talking about. “You son of a bitch. You whored her out.”

“No. Not like that.” He sighed. “Seriously, I did mostly petty things, drugs and pickpocketing.”

“You didn’t get that far from your brothers then.”

Jared shot him an angry look. “I never whored her out, or any of the other girls. I sort of looked out for them. We all looked out for each other. Lou, well, she was sort of lost then. So young.”

Sam started turning over everything Jared had said in his head and then felt the sick slide of disgust in his belly. “She was only a girl.”

Jared nodded. “I couldn’t get her off the streets. She hated it, really hated it. But no matter what, I couldn’t get her to change her mind. Even then she had a big set of balls. She was scared to death, but she was damned determined to stand on her own.”

BOOK: The Last Detail
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