Read The Heart of War Online

Authors: Lisa Beth Darling

The Heart of War (47 page)

BOOK: The Heart of War
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“No!” Mae cried through a wounded jaw as she scrambled to her knees and began to beg. “Please, it’s been so long since I saw my daughter. Please. I’ve missed her so.” And wondered about her. And worried about her. Prayed for her. “You’ve taken everything from me, father, please don’t take this, too. I want to see my daughter!”


“All of my life, I never thought I’d fall in love, then came you,” Alena confessed.

Taking her up in his arms, holding her close he let his dark eyes dart about the door as though he were looking for something or someone.

Alena felt his brawny body tense and his heart quicken. “What’s wrong, my Love? What is it?”

Not liking the feeling creeping over him, Ares pulled her closer still. “Do you feel…eyes…upon us?” he whispered as though there might be ears attached to the unseen eyes burning a hole into the back of his head.

She was too happy to feel the danger lurking just behind them on the mantle. “No.” That didn’t mean anything; she wasn’t a God like Ares. “Do you think someone is here?”

Ares didn’t feel a physical presence, it was more of an ethereal one. “No. There is no one here but us and the women upstairs.” His sharp eyes were still darting around the room. Not a single nook, cranny, corner, or shadow escaped his gaze and yet he saw nothing out of the ordinary.

“Maybe it’s just…just the aftereffects of Adrian’s bolt. It was quite powerful,” Alena said hopefully. “Maybe you should rest. I’ll take you upstairs, give you a long massage.”

That sounded good to Ares; he could use a long massage after today. Especially from her, surely it would end in them blissfully wrapped up in each other’s arms. “You must be tired as well.” He ran his hand through her silver hair. “I don’t want you to wait on me.”

“Oh, well, fine then, we’ll just go upstairs and have the women massage us both.”

Ares blinked, his mouth dropped open, and he had to clear his throat before he spoke. That was a very tempting idea, one that might also end up in a sweaty heap of spent bodies. “Feeling frisky, my dear? The heat of battle always does that to me,” he asked with sparkling eyes and a winning grin.

Alena slapped him playfully on the arm. “That’s not what I meant, but…” the playfulness trailed out of her voice, “if you want…”

“I am a man so I do want, but” he bent down to look her in the eye, “I’ll pass.” Ares kissed Alena’s cheek. “Any other ideas for the remainder of the night ahead of us?”

It was Alena who let her eyes dart around the room but she was really only looking at one item in particular. “Well, now that you mention it. There is something I’d like to do…to you…my Love,” she led invitingly.

“Hmmm, and what would that be?” Ares asked, playing along to see where this went; it could be some place wonderful.

Alena took his hand and began to walk away from the hearth. “I’m sure you’ve done this a million times or more, in fact I’ve seen it, haven’t I? If you don’t mind too much, I’d like to give it a shot.” With a very delicate hand, she gestured for the God of War to sit upon his Throne of Bones.

“Going to sit on my lap?” Ares grinned and patted his knee as he sat down. “Climb up here and tell Santa what you want for Christmas?”

“Maybe later. For now, I thought I’d do my best to treat you like the God you are.”
“Does this mean you’re going to dance for me now?”
That wasn’t exactly what she had in mind. “There’s no music,” Alena said mournfully and then sighed.

Ares snorted a laugh and snapped his fingers. Her cell phone appeared in his hand. “Now let’s see what we have in here.” Giving it a jolt from his finger, Ares turned on the phone and let his fingers slide over the little icon that read music.

“It’s not a touch screen.”

“It is now,” Ares corrected and let his eyes scan over the few songs the phone held. Thinking he recognized the title of one of the tunes, Ares tapped it and it began to play.

I know you wanna leave me,
But I refuse to let you go

Yes, he knew this tune. His head began bobbing around on his shoulders while his foot kept time with the beat.

If I have to beg and plead for your sympathy,
I don't mind cuz' you mean that much to me


Alena laughed.

“Come on, dance for me.”

It had been a very long time since Alena danced and she thought it was possible she had forgotten how. She wished he had picked something a little slower.

“Shy?” She was blushing. Ares stood up. “I that case, come on, dance
me, Alena.”

“With you?” Alena asked in soft surprise. “You dance?”

“I love to dance.” Ares grabbed her hand, raised it over her head and twirled her around. “I am also good at it, as you can see,” he said without a dose of modesty as he dipped her and then brought her back to her feet.


Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin’
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go

The dip and sweep was very swift and very expertly pulled off by her partner; it also came out of nowhere, yet not for a single second did she fear he would drop her or haul her to her feet with too much force. For a few moments, Alena wondered if this was what it felt like when the girls talked about their Senior Proms. “Will you never stop surprising me?”

“I hope not and only with the most delightful of things.”

“I never would have believed that you like to dance.” (Or that he would look so damn sexy while he was doing it.)

“Everything in Life has its own rhythm, its own beat, from waging war to making love to dancing. You just have to listen for it and then fall into it,” Ares said easily and twirled her once more before bumping his side into hers. “At least I don’t do the White Man’s Overbite, hmm?”

Alena laughed again. “You don’t even know what that is.” Spending most of his time out here on this lonely island, how could Ares possibly know the White Man’s Overbite?

“No?” Ares jutted his front teeth and bit down on his bottom lip while he pulled his arms in close to his body with the forearms out to the side. His broad shoulders pumped up and down as he shuffled from one foot the other without picking them up. Ares continued dancing, bobbing his head funkily and snapping his fingers until he thought Alena would fall to the floor weakened from laughter. “That pretty close?”

If the God of War wasn’t afraid to make a fool out of himself in front of her, indeed if he would do it
her benefit, then how could she ever fear or doubt him? “Perfect,” she tittered as she blushed. “Spend a lot of time in discos, do you?”

“Ah, Studio 54 was one of my favorite hangouts. Where do you think I learned how to do this?” Ares asked as he continued the funky little dance.

Yes, she could see that. Ares probably adored New York City with all of its hustle, bustle and underworld crime, not to mention all the sex, drugs, booze and loose women of Studio 54. With its flamboyance and wanton hedonism, Ares must have loved the high-class high-profile discotheque until it fell into bankruptcy in the mid 1980s. Alena was more of a Boston type of a person and she imagined that would leave them sitting on opposite sides of Fenway Park.

Near to the end of the song he stepped behind her, pulled her in close and laid his hands on her hips. When she turned to look at him from over her shoulder, those slender hips rocked in time to the rising desire he saw reflecting back at him. One hand on her hip, the other slid slowly upward over the thin material of the gown, over heavy breasts bearing hard nipples and up the nape of her neck. Ares pushed her silver-gray hair away with gentle fingertips just before he blew hot breath onto her exposed flesh. Alena’s head tilted to the side to offer him a better advantage.

Behind them on Alena’s old cell phone,
Ain’t Too Proud To Beg
ended and the next song began.


I’ve been really tryin baby
Tryin to hold back this feeling for so long


That sly smile returned to Ares’ lips as they brushed over the skin waiting so patiently for him. A few soft kisses and she started to coo, her hips pushed back into him as they kept time with the smoky beat. Those full moist lips of his parted to suck in the tender flesh offered so willingly and devoured it like a fine feast. The sweet cooing coming from her throat turned into a gasp and then a moan and soon it was even more heated as she began to tremble in his arms. One hand cradling her head now too weak to hold itself upright and the other exploring the curve of her hip, she began to melt into him.

Let’s get it on

With the soft mound of her butt grinding into him, Ares grew hard quickly. The sweet salty taste of her dancing on his tongue and the even more sweet music of her sighs filling his ears, he drew in more of her flesh and bit down a little harder.


She didn’t have to say his name, he felt her hesitate and to that he sucked just a tad bit harder, pulled her in a little firmer as he started to nearly gnaw on her. “Give it to me. Now.”

Alena’s felt her whole body burst into a tingle just before the sun seemed to explode before her eyes. She climaxed with a long slow shudder and then stood weak in his arms. “Did you? How did you? Was that?”

Licking his lips Ares gave her a self-satisfied smile. “Want me to do it again?” Strange how the human body worked. That places which could cause paralysis, agony and even death, when used properly could also bring about the most exquisite pleasure.

There's nothin' wrong
With me lovin' you

“Ahhh, now, about that private dance,” Ares encouraged.

Yes, after their little dance and that minor eruption Alena’s confidence was growing, as was the bulge in those wonderfully fitting leather pants of his. “Why don’t you take a seat…my Lord?” Ares had his back to the throne and she gave him a little shove to sit him down. “I think you’re overdressed,” she cooed as she leaned in close to him, parted the sides of the leather vest at his chest, and was very pleased to see his skin its normal deep olive, no more bruise, no sign of the bolt that had hit him and brought the mighty God of War to the ground. “Give it to me.” Ares slid his arms out of it and handed it over to her. Alena hung it off one arm of the throne. “You are the most handsome, most irresistible man I’ve ever seen.” Taking a few steps back from him so that she stood in the firelight, Alena’s too-slender hips began to sway from side to side.

Ares greatly appreciated his view as he nestled back on his throne to enjoy that tingling feeling in the growing part of him. The more she moved, the more it tingled and the harder it became. His mouth watered and his heart raced when Alena turned around, put out her backside and rolled her ass for him. “Take that off.”

Turning around with heated eyes and biting down playfully on her bottom lip, Alena grinned for him as she slowly shimmied downward, her shoulders rolling in time to those seductively rocking hips. She reached for the hem of the nightgown. Taking the soft material in her fingertips, Alena continued her serpentine shimmy, never taking her eyes from him as the nightgown slowly lifted off the ground.

It came up over her ankles and then her shins to show him those silky strong calf muscles. Over the knees and up the thighs, Ares swallowed hard and found it difficult to stay in his seat. When the white nightgown slid up over her flat stomach, he reached down and grabbed that hard part of him, gave it a good yank when her soft full breasts came into view. All the while those hips rocked and swayed like a snake charmer’s pungi—not to be confused with punji—and just as hypnotizing.

The gown went up, up and over her head to reveal the full body that he adored. Alena tossed the nightgown at him. Ares picked it up, pressed it to his face and broad bare chest as he inhaled deeply. It was warm from her, it smelled like her, all honeysuckle and desire.

Swaying and shimmying for him, Alena’s hands slid over her body as though she thrilled to her own touch. From the flat of her stomach, over the curve of her waist and to her naked breasts where she stopped to tweak a nipple and then wink at him, they ran over her like the hands of a lover. Up the sides of her neck and over her lips to blow him a kiss. Then they glided downward again, ever so slowly to touch and caress every alabaster inch from her heaving breasts, over her stomach and to the bald place between her legs where Alena reached between to tease her Lover ever harder. All the while, those hips rocked and swayed to Marvin’s tune. Inviting him to come take part in the soulful pleasure the man was singing about.

When the fingers that had been between her legs rose up and crossed her lips and her tongue flicked out to take a taste, Ares could not wait any longer, did not
to wait any longer. “Come here, woman, come do what you were going to do before our dance.”

“Ready for me now, my Love?”

“More than ready.” Ares held his arms out to her and watched with gleaming eyes as those hips swayed their way over to him. Alena did her sexy little shimmy for him as she sank to her knees but before they touched the dirt of the cave floor, a soft pillow appeared below them. “I want you to be comfortable,” he invited and she let out a little chuckle. Those deep eyes closed when her hand ran over the hard sensitive bulge below the leather and Ares let out a long moan. When she slipped her fingers into the waistband, this time his hips came up to her touch and allowed her easily to slide the thick constrictive leather away from him.

A velvety hand encased the hard pulsing cock between his legs, wrapped around it like a soft glove. It brought heat, desire and peace all at the same time. That was a most fascinating emotion for Ares; heat, desire and lust were things he was accustomed to and knew well. Peace was not and he let it carry him away, spurred onward by the hot breath gently blowing against him. Wanting Alena to have the best advantage possible, he slid a little further down on the throne and slung a leg over the arm to give her the best possible access.

For several long moments, she taunted him with the tip of her tongue. Dancing it around on the tip of his hard shaft, making it twitch and dance to her tune in return until he thought he’d reach out and push her head down on him. The sweet teasing didn’t last that long and soon he was sliding down her wet warm throat, her tongue wrapping around him and those full lips suckling with much zest.

BOOK: The Heart of War
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