Read The Handfasting Online

Authors: Jenna Stone

The Handfasting (2 page)

BOOK: The Handfasting
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“I ken that ye
don’t want tae hear it, but it’s a possibility that I might no come back,”
Gavin said.  “I want ye tae move on if I doona.”

“I don’t think
that I can,” Emma said, eyes flashing up towards Gavin’s.

“Aye, ye can.  Ye
will.  But at least we will have this.  We’ll have this night together that may
have tae last a lifetime.”

Chapter Two


Emma’s knees
quivered as she stood before the man that would soon become her husband.  Her
heart swelled with love for Gavin, but she could hardly believe that they were
about to be handfast.  Lord above, when she woke up this morning, she would
have never dreamed that she would be handfast to Gavin this afternoon.  She had
never dreamed that Gavin would be leaving for war so soon either.

Gavin stood before
her now, resplendent in his best white linen shirt, smiling down at her with a
look of love and longing in his eyes.  He wore the dress kilt that he reserved
for the most formal of occasions.  He had bathed and shaved and his shoulder
length blonde hair was pulled back into a queue at the base of his neck. 
Emma’s eyes traced over Gavin’s angular jaw and lingered on his lips.  His lips
curled into the faintest hint of a smile as he watched her appraise him.  He
was pleased.  Just looking at the man that was to be her husband caused Emma’s
heart to race.  He was so handsome and in a matter of minutes, he would be

Gavin’s cousin
Jaime had agreed to witness their handfasting and he stood before the couple
now, unsure of where to begin. 

Jamie cleared his
throat nervously.  “I think that ye should lock hands, and we’ll start,” he
said with mock authority.  He had never presided over such a ritual before, and
had agreed to do so now only because Gavin had strong-armed him into

Gavin took Emma’s
hands within in his own, squeezing them gently.  He smiled at her, revealing
the dimples that she loved so much.  He stroked the backs of her hands with his
thumbs, reassuring her that this was the right thing to do. 

Emma’s right hand
was enclosed in Gavin’s right hand and her left was clasped in his left hand. 
Jamie took a strip of tartan and bound their hands together. 

Emma’s eyes
flashed up and she gifted Gavin with a radiant smile.  Her smile was so genuine
that it made Gavin’s breath hitch in his throat.  She was so outwardly happy to
be bound to him like this that it made his heart soar.  The only problem was
that he knew he must leave her.  How could he ever leave his beautiful lass? 
Leaving Emma would be like living in a world where there was no sunlight.  She
was the center of everything in his world.

Jamie unfolded a
scrap of paper that he had dug out of his sporran.  He had scribbled down the
handfasting rites, not wanting to forget the words.

“Gavin, ye’ll go
first.  Repeat these words after me,” he said, eyes darting to Gavin’s.

“Aye,” Gavin said,
nodding.  He still looked into Emma’s eyes as he spoke.

Gavin mirrored the
words that Jamie read, speaking directly into Emma’s blue eyes and professing
his commitment before her and the Lord.

“I, Gavin
Mackinnon, in the name of the spirit of God that resides within us all, by the
life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my heart,
take the Emma Abernathy tae my hand, my heart and my spirit, tae be my chosen
one,” he said tenderly, swallowing hard as the implications of his vows to the
woman before him settled in.  “Tae desire thee and be desired by thee, without
sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee.  I
promise tae love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and
in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet,
remember, and love again,” Gavin said, repeating the words that Jamie read from
the scrap of paper. 

A knot settled in
Gavin’s stomach as he spoke to Emma about loving her in this life and beyond. 
He watched in discontent as a shroud of worry cast over her beautiful face.  He
knew that she was thinking about the possibility that he might not return to

Jamie continued,
and Gavin squeezed Emma’s small hands as he continued his vows.  “Ye are blood
of my blood, and bone of my bone.  I give ye my body, that we two might be
one.  I give ye my spirit, ‘til our life shall be done.”

Tears cascaded
down Emma’s face as she watched Gavin speak his vows to her.  Hearing him speak
of his love and commitment to her caused her heart to overflow with happiness. 
How was she ever going to let him leave tomorrow? 

Gavin fought the
urge to wipe Emma’s tears from her face.  He hated to see her cry.  He hated
that he was the reason for her tears.  He wanted to capture her sweet face in
his hands and wipe away her tears, beg her to believe that everything would be
alright.  He could not do this, not now, for his hands were bound to hers by
the strip of red tartan.

“It’s yer turn
now, Emma,” Jaime said, struck by the overwhelming emotions that flowed between
Gavin and Emma.  Even a fool could see that they were deeply in love.

“I, Emma
Abernathy, in the name of the spirit of God that resides within us all, by the
life that courses through my blood and the love that resides within my heart…”
Emma’s voice began to tremble as she spoke her vows.  She broke off, collecting
herself, and was strengthened in her resolve as Gavin squeezed her hands

She swallowed the
lump in her throat and repeated the words after Jamie.  “I take the, Gavin
Mackinnon to my hand, my heart, and my spirit, to be my chosen one.  To desire
thee, and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in
the purity of my love for thee.  I promise to love thee wholly and completely
without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life
and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again.”

Emma’s resolve
crumbled when she spoke these words.  Could she live out the remainder of her
life without Gavin?  Could she make it to heaven so that she would be reunited
with him?  Losing Gavin would be more than she could bear.

“It’s alright,
sweetheart,” Gavin said tenderly, understanding the reasons behind her tears. 
He knew exactly why she was crying and there wasn’t a damn thing that he could
do to prevent her tears.

Emma shook her
head briskly from side to side.  It wasn’t alright.  Gavin was leaving to war,
and that certainly was not alright.

“Carry on, Jamie,”
she said tersely as she collected herself. 

“Repeat after me
if ye will,” he said, swallowing hard as he watched Emma struggle to contain
her emotions.

“Ye are blood of
my blood, and bone of my bone,” Emma said, looking up and speaking directly and
fervently into Gavin’s green eyes.  “I give you my body, that we two might be
one.  I give you my spirit, until our life shall be done.”

“I love ye, Emma,”
Gavin said softly and lowered his lips to hers.  His lips were warm against her
skin, and Emma savored his sweet touch, hoping that her memories of his kiss,
his gentle touch against her skin would be enough.  They would have to be

Gavin broke the
kiss and moved away from Emma so that Jamie could unbind their hands.

“Jamie, with ye as
our witness, we are handfast from this day.  For a year and a day, Emma
Abernathy, ye are mine,” he said, beaming now.  A soon as his hands were
released, he reached up and wiped away her tears, just as he had been longing
to do. “I intend tae wed ye properly in kirk when I return,” he said, kissing
Emma on the forehead and pulling her into his embrace.  “And Jamie, if I doona
return, ye shall see tae it that Emma moves on.  With God as my witness I
intend tae get back tae ye, woman, but in the event that I canna, ye willna
just lie down and die.”

Chapter Three


Upon entering
Mackinnon keep, Gavin swept Emma into his arms and she let out a surprised
squeal of delight.  He took the stairs up to his chamber two at a time.  Emma giggled
softly against his chest and he couldn’t help but smile.  The sound of Emma
laughing was beautiful to behold.

“I can’t believe
that it’s proper for us to do this!  What if someone see us?  What if your

“We’re all but
marrit, Emma.  And when have ye ever been concerned with what’s proper?” Gavin
asked, silencing her concerns with a possessive kiss as he opened the door to
his chamber and carried Emma inside.  He slid the deadbolt into place and
turned his attention back to his bride.

Emma fitted her
hands behind Gavin’s neck and opened her mouth so that he could deepen the
kiss.  His tongue swept into her mouth and pressed deliciously against her own,
and she moaned against him. 

“Gavin,” she
whispered as pleasure swept over her senses.  Goosebumps broke out on her flesh
and her body thrummed with desire that was ignited further by Gavin’s kiss.

Continuing his
complete possession of her mouth, Gavin gently slid Emma down the length of his
body and settled her feet on the flagstone floor.  His hand moved to the base of
her neck and he pressed his lips eagerly against hers.  The way that Emma’s
desire matched his own pleased him.  She was bold in her kisses, she hungered
for him.  Her tongue dueled with his, sweet and yet insistent. Her aching need
was evidenced in the way that she kissed him. 

Gavin broke away
slightly and rested his forehead against Emma’s. 

“I want ye sae
bad, love,” he whispered, trembling with his need.  His cock was hard and ready
beneath his kilt.  He ached to be inside of her.

“I want you too,”
Emma said boldly, her eyes smoldering with passion.  Truth be told, she didn’t
know exactly what it was that she wanted, but she knew that whatever it was,
whatever would quell this lovely ache between her thighs, Gavin would give to
her.  “Show me,” she whispered as she bit her lower lip and took Gavin’s hand. 
She led him towards the giant four poster bed, butterflies of anticipation
fluttering anxiously in her belly. 

Gavin laughed
softly.  His cock pulsed beneath his kilt when he thought of how good it would
feel to bury himself deep within Emma’s tight, wet heat.  He made a conscious
effort to slow down.  This would be her first time and he vowed to make it
perfect even if it killed him in the process.

“I want tae take
this slowly,” he said huskily as he trailed after Emma towards the bed.  “I
want both of us tae remember this, tae think back about how beautiful it was
tae make love tae each other for the rest of our lives,” he said.

Pain flashed into
Emma’s eyes.  “Don’t talk like that, Gavin,” she scolded, straightening her
spine.  “You talk like there’s a possibility that you won’t come back.  I know
that you’ll come back to me,” she whispered.  Emma laid her head against his
chest and focused on the hammering of his racing heart beneath her hear.  She slid
her fingers boldly up under his linen shirt, her pulse racing in tandem with
his as her fingers grazed over his taught abdominal muscles.

Gavin shuddered
and fitted his arms loosely about Emma’s waist.  His hand slipped down to cup
her bottom and he pulled her against his desire. 

Emma felt the
length of Gavin’s erection against her belly.  She pressed herself against him
experimentally and was rewarded by Gavin’s immediate response.  He growled low
in his throat and squeezed her bottom, pulling her more firmly against
himself.  Emma smiled wantonly against his chest.  She loved that her slightest
movement could affect him so.

Her fingers slid
from underneath Gavin’s shirt.  She delighted in the feeling of his sinewy
abdominal muscles beneath her fingers. She slowly withdrew her hand from the
warmth under his shirt.  Her fingers found the buttons at the top of the shirt
and deftly undid them.  At last, she helped Gavin remove his shirt and she had
him where she wanted him.

Stepping back, she
appraised her lover openly now.  His chest was broad and expansive, covered by
rippling sinewy muscles.  Gavin worked hard in the lists, and the fruits of
wielding his sword in preparation for battle were evident in his muscular
physique.  Her bare-chested warrior was a sight to behold and her breath caught
in her throat as her eyes worshiped his beautiful body.

Emma’s eyes were
clouded with desire and they flitted up to Gavin’s.  He was pleased when he saw
the raw desire simmering in her blue eyes.  The only thing that would please
him more would be to get her naked.

“Fair’s fair,”
Gavin chided as he glanced down at Emma’s blue silk wedding gown.  The dress
hugged her curves perfectly and he watched how her breasts rose and fell with
each breath that she took, teasing him as they peeked above the low neckline of
the gown.  Gavin fought the urge to tear the fabric from her body.

Color flushed
Emma’s face, as she seemed to read his very thoughts.  She bit her lower lip in
anticipation and turned her back to Gavin so that he could undo her laces.  His
eager fingers fumbled with the lacings and at last he tore them free, loosening
the gown from Emma’s thin frame.

Emma looked over
her shoulder continued to bite her lower lip, as she did when she was nervous. 
The love and desire that burned in Gavin’s eyes emboldened her, and she allowed
the dress to slide down her body while her back was still turned to Gavin.  She
wore nothing beneath the dress.

She watched as the
heat in Gavin’s eyes intensified.  His eyes scanned over her body, burning her
flesh with the intimacy of his gaze.  His desire for her body played openly
across his handsome face.  Emma let the dress fall to the ground around her
feet, and she slowly turned towards Gavin.

Gavin swallowed
hard.  His cock pulsed painfully with arousal.  Emma was so beautiful, so
perfect.  Best of all, she was his.

BOOK: The Handfasting
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