The Greek Tycoon Box Set: The Complete Serial: Books 1-10 (8 page)

BOOK: The Greek Tycoon Box Set: The Complete Serial: Books 1-10
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“God, Sar. You do know how to turn me on,” he said and she giggled sexily. “Tell you what. Satisfy yourself now . . . and I’ll do it again and again for you tonight.”


That night, as they laid panting and glistening in sweat tangled in Sarah’s sheets, Brian ran a hand through her sleek brown hair.

“Did you really touch yourself at work today?” he asked, and Sarah rolled over to face him, smiling devilishly.

“I came so hard thinking of you, I soaked straight through my knickers. Had to take them off and throw them out. I went the rest of the day naked and sensitive and waiting for you.” She nuzzled against him and kissed him seductively. The moonlight shimmered off the modern surfaces of Sarah’s spacious apartment, dancing in her hair and gleaming in her eyes.

She’s beautiful
, Brian thought,
but she’ll never be Carla

Sarah cast a glance at her digital alarm clock and noticed that it was well past three in the morning. “Jesus,” she said, hurrying out of bed and standing gloriously naked in the light of the moon. “I have to be at work again in two hours! Onella is going to murder me.” Sarah walked to her chest of drawers and began selecting clothes for the day.

“Why?” Brian asked lazily, hardly paying attention.

“Oh, we’re so behind. She just got back from dropping Carla off at her brother’s in Greece and we’ve got a million things to do before the cover shoot for Vogue—”

“Carla?” Brian asked, sitting up. Sarah, in all her naked beauty, furrowed her brow at him as she fastened a small pair of earrings on her lobes.

“You didn’t hear? Your ex-girl is a nanny for Onella’s billionaire brother. Heard he’s quite a looker, too. My God, what a family. To have all that money . . .” She trailed off, wrapping a robe around her curvaceous body.

A Greek billionaire?
Brian thought, his head spinning.

Sarah turned, just outside the bathroom door.

“I’m going to shower off; I smell like sex. Care to join me?” She crooked one finger at Brian, and the jolt of anticipation he felt shudder through him answered the question. But even as Sarah lowered the bathrobe past her exquisite shoulders, letting it slide past her breasts and over her ample hips, Brian could only think of Carla.

Sarah can’t know that I’m only sleeping with her for information
, he thought.
Might as well get my time’s worth out of her while I can

He followed her eagerly into the bathroom where Sarah ran the water until it was steaming up the mirrors. Stepping into the stream, Sarah cupped her breasts in her hands and let the water dance across her nipples until they hardened. Brian groaned, his hand stroking his length in preparation for Sarah.

She gazed down as he rubbed himself. “Still like what you see, do you?” She breathed against him, playfully biting his lower lip. Brian made a primal noise of lust.

“Shut up and come for me.” He turned her about and pushed her against the shower wall, her breasts pressed against the tile. He roughly grabbed her leg and placed it on the rim of the bathtub, barely giving her a moment to brace herself as he entered her suddenly and in one thrust. He entered her with reckless abandon, the sound of her wet sex being pounded over and over again mixing with the relentless fall of water from the showerhead. His fingers found her clit and rubbed, and Sarah screamed as she came, shuddering and tightening around him. After Brian’s final groan of release, they collapsed to the shower floor, sated.

Not bad for my rebound girl.

That morning, Brian kissed Sarah on the cheek, hopped in a cab, and boarded his flight to Greece.


Chapter 3

Atreus saw to it that his marriage to Serene was swiftly ended, the divorce finalized in court as the judge decided to whom he would grant custody of Dios.

“Serene Kostas, I see you have not asked for custody of your child?” The judge peered over his glasses at Serene, who shot back a remarkably dirty look.

“No, Your Honor, I do not want custody of the child.”

“Very well, I hereby award custody of the minor Dios Kostas to his father, Atreus Kostas,” the judge responded. Serene sighed in relief, but stopped when the judge continued. “But, I also hereby issue a restraining order forbidding you, Serene Kostas, from visiting the residence of Atreus Kostas and from seeing the minor, Dios Kostas. If you breach this order, you will be arrested, followed by charges leveled against you with a minimum jail sentence of five years.” And with that, the case was closed. Atreus smiled and nodded to the judge in a silent expression of gratitude. Fuming, Serene scarcely looked at her ex-husband as she stormed from the courtroom.

When he returned to the villa, the good news making him feel light and happy, he was pleased to see Carla carrying Dios on her shoulders in the garden. Dios squealed happily as they skipped along. Atreus quietly jumped over the low growing rose bushes and plucked Dios from her shoulders. Carla shrieked, and then squawked when she realized it was only her employer playing a trick. Atreus laughed.

“I’m so sorry; I was only trying to surprise you!” He looked tenderly at Carla, who shook her head and playfully punched Atreus in the chest.

“Don’t do that! You frightened me.” But in the end she laughed, and followed Atreus and Dios back into the villa, to give Andria the good news he had received in court.


“What a blessing!” Andria cried when she heard the news, clapping her hands. “Thank goodness that awful woman is forbidden from my grandson.” She kissed Atreus on both cheeks. “You are better off without her,” she said, her voice stern, “And you can do
better.” Her tone was pointed. Atreus seemed to pick up her meaning and turned to Carla.

“Carla, I would like you to be ready by seven,” he said, handing Dios to her as he went towards his bedroom. “We are going out to dinner, you and I. Mother has already agreed to watch Dios.” Andria smiled at the astonished Carla, who could only nod. Atreus turned back to Carla before he retired to his office. “And wear something extravagant.”


In her room, Carla anxiously opened her wardrobe and ran her hand through the limited number of dresses she had. Tapping her mouth with her index finger, she scanned every dress and found her eye drawn to a gown of navy blue silk with a low cut back. A gift from Onella, it was the nicest dress she owned, and the only thing she would categorize as “extravagant” enough for Atreus. At seven, she descended the stairs to meet Atreus, her legs looking long and lean in navy pumps and her hair piled high in an elegant up-do. Andria was passing through with Dios as Carla made her way downstairs.

“Dios, look at how beautiful your ma – Carla is!” said Andria, coming forward. Atreus beamed, basking in the glow of Carla’s radiant beauty, feeling as stuck by her as he did when he first laid eyes on her.

“Ma-ma!” Dios cooed. Carla’s heart went out to the little boy and kissed the top of his head in parting before exiting to the Ferrari Atreus that had pulled around to the drive.

When they pulled up to the restaurant, Carla was dazzled by how truly romantic and expensive it appeared – the lighting was dim and sensual, and she had never been in a restaurant with more attentive service, by which they were greeted as soon as they arrived.

“Good evening, Mr. Kostas. Madam,” said the manager, bowing his head politely to Carla. “Your table is ready, Mr. Kostas.”

“Thank you, Vince,” said Atreus patting him on the shoulder. As Atreus pulled out her heavy chair for her to sit, Carla was suddenly self-conscious.

Am I in a fairytale? In what universe am I the girl sitting across from a Greek billionaire?

She smoothed a lock of hair back into her up-do and gladly accepted the menu Atreus was holding out for her.

“What would you like?” Atreus asked. “Anything your heart desires, you can have.”

“You know I don’t know very much about Greek cuisine,” Carla demurred. “And you have a good idea of what I like; order for me.”

Atreus lifted an eyebrow and smiled, “You believe I know what you like. Now that’s a good way to start an evening.” Carla blushed a deep pink and averted her eyes.

“You should blush more often,” Atreus said, which made Carla’s cheeks reddened more. He ordered a bottle of champagne along with a vast assortment of fresh vegetables, hummus, and warm bread to appease their appetites while they perused the menu further. When it arrived, Atreus scooped up a dollop of the chickpea spread with a slice of cucumber and fed it to Carla with his hands.

“You have had hummus before?” Carla nodded, her mouth full. “But never like this!” Atreus boasted. When Carla finished savoring the taste, her eyes grew wide.

“That was . . . amazing,” she breathed.

“Not as amazing as you,” Atreus replied, and the blush returned to Carla’s face. They settled on entrees - shrimp baked Greek-style with house-made feta and chicken piccata, a dish made with savory spices and citrus.

“I should bring you out more often, Carla,” the billionaire said as they ate. “The atmosphere suits you.” Atreus lightly touched her hand and an electric current ripped through her body. It zoomed through her breasts and came to encircle her groin. Carla looked at him with seductive eyes, and Atreus could not resist leaning over and kissing her on the lips. She parted her lips, and Atreus’s tongue darted into her mouth. He had to break away, unashamed at their public display, as the steward brought in their desserts.

“Do we even have room for this?” She laughed, pointing to the baklava and milk pie.

“Try it. It tastes heavenly.” He waved a hand welcomingly at the desserts. Carla grinned at him and scooped a spoon of the milk pie, sending it delicately into her mouth. She closed her eyes as her tongue enveloped the silky smooth dish, moaning as she savored.


Brian watched the happy couple from the restaurant’s gilded bar, where he had been nursing a drink all night. Too taken with Atreus to notice her ex-boyfriend sitting only paces away, Carla looked positively elated as she sipped her after-dinner coffee and talked animatedly with her employer.

So this Kostas guy isn’t just any loser
, Brian thought, running his thumb over the rim of his glass.
He’s the real deal

But he refused to believe that Carla and this billionaire were a couple – they couldn’t be.

Carla is mine

Brian was furious, but he knew better than to make a scene in a five-star restaurant. He would simply have to wait.

Brian Kennedy raised his hand to the bartender and ordered another drink.

“Make it a double.”


Atreus turned the car into the driveway, but Carla did not open her eyes. She was dreaming of Atreus making love to her, and reliving the kiss they had shared in the restaurant.

He is so perfect
, Carla thought.

She was interrupted by Atreus’s hand on her shoulder. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the man in the driver’s seat. Atreus swallowed hard.

“Don’t look at me like that, Carla. It makes me want to make love to you right here in the car.” said Atreus, his voice husky.

“So why don’t you?” asked Carla. Her stomach flipped at the sound of her own proposition. Before she could chide herself for being so forward, Atreus growled and seized her face in his hands, arresting her mouth with his lips. Their kisses were intense and sloppy, too full of passion to care about anything else.

With her hands on his collar, Carla leaned into their embrace, feeling the electric shock of their union zip through her body. Atreus’s hand found her breast through the thin silk of her evening gown, and grazed his thumb over her nipple before Carla pulled away.

“Inside,” Carla murmured. “We shouldn’t – we should go inside.” Atreus answered her with more kisses, before they tumbled out of the car only to reunite again in the driveway, tripping over one another to make their way to the door in between kisses.

The villa was dark when they stepped inside, the other inhabitants sleeping soundly in their rooms. Atreus held a finger to Carla’s lips, indicating silence, as he took her hand and guided her, barefoot, up the stairs to his room.

In the light of Atreus’s spacious bedroom, Carla suddenly felt that she was behaving badly. Although Atreus leaned in to resume their passions, Carla broke away and put a hand to her chest, feeling faint.

“What’s wrong?” Atreus asked, genuinely concerned. “Carla?”

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” Carla responded, looking up at Atreus with frightened eyes. “I’m your employee, I’m Dios’s nanny, I’m supposed to be here working—”

Atreus quieted her with a gentle kiss.

BOOK: The Greek Tycoon Box Set: The Complete Serial: Books 1-10
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