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Authors: Rebekah Weatherspoon

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The Fling (2 page)

BOOK: The Fling
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“Is kissing okay?” Annie asked.

Oksana snorted a laugh and returned Annie’s sudden smile. “Yes, kissing is allowed. I’m your trainer. Not a hooker.”

“Okay. Good.” Annie stood on the balls of her feet, an odd sense of glee rushing through her mind as Oksana bent to meet her halfway.

Oksana’s lips were soft. When they brushed against Annie’s, her whole body turned into a ball of sensation. Her eyes slipped shut and she rose on her toes even higher, bracing herself with her hands on Oksana’s hips, leaning closer to Oksana’s warm body. She felt the tip of Oksana’s tongue and she let her in, let in the warm, wet softness of her mouth.

Oksana’s kiss was perfect. Delicate, but confident. Sweet. Annie tried to match her careful skill, kissing Oksana back with just as much patience, with deliberate but gentle motions of her tongue. Oksana moaned.

The sound was enough to encourage Annie further. Stepping back just a little, she never broke contact with Oksana’s perfectly full lips as she maneuvered her onto the bed. Annie lowered herself over Oksana’s body, straddling her lap as Oksana shifted back on the bedspread.

Annie wrestled with a desperate urge to hump Oksana like a little dog in heat. There had to be more finesse involved. She had no real clue what she was doing, but finally, Annie could put a lifetime of her secret desires and creative daydreaming to good work. And she could ask. Gently, she pushed Oksana back down on the bed. She followed, kissing her way down Oksana’s neck, making her own desperate noises as Oksana’s fingers caressed her sides. She was enjoying this. Every second of it.

“Tell me what to do,” Annie said breathlessly.

“No,” Oksana said, letting out a gasping noise. “Just keep doing what you’re doing. I like what you’re doing.”

Annie slipped her hand between their bodies, eager to feel Oksana, and quickly spread Oksana’s wet lips. Her clit was hard under Annie’s fingers, tiny and hard. Again, she wanted to ask what she should do next. This was all so new, but to save herself from sounding like more of a fool, Annie thought of the ways she liked to be touched, the ways she liked to touch herself. She stroked over Oksana’s clit, stroked up and down each side slowly before dipping her fingers lower. Oksana’s body lifted off the bed to meet her hand. Annie slipped inside. She shuddered, blowing a heavy breath across Oksana’s nipple. She was so wet. There was no resistance, but as soon as her fingers filled Oksana’s body, the soaked muscles gripped at Annie’s hand. Another shudder traveled down to Annie’s pussy. She wanted to come.

“You’re a liar,” Oksana panted.

“What?” Annie peered up, watching the strain on Oksana’s face as her fingers continued to stroke her from the inside.

Oksana laced her hand through Annie’s loosely pony-tailed hair. Annie leaned into her grasp and looked up as Oksana brushed her bangs to the side with her other hand. “You’ve been with a woman before. Hundreds of them,” Oksana said.

“I have not.” Annie couldn’t resist smiling. She added another finger and dug a little deeper.

“Liar.” Oksana hissed, her eyes rolling shut. “Oh God…”

Annie kissed her way back to Oksana’s mouth and she fucked her with a little more insistence. Annie was close to coming herself, but she wanted Oksana to finish first. Yes, Oksana was doing her a favor in a way, but Annie wanted to make it worth her while.

Another finger added, Annie shifted her palm and stroked Oksana with her thumb.

“Anne…” Oksana whined desperately against her mouth. No one had called her Anne in years, but Annie liked the way it sounded. Annie liked the sound of Oksana’s voice. She liked the breathy quality that took over the already sexy tone as she moved closer and closer to orgasm. She wanted to hear it again.

“Are you gonna come?”

“Yes. Fuck. Yes. Please.”

“Does this feel good?” Annie rotated her finger slightly, sliding her middle finger in and out while she massaged upward with her pointer.

Oksana grabbed her wrist, stilling Annie’s hand. A half second later she came, calling out Annie’s name. “Anne,” she whimpered over and over. “Anne. Fuck.”

A grin broke out across Annie’s face. Oksana was so gorgeous and ten times more so when she orgasmed. Annie gave her a moment to come back to herself, tracing soft lines up and down Oksana’s thigh, and then she kissed her.

Annie let Oksana roll them so Oksana was on top. Annie gazed up at her, loving the sweet, hot breath Oksana heaved against her chin and throat. Annie was shocked with what she’d just done, the magic she’d worked with her hands and her lips. The night was young. Maybe later—

Annie swallowed then finished her thought aloud, “I want to go down on you.”

Oksana smiled this time. “Can I go first?”

Annie shrugged and rolled her eyes. “If you must.”

Oksana sat up and ran her fingers along Annie’s pussy. Annie’s reaction was instant and a little pathetic. She rolled slightly on her back, arching into Oksana’s touches. This was a moment she’d been thinking about for a while too—what it would be like to have another woman’s mouth on her body. Oksana didn’t disappoint. Her soft lips closed over Annie lips and clit. Oksana hummed against her skin, a deep sound of satisfaction sending tingles everywhere.

I guess I pass the taste test, Annie thought before her brain was wiped clean with a fresh wave of pleasure.

Annie hadn’t said a word; Oksana read her perfectly. Where Annie had treated her to hard and slow, Oksana devoured her. Rough and quick. Annie’s fingers gripped the back of Oksana’s shaved head; her heel dug into Oksana’s side. She moaned pathetically, chanting swears and Oksana’s name as Oksana drilled two fingers inside Annie’s cunt and lightly scraped her teeth over Annie’s clit. Her thighs trembled.

“Oh yeah.
definitely a lesbian,” Annie groaned.

Oksana choked on her laugh, but didn’t stop the thrusting of her finger and the rough strokes of her tongue. Annie squirmed as Oksana sucked her clit, flicking the tip over and over until Annie arched hard off the bed, driving her hips against Oksana’s face.

“Fuck, Sana,” Annie cried as Oksana fucked her even harder. In her haze, she shortened Oksana’s name. It sounded strange coming off her lips, but something in her gut, something that craved more—more sex, more intimacy, more than just one night—thought the nickname fit the scene and Annie’s desire. “Sana, please. Oh my God! Please don’t stop.” Oksana followed instructions.

“Yeah,” Annie panted. “Yeah!” She came hard. A wet, hot rush she could feel surrounding Oksana’s fingers and coating her chin. Oksana pulled her fingers out but kept on kissing and licking until Annie lay helpless on the bed, softly rubbing the back of her head. She’d never been with anyone who had a shaved head before, guy or girl. Annie liked the way it felt.

After a moment, or fifty, when Annie regained her sight, she watched as Oksana pulled herself upright and casually wiped her mouth. Annie followed Oksana up the bed and wrapped herself around Oksana’s body as she settled against the mountain of hotel pillows. They were quiet for a while, just holding each other and breathing, heavily at first then softer and slower. The air in the cramped room was still heavy.

“Everything you ever wished for?” Oksana asked after some time. Annie glanced up and met Oksana’s eyes before settling her gaze on Oksana’s tight stomach. She started tracing the pattern of the birch bark tattoo on Oksana’s right side. They hadn’t discussed cuddling, but she didn’t want to move. She was warm, and Oksana’s touch along her shoulder was just as soothing as it was unexpected.

“Yes,” Annie answered truthfully. “And just so you know, because of its awful placement, I think we’re obligated to fuck on that desk.”

Oksana’s body shook as she laughed again. “We can do that.”

Annie sat up and bit her lip. “Let’s do it now.”




A text alert pulled Annie out of a deep sleep. She rolled over in the unfamiliar bed and the night, the whole night, came rushing back to her. She smiled and stretched, rubbing her thighs together and contemplating getting herself off just once before she headed to work. She had plenty of mental material to work with now.

Her cell went off again. Annie reached for her phone then smiled at the words that lit up the screen.

No fantasy should have an awkward morning after. I’ll see you soon. And yes, I had a great time.

Chapter One

The Reality…Slightly Altered
by Several Glasses of White Wine


Drunk didn’t feel right, but it suited Annie’s mood. She took another gulp of her chilled Moscato, swirling the fruity wine around in her cheeks as she pulled up Jeff’s itinerary on her BlackBerry. Dublin, Amsterdam, Berlin, and then a few days “drying out” in Paris before heading back to the states. Four more weeks before her fiancé was back in town.

If only she could stay drunk the entire time.

As it stood, Annie was nine months into what her mother insisted be a yearlong engagement to photographer Jeff Treeder. That engagement had been the start of this whole messy situation, and ultimately, the cause of this evening’s intoxication.

They’d met years ago, when Annie was fresh out of USC. She was a production assistant on some B movie, and Jeff had offered to do the stills for free to build his portfolio. The first day, they’d chatted while balancing their lunch plates on their knees. Two days later, Jeff walked Annie to her car and kissed her. A week after that, they spent the night fucking on her new futon.

The weeks and months between their first time together and the sunny July afternoon when Jeff proposed to her on the beach passed so quickly, so easily. They never fought, gave each other space and freedom. He was her best friend and the best lover she’d ever had. Not that she’d been with a ton of people before him, but Jeff was definitely the one for her. She proudly wore the ring he’d slipped onto her finger.

Thanks to her mother’s thirst for extravagance and her maid of honor’s freakish talent for organization, their wedding ceremony would be King James traditional and the reception Martha Stewart perfect with a Laguna Beach twist. It had been Annie’s idea for the two of them to do one thing that her mother had no control over. There would be no bachelor or bachelorette parties. Those functions were lame and outdated. At least that was Annie’s justification for what she really wanted, and her future hubby was completely on board with her proposed alternatives.

Instead of getting wasted in Vegas, Jeff opted for thirty days traveling around Europe with some buddies on the promise that Annie wouldn’t ask any questions once he was back. Her bridesmaids—Megan, Shane, and Feather—thought she was nuts, letting Jeff go off to do God knows what while she sat at home. But Annie hadn’t let herself get screwed out of the fun. She’d taken full advantage of her freebie.

One night where she would allow herself to indulge in her longtime fantasy. No veils covered in little plastic dicks. No oiled guys in G-strings. Just one perfect night, just for Annie.

In the beginning, she didn’t know where to start. Craigslist couldn’t be trusted, and she wasn’t sure if she actually wanted to hit the bars. She had a few gay acquaintances, but none she was attracted to. None but her trainer, the very woman assigned to trim Annie down for said wedding.

Annie wasn’t surprised by how beautiful her personal trainer was. It was Los Angeles, after all. Head shots were attached to résumés at McDonald’s. She and Annie were nearly the same age, right on the cusp of thirty, but where Annie had traded on her traditionally Anglo good looks, Oksana’s exotic appearance grabbed your attention, whether you wanted it to or not.

Minutes after meeting her, Annie had to ask where Oksana was from and who had donated the DNA to her light brown skin and her vibrant eyes that reminded Annie of fresh clover. Oksana kept her hair buzzed close to her head, but after seeing it grown out a bit, Annie had to know how someone with her gorgeous skin tone ended up with brown hair that seemed to radiate with wisps of blond in the sunlight. The answer had been a Russian mother and a West African father, but knowing the science didn’t diminish the effect she had on Annie. It took three sessions for Annie to get over what was going on from the shoulders up and a few more to get over the intimidation created by Oksana’s body.

Her breasts were perfectly shaped, and Annie now knew, deliciously pierced. Her waist seemed impossibly small and her hips and her butt round in a way that could make other women and Barbie dolls worldwide jealous. Oksana was one of those people who shouldn’t exist. It wasn’t fair to all the plain girls out there to have to compete with her for attention, but she didn’t resent Oksana’s beauty. In a weird way, Annie was drawn to it, long before they’d come to this agreement. Weeks before she knew Oksana was gay.

Oksana had whipped her into shape in no time. Annie didn’t have much to lose, but now thanks to their bi-weekly sessions, her stomach was super flat and her arms flab free for the bouquet tossing. And in that time they’d become sort of close. Annie didn’t know a lot about her, but she liked their sessions together, even if they were grueling. She liked the occasional quick phone call they shared. The silly texts here and there.

Annie didn’t have a real confidant. There were certain things you couldn’t just come out and say to your boyfriend. She could tell Megan anything, within reason, but not this. Megan wasn’t homophobic exactly, but she wouldn’t understand what Annie wanted and why. She wouldn’t understand it was possible to be genuinely bisexual. Like a good hairdresser, though, Annie felt like she could share this little secret with her personal trainer. She trusted Oksana, and boy, was she glad she did. She was nervous the day she blabbed her plan to Oksana. Annie wanted to spend one night, one perfect, sex-filled night with another woman.

BOOK: The Fling
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