Read The Final Temptation Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Erotic, #Erotica, #Romance

The Final Temptation (14 page)

BOOK: The Final Temptation
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I grunt. “Not yet.”

Kayla tenses on me, but before I can think too much of it the shrill ringing of a cellphone sounds. With a confused frown Jaxson pulls his phone out of his pocket and glances at the number before answering. “Anna?” His expression immediately puts me on alert. “Whoa, calm down. I can’t understand anything you’re saying. Just take a deep breath.” He puts a finger to his ear, trying to hear her better.

All of us look at each other, as we can hear a hysterical Anna on the other end of the line but can’t make out what she’s saying.

“What! What do you mean? How… Okay, okay, calm down. Just sit tight. I’m on my way.” Jaxson hangs up and stands up quickly, lifting Julia to her feet.

“Jax, what’s going on?” she asks in concern.

“That was Anna. She’s at the police station.” He pauses and looks at all of us, his expression unreadable. “Logan has been arrested for murder.”

“What!” We all shout at the same time.

“I don’t know what happened, she was so hysterical that I could barely understand her, but she wants me to come there.” He looks at Julia. “I told her I would come. Can you go get Annabelle? Then we’ll go home and pack a bag.”

“Jax, that might take too long, and she’s sleeping. Why don’t you go tonight and Annabelle and I will come tomorrow?”

He shakes his head. “No. I don’t want to leave you two and I don’t want you driving yourself there.”

“Grace and I will stay with her,” Sawyer offers. “I can drive them up tomorrow if you’re still there.”

“You sure?”

Instead of repeating himself he replies with a nod. Jaxson is still reluctant but Julia convinces him it’s for the best.

“All right.” He leans down and kisses her. “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby.”

“Drive carefully,” she says softly. “Text me when you get there and tell Anna I love her.”

He nods then glances at me but I wave him away. “Go, just call me tomorrow and fill me in on what’s going on. You know I’ll help any way I can.”

“Thanks.” After a quick goodbye to everyone else he’s gone.

We all get up to head to our rooms now, everyone silent while we ponder what could have happened. It’s clear Logan has been through some shit, but I would never peg him for killing someone in cold blood. I shake my head. No, he wouldn’t. I’ve gotten to know him well enough over the last two years and I know he wouldn’t do that. Something else is going on.

After one last goodbye to the others, Kayla and I walk to our room that’s on the opposite side of the house. Closing the door behind me, I turn to see her standing in the middle of the room, looking tired and upset. I walk over and pull her in my arms. “You okay, baby?”

“Yeah, I’m just worried about Anna and Logan. I hope they’re okay.”

“They will be. Jaxson will make sure of it.”

She looks up at me with a soft smile and nods. “Yeah, you’re right.”

I cup the side of her face and brush my thumb across her lush bottom lip. She turns her face to the side and kisses my palm. Just as I lean down to claim her mouth she slaps a hand over my lips, stopping my attempt. “Hold it right there, Officer Sexy. Keep that delicious mouth away for just a moment. I have something that I need to tell you first.”

I ignore her protest and pull her hand away. “We can talk later, baby.”

She shakes her head. “No, we can’t. It’s important, Cooper.”

I immediately back off at her underlying tone. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong per se.” She bites her thumbnail nervously, taking my concern to a whole new level.


“Can I ask you something?”

The vulnerability in her voice is starting to scare the shit out of me. “Always, baby, you know that.”

She clears her throat and nods. “What did you mean down there when Sawyer said it was time for us to make a baby and you said not yet?”

I rear back, caught off guard by the question and the fact that she seems upset by it. “I didn’t mean anything. We talked about starting a family in a year or so and you just went off the pill—”

“Well sometimes things change.”

My brow furrows at her quiet reply. “Yeah, I guess it can.” I shrug, still trying to figure out where this is all coming from. “Where are you going with this, Kayla?”

Her gaze focuses to something behind me then she heads over to the antique dresser and grabs a small, silver gift bag off the top of it. She walks back up to me warily and hands it to me. “Here, open it. It’s uh, it’s kind of my wedding gift to you.”

Oh shit!
“We’re supposed to get each other gifts? I didn’t know that.”

She smiles at my sudden panic. “No, we aren’t supposed to, but this was a surprise present for me this morning and now I’m gifting it to you.”

Okay, now I’m completely intrigued. Taking a seat at the end of the bed I open the bag and pull out a white stick that has a blue plus sign in the window. I tense and my eyes shoot to Kayla to see her watching me nervously. “What’s this?” I ask, even though I know exactly what it is.

“A pregnancy test…
pregnancy test.”

“You’re pregnant?” I ask in shock.

She nods. “I found out this morning. I wanted to tell you earlier but I thought it was best until we were alone so we could talk about it.”

I glance back down at the test and try to let it sink in that we’re going to have a baby. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, considering she went off the pill, but the doctor said it could take up to a year to conceive.

“Say something,” she whispers, her voice thick with worry.

I look back up at her and my chest constricts at her expression. “Jesus, Kayla.” Reaching out, I grab her wrist and pull her to stand between my legs. “Why are you so nervous about my reaction, baby? You have to know I’m not upset about this.”

She expels a relieved breath then shrugs. “Well I didn’t think you would be, but then downstairs you said that to Sawyer, and I-I got worried.” She shakes her head. “I don’t know. I’m being stupid, I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m happy, baby. Surprised as hell, but…really happy.” And a little fucking scared but I decide to keep that part to myself. I’m not scared for the responsibility, I’m more so worried about bringing a life into a world that can be very ugly at times. It’s something I see on a regular basis. The thought of something happening to anyone I care about scares me, but the thought of it happening to Kayla or our future family is completely fucking terrifying. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I drop my forehead to her stomach. “I promise I’ll take really good care of our family, Kayla. I’ll always protect you guys.”

Her slender fingers thread through my hair as she holds me close. “I never doubted for one second that you wouldn’t. I know you will take good care of us like you do everyone else in this town.”

I glance back up at her. “Yeah, but you will always be my first priority. You know that, right?” I mean that with everything I am. My job means a lot to me and I will always uphold it, but my family will always come first—she will always come first.

“Yeah, Coop, I know that. I have no doubt you’re going to be the best father our kids can ever have.” Suddenly, a smile graces her lips. “Let’s just hope they are like you and nothing like me, or you’re in some serious trouble.” The thought of having a bunch of sassy little Kaylas running around does kind of scare the shit out of me. She senses my thoughts and bursts out laughing. “I love your silence.”

“Sorry,” I apologize with a smirk. “But the thought is a little terrifying. My hands are full enough with just one of you.”

“Mmm, don’t be sorry.” She backs out of my arms with a saucy smile. “I like it when your hands are full of me.” My dick comes roaring to life as I watch her reach behind her back to undo her dress. I begin to stand up but she shakes her head. “Uh-uh, stay there. I have something to show you.”

I already know exactly what she has under there; just the thought of it has fire pumping through my blood. But I sit back down then rid myself of my jacket, shirt and tie, making sure my eyes never leave her body. My cock twitches at her blatant eye fuck of my shirtless state. She takes her time ridding herself of the dress, trying to give me a show, but I’m way too impatient for that right now. “Kayla, hurry the fuck up before I rip that thing off of you myself.”

“Mmmm, a little impatient are we, Sheriff?” She mouths back, jacking my dick up another notch.

“Yeah, baby, I’m always impatient for your pussy.” Undoing my pants, I free myself then take my cock into my hand with a firm grip. She freezes and her eyes glaze over with lust as she watches me stroke myself. A low groan rumbles deep in my throat. “Drop the dress, Kayla, now.”

She quickly follows my order and I inhale a swift, sharp breath at what she reveals: her tight, fuckable body encased in a strapless, white lace bra and matching panties that are attached to a garter belt and stockings. My eyes sweep down the length of her, taking in her perfection. Her veil still drapes down her hair, and once again she looks angelic and innocent when I know she’s really a vixen. “I kept it simple so it wouldn’t take you too long to get it off of me.”

My gaze snaps back to her face to see a brazen smile tilting her lips. “Come here,” I demand gruffly. She does as I tell her and comes to stand between my legs. I release my cock then cup her firm, round ass and groan when I realize she’s wearing a thong. Leaning in, I press a kiss to her soft, toned stomach. “Do you have any idea how hard it makes me to know my baby is growing inside of this beautiful body of yours?”

I feel her shiver at my breath on her skin. “No, but I’m glad to hear it, because this body is going to be making some changes over the next nine months. And you better still find my ass sexy, because I have no plans to stop jumping your bones every chance I get.”

I chuckle but it trails off on a groan when I think about all the times she surprises me at work because she doesn’t want to wait until I get home. Those are always the best fucking days. “Believe me, baby, you’re going to be even more beautiful, if that’s possible.” I circle her naval with my tongue, loving the taste of her skin. “Know why?”

“No, why?” she whispers as her hands find my shoulders to keep balance.

“Because no matter where you are, what you’re doing, or who you’re with, there will always be a part of me inside of you, and there is nothing fucking hotter than that.”

“Mmmm, well when you put it like that, that’s downright beautiful.”

“Yeah, baby, you’re beautiful, always.” I trail my lips lower, bringing them to the center of her panties, then skim my nose along the damp lace and breathe in deeply. Her sweet aroma penetrates my senses and my mouth instantly waters for a taste of her.

“Cooper.” She moans while her fingernails bite into my shoulders.

“What do you want, Kayla, hmmm?” I hum against her. “You want my tongue buried deep in this sweet pussy of yours.”

“God, yes.” She whimpers and thrusts against my mouth.

My hand moves behind one of her knees and I lift it up to prop her foot on the bed, next to me, opening her up more to my view. She reaches up to take off her veil but I grab her wrist and stop her. “Leave it on.”

She quirks a brow. “Whatever you say, Sheriff.”

Leaning in, I nip the inside of her thigh just above where her stocking ends and watch goose bumps break out over her soft, delicate skin. She inhales sharply and her breathing turns ragged. I glance up at her just before I rip the garter belt and panties from her body with one swift pull. Her gasp trails off into a moan and I grip her hips when she loses her balance. A low growl erupts from me when I take in her slick, bare folds that glisten with her arousal. “Such a pretty pussy,” I murmur. “And it’s all mine, isn’t that right, Kayla?”

“Yes, yours, always.” Her voice drops to a whisper.

“That’s right, for fucking ever, until death do us part.” I spread her open with my fingers and blow gently on her clit. Her knees buckle but I quickly grab her ass to hold her up.

“Oh god, please, Cooper,” she pleads on a moan, bringing my restraint to its breaking point.

“Please what?” I ask, glancing up at her again.

She stares down at me with her cheeks flushed and eyes glazed with naked lust, knowing exactly what I want to hear. She licks her lips, making my cock jerk at the sight of it. “Please lick my pussy.”

I groan at her soft words. “My fucking pleasure.” Leaning in, I take a long, leisurely lick of her warm, wet flesh and growl as her flavor explodes on my tongue.

“Ah yes!” she cries out. Her stance weakens again but I cup her ass tighter to keep her from falling. I hear something drop to the floor and look up to see she rid herself of her bra, her perfect tits filling her hands. The sight of her is almost enough to make me come.

Her hips start rocking at a frantic pace as I devour her. “That-a-girl, fuck my mouth.”

“Oh god. It feels so good,” she confesses with a whimper. I feel her clit start to swell so I bring my hand up behind her and drag two fingers along the crevice of her ass before slamming them deep inside of her. “Ahhh!” As soon as her inner walls lock down on me, I catch her fluttering bud between my lips and send her over the edge. Her fingers grip my hair and her head falls back on a cry as ecstasy washes over her face. I don’t let up until every ounce of pleasure has spilled from her.

She drops down and straddles me, her stocking covered thighs on either side of my hips. Her arms wrap around my neck and our mouths meet frantically. I thread my hand through her thick, curly locks, and pull her head back to deepen the kiss.

Unable to withstand not being inside of her for another second, I shove my pants further down my legs and slip inside of her tight heat without breaking contact with her mouth. “Ah, fuck you’re perfect.” I groan as heat explodes through my entire body, her pussy gripping me like a tight vise. I swear there is nothing in the world that is better than being inside of this girl. I have been fucking her for years and every time I enter her it feels like the first time.

“I love you so much,” she whispers against my mouth.

“I love you, too, baby. Forever.”

BOOK: The Final Temptation
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