Read The Dom Prize (The Dominants Online

Authors: Mina J. Moore

Tags: #Book I, #The Dominants

The Dom Prize (The Dominants (7 page)

BOOK: The Dom Prize (The Dominants
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Well, I could blame it on the incredible sex but I knew that wasn’t the complete truth. There were other factors here of which I had never experienced. Dabbling in some kinky sex with an amateur did not give me the same results. JP knew what he was doing. He had a gift for bringing out that one emotion I had struggled to keep hold of. In a few short days, he had managed to loosen my grip. When I was under his command and at his mercy, I actually felt… free.


* * *


Thirty minutes later, I waltzed into the bedroom naked as the day I was born and made sure I bent over to rummage through my luggage precisely with my ass in his direction. I was done with the covering up stuff. If I was good enough for him to fuck then he could just deal with my body in the aftermath.

I didn’t make it into my luggage; instead I was tackled from behind and shoved up against the table. His hand pushed me over and held me down but I still had a clear view in the large, ornate mirror. He was totally dressed behind me. The sound of a zipper going down made me want to wail in relief.

“Don’t take your eyes off the mirror, Gia. If you do, I’ll stop,” he whispered, kissing the line of my back.

The wet stroke of his tongue at my core made my knees buckle. His hands grasped my behind and kept me vertical. Sweet Lord, the man had some talent. I went over hard, my body shaking uncontrollably. My fingers clutched the edge of the table, holding on for dear life. 
Keep your eyes on the mirror

He was relentless, entering me with one smooth stroke before my orgasm had managed to extinguish. I hung my head trying to push some strength into my quivering limbs.

“Eyes up, Gia!” He snapped, holding very still inside of me.

I pushed back against him and was rewarded with a resounding slap to my bottom. It stung so good I almost came that very instant. My eyes focused on him through the mirror. He face was stark, lips pursed in concentration. His fingers dug into my hips as he began to move once more. Gaining momentum, I gripped the side closest to me so that my body remained upright. His hands moved up to tease my nipples.

“Reconsider the clamps. They’ll bring you unbelievable pleasure if used the right way.”

He punctuated his comment by squeezing them harder, then releasing quickly. He repeated the drill again and released when the pain was almost beginning to get uncomfortable. Freeing them at precisely the right moment allowed the blood flow to come rushing back making the sensations close to a tit-gasm. If I weren’t so far gone with ecstasy, I probably would have laughed out loud at my thoughts.

Reaching down to hold my position, he got serious with the thrusting, bringing me up on my toes.

“Give it to me. Right. Now.” He commanded and I obeyed.

Peaking instantaneously again, my body held his as his climax exploded inside of me within seconds. I collapsed on the cold, flat surface taking in big gulps of air as if I had done multiple jumping jacks. He removed himself and walked into the bathroom. I heard the faucet then he came back as if nothing had happened.

“I suggest you dress quickly. Our ride will be here in thirty minutes.” He said, walking into that damned room he used as an office.

I gazed over my shoulder before straightening. His stuff was still inside of me and I was already being dismissed? Hell no.

I turned, noticing for the first time the beautiful display on the breakfast table by the large windows. A dozen red roses brightened the space. The silver dish was still hot when I ran my finger over the ridged plate. I couldn’t even begin to describe the smell wafting up to my nose. Delicious.

I grabbed my robe and sat; ready to dig in when I heard muffled voices coming from the office. JP sounded pretty pissed and adamant about something. I shrugged and lifted the top off the meal. The eggs were actually done in heart shapes. Major brownie points here. I was just finishing up when JP stormed out of his office looking like a bull ready to charge.

“Fucking bastard,” he muttered.

I dropped my fork and pushed back from the table.

“Are you okay?” I confused myself with the question. At this point I would have happily told him to “fuck off and take your attitude with you”
I enjoyed the breakfast he was paying for, of course.

He ran a hand through his thick hair then turned around without another word. I gave him his space. There was obviously a work-related issue here and I had had my fair share of those with horrible curse words included.


* * *


Half and hour later, we pushed the lobby doors open and the “ride” ended up being a limo. It was ridiculous because the ski lift was just a short walk away but who was I to judge the whims of the wealthy.

“I apologize for my outburst. It had nothing to do with you.”

I glanced over my shoulder before getting in, intense relief warming me from the inside out. “Don’t sweat it.” Then I winked. It was the first full day we had together and I wanted to make the best of it. The day was absolutely gorgeous; all clear blue skies and diamond sparkled snow. The ride, although brief, was still stunning.

Skiing wasn’t my favorite thing in the world. I had only tried it a couple of times and totally sucked at it. Did I care that I was probably going to make a fool of myself today? Well, my competitive side was bucking at the showdown but I pushed it aside. Spending an entire day with JP was high on my radar, especially because I really wanted to know more about him, the person underneath the sexy Armani suit. Yes, I had googled images of him and damn it if he didn’t look stellar in one. Pathetic, I know.

JP was quiet for the entire two-minute trip, looking out the window at nothing in particular. Someone waited for us to arrive and help me out, taking my bag and his hundred-dollar bill. Wealth. It sure helped you on a sucky day.

Our equipment was already waiting for us. Elliot, the gentlemen who had delivered the infamous red dress, waited patiently as we walked over. My boots weren’t cooperating so I trailed behind.

I almost knelt before him and did the “bowing” dance when he handed me a thermal smelling of rich dark coffee. JP’s eyes smiled at me over the rim of his as he sipped. I must have had a goofy expression on my face.


I closed my eyes and smacked my lips. “Very.”

His voice at my ear pulled me back from coffee heaven and into a totally different realm, which was very closely related to heaven.

“I want to fuck those lips when we get back.”

My heart flipped and another part of me was throbbing at his blunt words. Holy hell! Now I understood the limo and getting back quickly. It was absolutely a necessity. Good thinking, rich boy.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled back and looked into his eyes, making sure to run my tongue along the corner of my mouth.

“Fuck the skiing.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me back toward the limo.

I dug my heels into the snow.

“Whoa there big boy. Can we spend one day out?”

Be respectful

“Please. Sir?” I pouted.

He winked and my heart did a little more fluttering. I felt like a teenager in high school with her first crush. What the hell was happening to me? Yeah, I had been attracted to men, but seriously? Never. My attention span was nonexistent. I needed to be challenged constantly and found the men I dated lacking. I knew I would eventually get bored. JP was different. Not knowing much about him was making me even more curious. I shook the lust from my eyes and the cold truth hit me like a snow shower.

He is a Dom who volunteered his services for a kinky charity event. Hello Gia…wake up dreamgirl

I slapped my subconscious down and scowled at her. Maybe this was just his way. He was a successful man and sure as hell didn’t need to do much to get laid. One thing was for sure, JP needed control and this is where we clashed because I was the same. At least I thought I was. Didn’t look that way recently.

“Deal. Let’s get moving. We’re wasting time.”

I grinned, relieved his mood had lifted. We geared up and waited for an available lift. Jumping on, I marveled at the beauty of this town. The ground grew father away as we ascended, leaving colorful specs of people dotting the white canvas below. Further up we went and I prayed we would get to the top soon. JP had agreed to start slow for my sake. In truth, there was no way in hell I was going to the top. The coffee down below would keep me company while he scaled that slope, thank you very much.

Reaching our destination made me want to turn back. The air was thick and my breath was visible when I spoke.

“Um…I’m not too great at this and if you laugh I will kick your…

“Gia, I think you are treading into disrespect zone?” He teased, then plugged his ski poles in the snow and launched himself expertly off the summit.

“Fucking showoff.” I muttered, glancing at those waiting behind me.

Oh well, it was now or never. Taking a deep breath, which froze my lungs into popsicles, I said a small prayer and followed. Quite proud I was still standing after several yards, courage filled me and I pushed to speed up. JP was already at the bottom, goggles up and waiting. Then it happened. A slight bump had me flipping headfirst and landing right at his very expensive boots. Did I ever mention snow tastes crappy?

“Gia! Are you alright?”

JP’s voice was a bit sharp as he reached down and put me back on my feet and out of the dreaded skis. Boy did I face plant it. Looking down, the mold of my face was still visible.

“I’m just fine.” I snapped, slapping at my pants and arms.

JP laughed. I was so close to punching him.

“You look adorable.” He flicked snow off my nose with his thumb.

I smirked at him. “So glad I can entertain you.”

I found myself swept up into his arms, legs dangling. “You always entertain me, Ms. Solaris, in the most pleasurable ways.”

Looking into his hazel eyes while at the bottom of this beautiful mountain with hundreds of people surrounding us, I began my decent. And I wasn’t talking about moving further down to grab another ski lift.


* * *


After two more tries of wobbling and tittering, I finally made it down without incident.

JP had drilled it into my head not to weigh myself down onto the skis but feel them as part of me, an extension of my body. Well, the man knew what he was talking about. My finish line ended in his arms.

“Can I have a hell yeah?!”

“Hell yeah?” he teased and kissed the tip of my nose.

“Where did you learn to ski like that?” I asked, knowing the answer and hoping he would share more.

He grinned. “How about I tell you over some hot coffee?”

“I love you.” I whispered, surprising us both.

He pulled back and grabbed our equipment setting it off to the side for pickup. The staff came right over and started to load it.

The warmth of the lodge seeped into my chilled bones, thawing me out deliciously. We sat in a cozy booth by a huge fire. I could sit here all damn day staring out the floor to ceiling windows and drinking coffee. Give me a laptop and I was in heaven.

My bliss arrived in a steaming cup with ivy patterns swirling the circumference. JP added about three pounds of sugar and cream while I took my coffee black.

“That is some girly coffee you’ve got there, Mr. Stone.”

He arched an eyebrow. I was glad to see he was playful again. Our silence after the “I love you” flub had me a little worried. It wasn’t like I was declaring myself. Come on!

My brain was still trying to convince my heart about the “flub” part when JP’s voice interrupted.

“I’m sure you know by now there is nothing girly about me.”

“That coffee is.” I insisted, keeping my eyes on his.

He squinted at me. “Don’t mock it till you try it.”

“Not in a million years. Now tell me how you got to become a ski master.”

He leaned closer, eyes smoldering. “Now there is a word I never thought I would ever hear you say to me.”

“It’s the only time you’re gonna hear it.” I took a long gulp, more flustered than I wanted to let on.

That challenging twinkle came into his eyes. Damn it.

“We’ll see about that later.”

“Stop changing the subject and spill.” I prompted, wanting to get him talking before we had to slip into the Dom/Submissive role behind closed doors. I was sure my loose behavior wouldn’t be tolerated there.

“You drive a hard bargain. Are you always this pushy?”

I smiled. Wide. “You know the answer to that.”

He took another sip before responding. “So I already told you how Andrea took me in, well I practically grew up on these slopes. They own a cabin here and we would come spend several days during the winters on these same mountains. Needless to say I got pretty good at the ski thing.”

I waited, hoping I didn’t have to ask for more. His silence told me this wasn’t going to be easy. Desperate, I decided to take the risk of screwing up my day with him.

“How old were you?”

He glanced away then back down into his cup.


That one word crushed me. How could a father do that to his own child at such a young age?

“Don’t feel bad. He actually did me a huge favor. Living under the same roof with him after my mother died had been a nightmare. I did better on my own.”

There was nothing he could say to make me hate his father any less. His behavior was inexcusable.

“Was he abusive?”

He nodded. “Not physically, but he was extremely controlling and verbally abusive. Let’s just say I got very lucky when Andrea came into my life. She had been a good friend of my mother’s since school. When she found out what had happened she came and picked me up at a friend’s house. My father signed over custody, no fight.”

“Bastard,” I whispered.


I sat there for a moment, imagining a fifteen year old JP coming in to a home with a family he didn’t belong to. Given Andrea’s loving personality, I was sure he had been well taken care of but he had to have wondered why his own flesh and blood had discarded him, then signed him over as if he were a piece of property.

BOOK: The Dom Prize (The Dominants
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