The Dangerous Lord Darrington (35 page)

BOOK: The Dangerous Lord Darrington
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She heard Guy’s step behind her and said softly, ‘Where will we live, when we are married?’

‘I hope you will like Wylderbeck enough to consider it our principal home.’

‘I am sure I shall, if you are there with me.’

‘I may have to spend more time in London. I have heard that Pitt would welcome my presence. With the current unrest in France I would like to think I might be of use to the government.’

She turned to him. ‘Then of course you must go. And I will come with you, if I may.’

‘I would not have it otherwise.’ He was standing very close. ‘You are shivering,’ he said. ‘You should be wearing more than a spencer over your gown.’ He opened his arms. ‘Come here, let me warm you.’

It was only a step to reach him. She slid her arms around him, under his coat, feeling the warmth of his body through the thin shirt. Guy pulled his greatcoat around them both.

‘What is wrong, my love?’

‘I was thinking about the family: Sophie, Grandmama, Simon.’

He rested his cheek lightly on the top of her head. ‘If Davey has his way I think Sophie will not be long in following you down the aisle and Lady Arabella will naturally continue to live here.’

‘She would want that, I think. If you do not object.’

‘Perhaps you should discuss it with your brother.’ She raised her head, brows raised in enquiry.

‘You had mentioned you would like to make Malpass over to Simon.’ Amusement deepened in his eyes as he noted her surprise. He said, ‘It is his birthright. If you wish to return it to him, I have no objection.’

‘But…then I should come to you with nothing. Well, almost nothing—my widow’s jointure…’

The glint of amusement in his eyes was replaced by a warmer glow. It sent a shiver running through her that had nothing to do with the morning chill and his words, softly spoken, told her everything she needed to know.

‘I have everything I need right here. Now and for ever.’

ISBN: 978-1-4592-1242-8


Copyright © 2011 by Sarah Mallory

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BOOK: The Dangerous Lord Darrington
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