Read The Cowboy’s Runaway Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 1) Online

Authors: Jenn Roseton

Tags: #cowboy romance, #bbw romance, #cowboy, #plus size romance, #bride romance, #western romance kindle, #billionaire romance

The Cowboy’s Runaway Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 1) (8 page)

BOOK: The Cowboy’s Runaway Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 1)
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is gut had clenched when her prissy fiancée had turned up - ex-fiancée, he corrected himself grimly. Now, it was all he could do to stand here and watch Maddie talk to the jerk.

How could any man only want to marry Maddie to further his career? He exhaled, unable to take his eyes away from the scene unfolding in front of him. Whatever was going on, Maddie didn’t look happy. He only hoped that she could look past the smooth words coming out of the guy’s mouth and remember why she'd left him in the first place.

His mind - and body - flashed back to the kiss they had shared yesterday. It had been a wrench not to go any further, but he’d wanted to make sure the time was right - for both of them. Now, depending on what happened in the next few minutes, it was time to make Maddie his.


s if an invisible thread connected her to him, Maddie looked over at Garrett. He raised his eyebrow in inquiry. She walked over to him, not quite sure what to say.

“Everything okay?” He scrutinized her face.

She tried to smile. “Everything’s fine. Howard’s going back to Portland.”

“And you?” His eyes flashed with a burning need to hear her answer.

The warm sun burnished her cheeks. “It’s over between us.”

“Good,” he muttered fiercely. His fingers trailed along her arm for a too-brief moment. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

He strode toward the SUV. The engine roared to life and Maddie watched it return to the house, Howard sitting in the passenger seat, looking straight ahead. She shivered at the look in Garrett’s eye when he’d told her - commanded her, really, to stay there.

Walking over to the cabin, she tried not to let her imagination run wild. But it was no use. She’d been attracted to Garrett since the first moment she’d met him, no matter how she’d tried to deny her feelings in the beginning. But now ...

Maddie picked up the cloth and started absent-mindedly dusting the cabin wall. What would happen when he came back? Would he want to take advantage of her in the way that had never appealed to Howard, even when they'd been engaged? Heat flickered through her at the thought of ending up in Garrett's bed.

The rumble of the SUV filtered through her thoughts. Back already? He must have really raced up to the house. She’d barely put down the rag when Garrett filled the doorway.

He stalked toward her, desire in his eyes. The air simmered with sexual tension.

Her heart hammering, she whispered, “Do you want to take advantage of me?”

“Hell yeah, I want to take advantage of you,” he growled, hauling her against him.

With a soft sigh, Maddie surrendered to his commanding lips, her arms stealing around his neck.

Garrett held her tightly, his thumb strumming sensuous circles on her back, deepening the kiss until Maddie couldn’t think, only feel. Arousal flared through her, heightening when Garrett’s lips left hers and caressed her neck.

“I need you, Maddie,” he groaned. She tingled with excitement when he laved a particularly sensitive part of her neck.

Closing her eyes, she reveled in the moment. This strong, virile man desired her. Thrilling at his touch and his words, she whispered, “I need you too,” realizing it was the truth.

He cupped her face. “Are you sure?” He looked at her intently.

Maddie nodded, knowing without a doubt she wanted to make love with Garrett.

.” He crushed her to him, his arousal pressing against her, telling her in no uncertain terms
how much he wanted her. “Let’s go back to the house.” His voice was low and intense.

Before she could murmur in assent, she found herself swept up in his arms. “Garrett!” she squeaked, her hands clutching his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

“Bringing you home.”

She melted at the passionate tenderness in his eyes. His lips claimed hers before he strode out of the cabin, carrying her as if she weighed nothing at all.

They drove back to the ranch in silence, sensual excitement racing through her at the thought of becoming intimate with Garrett. She gazed at his hands on the steering wheel, admiring their tough strength, yet he was always gentle when he touched her. If he kissed her again like he did at the cabin, she would probably melt into a pool of bliss at his feet.

When they reached the house, Garrett led her to his bedroom, his hand clasping hers. The master bedroom featured a décor of rich blue, with the occasional cream accent. A large window overlooked the pasture, but Maddie’s eyes were drawn to the king-sized bed in the center of the room.

Although it must have only been around noon, she didn’t care what time it was. All she wanted was to make love with Garrett - right here, right now.

“You have no idea how much I want you,” he murmured, molding her to him. His lips snared hers and she closed her eyes, her nerve endings sparking like crazy.

“Garrett,” she whispered, as his hands slid under her T-shirt and stroked her soft flesh. She’d
felt like this before, excited and aching at the same time.

Her fingers trembled with need as she unfastened one of his shirt buttons. A smattering of dark chest hair greeted her, and she shyly ran her fingers through it. He groaned, encouraging her to continue touching him, his hand now caressing her breast through the soft fabric of her bra.

Maddie gasped as his thumb rubbed her nipple, aware of damp heat between her thighs. She arched into his touch, silently begging for more.

His tongue glided into her mouth, his hands unsnapping her bra. He pushed aside the soft cotton fabric, caressing her bare breasts. She moaned against his mouth, his touch sending incredible feelings racing through her.

Garrett slowly undressed her, kissing and stroking her bare flesh. Through her haze of desire, Maddie knew that she should feel self-conscious that Garrett was seeing her nude for the first time, but his whispered words of need made her feel gorgeous and desirable.

“You are so beautiful.” The admiration in his tone was evident as she stood before him, entirely naked.

She couldn’t stop the blush that rose to her cheeks. “So are you,” she murmured, although he stood before her in his jeans and unbuttoned shirt.

He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed, holding her against him with one hand while he pulled back the covers.

Maddie watched from the luxurious bed as he shrugged off his clothes. She bit her lip when she saw his nude form for the first time. His broad shoulders, the hard planes of his chest and his slim hips and thighs were all impressive and
sexy, but she couldn’t take her eyes off his large, hard shaft, jutting toward her.

Garrett joined her on the bed, kneeling above her. He stroked her cheek, kissing her deeply. She wrapped her arms around him, delighting in his closeness, his touch, and the fervor that swirled through her body.

“Maddie,” he breathed, his lips closing over her nipple. She shuddered in delight, her fingers splayed against his back as he laved her sensitive peaks, making her want more ... so much more.

He gave both nipples equal attention, making her writhe with increasing arousal. She needed Garrett as she’d never needed a man before. Her hands stroked his back, dipping lower to his firm buttocks, trying to give him as much pleasure as he was giving her.

Garrett’s lips descended, gliding over her soft, satiny flesh, until he reached her neatly trimmed mound. “Beautiful,” he breathed, his warm breath tickling her hot, wet folds.

Maddie gasped as his tongue flicked over her secret nub, fanning the flames of her desire as he brought her higher and higher to the peak.

“Garrett!” Her body shuddered with the force of her climax, tiny aftershocks rippling through her as he continued to tease her most sensitive spot, until she finally returned to earth.

She stared up at him in blissful satisfaction, her heart slowly returning to its normal pace - or as normal as it could be when she was with Garrett.

He smiled softly, cupping her chin and claiming her lips. But, she thought hazily, as she returned his passionate kiss, he’d already claimed her, the very first time he’d kissed her.

His large hand stroked her breasts, then glided lower, brushing against her inner thighs. Garrett’s finger delved into her slick channel. Maddie arched against him, wanting all of him, wanting him now.

“Please,” she begged, clutching his shoulders. Although he’d already given her the most incredible orgasm of her life, her desire for him had returned to fever-pitch.

He kissed her firmly on the lips, then opened the nightstand drawer. Swiftly sheathing himself, Garrett knelt above her, his muscular form a feast for her senses.

“I can’t wait any longer, sweetheart,” he muttered thickly, his knee gently nudging her thighs wider apart.

He sank into her. Maddie’s eyes widened briefly at the intrusion and he stilled, giving her body time to adjust.

“Garrett,” she whispered, her arms tightening around his back, wanting more.

“I don’t want to rush you.” His muscles tensed as he held himself in check, his face strained. Arousal and caution warred for dominance.

“It’s okay.” Smiling softly, she lifted her hips in silent invitation. “I want you.”

He thrust into her, slowly at first, then with increasing speed. She wrapped her legs around his waist, allowing him to fully seat himself inside her, the angle providing incredible friction for her.

He drove into her again and again. She’d thought her orgasm before had been incredible, but it was nothing compared to actually making love with Garrett. Her body tightened as he surged into her, the sensations whirling through her, causing her breath to come out in little gasps.

Maddie's climax tore through her and Garrett groaned, his hips pumping a few more times before he found his own release, burying himself deep within her.

Long moments later, he shifted, rolling to his side. He pulled her to him, nestling her in his arms and dropping a kiss on her forehead. Maddie snuggled against him, joyous lassitude stealing over her. Making love with Garrett had been everything she’d hoped for, and more. So much more.


arly morning sunshine streamed in through the window. Maddie yawned, stretching, the events of yesterday suddenly flooding back.

She patted the other side of the bed, looking over at the bare pillow. Garrett must have gotten up already.

She smiled, flopping back against the smooth sheets. Garrett had totally ruined her for all other men! They’d fallen asleep yesterday afternoon and when they’d woken, it had been early evening. Garrett quickly completed his evening chores, then cooked her a tasty steak dinner.

Then, he’d taken her hand and led her to the living room, where they’d made out on the sofa, until their kisses and caresses had grown so heated, Maddie was convinced he was going to take her right then and there ...

But Garrett pulled back at the last moment, growling that she deserved a comfortable bed. He’d hurried her into his bedroom, showing her
how much he wanted and needed her - twice!

Maddie winced at a tiny twinge when she shifted on the bed, evidence she wasn’t used to such incredible lovemaking,
and climaxing four times in one night.
But it was certainly something she
get used to.

Hopping out of bed, she picked up her clothes from the floor. Although Garrett had seen her nude twice yesterday, she still didn’t feel completely at ease parading around the house in her bare flesh. Slipping on her jeans and T-shirt, she padded to her own bathroom to take a quick shower. Although last night Garrett told her to use his bathroom, her clothes were still in her bedroom.

When she reached her bedroom, Maddie turned on her phone. She finally felt ready to talk to her parents.


addie entered the hall, the tantalizing aroma of frying bacon making her stomach growl. Her conversation with her mother had gone better than she’d expected. After explaining that she was fine and staying with a friend in Wyoming until she was due to return to work at the library, her mother had been surprisingly understanding.

“You always did know your own mind, darling. If Howard won’t make you happy, then there’s no point in marrying him. Just be safe.”

“I will, Mom,” she’d vowed, feeling guilty she hadn’t spoken to her mother before now.

After her mother had promised to speak to her father, telling her that he’d get over the situation eventually, Maddie felt as if a burden had been lifted off her shoulders. Ending the call by telling her mother she loved her, she’d suddenly felt on the verge of a new life, where anything was possible.

Including Garrett falling in love with her.

How could she not be in love with Garrett after last night? His incredible lovemaking, equally skilful and gentle, passionate and demanding, had awakened something inside her. Now, she finally knew what it was to experience earth-shattering sex.

“Good morning.” Maddie entered the kitchen, suddenly feeling shy. She and Garrett hadn’t spoken since the middle of the night, when they’d made love for the third time.

He turned from the coffee machine and grinned, a mug of coffee in one hand. “Morning, sweetheart.” He placed her coffee on the table and walked over to her, his arms slipping around her waist, pulling her gently to him.

Maddie’s hands automatically wound around his neck as his mouth slanted over hers. Her toes curled as his hard, muscular body pressed against her soft, yielding figure
his lips teasing and tasting. When he reluctantly lifted his mouth, she was breathless.

“Now, that’s what I call a good morning.” She couldn’t help smiling at the glint of male satisfaction in his eyes. “Come and sit down.”

Garrett returned to the stove, efficiently dividing the contents of the skillet onto two plates. As they ate breakfast, he frequently touched her hand, his fingers stroking her palm until she found it hard to concentrate on her meal. And when she stood to carry the dishes to the sink, he’d scooped her into his lap, desire gleaming in his eyes, and refused to let her go until he’d given her another toe-curling, heart-pounding kiss, which she returned with abandon.

BOOK: The Cowboy’s Runaway Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 1)
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