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Authors: Lynn LaFleur

The Birthday Gift (4 page)

BOOK: The Birthday Gift
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A tiny bit of
suspicion began to grow inside her head.

Jake squeezed
her shoulders. “Lie down, babe.”

watched Patrick drop to his knees at one end of the quilt before she rose from
the couch and walked the short distance around the coffee table. She wasn’t
sure if she should do this. A massage on her back and feet would feel
wonderful, but she knew her own body…and how she reacted when Jake touched her.
She loved her husband and desired him fiercely. It wouldn’t take but a few
moments of his hands on her before she’d be breathing heavy and trying not to
moan. If she embarrassed herself in front of Patrick, she’d never be able to
face him again.

Jake circled
the coffee table and also dropped to his knees at the opposite end of the quilt
from Patrick. He patted the floor in front of him. “C’mere.”

Get your
mind out of the gutter. This is your husband and his cousin doing something
nice for your birthday. This has absolutely nothing to do with sex and you have
no reason to be suspicious.

The pep talk
she gave herself helped Amanda relax. She stretched out on the quilt, resting
her head on her folded arms.

“Hey, Pat,
grab one of those thick pillows off the couch. Amanda needs one under her
stomach since her tits are so big.”

Amanda raised
her head and glared at her husband. “Jake!”

“Well, it’s
true. You always put a pillow under your stomach.”

“You don’t
have to broadcast that fact to Patrick.”

“You don’t
think he knows you have big tits? He isn’t blind.”

The teasing
gleam in Jake’s eyes made Amanda shake her head. “Good grief,” she muttered.
She pulled the pillow that Patrick tossed on the floor under her stomach and
rearranged herself to a comfortable position. “After a comment like that, I’d
better get a damned good massage.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Jake touched
her shoulders again. A moment later, she felt Patrick’s hands on her left foot.
His fingers slid easily over her skin, so he must be using the liquid in that
white bottle. Amanda sighed contentedly and closed her eyes. Heaven couldn’t
possibly be any better than this.

Jake pressed
the heels of his hands into her shoulders, her upper back, her middle back.
Amanda relaxed more with every stroke…until she felt his hands on her bare
back, above the waistband of her shorts. She opened her eyes a crack. She had a
perfect close-up view of Jake’s crotch…and the large bulge there.

she wasn’t the only one affected by her massage.

mouth watered with the desire to unzip Jake’s shorts and lick him from the head
of his cock to his balls. She loved taking him in her mouth, feeling him swell
as his desire grew. If Patrick wasn’t here…

here made her concentrate again on his touch. His hands were
no longer massaging her feet, but were sliding up and down the backs of her
legs in a slow caress.

Heat began to
build low in Amanda’s tummy.

“Raise up a
little, babe.”

Not thinking
anything of his request, Amanda raised her torso a few inches off the floor.
Jake pulled her T-shirt up to her shoulder blades. When she felt her bra strap
tighten as if he planned to unsnap it, she quickly scrambled up to her knees.

“Okay, what’s
going on here?”

Jake glanced
at his cousin. Amanda quickly swung her gaze to Patrick and back to Jake. The
two men exchanged a look…a look of conspiracy. “We’re giving you a massage,”
Jake said. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“This is more
than just a massage, Jake. Patrick was nowhere near my feet and you were about
to unsnap my bra. I want to know what you’re doing.”

Jake remained
quiet a moment, then he cradled her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly.
“Fulfilling your fantasy.”

Chapter Four


Jake watched
Amanda’s eyes widen. She bit her bottom lip, and glanced over her shoulder at
Patrick. A pink blush spread across her cheeks. He saw her throat work as she

She looked
back at him. Her voice was soft and breathless when she spoke. “You’re… I mean,
I didn’t… Jake, I never asked you to do this.”

“I know you
didn’t. It’s your birthday gift.”

“You want
Patrick to… him and me…together?”

of us together.”

Amanda sat
back on her heels. “This is what you two have been whispering about for the
past two days?”

Jake nodded.

“So this was
all planned? You took your shower early because this was all planned?”

“It was all

“You… I…”
Amanda pushed her hair behind her ears…another sign of her nervousness he
recognized. “I don’t know what to say. Or do.”

“You don’t
have to do anything. We’ll do it all.” He spoke to his cousin without looking
away from his wife. “Pat, why don’t you take care of the lights and music?”

“Will do.”

Tears filled
Amanda’s eyes. Cradling her face in his hand, he gently caressed her cheek with
his thumb. “Why are you crying?”

“I’m not.”

“That wet
stuff in your eyes looks like tears.”

“I can’t
believe you’re doing this for me.”

“Why not? You
know how much I love you. You said your fantasy was to be with two men at once.
I want to make your fantasy come true.”

instrumental music began playing. Amanda smiled. “My favorite CD.”

“Five of your
favorites are loaded. I know how much you like music when I give you a


“That’s next
on Pat’s list.”

Jake had
already instructed Patrick to light several candles and play soft music while
they gave Amanda her massage. Amanda was a candle nut, so there were always
plenty of them set around the living room during every season of the year.
Patrick lit all of them, then turned off the lamps and returned to his spot on
the quilt.

candlelight turned Amanda’s blonde hair golden and illuminated her skin. Her
eyes still shimmered with tears, her face was still flushed from
embarrassment…and, Jake suspected, from the beginning of arousal. She was an
incredibly lovely woman, but he didn’t think she’d ever been more beautiful
than right now. “Ready for your massage?”

“I think so.”

Jake touched
the hem of her T-shirt. “Off with this, okay?”

She bit her
lower lip again, then lifted her arms. Jake drew the shirt over her head and
tossed it to the floor. His gaze dropped to her breasts. She wore a lacy white
bra, one he’d never seen. The cups barely covered half her breasts. “New bra?”

She nodded.
“And a thong to match.”

wearing it now?”


Heat pooled
in Jake’s groin. He almost groaned aloud as all the blood in his body rushed to
his cock. “You’d better lie down before I forget all my good intentions and
ravage you.”

Amanda kissed
him softly, then lay on her stomach, resting her cheek on her folded arms. Jake
picked up the bottle of oil and poured a generous amount into his palm. He
passed the bottle to Patrick, then rubbed his hands together before touching
Amanda’s shoulders. Using a gentle gliding motion, he spread the oil over her
skin, from shoulders to waist. He passed over her bra strap, deciding not to
unhook it until she was more comfortable with him and Patrick both touching

coconut,” Amanda murmured. “Smells nice.”

“I’m glad you
approve.” He bent over so he could whisper in her ear. “It’s the edible kind

Jake would
swear he heard her swallow.

again, Jake watched his cousin pour oil into his palm and lift Amanda’s right
foot. Using his thumbs, he slowly smeared the oil all over her foot and ankle.
Jake heard Amanda breathe in and out slowly. Next to a back rub, Amanda loved
nothing more than having her feet massaged. It wasn’t unusual for her to fall
asleep while he still stroked her feet.

He doubted if
she’d fall asleep any time soon.

concentrated on Amanda’s left foot while Jake moved down to her low back. He
let his fingers dip beneath the elastic waistband of her shorts, until he felt
the thin strip around her hips. She looked so sexy in those tiny thongs. Not
able to resist, he let his hands drift lower until he could cup that luscious
ass. He spread his oiled fingers wide over her buttocks, letting them travel
over her skin. Whatever she used in her bath water made her skin so soft, like

The throbbing
in his cock dictated Jake go lower still, but it wasn’t the right time yet.
This evening was for Amanda and what
wanted, not his randy anatomy.
He moved his hands back to the neutral territory of her low back.

His cousin
had stopped caressing her feet; instead, his hands journeyed up and down her
legs from her ankles to her thighs, leaving a slick path of oil with each trip.
Jake followed the movement of Patrick’s hands over his wife’s skin. Each slow
pass up her legs brought his fingers a bit closer to the hem of Amanda’s
shorts. Since Amanda liked her shorts to hit at the top of her thighs, it
wouldn’t take long before Patrick reached her ass.

Jake stilled
a moment while he waited for Patrick to touch his wife intimately for the first

thumbs disappeared beneath the hem of Amanda’s shorts on his next trek up her
legs. He slid them to the inside of her thighs, at the crease of her leg. Jake
heard Amanda’s breath catch sharply.

Jake bent
down so he could whisper into her ear again. “Do you like what Pat’s doing?”


“Do you want

Amanda nodded
her head, then turned her face down. Deciding she was getting used to this
threesome idea, Jake unhooked her bra. Without that barrier, he had the freedom
to caress her entire back and shoulders while he watched Patrick’s fingers dip
beneath the hem of her shorts again.

Jake moved
his hands around to Amanda’s sides, until he could touch the outer curves of
her breasts. Wanting his hands more slippery for what he planned next, Jake
picked up the plastic bottle and poured additional oil into his palm. Once his
hands were slick, he slid them beneath Amanda. She lifted her torso slightly,
enough so he could cup both breasts and feel her hard nipples in the center of
his palms.

Jake loved
everything about his wife’s body, but especially her breasts. He loved the
satiny feel of the skin, the way the areolas puckered when she began to get
aroused, the dark pink color of her nipples. He loved that they were so full
and firm, and so responsive. He only had to touch Amanda with a fingertip for
her breathing to deepen, and she became aroused quickly when he licked and
sucked on her nipples.

So did he. He
wished he had one in his mouth right now.

Shifting his
attention back to his cousin, he watched Patrick tug on the waistband of
Amanda’s shorts. “Lift your hips, Amanda,” Patrick said softly. She obeyed. He
slid her shorts down her legs and tossed them on top of her T-shirt. For a
moment, he sat back on his heels and stared at her. Jake couldn’t blame him.
Amanda had an incredible ass…firm and toned from faithful walking, and tan from
lying outside in the nude. She took full advantage of their private backyard
whenever possible to sunbathe. The result left her entire body golden.

looked at Jake and mouthed the word, “Wow.”

Jake grinned.

Picking up
the bottle of oil, Patrick also poured more into his palm. He began a slow,
circular motion over her ass, liberally applying the oil to her skin. Amanda
shifted and spread her legs a bit more. Patrick slid his thumbs in the cleft
between her buttocks. Jake couldn’t see exactly where Patrick was touching her,
although the pounding of her heart beneath his palm gave him a good idea. Her
back rose and fell with her deep breathing, evidence that she was becoming very

exactly what he wanted.

A whimper
came from deep in her throat. She rose up to her elbows, giving him more room
to caress her breasts. He increased the pressure, adding a gentle tug on her
nipples with thumbs and forefingers when she arched her back. Patrick slipped
his left hand underneath the elastic of her thong, then moved forward to
between her thighs. Jake could see his hand moving, increasing in speed little
by little. Amanda’s hips began to undulate, her breathing became more choppy. A
moment later, her body shuddered from her climax.

Chapter Five


Amanda lay
still as the final tremors shook her body. The orgasm had taken her completely
by surprise, galloping through her before she even realized it was building.

Jake hadn’t
been her first lover, but Amanda hadn’t learned how to relax and truly enjoy
lovemaking until she became involved with her husband. He’d helped her learn
her own body, touched her in ways no one else ever had, until she always found
satisfaction in his arms.

Waiting for
her heart to stop pounding gave Amanda time to reflect on what had just
happened with Patrick. Reaching an orgasm so quickly surprised her, until she
realized Patrick had known exactly how to touch her to give her that staggering
climax. The teasing glance of his fingertips, the slow build-up of that contact
until she was writhing to get closer to it, was exactly what Jake did.

setting up this whole scenario wasn’t the only thing the two cousins had

Once her blood
stopped rushing through her veins, she realized that Jake’s hands were back on
her shoulders and Patrick was massaging her feet again. A gal could get spoiled
by all this pampering. Not having any idea what else these two had planned,
Amanda decided to lie still and wait for what happened next.

“How do you
feel?” Jake whispered in her ear.

“Weak. Limp.

“You aren’t
going to fall asleep, are you?”

“Sleep isn’t
even an option right now.” She raised up on one elbow and looked at Jake’s
crotch. His zipper looked as if it would pop open at any moment. “You certainly
don’t look the least bit sleepy.”

chuckled. “No, I’m definitely not sleepy.”

Amanda rolled
to her side and glanced at the large bulge in Patrick’s cutoffs. “I assume
you’re not sleepy either.”

“Not hardly.”

“So, what’s
next, guys?”

“What do you
to be next?” Patrick asked.

She looked
from Patrick to her husband and back to Patrick. She wanted everything…kisses,
caresses, licking, sucking, and hard cocks inside her. Since they had gone to
the trouble of planning all this as a birthday gift to her, it would be
terribly rude if she didn’t enjoy it to the fullest. “I want to see more skin.
Y’all are wearing
too many clothes.”

Jake rose
first. He unfastened his cutoffs and pushed them to the floor. She’d suspected
he wasn’t wearing any underwear.

She was

Amanda stared
at the perfect form of her husband. He had the most incredible body: broad
shoulders, muscled arms, a flat, firm stomach, strong legs, and a cock so hard
and erect, it practically lay against his belly.

A movement
from her left drew her attention to Patrick. He, too, rose and let his cutoffs
fall to the floor.

“Damn,” she

Amanda sat up
and removed her bra. Rising to her knees, she watched Patrick move to stand
next to his cousin. Not sure what to do first, she simply looked. The two men
favored each other so much, but them being nude let her see the subtle
differences in their bodies. Patrick was huskier than Jake, his shoulders,
chest and hips broader, his thighs heavier. Jake had more hair on his chest,
but less on his stomach. Jake’s cock was thicker, Patrick’s longer.

One thing
they had in common—they both had lust in their eyes, as if they would pounce on
her at any moment.

That worked
for her.

Enjoying the
sight of two handsome, aroused men was definitely fun, but she wanted more, a
lot more. Glancing over her shoulder, she located the bottle of oil on the
coffee table. That would do for a start.

She picked up
the bottle and poured a generous amount in her palm. She replaced the bottle on
the table, then rubbed her palms together to distribute the oil to her hands.
After looking directly into both men’s eyes, she wrapped her hands around their

Her oiled
hands slid easily over satiny skin. Amanda caressed the plum-shaped heads, the
hard shafts, the tight scrotums. When she reached their groins, she started
over again…slowly, so slowly, enjoying every impressive inch of their cocks.
She’d always loved touching Jake like this, especially rubbing her thumb over
the head because she knew it made him crazy. She did so now, and heard him

Wondering if
Patrick was as responsive as Jake, she rubbed her thumb all over the head of
his cock. He thrust his hips forward and a similar moan passed his lips.

Patrick was just as sensitive as his cousin.

The sound of
their breathing grew heavier, deeper. Amanda looked up into Patrick’s face. His
gaze was focused on her breasts. A delicious thrill zipped through her body at
the thought of his mouth on her nipples. His gaze shifted to her hand on him,
then to her face. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip. Amanda took that as
his silent assurance that his thoughts mirrored hers.

She looked at
her husband’s face. His eyes were dark, his cheeks flushed, his neck and chest
shiny from perspiration. She could tell by the subtle shifting of his hips that
he was close to a climax. Squeezing him tighter, she increased the speed of her

Jake grabbed
her wrist. “Mandy, stop.”


“You know
why. I’m about to come.”

“That makes
two of us,” Patrick said.

“This evening
is supposed to be what
want, not us.”

want this.” She let her fingers glide up and down the length of their cocks
while she gripped them tightly. “I’ve had an orgasm. It’s only fair that y’all
do too.”

“Mandy… Aw,

Jake widened
his stance and bent his knees. Amanda felt his cock jerk in her hand and pulled
it lower. Warm semen hit her right breast. She heard him growl deep in his
throat as he ejaculated again. Wanting to extend his pleasure as long as
possible, she kept caressing him, running her hand up and down his shaft until
every drop had been expended.

No sooner had
Jake’s orgasm ended than Patrick’s began. Amanda watched as his semen splashed
on her left breast. She milked his cock the same way she had Jake’s until she
was sure his climax had ended.

Both men
wilted to the floor. Amanda chuckled when Patrick sat down with a hard thump.
Jake dropped to his knees, his breathing hard and erratic. He closed his eyes
for a moment before gazing at her breasts.

pretty messy, Mandy.”

touched one of the spots on her skin. “Yeah, I am.” Scooting across the floor,
she drew two tissues out of the box on the end table and began to wipe off her

“Want some
help with that, Amanda?” Patrick asked, his voice husky.

stilled and looked at Patrick. He sat with one leg straight, the other bent so
his foot rested on the floor, watching the movements of her hands. His position
let her clearly see his relaxed-but-nowhere-near-soft cock. Jake had amazing
recuperative powers. Patrick must possess the same trait.

Amanda loved
that trait.

She had
already cleaned most of the semen from her breasts, but if the guys wanted to
help her, she wouldn’t turn them down. Dropping the soiled tissues on the
table, she took two more out of the box and scooted back across the floor. She
held up one tissue to each man. “Please.”

Jake took a
tissue and began gently wiping her right breast. Patrick took a tissue also. He
glanced at it, then let it fall to the floor without using it. Leaning forward,
he fastened his mouth over her left nipple.

“Oh, God.”
Amanda rested her hands on the floor behind her and arched her back. Patrick
opened his lips wider, enveloping the entire areola in his warm mouth. He
suckled gently while swiping his tongue across the nipple. Amanda moaned, then
gasped softly when Jake licked her right nipple. She looked at her husband. A
devilish gleam lit his eyes.

“I can’t let
Pat have all the fun.”

“No, you
certainly can’t,” she said as she pulled Jake’s mouth closer to her breast.

Amanda closed
her eyes, tilted her head back, and enjoyed the sensations zinging from her
breasts to her womb. Each tug on her nipples made her clitoris throb. Each lick
made her breath catch. The feeling was so intense, she wondered if it were
possible for a woman to climax from having her nipples sucked.

Jake lifted
his mouth from her breast and kissed her deeply. His tongue dove into her mouth
over and over, making her head spin and leaving her weak with desire. “Lie
back, Mandy.”

Gladly doing
as Jake instructed, Amanda lay back on the quilt. Patrick followed her. She
didn’t have the chance to react before he covered her mouth with his own in a
drugging kiss.

She’d kissed
no other man in over four years. The kiss seemed more personal, more private,
than his mouth on her breast or his hand between her thighs. She tensed at
first, then relaxed as his tongue swept across her lower lip. His lips
tantalized, then coaxed a response from her. Amanda loved kissing, and Patrick
definitely knew how to kiss. His technique was different from Jake’s, but no
less arousing. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she returned his kiss with
all the passion he gave her.

Amanda ran
her fingers over Patrick’s head and touched the elastic band holding his hair
in a ponytail. She tugged it loose. His long hair fell around her head,
enclosing them in a private cocoon.

The feel of
her husband’s lips against her mound made Amanda moan into Patrick’s mouth.
Jake kissed her there again before peeling off her thong. He spread her legs
and kissed the inside of each knee. His kisses traveled up her legs at an
unhurried pace, one and then the other, until he touched her clitoris with the
tip of his tongue.

Amanda pushed
Patrick away so she could gulp oxygen into her lungs. She’d forgotten to
breathe while concentrating on what Jake was doing. She inhaled sharply when he
spread the feminine lips with his fingers and slowly licked her. Propping her
feet on the floor, she opened her legs wide, silently encouraging him to

Jake blew on
her clitoris at the same time that Patrick fastened his mouth over the tip of
her left breast again. The dual stimulation made her whimper. Patrick laid his
hand on her right breast, his fingertips lightly brushing the nipple. Jake’s
mouth became bolder. Closing her eyes, Amanda lifted her hips in time to her
husband’s licks. When he took her clitoris between his lips and suckled gently,
she came apart. She stretched her arms over her head and gave herself up to the
sensations zipping through her body.

When Amanda
opened her eyes, she saw a very large, very hard cock inches from her mouth.

“Suck me,
Mandy,” Jake growled.

She was only
too happy to comply.

Jake knelt on
the floor, his legs spread. Amanda rolled to her stomach and took his cock in
her mouth. Sliding her hand between his legs, she caressed his scrotum and
perineum while she sucked him. She loved the intimacy of oral sex, both giving
and receiving. Knowing how much Jake enjoyed the giving and receiving too made
it even more special to her.

She jerked
when Patrick lightly bit her bottom. She sighed when he caressed that bite with
his tongue, and moaned when he slid his tongue between her buttocks. He licked
her from anus to clitoris and back again…once, twice, three times.

Two intense
orgasms should’ve been enough for Amanda. Rarely did she have three when she
and Jake made love. This was different. Her body was so hot, her hormones in a
frenzy. She had two men wanting to pleasure her, so she saw no reason why she
shouldn’t be greedy and take everything they had to offer.

She spread
her legs and lifted her hips.

Jake’s cock
seemed to grow in her mouth. She knew he couldn’t see exactly what Patrick was
doing to her, but he must have a good idea. It had to be affecting him almost
as much as her. He began moving his hips, pumping his cock in and out of her
mouth. Amanda opened her mouth wider and relaxed her throat so she could take
all of him.

“Oh, yeah,”
Jake muttered. “God, that feels good, babe.”

“Good” didn’t
even come close to describing how Amanda felt. “Frenzied” was more like
it…especially when Patrick’s tongue circled around her anus, then darted
inside. His murmur of pleasure vibrated against the sensitive tissue. His
tongue became more frantic, the thrusts deeper inside her ass as his thumb
circled her clitoris.

It couldn’t
happen. Another orgasm couldn’t possibly build so quickly.

She was
wrong. The climax washed over her in waves, making her heart pound and leaving
her as weak as a newborn kitten.

Jake’s cock
popped out of her mouth as Amanda lowered her head to the floor and panted for
breath. She only had a second to think about her need for air before Patrick
jammed his cock into her pussy. He held her hips tightly while he thrust hard
and fast, his groin slapping against her buttocks. It felt so good, but she
needed more. Raising her head, she found Jake’s glistening cock close to her
lips. She latched onto it and sucked it as far into her mouth as she could.

BOOK: The Birthday Gift
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