The Biker's Touch - Book 2 (An Alpha Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club) (7 page)

BOOK: The Biker's Touch - Book 2 (An Alpha Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club)
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“Our bucket list,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “Remember, we can’t have sex in a bubble...unless of course that’s on the bucket list too.”

Jennifer laughed until she started sobbing. Trenton pulled her into his big warm chest.

“I am going to fix it,” he assured her. “We are already on it. There’s a chapter of our club out in Devils Lake. We will have them on him right away. I will call the district attorney out there and explain the situation. Now tomorrow we can ride out there, and once we arrive, we can go to the police station and tell them we think he will harm the kids.”

Trenton stroked her hair. The moon lit his face and his clear blue eyes. His face was so handsome and sincere. But there was no way she was going to sleep the rest of the night. And if that was the case, she was worried about how she was going to ride.

“Trenton, if I can’t sleep, I can’t ride the bike,” she said all worried. She was suddenly afraid she would never get home because she couldn’t safely ride on the back of a Harley.

He chuckled. “We’ll work that out. How about let’s go back in the tent and do our best to simmer down.”

Jennifer was shaking. But she did like he suggested, and went into the tent. She let him take her clothes off. He very sweetly massaged her from head to toe. Section by section, in little tender, gentle circles he rubbed the tension out of her.

His touch created that tingling sensation that she got when someone played with her hair. Almost like the permeating electric heat from an orgasm. Mindgasms, she called them. It was just about the most soothing thing she had ever experienced.

At first, he gently applied the acupressure. It was amazing how simple touches in the right spots released spirals of relaxing, intoxicating energy. He was letting go of all of her fears and anxiety. They simply flowed out of her with the push of invisible buttons on her body.

“You are a genius,” she said. “Sexual, culinary, motorcycle, lawyer and now shaman genius.”

Whatever he was doing, he grounded her. She felt fortified. All her doubt and fear that her children were in harm’s way were gone, and she felt she could sleep and be okay to ride.

Trenton laid her on her back and paid very close attention to her breasts. He began the same process all over again. It was intensely soothing. And even more relaxing than before.

“You need to teach me how to do this so that I can do this for you,” she murmured.

He laughed softly. “You have to be quiet for it to work best.”

“You take such great care of me,” she whispered, finally feeling a little sleepy.

He kissed her forehead. “Honestly, Jennifer. I more than ‘kind of’ like it.”

“This was supposed to be my bucket list. And a camping trip,” she said. “I didn’t mean to turn it around.”

He laughed. “Are you kidding? We live for this stuff. Nothing we like better than to defend a damsel in distress. That’s actually how you and I met. We were in the process of rescuing the woman who Brill lured out here with the promise of a job.”

“Yep. He probably thought he was going to fuck her,” she said lazily.

“I think you have been hanging around bikers too long. You’re starting to curse like the stereotypical one,” he laughed.

“That’s right,” she noted. “You Ghosts are awfully refined for bikers.”

“We like living by the code of chivalry. If we hadn’t been helping someone else out, you and I would have never met. We are more than happy to take action on your behalf. Especially against your husband. I want you to sleep now. The Ghosts of the Prairie over at Devils Lake are going to text me when they’ve located him.”

“Okay,” she said, her eyelids getting super heavy.

Trenton lay next to her. He was such a mountain of a person. She reached over and made sure the covers were over him. She wanted to take care to tuck him in. She was a caretaker as well as he. It was a new experience for her to be on the receiving end. She wondered if he had ever had someone to care for him. She wanted to be that person.

“Hey,” she said. “When this is over and I get my children back, I have, like, a very long list of things I would like to accomplish. So you need to rest up for when we resume our list.”

He laughed in the dark of the tent with her. “What, for instance?”

“Well, lots of things,” she said vaguely, though she had something very specific in mind. She thought it would be the thing to give back to him. To focus on him.

“For instance,” he said, falling asleep himself.

“Well, like I am not very good at oral sex, but I want to be,” she said.

She felt him squirm at that one. It warmed her heart that she was already getting to him.

“Baby, all you have to do is talk about oral sex with a man and that’s a fine start. But I would have to say what makes you so amazing to be with, besides that you are outta the park beautiful, is that you’re honest,” he said.

His voice sounded pained with yearning.

“I am honest. It gets me in a lot of trouble,” she said. She was playing innocent, but she knew that every word she was saying was having her desired effect on him. She wanted to drive him as crazy as he drove her.

“I think you’ll make a fine Ghost. What I mean is, you are what you are. You don’t pretend. You don’t fake. You’re real. You bring that to bed and it is h-o-t hot,” he said.

“If I get to be a Ghost, can I have a little Ghost outfit? Maybe a vest with the club logo?”

He took her hand and put it on his fully hard erection. She gripped it, letting herself explore him. The light of the moon spilled through the tent and lit them just enough. Jennifer rolled over him and scooted down so her mouth was at his cock.

She just used her imagination and tried to remember things she had read about. She worked up a lot of spit in her mouth so that she was wet for him. She drew her lips tight. She went down on him as far as she could go. And when it was too much, she pushed his head out to the soft pliant walls of her cheek.

“Oh baby,” he said, gently gripping her hair.

She didn’t let up. She continued, bobbing her head up and down endlessly like he did for her when he was inside of her. Pretty soon he tapped out. He withdrew from her mouth and plunged into her body. He orgasmed within a few strokes.

She didn’t have an orgasm herself, but she was deeply pleased with herself that she had turned him on so much. As she drifted to sleep in the tent, she was aware that the intense, body-wrenching fear that she felt was gone. It was replaced with total faith in herself and the man sleeping beside her.

And of all the new friends she made in the Ghosts of the Prairie.



Chapter Eight


The sun was pretty well situated in the sky when Jennifer woke. She was surprised to see the camp was already alive. She peeked out the tent flap and immediately Trenton smiled at her.

“Morning beautiful,” he smiled and grinned. “Would you like to take a bath?”

Jennifer knew he meant their special pool. She loaded up on the back of his bike and they tooled over the couple of miles to their special spot, all the way out in the open, but completely private.

On purpose, she was slow to undress because Trenton was quick to, and she wanted to watch him take it off. He was like a Greek god standing out on the prairie rock. His body cut and magnificent, browned by the North Dakota sun. It was a silly moment when he realized she was fully clothed and had been watching him.

As it was, her clothes consisted of a loose cotton tank top and boxer shorts that she threw on to say good morning. They were the things she would have slept in if she hadn’t slept completely naked with him. Buck naked himself, he grabbed her and together they both jumped in the pool.

Her white tank top was rendered see-through by the water and plastered to her breasts. They were completely visible – the outline and the darker skin of her nipples. He had set the toiletries on the edge of the pool and once they washed their hair and their bodies, he hoisted her up on the already warm pool edge and got inside her.

He braced himself up with fully extended arms so Jennifer had full access to his muscle-cut chest. She rested a palm on his pec, just to measure, before stroking down to where they joined. She let the tips of her fingers glide on the length of him as he moved in and out of her.

She propped herself up and worked her pelvis into him. She waggled her hips this way and that to spice up the pressure and angles at which they joined. The sun baked their bodies as they worked furiously, without inhibition, towards their pleasure.

With all the sex they had been having, each time they were together was born of a crazy hunger. They just had to have one another. Jennifer pushed off the soles of her feet and thrust onto him as he was almost on his knees. She could touch herself this way. It was the perfect combination.

She spied out of lowered lids, shaded from the bright sun, that he was watching their bodies come together. He was drinking in the image of her giving herself pleasure. His eyes fluttered and he sucked in his breath.

Giving him pleasure was such a turn on. Pushing up against him the way that she did caused her core to flex up around him in intervals. Finally, the clenching was involuntary and she was seizing around his magnificent hardness as he pumped into her. She came powerfully on him.

They dipped and dressed and rode back to camp. Some of the Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club stayed behind to pack up, though they had every faith that this matter would be fixed in no time in Jennifer’s favor. She would have her children and her evil husband would be back in jail where he belonged.

Trenton told Jennifer to tell her parents to file a police report. He wanted to stop back in town in New City to talk with the sheriff there, who had arrested her husband previously. It was just as well. She needed to stop by her house to check on a few things. She probably should check in with work. He dropped her off with a sweet kiss goodbye. He would be back later to pick her up.

As she entered the house, she could still hear the rumble of his Harley. She had only been gone a day and yet it felt like she had not been home forever. The house was all drawn up. It seemed dusty and uninhabited.

She threw open the draperies and began to walk around and realized mid-step that the house had been ransacked. Her gut twisted with fear as she followed her instinct to run for the door.

But it was too late. Out of a shadowy corner emerged her ex-husband, Brill Wayland. She danced to avoid him, out of instinct. He took a couple of swipes at her before he gripped her tight around the middle and held a knife to her throat.

“Where are the children?” she whispered.

It wasn’t even a question she wanted an answer for. She was so afraid of what he might say. All she wanted, even more than her life, was her kids. The second thing she wanted was to draw and quarter the awful bastard who was her husband.

“Well, I have to say that if I were in your position, that would not be my first thought, but okay. They’re with their nanny. And don’t worry, I am not going to rape you. I know where you’ve been, and unlike you, I value my health. You’re probably crawling with some disease now that you’ve been with one of those biker vermin,” he snarled.

“The biker vermin went to get the sheriff and come back. They’re supposed to meet here,” she lied.

“You mean he isn’t through with you?” Brill laughed.

She wanted to slay his manhood right then and there. She wanted to accuse him of being a coward who had to prey on super young women he could control and manipulate, like she had been at one time, but she didn’t dare.

“No, he isn’t. But he will be back here so if there is something you want me to do, if there is some paper you want me to sign, you better get me to do it fast,” she said.

Just like in the dream, he gripped her hair. “Come,” he said and they walked to the door.

“Where?” she asked.

“Never you mind, where,” he said.

She was going to let him take her outside, and it would be there that she would begin to fight. If she fought now, she would never make it out of the house. There was no doubt in her mind he would just kill her and step over her dead body to leave.

Once they were out on the front step, Jennifer began to laugh hysterically. She laughed so hard she was incapacitated. It wasn’t part of the plan, but she was overcome nonetheless. And she knew he couldn’t lift her.

“What’s so fucking funny?” he asked. “It won’t be so funny when you never see your children again.”

“I don’t know,” she barely managed, doubled over with belly laughing. “But I can’t stop.”

He took off his belt and started hitting her with it. It had to be complete and total fear that made her laugh hysterically. Her last clear thought was that she had lost her mind. Somewhere in the background she heard the unmistakable purr of a Harley.

Brill Wayland dropped her. He ran to his car and drove off down the drive. As she lay in a pool of pain, she heard his wheels tearing away. Trenton pulled up to the front step of the porch and dashed off his bike.

She could tell he struggled not to panic, but there was tension in his voice. He examined her gingerly.

BOOK: The Biker's Touch - Book 2 (An Alpha Motorcycle Club Romance) (Ghosts of the Prairie Motorcycle Club)
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