Read The Abduction of Kelsey Online

Authors: Claire Thompson

Tags: #non-con abduction erotica

The Abduction of Kelsey (13 page)

BOOK: The Abduction of Kelsey
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She’d made the mistake of staring at him, open-mouthed with dismay and disbelief. That had earned her a slap across the face and a stern reminder. “How do you address me? Let’s try again.” James had glared at her and then repeated, speaking slowly as if to a stupid child, “Is that understood, Kelsey?”

“Yes, sir,” she’d managed through gritted teeth.

Now James came into the bedroom carrying an old-fashioned TV tray with its own metal stand. Kelsey had to swallow the saliva pooling in her mouth at the sight of the plate heaped with food, and her empty stomach roiled with anticipation. He sat the tray on its stand beside the bed. There was a mug of steaming coffee, a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon and a bowl of something gray and gloppy.

“Ready for breakfast?” James asked with a smile.

I’m ready to fucking kill you.
“Yes, please, sir,” Kelsey managed, her taste buds already anticipating the salty crunch of the bacon and the soft, buttery-looking eggs.

“I’ll remove the chains if you promise to behave. Do you promise?”

“Yes, sir.”

Using a small key, he unlocked the cuffs and pulled them from her wrists. He put his arms supportively around her as she sat up, and she had to resist the strong urge to elbow him away. Let him think she was weaker than she was.

He sat beside her and reached for the mug of coffee, which she now saw was black. There was no second mug. He took a sip and set it back down. He picked up a piece of bacon and bit off half of it. He scooped up a forkful of eggs and shoveled it into his mouth. He continued to eat without looking at her. Kelsey’s mouth continued to water as she waited impatiently for him to give her some.

Finally he looked at her, but instead of offering her bacon and eggs, he picked up the spoon and dipped it into the bowl. He brought a spoonful of thick oatmeal to Kelsey’s lips. Kelsey felt her gorge rise and she pressed her lips together, angling her head away. The spoon followed her, a blob of the warm cereal falling onto her thigh.

“Open up, Kelsey. I know you’re hungry.”

She looked back at James, trying to keep the anger she felt from showing on her face as she flicked the offending goo from her leg. He had obviously done this on purpose, the prick. “I don’t like oatmeal.”

James’s lips lifted in a cruel smile and he shrugged. “Good girls get eggs and bacon. Are you a good girl, Kelsey?”

She sensed a trap, but her empty stomach propelled her to say, “Yes, sir.”

James lifted his eyebrows, a skeptical expression on his face. “Good girls do what they’re told, when they’re told. Good girls don’t struggle and resist. Good girls don’t aim guns at people’s heads and pull the trigger.”

don’t tie women down and beat them till they bleed.
Kelsey pressed her lips together and swallowed hard to keep from screaming.

“Are you ready to try and be a good girl, Kelsey?”

She dug her nails into her palms to keep from smashing her fists into his smug face. “Yes, sir.”

James put down the spoon and reached for the fork. He scooped a mound of scrambled eggs onto it and brought the fork to her lips. But when Kelsey opened her mouth, he pulled the fork away, putting the food into his own mouth instead.

“Hey,” she blurted, outraged and confused.

“Is for horses,” James quipped. “Is there a problem, Kelsey?”

“Yes!” she cried, as he stuffed another piece of bacon into his mouth. “You said I could have some of that if I said I was a good girl. I really hate oatmeal. I want some eggs and bacon. And some coffee. Please? Please, sir?”

James shook his head. “You didn’t listen. I didn’t say you could have this food just for
you’re a good girl. You’re going to have to prove you’re a good girl before you earn the right to eat what you like. I’ll give you ample opportunity to redeem yourself, I promise you.” He lifted the spoon again, heaped with a gelatinous blob of gray mush. “Meanwhile, it’s oatmeal or nothing.”

Tears of fury and frustration burned behind Kelsey’s eyes, but she blinked them away, refusing to give him the satisfaction. The congealed mess on the spoon turned her stomach, but Kelsey knew she had to eat. Closing her eyes, she opened her mouth.

James tipped the contents of the spoon into her mouth. He hadn’t even bothered to add sugar or cream, and the oatmeal had the consistency of wet cement, but Kelsey forced herself to swallow it. She managed to get down three more spoonfuls before turning her head away.

“You had enough?” James asked.

“Yes, sir,” Kelsey said, though she was still starving. If anything, the bit of food made her feel hungrier than before, and her head ached, probably from lack of caffeine. “May I have some coffee, sir?” she said, trying to keep her tone meek and sweet.

James lifted his mug to his lips and took a long swallow. “No. Only good girls get coffee.” He set the mug on the tray and stood. “Now.” He put his hands on his hips as he stared down at her. “Here’s your first chance to show me what a good girl you’re going to be from now on. It’s time to shave that sweet little cunt of yours. I expect you to cooperate fully during the process. If you please me, you might have something other than oatmeal at lunch time. If not…” he didn’t finish the sentence, but the threat was clear.

Instinctively Kelsey put her hand protectively over her pubic mound. Adam had wanted her to shave, and she had said she would if he would, which had ended that particular conversation. Obviously James wasn’t asking her opinion on the matter.

The idea of another person drawing a razor over her private parts, especially a man who had already demonstrated he didn’t mind spilling her blood, made Kelsey shudder with trepidation. On the other hand, if she submitted to this demand she could begin the process of fooling James into thinking she was going along with his insanity. And it wasn’t as if she really had a choice anyway. He would do what he wanted, and she could come along quietly, or kicking and screaming. That was really all the choice left to her.

When he held out his hand, Kelsey took it, allowing him to pull her upright. She was pleased to see she could put a little more weight on her wounded leg than before, but distressed at how weak she felt overall. Was that part of his devious master plan—to keep her weak and hungry, and thus easier to control?

The man was a monster, but that monster held her life in his hands.

For now.


Sitting at the small desk in the corner of the room, James stroked his cock, silently congratulating himself on keeping the satellite internet service going for the cabin, even though he hadn’t come here all that often. Laptop open, he scrolled through the websites on his chosen topic, astonished to find out just how many there were. “This is a whole lifestyle,” he called out to Kelsey, who lay so prettily across the room on the bed in chains, her bare, naked cunt elevated by the pillows he’d placed beneath her ass, her legs spread wide so he could gaze at the sweet pink labia now so visible between her thighs.

After he’d shaved her cunt, being oh-so-careful with the razor on her tender nether lips, he’d squirted plenty of baby oil over her sex until it glistened, having seen someone do that on a porn site. He liked the way it looked, all pink and shiny with oil, and so he’d left it that way when he helped her back onto the bed and chained her down.

His research was going well. He was looking for guidance in this new lifestyle he’d chosen for them, but hadn’t expected to find such a wealth of information. There were literally dozens of websites devoted to offering guidance and support to men and women interested in developing a relationship where the man is fully in charge and the woman knows her place. There were lots of useful, practical tips to create the correct environment, like making sure there was a specific punishment spot where a disobedient wife could contemplate the errors of her ways. James had decided on the bedroom closet. He’d added a sliding bolt to the outside of the door so he could lock Kelsey inside when she misbehaved.

“Listen to this from this blog.” He read aloud,
“I am usually a good wife. I get my share of beatings, but they are always deserved, and I learn from them and try harder. Obedience is something my husband insists on and I am mostly good at it. Then came the day I decided to blow off the housework and grocery shopping to spend the day at the movies with a girlfriend.

“When I got home, my husband was waiting with his belt in his hands, a frown on his handsome face. ‘Why are there dishes in the sink?’ he asked in that deep, quiet voice of his.

“I began to tremble. ‘I—I went to the movies with Susan. I didn’t realize I’d be so late.’

“’And where is dinner?’ My husband glared at the greasy bag of takeout food I held in my hand. ‘Don’t tell me that’s dinner, after I worked hard all day to make money to take care of you.’

“I swallowed hard and nodded, a tear rolling down my cheek. My husband pointed to the floor at his feet and I knew what to do. I quickly pulled off my blouse and skirt, glad at least I had on my sexy underwear and matching bra underneath. Since we’ve adopted this lifestyle, I threw out all my cotton undies and only wear silk and lace for my Sir.

“’All of it,’ he said sternly, waiting while I peeled off my underwear and removed my bra. ‘Punishment position, ass up,’ he ordered.

“I knelt hurriedly at his feet, my hands stretched out on the cold marble floor of our foyer, ass offered for his belt. He hit me hard, each stroke stinging like crazy as the slapping sound echoed off the walls. I was crying by the time he was done. He let me turn around and kiss his shoes and then he pulled me up into his arms and kissed away the tears.

“I begged him to let me worship his cock before I went to cook him a proper dinner. He pulled open his pants, pushed me to my knees, and let me suck his beautiful cock and balls. He didn’t allow me to swallow, though, because only good girls get to swallow their Sir’s cum. Instead he spurted on my face and breasts. I had to leave it there to dry while I cooked dinner, and while we ate, as a reminder of my sins.”

As he read the woman’s testimonial to Kelsey, James’ cock got so hard it started leaking fluid from the tip. He’d had no idea there were so many people actually living this kind of lifestyle. And yes, this was what he wanted—not some Master/slave kink fest with black leather and red walls, but a husband/wife relationship based on man’s natural dominance and woman’s natural submission. A lifetime of behaving politically correctly and mouthing all the right words about women’s rights and liberation had fallen by the wayside the night he’d thrown Kelsey into his car. The real James Bennett had emerged, strong and powerful and ready to take his due.

He bookmarked the page and stood, closing the lid of the laptop. He turned to the lovely, naked girl chained on his bed. He wanted to fuck her, but first he wanted to play with her naked little cunt.

He had laid their small collection of sex toys on the shelf built into the wall on the side of the bed. He sat beside Kelsey and reached across her for her vibrator. Her cunt was still glistening with baby oil, so he decided to dispense with additional lubricant. “Spread your legs wider,” he ordered, smacking lightly at her thigh. He eased the phallus into her tight cunt, excited by her little cries and gasps.

When it was fully inside her, he turned it on high. He stroked his cock as he watched, until he realized the thing was vibrating itself out of her. That wouldn’t do, and he pushed it back in with the hand not holding his shaft.

Then he had a better idea.

“You ever been fucked up the ass, Kelsey?”

She didn’t answer right away, and he tore away his gaze from her sex to look at her face. “I asked a question,” he said warningly.

“Yes, sir,” she answered.

This annoyed him. He’d wanted to be her first. Who had taken her anal virginity? That Adam guy she was with in college? That dick Steve Hardin? Never mind. It didn’t matter. He would forgive her for every guy she’d ever been with. She belonged to him now, and him alone.

He pulled the vibrator out of her and set it carefully upright on the shelf. He reached for the lanyard he now wore around his neck, on which he’d placed the padlock keys to her cuffs. Leaning forward, he released her wrists cuffs, leaving them dangling from the chains so he could lock her up again when he was done with her.

“Turn over,” he said brusquely. “On your hands and knees. I’m going to fuck your ass.” He didn’t admit he himself was in fact the virgin in this particular equation. He’d wanted to have anal sex with Emily, but the bitch had refused him. Kelsey wouldn’t refuse him, though. She wouldn’t dare.

He watched with satisfaction as she rolled over and pulled herself up on her hands and knees. He crouched behind her, his cock bobbing at full erection. “While I fuck your ass, your job is to make sure that vibrator stays inside your cunt. You hold it in place. If it falls out, I’ll have to punish you.”

She twisted her head back to face him, the fear ripe in her clear green eyes. “Please, James, I don’t want—”

“I didn’t tell you to speak, Kelsey!” James shouted over her. He would have to write up a list of rules for her like he saw on so many of those training sites. Number one would be: no talking unless asked a direct question.

She turned her head forward again and hunched her shoulders. She made a snuffling sound. He realized she might be crying, and his heart seized suddenly with pity. What was he doing?

Then he remembered the hatred that had twisted her features into something ugly as she’d pointed the gun at him, ready to shoot him at point blank range, and his heart hardened. He grabbed the vibrator from the shelf and pushed it back inside the girl. “Hold on to it,” he commanded as he flicked it to high. He smacked one welted ass cheek for emphasis. “Go on, do it. Now.”

He was pleased when she obeyed, reaching back and covering the base of the vibrator with her fingers. How many lonely nights had she fucked herself with that thing, while dreaming of her one true love?

BOOK: The Abduction of Kelsey
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